Ready-made presentations on the topic of the siege of Leningrad. Presentations on the topic of the siege of Leningrad, download for class

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Presentation - Siege of Leningrad


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Population: 3.2 million people. Produced 25% of all heavy engineering products and a third of electrical industry products. There were 333 large industrial enterprises, as well as a large number of plants and factories of local industry and artels. 75% of the output was in the defense complex. Scientific and technical potential: 130 research institutes and design bureaus, 60 higher educational institutions and 106 technical schools.
Pre-war Leningrad

With the capture of Leningrad, the German command could solve a number of important tasks, namely: 1. to seize the powerful economic base of the Soviet Union, which before the war provided about 12% of the all-Union industrial output; 2.capture or destroy the Baltic Navy, as well as the huge merchant fleet; 3. to secure the left flank of the GA “Center”, which is leading the attack on Moscow, and 4. to release large forces of the GA “North” 4. to consolidate its dominance in the Baltic Sea and secure the supply of ore from the ports of Norway for German industry
...The Fuhrer decided to wipe out the city of Leningrad from the face of the earth. After the defeat of Soviet Russia, the continued existence of this largest settlement is of no interest... From the directive of the Chief of Staff of the German Naval Forces No. 1601 of September 22, 1941, “The Future of the City of St. Petersburg.”
Goals of the German command.

The evacuation of city residents began already on June 29, 1941 (the first trains) and was of an organized nature. The first wave of evacuation (06/29/08/27/1941) During this period, 488,703 people were taken out of the city, of which 219,691 were children (395,091 were taken out, but subsequently 175,000 were returned) and 164,320 workers and employees were evacuated along with enterprises . Second wave of evacuation (September 1941-April 1942). About 659 thousand people were taken out of the city, mainly along the “Road of Life” across Lake Ladoga. The third wave of evacuation (May-October 1942). 403 thousand people were taken out. IN TOTAL, during the blockade, 1.5 million people were evacuated from the city. By October 1942, the evacuation was completed.
Evacuation of residents
Evacuation. Leningraders boarding the ship. 1942
Evacuation of people from besieged Leningrad by truck along the “Road of Life”. 1941

From a girl's diary: December 28, 1941. Zhenya died at 12 o'clock in the morning. Grandmother died on January 25, 1942, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Leka died on March 17 at 5 am in 1942. Uncle Vasya died on April 13 at 2 am. Uncle Lyosha May 10 at 4 pm. Mom - May 13 at 730 am 1942. The Savichevs died. Everyone died. Tanya is the only one left.
Tanya Savicheva lived with a Leningrad family. The war began, then the blockade. Before Tanya’s eyes, her grandmother, two uncles, mother, brother and sister died. When the evacuation of children began, the girl was taken along the “Road of Life” to the “Mainland”. Doctors fought for her life, but medical help came too late. Tanya Savicheva died from exhaustion and illness.
Diary of Tanya Savicheva

In Leningrad there was the All-Union Institute of Plant Growing, which had and still has a gigantic seed fund. Of the entire selection fund of the Leningrad Institute, which contained several tons of unique grain crops, not a single grain was touched. 28 employees of the institute died of hunger, but preserved materials that could help the post-war restoration of agriculture.
Institute of Plant Science Foundation

The Pavlovsk Palace was destroyed and burned down, in the park of which about 70,000 trees were cut down. The famous Amber Room, given to Peter I by the King of Prussia, was taken away entirely by the Germans, and its fate remained unknown. The now restored Feodorovsky Sovereign Cathedral has been turned into ruins. Also, during the retreat of the Germans, the Great Catherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo, in which the Germans had built an infirmary, burned down. The cemetery of the Holy Trinity Primorsky Men's Hermitage, considered one of the most beautiful in Europe, was almost completely destroyed, where many St. Petersburg residents were buried, whose names went down in the history of the state.
Damage to cultural monuments
Fedorovsky Sovereign Cathedral.
Grand Catherine Palace

On March 19, 1942, the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council adopted a regulation “On personal consumer gardens of workers and their associations,” providing for the development of personal consumer gardening both in the city itself and in the suburbs. In addition to individual gardening itself, subsidiary farms were created at enterprises.
Organization of subsidiary farms.
Harvesting cabbage near St. Isaac's Cathedral in Leningrad. 1942
In total, in the spring of 1942, 633 subsidiary farms and 1,468 associations of gardeners were created; the total gross harvest from state farms, individual gardening and subsidiary plots for 1942 amounted to 77 thousand tons.
Women cultivate the land for a vegetable garden on the square in front of St. Isaac's Cathedral in Leningrad.

