How to create a flexible work schedule sample. How to transfer an employee to a flexible work schedule

The relationship between the employee and the employer is regulated by the internal labor regulations (ILR) or, if the working conditions of this employee differ from all other employees of this organization.

If there is a need to change the work schedule, you need to know how to correctly formalize these changes, depending on the document in which the schedule is written.

Application for change of work schedule - the first step

If, due to family circumstances or other reasons, there is a need to change the work schedule, management may ask for this using a statement.

It is reviewed, after which the head of the structural unit will make a decision on consent or refusal. There can be many reasons for changing the schedule:

  • Change of residence, as a result of which it became more difficult for the employee to get to work.
  • The appearance of a child in the family. If a worker leaves, she can negotiate with management on new working conditions.
  • Change in financial situation, due to which you have to look for part-time work, etc.

Changing the schedule is possible if what is important to the employer is not the time of presence at the workplace, but the result of work.

To document new conditions, the employee writes to change the work schedule; the sample includes the following information:

  • The header of the document indicates the information of the head of the organization, as well as the full name and position of the employee. The name of the structural unit (if any) is indicated.
  • After the title of the document, the employee enters the wording: “I ask you to change my working hours” and indicates the previous and new hours. For example, a 5-day week of 40 hours changes to a partial 5-day week with a total work time of 30 hours, with the workday reduced to 6 hours. The reason for the schedule change is indicated.
  • It is not necessary to write it down in detail; usually the employee writes “Due to family circumstances” or “Due to a change of place of residence,” etc. Detailed reasons can be presented to immediate superiors orally. The nature of the schedule change is indicated - temporary or permanent. If it is temporary, you must indicate the period for changing the operating hours.
  • A signature with a transcript and the date of filling out the application are placed.
  • Below they write the word “Agreed” and indicate the details of the head of the department who agrees on the new working conditions.
  • If the employer has no objections, the application is agreed upon, and the data is transferred to the personnel service and accounting department.
  • After this, a document is drawn up with the employee, indicating the new working hours.

Changing the work schedule at the initiative of the employer

Application for change of work schedule: sample

Sometimes it becomes necessary to change the work schedule of employees in one department or the entire enterprise. For example, production is switching to round-the-clock operation, and new shifts need to be introduced, or some employees need to be transferred to work in three days. Naturally, some workers may not like such conditions, and it is necessary to correctly draw up documents on transfer to a new schedule or dismissal in order to avoid mutual ones.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to notify employees of changes in the work schedule at least 2 months in advance. You can issue a collective notification and familiarize employees with it against signature, or send out personal notifications to each employee indicating their new schedule. If someone refuses to sign, an act is drawn up about this.

They are drawn up in two copies, and on what remains with the employer, a mark of delivery must be placed with the signature of the employee. This precaution avoids claims that employees were not notified of a transfer to a new schedule in a timely manner.

In any case, the employer does not have the right to force employees to work according to a new schedule. It is necessary to involve representatives of the trade union in its development, if there is one at the enterprise. All changes to labor regulations must be agreed upon with the head of the trade union or other body representing the interests of workers in the organization.

The employer issues an order to transfer to a new schedule. If the employee agrees, he either signs the order confirming his consent, or writes a statement addressed to management. After this, an additional agreement with a new schedule is drawn up in two copies: one remains for the employer, the second for the employee.

Is it possible to fire an employee if they refuse?

Changing your work schedule is not a reason to quit!

If the employee does not agree to the new working conditions, the employer undertakes to offer him all available vacancies at the enterprise that correspond to his qualifications. Vacancies must be offered in writing only and must all be located in the local area.

If an employee is not satisfied with any of the proposed vacancies, and he does not agree to work according to the new schedule, he can be fired under Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (an employee’s refusal of a position due to changes in the employment contract). In this case, the company undertakes to pay him in the amount of two weeks' earnings.

Important: you must also offer lower-level positions; without this, the dismissal will be considered illegal, and the court will oblige the employee to be reinstated.

If the documentation is completed correctly, the transfer of part of the employees or the entire team to a new schedule will take place without problems and mutual claims between the employer and employees.

To learn how to set up employee working hours, watch the video:

In the fall, employees usually more often turn to management with a request to establish preferential working conditions for them. After all, classes in various educational institutions begin in September, and students combining work and study, as well as parents of young schoolchildren, need additional free time. Let's talk about what a flexible work schedule is and under what conditions it can be established.

