Project on the topic of people in a group. Who is a leader

A person in a group Social studies. 6th grade A person in a group Social studies. 6th grade

It is known that each member of the group performs a specific role. Choose a group as an example and think about what roles you can fill in it. Fill out the chart.

It is known that each member of the group performs a specific role. Choose a group as an example and think about what roles you can fill in it. Fill out the chart. Grandson (granddaughter) Son (daughter) Brother (sister) Family Mom (dad) Grandmother (grandfather) Nephew (niece) Family

CONCLUSIONS A person from the moment of birth Each person can be a member of Groups that unite people. Each group has a common cause and belongs to the social group “family”, many. and a common goal. Depending on the purpose of the group, it may have a different number of participants. simultaneously in several different groups. From the moment of birth, a person belongs to the social group “family.” There are many groups that unite people. Each group has a common cause and a common goal. Depending on the purpose of the group, it may have a different number of participants. Each person can be a member of several different groups at the same time.

Who can be a leader?

Who can be a leader? A leader is a person whom all other members of the group recognize as having the right to take the most responsible decisions.


WHO CAN BE A LEADER Every group has its own roles. What qualities distinguishes a group leader from others? Who becomes the leader and why? A leader is a person who takes charge of a group. He helps other group members, gives useful advice, and leads them. A true leader never opposes himself to others in the name of personal interests. WHO CAN BE A LEADEREach group has its own roles. What qualities distinguishes a group leader from others? Who becomes a leader and why? A leader is a person who takes charge of a group. He helps other group members, gives useful advice, and leads them. A true leader never opposes himself to others in the name of personal interests.

WHO CAN BE A LEADER How does an appointed leader differ from a leader elected by the group itself? Does a leader always have a positive influence on the group? WHO CAN BE A LEADER

TASKS 1. Based on your own life experience, 2. Explain how a designated leader differs from 3. Assume whether a leader always has a positive impact list the most important qualities that a group leader should have. leader chosen by the group. per group. Support your opinion with historical or literary examples. TASKS

SUGGESTED ANSWERS 1. 1) willingness to help, 2) the ability to be responsible for one’s actions, 3) the ability to lead, 4) does not oppose oneself to others... 2. The appointed leader may simply be physically strong or a good student, but will not be able to lead follows others and can even offend them. 3. Positive A. Gaidar “Timur and his team.” Negative - Hitler, Napoleon SUGGESTED ANSWERS 1.1) willingness to help, 2) the ability to be responsible for one’s actions, 3) the ability to lead, 4) does not oppose oneself to others... 2. The appointed leader may simply be physically strong or a good student, but will not be able to lead others and may even offend them. 3. Positive A. Gaidar “Timur and his team.” Negative - Hitler, Napoleon

NORMS Every group that exists long enough develops certain rules. They distinguish this group from others. The rules by which a group lives are called “norms”. STANDARDS

GROUP NORMS What are rules? What rules do you know? Why do the rules need to be followed? What are norms? GROUP STANDARDS

GROUP NORMS Group norms are the totality of relationships, interactions and communication within and without. rules, recommendations and requirements that the team sets to build Group norms - the rules by which the group lives. If there were no group norms, it would be difficult to achieve the goal, the task for which the group GROUP NORMS

SANCTIONS Sanctions are various methods of censure (punishment) and encouragement (support), which are a means of supporting group norms. SANCTIONS Sanctions are various methods of censure (punishment) and encouragement (support), which are a means of supporting group norms.

REINFORTS AND PUNISHMENTS In what ways can a group maintain established rules? Give examples. REINFORTS AND PUNISHMENTS In what ways can a group enforce established rules? Give examples.

SANCTIONS Sanctions are means of protecting group norms. Methods of censure Methods of encouragement (punishment) Warning reprimand (support) Gratitude applause support unflattering nickname ridicule SANCTIONS

CONCLUSIONS For violating the rules, a person can be expelled from the group. Illegal group actions aggravate the guilt of the individual. a person's behavior in any group always lies with him. prevent people from communicating and destroy a person’s personality. Responsibility for one's own Dislike and hatred of others For violating the rules, a person may be expelled from the group. Illegal group actions aggravate the guilt of the individual. Responsibility for a person's own behavior in any group always lies with him. Dislike and hatred of other people interfere with communication and destroy a person’s personality.