Category of the population supplied (in grams) Category of the population supplied (in grams) Category of the population supplied (in grams) Category of the population supplied (in grams) Category of the population supplied (in grams)
Date of establishment of the standard Workers in hot shops Workers and technical personnel Employees Dependents Children under 12 years of age
July 16, 1941 1000 800 600 400 400
November 20, 1941 375 250 125 125 125
February 23, 1943 700 600 500 400 400
In September 1941, bread was prepared from a mixture of rye, oatmeal, barley, soy and malt flour, then flaxseed cake and bran, cotton cake, wallpaper dust, flour broom, and shakes from bags of corn and rye flour were added to this mixture at different times. To enrich the bread with vitamins and beneficial microelements, flour from pine bast, birch branches and wild herb seeds was added. At the beginning of 1942, hydrocellulose was added to the recipe, which was used to add volume.
Since February 11, 1942, impurities have almost disappeared from bread. But the main thing is that supplies have become regular, food rationing has begun to be issued on time and almost completely. On February 16, quality meat was even issued for the first time - frozen beef and lamb. There has been a turning point in the food situation in the city.
Blockade survivor's ration.

The beginning of the blockade is considered to be September 8, 1941, when the land connection between Leningrad and the entire country was interrupted. The situation was further complicated by the fact that since the beginning of the war, Leningrad was flooded with at least 300,000 refugees from the Baltic republics and neighboring Russian regions. July 17 introduction of food cards. September 12 – verification and accounting of all food supplies completed. September 1 – ban on free sale of products. September 15 – the first reduction in card issuance standards. October 1941 - city residents experienced a clear shortage of food. November 1941 a real famine began in Leningrad. At first, the first cases of loss of consciousness from hunger on the streets and at work, and the first cases of death from exhaustion were noted.
The actual start of the blockade

“Death rules the city. People die and die. Today, when I walked down the street, a man walked in front of me. He could barely move his legs. Overtaking him, I involuntarily drew attention to the eerie blue face. I thought to myself: he will probably die soon. Here one could really say that the stamp of death lay on the man’s face. After a few steps, I turned around, stopped, and watched him. He sank onto the cabinet, his eyes rolled back, then he slowly began to slide to the ground. When I approached him, he was already dead. People were so weak from hunger that they could not
A victim of dystrophy, which became known as the “Leningrad disease.”
resist death. They die as if they were falling asleep. And the half-dead people around them do not pay any attention to them. Death has become a phenomenon observed at every step. They got used to it, complete indifference appeared: after all, not today - tomorrow such a fate awaits everyone. When you leave the house in the morning, you come across corpses lying in the gateway on the street. The corpses lie there for a long time because there is no one to clean them up.” E. A. Scriabina, Saturday, November 15, 1941

The Road of Life was the only transport route across Lake Ladoga during the Great Patriotic War. During periods of navigation - on water, in winter - on ice. Connected besieged Leningrad with the country from September 12, 1941 to March 1943.
The road of life.
GAZ-AA-Lortoka raised from the bottom of Lake Ladoga. The main vehicle for transportation along the “road of life.”
A tugboat guides a barge across Ladoga. September 1942
Trucks are transporting flour to the city over the newly hardened ice.

On January 18, 1943, troops of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts broke the blockade of Leningrad. Although the military success achieved was quite modest (the width of the corridor connecting the city with the country was only 8 - 11 kilometers), the political, material, economic and symbolic significance of breaking the blockade cannot be overestimated. In the shortest possible time, the Polyany-Shlisselburg railway line, a highway and several bridges across the Neva were built, and on February 7, the first train from the “mainland” arrived at the Finlyandsky Station. Already in mid-February, food supply standards established for other industrial centers of the country began to apply in Leningrad. All this radically improved the situation of the city residents and the troops of the Leningrad Front.
Operation "Spark".
Soviet soldiers are preparing to attack.

On January 14, 1944, troops of the Leningrad, Volkhov and 2nd Baltic fronts began the Leningrad-Novgorod strategic offensive operation. Already by January 20, Soviet troops achieved significant successes: formations of the Leningrad Front defeated the enemy’s Krasnoselsko-Ropshin group, and units of the Volkhov Front liberated Novgorod.
On January 27, a salute of twenty-four artillery salvoes from three hundred and twenty-four guns was fired in Leningrad to commemorate the final liberation of the city from the siege, which lasted 872 days.
Complete lifting of the blockade of Leningrad.

During the years of the blockade, according to various sources, 600 thousand to 1.5 million people died. Only 3% of them died from bombing and shelling; the remaining 97% died of starvation. In 1943 alone, more than 1,400 city residents were killed and about 4,600 wounded as a result of artillery shelling.
Losses during the blockade.
Memorial sign "Trolley"

All participants in the defense of Leningrad were awarded - both military personnel and civilians.
The badge was awarded to those who lived at least four months in Leningrad during the blockade (from September 8, 1941 to January 27, 1944).
Sign “Resident of besieged Leningrad”
Medal "For the Defense of Leningrad"

By order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of May 1, 1945, Leningrad, along with Stalingrad, Sevastopol and Odessa, was named a hero city for the heroism and courage shown by the city's residents during the siege. On May 8, 1965, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Hero City of Leningrad was awarded the highest awards of Soviet times - the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.
Leningrad is a hero city.
Medal "Gold Star".
The order of Lenin

Leningraders look at an unexploded German air bomb that was neutralized by sappers.
The first sleigh train departs for besieged Leningrad on the ice of Lake Ladoga. November 24, 1941
Children in a bomb shelter during an enemy air raid.
Soldiers of the Leningrad Komsomol fire-fighting regiment of Vasilievsky Island on duty. 1942

The destroyer of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet "Stoikiy" is firing at Nazi positions. Leningrad. 1943
Residents of front-line villages at the construction of defensive structures. July 1941
Anti-aircraft battery on Universitetskaya embankment. 1942
At the water stand installed on the corner of Dzerzhinsky Street and Zagorodny Prospekt. 05.02.1942

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Marina Shablaeva
Presentation “Siege of Leningrad”

I present to your attention presentation"Leningrad blockade", created for children of the preparatory group.