Time to work

In any organization, from a small company to a giant holding company, the work of personnel is organized in accordance with a certain regime, which must be reflected in the internal labor regulations (Article 189 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The regime determines the length of the working week (five-day or six-day), the exact start and end time of the working day, its total duration, the number of breaks for meals and rest. All employees are required to obey the established rules, otherwise the violator faces disciplinary action.

Working in a flexible schedule does not affect the employee’s remuneration, does not affect the provision of benefits and the calculation of length of service

For certain categories of workers, the rules allow for flexible working hours. Under this regime, the beginning, end or total duration of the working day is determined by agreement of the parties to the employment contract (Article 102 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). As a rule, a flexible schedule is established at the request of the employee.

I want to have a rotating schedule

Imagine that an employee, as the head of an organization, has approached you with a request to establish a flexible work schedule for her. She explained her request, for example, by the need for periodic visits to the diagnostic center for preventive medical examinations.

The first question that arises is, are you obligated to satisfy your subordinate’s request? In order to answer it, you should first of all refer to the internal labor regulations in force in the organization. If the document says that the employer is obliged, at the request of the employee, to establish flexible working hours, nothing can be done, you need to meet this desire halfway.

A sliding work schedule can be set either without a time limit or for any period convenient for the employee.

If the rules say that such a regime is established by agreement of the parties to the contract or nothing is said about it at all, you have a certain freedom of choice. You can refuse the employee on the grounds that this form of work is inconvenient for the company, or you can meet her halfway and discuss the details of a flexible schedule. Let's say you chose the second option. What's next?

Application is required

First, you need to require a written statement from the employee. You must have proof that she is not against changing one of the essential terms of the employment contract, namely the terms of working hours*. The application must indicate the desired work schedule and the period of time for which it is established.

We quote the law

A sliding (flexible) work schedule should provide workers with the duration of basic and weekly rest established by law. In this case, the maximum total working time per day should be no more than 10 hours.

Clause 3.1 of the resolution of the USSR State Committee for Labor and Social Affairs and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of June 6, 1984 No. 170/10-101 “On approval of the regulations on the procedure and conditions for the application of a sliding (flexible) work schedule for women with children”

After you sign your subordinate's application, you should submit it to the company's human resources department. Based on the application, the personnel officer will prepare a draft amendment to the employment contract and a draft order, which will approve the individual work schedule. Let's see how to correctly create such a schedule.

Elements of a moving chart

First of all, it is necessary to reflect variable (flexible) working hours. For example, in accordance with the schedule, an employee can start her working day between 8 and 11 o’clock and end between 17 and 20 o’clock.

Then you should decide on a fixed time. This is the time when the employee must be present at work. Let's say from 11 to 17 o'clock. Fixed working hours are the main part of the working day, which allows you to ensure the normal execution of work and maintain the necessary business contacts.

When developing a sliding schedule, one should not forget about breaks for meals and rest, which, as a rule, divide a fixed time into two equal parts. Such breaks must be no less than 30 minutes and no more than two hours**.

Control over the timely start and finish of work and the correct use of working time during the working day should be exercised by the head of the structural unit

Once the work schedule has been drawn up, you need to decide on the choice of accounting period. This is the period during which the employee must work the working hours established by law***. This can be either a year, a quarter or a month, or one day****.

For example, if a day is selected as the accounting period, then with a five-day work schedule, working on a schedule of Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 8 to 17, and Tuesday, Thursday from 10 to 19, the employee fully fulfills the terms of your agreement. Since she fully works out her usual norm of 8 hours a day.

If the accounting period is equal to a week, then all the employee’s working days can be of different lengths. The main thing is that over a weekly period she works the established norm, namely 40 hours. You can see what a flexible work schedule will look like in this case on the page above*****.

Transfer to main mode

After the term of the agreement under which the employee was provided with a sliding schedule has expired, she automatically switches to normal work. You do not need to make any additional instructions in this regard.

If an employee wants to switch to a regular work schedule ahead of schedule, she must proceed in the same manner as when establishing a flexible schedule. Request a corresponding statement, draw up changes to the employment contract, issue an order canceling the flexible work schedule.