Practical part of the lesson Make a comparative table Large groups Small groups Number of participants Signs by which people can be united The role they play in society Practical part of the lesson Make a comparative table

Fill out the table, indicating what social groups you are in, what roles you play, what statuses you have. Social My My social group social status role Fill out the table, indicating which social groups you are in, what roles you play, what statuses you are endowed with.

Practical part of the lesson What signs are characteristic only of interpersonal relationships? 1. Mutual (mutual) nature 2. Stability over time 3. Direct contact 4. Emotionality What signs are characteristic only of interpersonal relationships?1. Mutual (mutual) character2. Stability over time3. Direct contact4. EmotionalityPractical part of the lesson

Practical part of the lesson Read the given text, each sentence is numbered. which text are: a) established facts. b) opinion, value judgment Determine which sentences 1. Sympathy is an internal disposition, attractiveness 2. Sometimes it is difficult to explain why exactly this or that person arouses our sympathy 3. Many people believe that an outwardly attractive person necessarily does only good deeds 4. People are more likely to trust those they consider attractive. Read the text below, each sentence in which is numbered. Determine which sentences of the text are: a) established facts. b) opinion, value judgment Practical part of the lesson 1. Sympathy is an internal disposition, attractiveness 2. Sometimes it is difficult to explain why exactly this or that person arouses our sympathy 3. Many people believe that an outwardly attractive person necessarily does only good deeds 4. People are more likely to trust those who who is considered cute

What is a group? Define
- This
What does a group give a person?
Is it possible to enter into different people,
groups at the same time? located in
and united
interests and

fulfills a certain role.

fulfill. Fill out the chart

It is known that each member of the group
fulfills a certain role.
Select a group as an example and
think about what roles you can play in it
fulfill. Fill out the chart

Mother, father)
Son daughter)
Brother (sister)

The influence of a group on a person

ORAL: § 6 (points 1 and 2) – read, highlight the main points, teach
PRESENTATION – review, remember what and how it was
WRITTEN (optional):
The influence of a group on a person
1) Fill out the table
2) *Complete the task based on the painting by V. Surikov on page 63:

“Read” the pictures

Who is a leader?

A leader is a person behind whom everyone
the rest of the group recognize the right to take
take on the most responsible decisions

Who can be a leader?

Based on my own life experience,
list the most important qualities that
a group leader must have
Read the examples from the textbook text on page 61

What kind of leaders can be?

chosen one
from outside
What is the difference
designated leader from
leader, elected
by the group itself?
Is the leader always
has a positive effect
per group?

1. What is more important to you in the game?
A) Victory. B) Entertainment.
2. What do you prefer in general conversation?
A) Show initiative, offer something.
B) Listen and criticize what others offer.
3. Are you able to withstand criticism and not get involved in private
arguing, not making excuses?
A) Yes. B) No.
4. Do you like it when you are praised in public?
A) Yes. B) No.
5. Do you defend your opinion if circumstances (opinion
majority) against you?
A) Yes. B) No.
6. In a company, in a common cause, you are always the ringleader,
do you come up with something that is interesting to others? A) Yes. B) No
7. Do you know how to hide your mood from others?
A) Yes. B) No.
8. Do you always immediately and without complaint do what you want?
do the elders say?
A) No. B) Yes.
9. In a conversation, discussion, in a conversation, in a discussion, are you able to convince, attract
your side of those who previously disagreed with you? A) Yes B) No.
10. Do you like to teach (teach, educate, teach, give
advice) from others?
A) Yes. B) No.

Count the total number of “A” and “B” answers
You have all the makings of a leader. Your opinion is listened to
your point of view is interesting. But remember that at the same time, being demanding
you from others is very great. They expect you to be brave
actions and original decisions. And you should also remember that
your leadership should under no circumstances develop into dictatorship,
because dictators are usually overthrown
You seem to be quite independent and confident
Human. At the same time, you don’t bend those around you to your will.
strive. But if you want to do this, your chances of success are not
so small
You are more of a follower than a leader. Perhaps this is not very you
It’s confusing, but you should still become more independent in
judgments and actions.

ORAL: § 6 paragraph “Who can be a leader” –
read, repeat, highlight the main points, teach

Today in class...