Today we will talk about a significant date for our city - January 27 - the day of complete liberation from fascist blockade of our city.

2 slide June 22, 1941 Nazi Germany without ads war attacked our homeland. The Great Patriotic War began.

The regiments are concentrated against us,

The enemy attacked a peaceful country.

White night, whitest night

Started this black war!

Whether he wants it or not,

And he will get his from the war:

Soon even days, not just nights,

They will become, will become black for him!

(V. Shefner, 1941, June 23, Leningrad) ©

Slide 3 Thousands of volunteers went to the Red Army, partisan detachments, and people's militia. There was not a single family that did not send a father, husband, or son to the front.

(include recording of song "Holy war" music A. Alexandrova, lyrics. V. Lebedeva – Kumach)

Slide 4 In August 1941, German troops began a powerful attack on Leningrad. On September 8, the city was surrounded and the blockade, which lasted 900 days. All approaches to our city on land were captured by the Germans. 900 days, 900 nights city Leningrad was in the enemy ring.

Cutting off the city from the country,

Squeezed in a ring of fire blockade

The enemies wanted to destroy, trample

All that Leningraders loved it so much.

The enemies wanted Destroy Leningrad,

Raze this city from the ground.

But to capture and break through the defenses

The Nazis couldn't do it.

5 slide It was ordered to protect Leningrad to the last person. People stood shoulder to shoulder to defend their hometown.

Slide 6 Enemy shells destroyed houses, people, Leningrad streets, architectural monuments, food warehouses. On the streets where shells exploded more often they were hung signs: Citizens! During shelling, this side of the street is the most dangerous!

7 slide B Leningrad had about 2.5 million people, among them about 400 thousand children

Slide 8 The Nazis decided to kill the population is starving. Ration cards were introduced. The bread quota of 125 g for the whole day was so small that residents still died from exhaustion and hunger.

Everyone knows the price of bread Leningrader.

Small piece – 125 grams.

Doesn't give up Leningrad. The city survives

He gives us a lesson in courage and bravery.

Slide 9 To feed the residents Leningrad was organized"The road of life", which was laid on the ice of Lake Ladoga. The Nazis mercilessly bombed the road along which people in bread was brought to the besieged city. Legends were made about the exploits of drivers on the ice road. They told about a driver who, while taking emaciated children out of the city, saw that they were freezing in the back of his car. Then he took off all his warm clothes and covered the kids with them. And he sat in the cabin half-naked in the bitter cold.

Tanya Savicheva – Leningradskaya schoolgirl in conditions during the siege I kept a diary.

In besieged Leningrad

This girl lived.

She kept her diary in her student notebook.

Tanya died during the war,

Tanya is still alive in my memory:

Holding my breath for a moment,

The world hears her words.

This diary has only 9 pages and on 6 of them, six of them record the dates of death of loved ones. In front of the girl's eyes died: sister, grandmother, 2 uncles, mother and brother.

11 slide The city was bombed more and more often, but Leningraders continued to live and work. Little children helped adults.

Children blockade cities helped grandfathers and fathers,

Without sparing any effort and without rest, they barely reached the machine!

They worked, sparing no effort, their hands were black from the oil,

Everyone worked like adults, tired of this war!

12 slide On January 14, 1944, our troops moved to offensive and on January 27 they broke through blockade ring and released Leningrad from the Nazi blockade. On this day in Leningrad fireworks were given.

After volley volley. Fireworks go off.

Rockets in hot air

They bloom with variegated flowers.

A Leningraders are crying quietly.

Don't calm down yet

There is no need to console people.

Their joy is too great -

Fireworks thunder over Leningrad!

Their joy is great, but their pain

She spoke and broke through:

To the fireworks with you

Floor- Leningrad did not rise.

People are crying and singing,

And they don’t hide their crying faces.

Today there are fireworks in the city!

Today Leningraders

Slide 13 900 days blockade. 900 days of people's courage! Surrounded by enemies Leningrad survived the battle with the enemy. We are proud of you Leningrad!

Defense Medal Leningrad -

Not just our memory of the war.

Its metal is forged in days blockade

And tempered in unprecedented fire. (V. Suslov)

Slide 15 At the site of the breakthrough blockade a memorial complex has been installed "The road of life"- "Broken Ring"

Slide 16 In memory of the harsh blockade Recently, Birch Alley was opened in St. Petersburg. 900 days blockade-900 birches. There is such a tradition - on January 27, pioneer ties are tied to birch trees in memory of the pioneers who died during siege of Leningrad who, like adults, worked in factories and helped in hospitals.