However, you must remember that it is your right, not your obligation, to cancel the terms of your flexible working arrangement before the end of the arrangement. And if for some reason it is not profitable for the organization to meet the employee’s request, you can refuse her this on a completely legal basis.

* -The essential terms of an employment contract can only be changed by agreement of the parties.
** -Clause 3.3 of the resolution of the USSR State Committee for Labor and Social Affairs and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated June 6, 1984 No. 170/10-101 “On approval of the regulations on the procedure and conditions for the application of a sliding (flexible) work schedule for women with children.” The document is published on page 104.
*** -Clause 2.1 of the resolution of the USSR State Committee for Labor and Social Issues and the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions of May 30, 1985 No. 162, No. 12-55 “On approval of recommendations for the use of flexible working time regimes at enterprises, institutions and organizations in sectors of the national economy” . The document is published on page 106.
**** -The number of hours that an employee needs to work during the accounting period is determined based on the fact that the normal length of the working week is 40 hours (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
***** -The same work schedule can be used for a longer accounting period, for example, a month, a quarter, a year. Since it is extremely difficult to schedule every day of work in a long accounting period.

lawyer, leading expert of the magazine "Personnel Business"

Labor legislation provides for a working time regime in which employees independently determine the beginning and end of their working hours. Can employees ask their employer to establish flexible working hours?

A flexible working time regime is a form of organizing working time in which self-regulation of the beginning, end and total duration of working time is allowed for individual employees or teams of structural divisions of an organization (Article 102 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, the employer ensures that the employee works the total number of working hours during the accepted accounting period (working day, week, month, quarter, etc.). As a rule, when introducing a flexible working time regime, a sliding work schedule is established. In this case, the employer establishes a fixed time when the employee is required to be at the workplace, and a variable time during which the employee independently determines the beginning or end of working hours.

Recommendations for establishing a flexible working time regime were established by the Decree of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated May 30, 1985 No. 162/12-55 “On approval of recommendations for the application of flexible working time regimes in enterprises, institutions and organizations of sectors of the national economy”, currently in force time to the extent that does not contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The need to establish a flexible working time regime can be caused both by the characteristics of the work performed by employees of the organization, and by everyday, social and other circumstances in the lives of employees. For example, an employer may introduce flexible working hours if this will allow him to save on office rent if the production process requires it. If an organization has a flexible working time regime for all employees or individual structural units, then this work schedule is determined in the local regulatory act of the organization (collective agreement or internal labor regulations).

The employee also has the right to ask the employer to establish flexible working hours. To do this, he should write an application addressed to the head of the organization and refer to personal needs. For example, in the application you can write that this work schedule is caused by the need to care for young children or care for a sick relative at a certain time, etc. It is also advisable to attach supporting documents. (see sample).

If the employer considers that establishing flexible working hours for a particular employee will not negatively affect the work process, then the employer establishes it. Those. the introduction of a flexible work schedule is an employer’s right, not an obligation. A change in the work schedule of an individual employee is determined in the employment contract or an additional agreement to it. Based on this document, the employer issues an appropriate order.

There are no restrictions on the introduction of flexible working hours. The main criteria for its establishment are expediency and consent of the parties. A flexible working time regime can be established when an employee is hired and subsequently, for a certain period or for an indefinite period. Flexible working hours can be used for 5- and 6-day work weeks, as well as for other work modes.

If a flexible working time regime is established for an employee, this does not entail changes in wage conditions for him. Also, the introduction of this regime does not affect the provision of social benefits and guarantees, the duration of annual leave, the calculation of length of service, etc. If the employer nevertheless limits the employee to any benefits or guarantees, the employee should file a complaint with the labor inspectorate or court.

Application example

To the Director of LLC "Courier"

Kalinina A.I.
from the manager
Ivanova A.G.


I would like to request flexible working hours due to the need to care for my disabled spouse.

As a rule, the working hours include five (six) working days and two (one) days off. However, for certain categories of workers, flexible working hours are allowed. In this article we will tell you how the flexible working time regime is regulated, what documents are needed when establishing it, and consider other issues that arise when applying such a regime.

The working hours include the following elements:

— length of the working week (five-day with two days off, six-day with one day off, working week with days off on a sliding schedule, part-time work week);

— work with irregular working hours for certain categories of workers;

— duration of daily work (shift), including part-time work (shift);

— start and end time of work;

— time of breaks in work;

— alternation of working and non-working days;

— number of shifts per day.