Almost fell asleep
Learned a lot

Evaluate your work in class:

I actively participated in the work on
all stages of the lesson, thought and
thought, expressed his
opinion, coped with everyone
I didn't participate in the work
almost during the entire lesson,
didn’t try, didn’t think,
didn't try to formulate
and express your opinion,
I couldn't cope with the tasks.

Social studies, 6th grade

Lesson No. 14-15

Person in a group

D.Z.: § 7, ?? (p.66), tasks (p.66)

© A.I. Kolmakov

Lesson Objectives

  • Realize that society is necessary for man;
  • Let down students to understand that any group can influence a person and each group has certain rules of behavior and norms.
  • help students, based on the acquired knowledge, formulate and justify your position, your view on the proposed problem;
  • bring up Students have responsibility for their actions, decisions, choice of friends, activities, assessment of their own attitude towards people from other groups

Know and be able to

  • Describe large and small, formal and informal groups. Give examples of such groups.
  • Characterize and illustrate examples of group norms.
  • Describe using examples interaction and cooperation of people in society.
  • Evaluate your own attitude to people of other nationalities and different worldviews.
  • , in which solidarity, tolerance, loyalty, and mutual understanding were manifested.
  • Explore practical situations related to identifying a person’s place in a group and demonstrating leadership.

Concepts, terms

  • interpersonal relationships;
  • interaction, mutual perception, mutual understanding;
  • sympathy and antipathy;
  • stereotypes;
  • official and personal relationships;
  • types of interpersonal relationships (dating, friendship, companionship, friendship, love)

Learning new material

  • Social groups (large and small).
  • Person in a small group.
  • Groups are formal and informal.
  • Leaders.
  • Group norms.

Updating the problem

  • Remember! What do you know from your history course about why people in ancient times could not live alone? What groups did they join?

Let's discuss it together!

Why do people join groups?

What does a group give a person?

Is it possible to join different groups at the same time?

GROUP - relative sustainable a collection of people who are in interaction and united common interests and goals.

Leader - a person who is recognized by all other members of the group the right to take the most responsible decisions , affecting their interests and determining the direction and nature of the activities of the entire group.

Formal – approved by someone’s documented decision

Informal – recognized by a part of society, who has demonstrated qualities in business

Group norms- this is a set of rules, recommendations and requirements that the team establishes for building relationships, interaction and communication inside and outside it.

Sanctions– means of protecting group norms.

Methods of censure (punishment)

Ways to encourage(support)



unflattering nickname




responsible assignments

refusal to communicate


memorable gifts

exclusion from the group

inclusion in the group

Picturesque gallery (textbook, p.64)

(V.I. Surikov (1848-1916). Stepan Razin.

1906 State Russian Museum

There lived a man (p.66)


  • For violating the rules, a person may be expelled from the group.
  • Illegal group actions aggravate the guilt of the individual.
  • Responsibility for a person's own behavior in any group always lies with him.
  • Dislike and hatred of other people interfere with communication and destroy a person’s personality.

check yourself

  • Why do people join groups?
  • What does a group give to a person?
  • Find synonyms for the words “norms” and “sanctions”.
  • Find in the text of the paragraph lines that illustrate the saying “Alone in the field is not a warrior.”
  • Remember in what roles your family, classmates and friends showed themselves in unexpected ways.


  • What did you learn?
  • How?
  • What have you learned?
  • What difficulties did you experience?
  • Was the lesson interesting?

Exercise 1.


Test 2.

Answer: ______________________

Task 3.

Test 4.

Test 5.

Task 6.

Test 7.

Answer: _______________________

Test 8.

Apply your knowledge!

  • What changes in your knowledge, skills, and abilities occurred after working with the paragraph? ?
  • What did you learn?
  • What helped you achieve the result?
  • What do you think you should always remember from what you have learned?
  • What difficulties did you encounter? What helped you overcome them?

  • Work programs “Social studies. Subject line of textbooks by L.N. Bogolyubova. 5-9 grades." M: "Enlightenment", 2011
  • Textbook. Social science. 6th grade. Vinogradova N. F., Gorodetskaya N. I., Ivanova L. F. / Ed. L. N. Bogolyubova, L. F. Ivanova.
  • Workbook. Social science. 6th grade. Ivanova L. F., Khoteenkova Ya. V.
  • Lesson-based developments. Social science. 6th grade. Bogolyubov L. N., Vinogradova N. F., Gorodetskaya N. I. et al.