Slide 17 A monument to heroic defenders was erected on Victory Square Leningrad, a monument to the feat of the townspeople in tragic days blockade.

...Glory to you who are in battle

The banks of the Neva were defended.

Leningrad, who knew no defeat,

You have illuminated with a new light.

Glory to you, great city,

Merged front and rear into one.

In unprecedented difficulties which

He survived. Fought. Won.

(Vera Inber, 1944)

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Topic: “Siege of Leningrad” Purpose: to introduce children to the historical facts of the Great Patriotic War, to the life of people at that time; develop the ability to feel, empathize, listen to others, and cultivate a sense of patriotism. Objectives: tell students about the lives of adults and children during the difficult war years; to cultivate respectful attitudes towards the historical memory of our people, towards war veterans, and the traditions of our people.

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The darkness of the night was thinning. The day was approaching, which was destined to remain forever in the people's memory - Sunday, June 22, 1941. The clock hands were approaching 4 o'clock. At these moments, the border guards noticed clouds quickly approaching from the west. Hundreds of planes flew over the border, on the wings of which there were black crosses... (The song “Get up, great country!” is played) The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people against the fascist invaders began. Liberation War. The whole country, young and old, stood up to defend the Motherland. Millions of people rushed to the front to fight their enemies. Yesterday's schoolchildren, students, workers - everyone went to the front.

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Hitler's army was rushing towards Moscow, sweeping away everything in its path. But our army fought bravely and courageously. Capturing Leningrad was very important for the Nazis. For Hitler, Leningrad was a “tidbit” - after all, here is the Baltic Fleet and the road to Murmansk and Arkhangelsk, from where help came from the allies during the war, and if the city had surrendered, it would have been destroyed and wiped off the face of the earth. In September 1941, the Nazis surrounded the city and cut off Leningrad from the entire land. A ring formed around Leningrad. It seemed that in just a moment the enemy would enter the city and step on the historical stones with his forged boot.

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In the first days, few people believed in the seriousness of the situation, but many residents of the city began to thoroughly prepare for the siege: literally in a few hours all savings were withdrawn from the savings banks, the shops were empty, everything possible was bought up. Literally from the first days of the blockade, ration cards were introduced, schools were closed, military censorship was introduced: any attachments to letters were prohibited, and messages containing decadent sentiments were confiscated. All-Russian Internet competition "Presentation Master"

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Memories of the siege of Leningrad by people who survived it, their letters and diaries reveal to us a terrible picture. A terrible famine struck the city. Money and jewelry have lost value. The evacuation began in the fall of 1941, but only in January 1942 did it become possible to withdraw a large number of people, mainly women and children, through the Road of Life. There were huge queues at the bakeries where daily rations were distributed. In addition to the famine, Leningrad was also attacked by other disasters: very frosty winters, sometimes the thermometer dropped to -40 degrees. The fuel ran out and the water pipes froze - the city was left without electricity and drinking water. Rats became another problem for the besieged city in the first winter of the siege. They not only destroyed food supplies, but also spread all kinds of infections. People died and there was no time to bury them; the corpses lay right on the streets. Cases of cannibalism and robbery appeared. All-Russian Internet competition "Presentation Master"

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All Leningraders rose to defend the city. They began to build defensive structures. The enemy could not take the city. But the enemy did not stop. Day and night, shells exploded, fires blazed, and the groans of dying people were heard. The Nazis wanted to break Leningraders, bring them to their knees, but the exhausted, hungry townspeople did not give up: they released weapons, sewed clothes, knitted warm clothes. All Leningraders firmly believed that they would win.

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Olga Bergolts wrote a poem. This is the oath of Leningraders to the country. ...I'm talking to you amid the whistling of shells. Illuminated with a gloomy glow. I am speaking to you from Leningrad, my country, sad country. The evil, indomitable wind of Kronstadt hits my upturned face. The children fell asleep in the bomb shelter, and the night guard stood at the gate. There is a mortal threat over Leningrad...Sleepless nights, every day is hard. But we have forgotten what tears are, what they call fear and prayer. I say: we, citizens of Leningrad, will not be shaken by the roar of cannonades, And if there are barricades tomorrow, we will not leave our barricades. And women and fighters will stand next to us, and children will bring us cartridges, and the ancient banners of Petrograd will bloom above all of us. With my hands, squeezing my charred heart, I make this promise, I, a city dweller, the mother of a Red Army soldier who died near Strelna in battle. We will fight with selfless strength, we will defeat the rabid beasts, We will win, I swear to you, Russia, on behalf of Russian mothers.

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Yes, all the defenders of Leningrad swore not to surrender. And the inhabitants sacredly fulfilled this oath for 900 endlessly long days and nights.