In this case, the working hours are established by internal labor regulations. For employees with individual working hours, such conditions are included in the employment contract.

Let us note that labor legislation does not identify strictly established professions or positions for which flexible working hours can or should be established. At the same time, some regulations adopted to regulate certain areas provide for the possibility of establishing such a regime.

The need to introduce flexible working hours may be caused by the characteristics of the job function performed or by subjective circumstances in the employee’s life.

It should be taken into account that the transfer to a flexible working time regime must be preceded by careful preparatory work to substantiate the possibility and feasibility of its use in a particular department or workplace, the organization of recording of working hours, and the introduction of the necessary organizational and technical changes to the forms and methods of labor organization.

According to the Recommendations, the flexible working time regime is a form of organization of working time in which individual employees or teams of enterprise divisions are allowed (within certain limits) self-regulation of the beginning, end and total duration of the working day. In this case, it is required to fully work out the total number of working hours established by law during the accepted accounting period (working day, week, month, etc.).

In other words, the flexible working time regime means that the employee, in agreement with the employer, determines the working time, and it can be distributed unevenly over a calendar period (week, month, quarter).

Working in flexible working hours is regulated by Art. 102 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, practical issues are regulated, in particular:

— collective agreement;

— local acts (orders, instructions, rules, procedures, etc.);

- an employment contract.

Let us note that the condition on a flexible work schedule, after its inclusion in the employment contract, becomes its essential component, the change of which is possible only by agreement of the parties to the contract or in the manner provided for in Art. 73 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation to change the essential terms of the employment contract. In addition, the regulation of work on a flexible schedule in the above documents should not contradict the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (on maximum working hours, overtime, etc.).

We also remind you that flexible working hours can be established:

- both at the conclusion of the employment contract and later;

- both for a certain period and indefinitely, since there are no restrictions for establishing such a regime by law. However, when working in shifts, we still do not recommend introducing a flexible schedule: this may disrupt the work process.

Two questions arise: will the length of working hours change when a flexible work schedule is established and how will this affect wages?

Based on the content of Art. 102 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, parties to an employment contract can use various options for working in a flexible schedule. The duration of working hours in this case may remain the same, only the start and end times of the working day will change, and specific hours can be determined when the employee must be present at the workplace. Let us repeat that the employee is required to work the established working hours. A different working time may also be established by agreement of the parties. If there is a shortfall on some days, it is compensated by longer work on other days.

As for remuneration, it remains unchanged. Also, the establishment of a flexible schedule does not affect the provision of social benefits and guarantees to the employee.

Flexible schedule for women with children

This category of employees should be distinguished, since when regulating labor relations with them, one must be guided by the Resolution of the State Committee of Labor of the USSR and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated 06.06.1984 N 170/10-101 “On approval of the Regulations on the procedure and conditions for the application of a sliding (flexible) work schedule for women, having children" (hereinafter referred to as the Resolution).

The use of a sliding (flexible) work schedule for female workers should provide the best combination of economic, social and personal aspects for them. In particular, such a schedule is introduced if, due to the need to care for children, it is not possible to work according to the usual schedule established in the institution.

However, please note that according to clause 2.2 of the Resolution, a sliding (flexible) work schedule can be established either without a time limit or for any period convenient for the employee (until the child reaches a certain age, for the period of the school year, etc.).

Note! Women who enjoy the right to a sliding (flexible) work schedule can also work according to the generally established schedule (clauses 3.4, 5.1, 5.3 and 5.4 of the Resolution).

In addition, remember the maximum total working time per day (no more than 10 hours) and the time spent in the institution from the beginning to the end of work (shift), including unpaid breaks in it (no more than 12 hours) (clause 3.1 of the Resolution ).

We also recall that according to Art. 264 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, guarantees and benefits provided to women in connection with motherhood apply to fathers raising children without a mother, as well as to guardians (trustees) of minors.

How to keep track of working hours?

As a rule, working time records are kept by heads of departments and (or) the personnel department of the institution. In this case, a variety of methods and means of accounting are used. Some people make notes in special cards or journals, while others use individual time counters or stamp watches.