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A wonderful time of year was approaching - winter. But it did not please the Leningraders. Due to the lack of fuel and electricity, many enterprises, trams, trolleybuses stopped, the heating failed, and the water supply froze. The city was running out of food, and there was nowhere to bring it from. People began to weaken and get sick. In 1942, the norm for bread, consisting of dust, pine sawdust and a few grams of rye flour, was 125 grams. “125 blockade grams with fire and blood in half,” wrote the poetess O. Bergolz. Dystrophy spread in the city, people fainted from hunger. They ate everything they could find: grass soup, jelly made from wood glue, mice - whatever they had. They tried to leave even a small piece of bread for a long time.

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The story “Breadcrumbs” It was during the war, in Leningrad besieged by the Nazis. The store is cold and very dark, only the smoker on the saleswoman’s counter was blinking. The saleswoman was selling bread. There was a line at the counter on one side. People were coming. They handed out the cards and received a piece of bread, small, but heavy and moist, because there was very little flour in it, but more water and cottonseed cake. And on the other side of the counter there were a crowd of children. Even in the dim light of the smokehouse, one could see how thin, emaciated their faces were. The fur coats did not fit tightly to the children, but hung on them as if on sticks. Their heads were wrapped in warm scarves and scarves over their hats. The legs were in cloaks and felt boots, and only the hands did not have mittens: the hands were busy with work.

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As soon as the seller, who was cutting a loaf, had a bread crumb fall on the counter, someone’s thin, chilled finger would hastily but delicately slide across the counter, pick up the crumb and carefully carry it into his mouth. Two fingers did not meet on the counter: the guys kept a line. The saleswoman did not scold, did not shout at the children, did not say: “Don’t interfere with work!” Go away! the saleswoman silently did her job: giving people their blockade rations. People took the bread and left. And a bunch of Leningrad kids stood quietly at the other side of the counter, and each patiently waited for their little one.

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It was difficult to live at that time and scary... very scary... People were buried in mass graves. Nothing could break the Leningraders. Even in those terrible war days, the children studied. This is what a 12-year-old boy writes... “We are studying in a bomb shelter. From morning to evening there was shelling, shelling... A shell flew into our house and exploded, breaking all the windows. We blocked the window with plywood and now the house is completely dark. I'm preparing for geographical training. Today I ate jelly made from wood glue.” “Somewhere up there, landmines were whistling, shells were exploding, but here underground it was quiet, warm, and light. The radio brought us the wail of a siren underground. We had a lesson. The teacher explained new topics to us. It was necessary to remember, write down... It became difficult to study. The stoker did not work. Cold. Hands and feet become numb, ink freezes. The lights went out in the dungeon, we moved to a classroom where only one window was glazed, and the rest were blocked with plywood.” In such conditions, the children studied and brightly believed that the day of victory would come. After studying, they helped the front, worked in a hospital, cleared the streets of snow.

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Monument to the cats of besieged Leningrad in the winter of 1941-1942. There were a lot of rats in the city. They attacked hungry, exhausted old people and children. By this time there were no cats or dogs in the city - some died, some were eaten... Rats not only destroyed the already meager food supplies, they were carriers of the plague. Despite the severe famine, some townspeople took pity on their pets. All-Russian Internet competition "Presentation Master"

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From the memories of Leningrad residents who survived the blockade: “In the spring of 1942, an old woman, half dead from hunger, took her cat out for a walk. People came up to her and thanked her for saving it and not eating it.” “In March 1942, I suddenly saw a skinny cat on a city street. Several old women stood around her and crossed themselves, and an emaciated, skeletal policeman made sure that no one caught her. “In April 1942, walking past the Barrikada cinema, I saw a crowd of people at the window of one of the houses. They marveled at an extraordinary sight: a tabby cat with three kittens was lying on a brightly lit windowsill. When I saw her, I realized that we survived.” All-Russian Internet competition "Presentation Master"

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Lake Ladoga remained the only route of communication with besieged Leningrad. Only through the lake could people contact the land. This road was called the Road of Life. But this road was constantly shelled. A lot of blood was shed on this road. On November 20, the first horse-drawn sleigh train descended onto the ice of Lake Ladoga. A little later, trucks started driving along the ice Road of Life. The ice was very thin, despite the fact that the truck was carrying only 2-3 bags of food, the ice broke, and there were frequent cases when trucks sank. At the risk of their lives, the drivers continued their deadly flights until spring. The Germans constantly sought to break this thread connecting the besieged city with the country, but thanks to the courage and fortitude of Leningraders, the Road of Life lived on its own and gave life to the great city. The significance of the Ladoga highway is enormous; it has saved thousands of lives. Now on the shore of Lake Ladoga there is the Road of Life Museum. All-Russian Internet competition "Presentation Master"

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Today, on the road of life there is a monument “Flower of Life.” The petals of the flower depict the face of a smiling boy and the words “May there always be sunshine.” Nearby there is a slab with the inscription: “In the name of life and against war. To children - young heroes of Leningrad 1941-1944."

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The blockade lasted 900 days and nights. A terrible fate befell the Savichev family. Tanya Savicheva was born in 1930, she was only 12 years old when the war began. The Savichev family was large and friendly. Before the war, my father, Nikolai Rodionovich, worked as a baker, baking fragrant and tasty bread. Mother, Maria Ignatievna, worked as a seamstress in a factory. The war has begun. During the war, Tanya kept a diary. This is a small notebook kept by a twelve-year-old Leningrad girl, Tanya Savicheva. The book has nine pages, six of them have dates. Six pages - six deaths. "December 28, 1941, Zhenya died... Grandmother died on January 25, 1942. March 17 - Leka died. Uncle Vasya died on April 13. May 10 - Uncle Lesha, mother - May 15. The Savichevs died. Everyone died. Only Tanya remained .

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Tanya was discovered by employees of special sanitary teams who were visiting Leningrad houses. When they found her, she was unconscious from hunger. Together with 140 other Leningrad children, in August 1942, the girl was evacuated to the village of Krasny Bor, Gorky Region. Doctors fought for her life for two years. Tanya was transferred to the Ponetaevsky home for the disabled, located in the same area, with more qualified medical care. But the disease was already incurable. On May 24, Tanya was transported to the Shatkovo regional hospital. There she died on July 1, 1944. She was buried in the village cemetery.

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A memorial plaque was unveiled in St. Petersburg in memory of Tanya Savicheva, who wrote a blockade diary on January 27, 2005

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Tanya Savicheva's diary became one of the physical evidence of fascist atrocities at the Nuremberg trials, and the girl herself became a symbol of the courage of besieged Leningrad. Dozens of books have been written about her fate, films have been made, Edita Piekha performs “The Ballad of Tanya Savicheva”, there is a star named in her honor. But... few people even today know that Tanya was wrong, and not all of the Savichevs died. Tanya’s sister, Nina Nikolaevna, survived in such terrible conditions and lives near St. Petersburg to this day.

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Every year, former blockade survivors receive postcards with congratulations from the President of Russia. On the back of the cards there is always a photograph of a girl with a short haircut and a black bow. Nearby are the pages of a creepy diary in which she noted the dates of death of her closest people. Like other pensioners, Nina Nikolaevna carefully keeps these presidential cards. In the album, next to the original of that very last photograph of Tanya.

Days of the blockade

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Light the fire... On September 8, 1941, the siege of Leningrad began. Sign "60th anniversary of the lifting of the siege of Leningrad." Commemorative medal "In honor of the 65th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the fascist blockade." The inscription on the wall of the Piskarevskoye Memorial Cemetery. Enemies in armor and iron were pouring into the city. But workers, schoolchildren, teachers, and militias stood together with the army. Irina Tereshonok: “During the siege years, I did not commit any heroic act. Didn't detain the saboteur. I just lived." Irina Tereshonok. During the first winter of the siege I was ten years old. Mom and my sister Katya worked at the Admiralty plant. - Days of the blockade.ppt

Siege of Leningrad lesson

Slides: 22 Words: 1079 Sounds: 1 Effects: 15

Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. Lesson plan. Consequences. Problem task. Is it possible to agree with this point of view? Justify your answer using the documents and lesson material provided. Document to help. 1. On the eve of the war (analyze the table). 2. Offensive in the northwest (Which army had the advantage in numbers?). Task: working with a map. Where were the defensive lines of the Soviet troops in the northwestern direction? Wounded on the outskirts of Leningrad. In battles, Soviet troops lost 345 thousand soldiers. 3. The courage of the defenders of Leningrad. - Blockade lesson.ppt

Leningrad blockade

Slides: 90 Words: 2882 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Concentrating regiments against us, the enemy attacked a peaceful country. Germany has crossed the borders of our country. The rate of advance of the troops was 30 km per day. The capture of the city of Leningrad was given a special place. The enemy wanted to capture the Baltic Sea coast and destroy the Baltic Fleet. Women's Rifle Battalion. Seeing off to the front. Tanks are heading to the front. If the land is drawn in brown, it means it was captured by the Nazis. A fascist swastika is drawn on the brown ground. Where the Red Army stands, red stars are painted. The enemy surrounded the city, Leningrad found itself in a blockade ring. - Siege of Leningrad.pps

Defense of Leningrad

Slides: 7 Words: 183 Sounds: 0 Effects: 10

History of the Siege of Leningrad. The command of the fascist German troops attached particular importance to the capture of Leningrad - the cradle of three revolutions, a major industrial, scientific and cultural center of the USSR. Thus, Hitler hoped to achieve greater political effect. The defense of Leningrad thwarted all the enemy's plans. At the end of September 1941, the position of the Soviet troops at the front worsened. Day and night, frontline soldiers, with the help of the population, created a deeply layered, multi-line defense. A widely branched network of trenches and communication passages was created in the main line of defense; Numerous steel and reinforced concrete pillboxes made by workers of Leningrad factories, bunkers and well-equipped open firing points made it possible to shoot through all approaches to the front line. - Defense of Leningrad.ppt