As a general rule, recording of working time when establishing a flexible schedule is carried out in the working time sheet according to the unified form T-13, which is filled out according to the following rules: in the top lines of column 4, opposite the employee’s last name, a letter (“I”) or a numeric (“01”) is entered. ) code, and the lower lines indicate the duration of operation in this mode.

According to the norms of the current labor legislation, the employer ensures that the employee works the total number of working hours during the relevant accounting periods (working day, week, month, etc. - Part 2 of Article 102 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Recording of working hours is carried out according to the rules of Art. 104 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation as summarized accounting.

One of the significant circumstances characterizing the flexible working time regime is the type of accounting. Determining the accounting period is necessary to ensure that the employee fulfills the standard working hours. Let us note once again that the procedure for recording the working time of a person performing labor duties under a flexible work schedule is established by agreement of the parties to the employment contract.

There are several types of working time tracking, which ensures total working time:

— daily (the employee must work the required hours during the calendar day);

- weekly (introduced if it is impossible to ensure that the employee works the standard working hours during the calendar day);

— monthly (introduced if it is impossible to ensure the employee’s total hours worked during a calendar week).

And an accounting period lasting more than one month is introduced if it is impossible to ensure the total working hours of working hours during a calendar month.

For your information. Using a weekly or monthly accounting period in a flexible schedule mode involves working the norm of working hours, respectively, during the week or calendar month.

Here we will clarify the elements of flexible working hours. These include, in particular:

- fixed time - when the employee must be at the workplace;

- variable (flexible, sliding) - this is the start and end time of the working day (shift), within which the employee has the right to start and finish work at his own discretion;

— a break for food and rest (its duration is not included in working hours).

However, it should be remembered that when performing work outside the institution (business trip, participation in meetings, etc.), the flexible working time regime does not apply. In this case, working time is recorded as during normal operation (clause 5.4 of the Recommendations). For example, an employee on a business trip must work according to the schedule of the enterprise to which he is seconded.

How do I pay for overtime and weekend work?

Involvement in overtime work at the initiative of the employer is regulated by Art. 99 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Moreover, as a general rule, overtime payment is made at the end of the accounting period after calculating overtime hours at an increased rate: for the first two hours - no less than one and a half times the rate, for subsequent hours - no less than double the rate (Article 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, p. 5.5 Recommendations). At the same time, overtime work, at the request of the employee, can be replaced by additional rest time, but not less than the time worked overtime.

Weekends and holidays with a flexible work schedule are paid in accordance with Art. 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, that is:

- employees whose work is paid at daily and hourly tariff rates - in the amount of at least double the daily or hourly tariff rate;

- employees receiving a salary (official salary) - in the amount of at least a single daily or hourly rate (part of the salary (official salary) for a day or hour of work) in excess of the salary (official salary), if work on a day off or a non-working holiday was carried out on within the limits of the monthly working time norm, and in an amount of at least double the rate (part of the salary) in excess of the salary, if the work was performed in excess of the monthly norm.

If an employee expresses a desire to take a day of rest instead of increased pay, then for a worked day off or non-working holiday, payment will be made in a single amount, and the day of rest is not subject to payment (Part 3 of Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

For your information. Labor legislation does not establish a period during which the employer is obliged to provide the employee with a day of rest; accordingly, it should be determined by agreement of the parties.

Please note that when calculating overtime hours, work on holidays performed in excess of normal working hours is not taken into account, since it has already been paid double (clause 4 of Explanation dated 08.08.1966 N 13/P-21 “On compensation for work in holidays", approved by Resolution of the State Committee of Labor of the USSR and the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions N 465/P-21).

Rules for registering a flexible working time regime

At the very beginning, we already mentioned the documents that regulate the use of flexible work schedules. At the same time, employees must be made aware of the possibility of using such a schedule.

If, when applying for a job, the applicant’s working hours differ from the general rules in force at the employer, then this condition is fixed in the employment contract and is also reflected in the employment order. In the line “Conditions, nature of work” it is indicated: “Flexible working hours, accounting period.”

If the need to establish a flexible working time regime arises after the conclusion of an employment contract, then an additional agreement is concluded to it.

On page 42 we provide a sample of filling out an additional agreement to an employment contract.