Siege of the city of Leningrad

Slides: 14 Words: 1197 Sounds: 0 Effects: 100

900. Days of blockade. Content. The beginning of the war. Establishment of the blockade of Leningrad. Bombing of the city. Life in besieged Leningrad. "The road of life". Leningrad - to the front. Seventh Symphony by D. Shostakovich. 1942 Breaking the blockade. Bibliography. Liberation of Leningrad. Army Group South (commanded by Field Marshal von Rundstedt) advanced towards Kyiv. On June 22, 1941, the Wehrmacht launched an invasion of the territory of our Motherland. Finnish armies were advancing on Leningrad from the northwest. Front line by 27.09. 1941 Establishment of the blockade. Bombing of Leningrad. The Nazis' attempts to attack Leningrad yielded nothing. - Siege of Leningrad.ppt

Leningrad 1941-1944

Slides: 24 Words: 720 Sounds: 0 Effects: 5

Siege of Leningrad September 8, 1941 - January 27, 1944. Encirclement of Leningrad. The city during the Siege. A.E.Badaeva. From October 1, workers and engineers began to receive 400 g of bread per day, everyone else - 200. November came and Ladoga began to gradually become covered in ice. By November 17, the ice thickness reached 100 mm, which was not enough to open traffic. Everyone was waiting for frost... Horse-drawn carts came out onto the ice... It was Kosygin who organized the movement on the “Road of Life” and resolved disagreements between civil and military authorities. K.E. Voroshilov. G.K. Zhukov. A.N.Kosygin. Removing the blockade. - Leningrad 1941-1944.pptx

Siege Leningrad

Slides: 30 Words: 108 Sounds: 3 Effects: 8

Leningrad blockade. Together they call us Leningrad, and the globe is proud of Leningrad. / O. Berggolts /. Summer 1942 Anti-aircraft battery on Universitetskaya embankment. Column of soldiers at the Kirov plant. Wartime poster. Soldiers of the Leningrad Front. Bread card. People were dying of hunger. Tanya Savicheva. Worker Tsareva fulfilled the plan 300%. The road of life. Cleaning up the city. Olga Berggolts is the voice of besieged Leningrad. A military man buys a ticket to a concert. Medal for the defense of Leningrad. Public Broadcasting System. Monument to the children of the siege. Monument to besieged Leningrad. - Siege Leningrad.ppt

Class hour Blockade

Slides: 14 Words: 133 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Days of military glory of Russia. German troops had a significant superiority. In terms of personnel - 2.4 times, guns - 4 times, mortars - 5.8 times, aircraft - 9.8 times, tanks - 1.2 times. 2 million 887 thousand civilians, including about 400 thousand children. for workers - 250 grams of surrogate bread per day, for employees, dependents and children - 125 grams per person. At the Piskarevskoye cemetery, 650 thousand ordinary people who died of hunger are buried. During the blockade, 2 thousand tanks, 1,500 aircraft, 225 thousand machine guns, 12 thousand aircraft, 12 thousand mortars, and about 10 million shells and mines were manufactured and repaired. - Class hour Blockade.ppt

Leningrad blockade

Slides: 19 Words: 335 Sounds: 0 Effects: 1

Siege Leningrad. A fascist swastika is drawn on the brown ground. And where the Red Army stands, red stars are painted. 1941 A city surrounded by the enemy. Concentrating regiments against us, the enemy attacked a peaceful country. In the city besieged by the Nazis, thousands of people died of hunger. In the winter of 1941-1942 there was no fuel or electricity in the city. Leningraders lived in unheated houses. The water supply and sewer systems froze. The road of life. Leningrad children, together with adults, worked, fought and... studied! After the Leningrad blockade was broken, the diary of 11-year-old Tanya Savicheva was discovered quite by accident in one of the empty, completely deserted apartments. - Leningrad Siege.ppt

Leningrad during the war

Slides: 23 Words: 1818 Sounds: 0 Effects: 140

The whole country, young and old, stood up to defend the Motherland. Millions of people rushed to the front to fight their enemies. Yesterday's schoolchildren, students, workers - everyone went to the front. Hitler's army was rushing towards Moscow, sweeping away everything in its path. All Leningraders rose to defend the city. All Leningraders firmly believed that they would win. Olga Bergolts wrote a poem. Dystrophy spread in the city, people fainted from hunger. They tried to leave even a small piece of bread for a long time. The saleswoman was selling bread. Two fingers did not meet on the counter: the guys kept a line. People were buried in mass graves. - Leningrad during the war.ppt

Years of the siege of Leningrad

Slides: 23 Words: 1184 Sounds: 4 Effects: 4

Leningrad blockade. Education of patriotism. Leningrad. People lived their own lives. The war has begun. The shells flew. Ominous flames. Fascists. Street side. Residents defended their hometown. Breasts to defend Leningrad. Start date of the siege of Leningrad. Blockade. The hunger of the blockade. Death overtook people everywhere. Diary. Creation. Olga Fedorovna Berggolts. The road of life. Front road. Children. Day of military glory. - Years of the siege of Leningrad.ppt

Time of the siege of Leningrad

Slides: 19 Words: 536 Sounds: 5 Effects: 58

Your homeland is proud of you. Air raid warning cleared. Starvation. The most terrible siege of a city in the military history of mankind. Leningrad blockade. The city lived and fought. 2 million 544 thousand people. Many children survived. In January 1943, the blockade was broken by Soviet troops. Breaking the blockade. Operation. Welcome the vibrant spring, people of the Earth. Carry your dream through the years and fill it with life. About those who will never come again, I conjure, remember. Piskarevskoe cemetery. - Time of the siege of Leningrad.pptx