Additional Agreement No. 1
to the employment contract dated October 1, 2012 N 105

FGU "Vympel", hereinafter referred to as the "Employer", represented by director Oleg Nikolaevich Kochnev, on the one hand, and laboratory assistant Anna Arkadyevna Lyutina, hereinafter referred to as the "Employee", on the other hand, have entered into this agreement as follows:

— Make the following changes to the employment contract dated October 1, 2012 N 105:

— Section N 3 “Working time and rest time” should be supplemented with clause 3.4 in the following wording:

"3.4. For the period from 04/01/2013 to 09/30/2013, the employee is provided with a flexible working time regime with a part-time work week of 24 hours.

3.4.1. Working days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Weekends: Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

3.4.2. From 10.30 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 15.30, the employee is given a fixed time (mandatory presence at the workplace).

3.4.3. Break for rest and food - from 13.00 to 14.00.

3.4.4. Variable start times are set from 8.00 to 10.30.

3.4.5. The variable closing time is set from 15.30 to 18.00."

— Add section No. 3 “Working time and rest time” with paragraph 3.5 as follows:

"3.5. Introduce summarized recording of working hours in the period from 04/01/2013 to 09/30/2013.

3.5.1. Set the accounting period to one month."

— Changes to the employment contract determined by this agreement come into force on 04/01/2013.

— This additional agreement is an integral part of the employment contract, drawn up in two copies having equal legal force. One copy is kept by the Employer, the second by the Employee.

I received a copy of the additional agreement

______________________________ "__"___________2013

(employee signature (legible) (date of receipt)

Based on the signed additional agreement to the employment contract, an individual employee work schedule is drawn up. Let us clarify that its preparation is not mandatory. Then an order is issued to put into effect a working time regime for a specific employee or for an entire department.

A sample of filling out a work schedule for a working week is given on page 43.

Day of the week

Start time

End time

Mandatory attendance time

Lunch break time


The employer has the right to develop the form of the order to implement the working hours regime for a specific employee or for an entire department independently.

On page 43 we provide a sample of filling out an order to establish a flexible working time regime.

Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Vympel"


About the establishment

working hours

I order:

1. Set from 04/01/2013 to 09/30/2013 to laboratory assistant Lyutina A.A.:

1.1. Flexible working hours with part-time work week, duration 24 hours.

1.2. Four-day work week - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; Weekends - Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

1.3. Fixed hours (mandatory presence at the workplace) - from 10.30 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 15.30.

1.4. Break for rest and food - from 13.00 to 13.45.

2. Considering that during the implementation of Lyutina A.A. labor function cannot comply with the established daily and weekly working hours, introduced in accordance with Art. 104 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation summarized recording of working time, starting from 04/01/2013.

2.1. Set the accounting period to one month.

It is recommended to establish a flexible schedule for those enterprises where, due to various circumstances, there is temporary downtime in shifts with a fixed schedule. With this maneuver, the company saves its financial resources, because Workers' wages will have to be paid even during downtime.

If the enterprise uses, then management is obliged under Art. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation maintains a summary record of time worked. This is done to control the permissible norm of hours worked (Article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). However, breaks for work are not included in this schedule. At the same time, according to Art. Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to provide time for rest and lunch without prejudice to production.

First, the departments generate a report indicating the arguments in favor of changing the operating mode. Based on the report, an order is generated indicating that in 2 months there will be a transition to a different work schedule. Persons or departments that will be affected by the innovation are also noted. At the same time, this information is communicated to employees.

After 2 months, another order is formed with an approved list of employees switching to a flexible schedule, with an effective date. After this order, an additional agreement is concluded to the employment contract with employees, provided that the innovation will be permanent. If a flexible schedule is introduced temporarily, it will be valid for the period specified in the order.

Some nuances

It is worth considering some subtleties when designing. According to Art. Labor Code of the Russian Federation, those who combine duties cannot work more than 4 hours. But if his days off at his main place of employment coincide with work shifts at his non-main place of work, then the part-time worker can work a full shift. In Art. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the hourly output of part-time workers is 1/2 of the monthly norm.

You can cancel a flexible schedule in accordance with Art. Labor Code of the Russian Federation due to a change or disappearance of the reasons that influenced the introduction of such a regime. The employee also has the right to ask to be transferred to a fixed working week if the position in which he is located is not included in the list of Order of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation No. 112.