History of the Siege of Leningrad

Slides: 57 Words: 1519 Sounds: 4 Effects: 127

History lesson. "Leningrad - courage, valor, bravery." The lesson takes place in combination with extracurricular and extracurricular patriotic work of the school. Lesson presentation (attached). Courage, bravery, heroism. The battle for Leningrad lasted 1125 days. There was a siege of Leningrad for 900 days. 1418 days was V.O. war. Questions: When, in your opinion, did Leningrad become a military city? Did the decision of the Lenfront Supreme Court appear in a timely manner? Leningrad is under siege. Concentrating regiments against us, the enemy attacked a peaceful country. More than half a million Leningraders took part in the construction of defensive lines. - History of the Siege of Leningrad.pptx

900 days of siege of Leningrad

Slides: 44 Words: 575 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

September 8, 1941 – January 27, 1944 Siege of Leningrad. Eternal flame! Unhealing pain! An unfading memory! Eternal symbol of immortality! And a sea of ​​flowers! Hitler was preparing a terrible fate for Leningrad. The city was surrounded and blocked by the Nazis. 900 blockade days. The city had the lowest bread quota. 250 grams for a worker's card, 125 grams for employees and dependents. People fell from weakness in the streets. And children and old people died at home. Hundreds of families were dying of hunger... For 900 days, not only adults, but also children fought the enemy. The students sat in coats, hats and mittens. - 900 days of siege of Leningrad.ppt

The road of life

Slides: 10 Words: 596 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Monuments to the Road of Life. Vsevolozhsk region during the blockade. Caring for wounded soldiers was universal and selfless. The road of life. Flower of Life. On the monument there is the inscription “May there always be sunshine.” The authors of the monument are A. Levenkov and P. Melnikov. The monument was unveiled on October 28, 1968. Rumbolovskaya Mountain. They do not yet know on earth the most terrible and joyful road. The monument was built by the workers of the Frunzensky district of Leningrad. The authors of the monument are I.F. Kozlov and V.N. Polukhin. The monument was unveiled in 1967. Katyusha. At 17 km of the “Road of Life” there is a monument. The road of Life passed here. Leningrad was saved by the courage of the brave, Immortal glory to the fallen heroes." - The Road of Life.ppt

Breaking the blockade

Slides: 29 Words: 723 Sounds: 0 Effects: 74

900 days and nights. The Great Patriotic War. Battle of Moscow. June 22, 1941. The dawn that walked through the grass and bushes was searched by German binoculars. To the victims of the blockade of the great war. Your feat is eternal in the hearts of future generations. There was a city - a front, there was a blockade... A besieged city. There is 8 days of flour left, 9 days of cereal left. Photo archive. 1941 Diary of Tanya Savicheva. "The road of life". “Ladoga” (D.P. Bogdanov). In winter, cars raced in a line and the ice on Ladoga cracked. They carried bread for the northern capital, and Leningrad greeted us joyfully. The road of life. Oh, Ladoga, dear Ladoga! Blizzards, storms, a menacing wave... - Breaking the blockade.ppt

Battle for Leningrad

Slides: 27 Words: 1582 Sounds: 0 Effects: 21

Battle for Leningrad. Leningrad blockade. The enemy attacked a peaceful country. Germany. Clouds rose over the city. 626 km of anti-tank ditches were dug. Townspeople. Badaevsky warehouses. The beginning of the blockade. City. Norm for issuing bread. Disasters. Years of blockade. The road of life. Germans. Snow. Diary of Tanya Savicheva. Breaking through and lifting the blockade. The decision to accelerate the construction of a railway line. Medal "For the Defense of Leningrad". Persons awarded the medal. - Battle for Leningrad.ppt

Day of lifting the blockade

Slides: 9 Words: 212 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Days of military glory of Russia. January 27 LIMITING THE BLOCKADE OF LENINGRAD (1944). 900 days 30 months two and a half years. The resilience of Leningraders who survived the siege. Losses during the blockade. The master plan adopted in 1935 provided for comprehensive development in the area of ​​the former outskirts. About 200 historical and architectural monuments were severely damaged. Post-war construction. Even during the blockade, a plan for the restoration of Leningrad was developed. The city today. - Day of lifting the blockade.ppt

Day of lifting the siege of Leningrad

Slides: 11 Words: 230 Sounds: 3 Effects: 37

Dedicated to the day of lifting the siege of Leningrad... A. Mityaev. The heroes of the past war will live in our hearts forever. What could be more terrible than war?! And happiness breaks people, separates loved ones and friends. September 8, 1941. The beginning of the siege of Leningrad. Winter 1941-1942. The water supply and sewer systems froze. The city is a fortress. Siege diary. Tanya Savicheva. The road of life. “By the road of life” bread came to us, By the road of life from many to many. They do not yet know on earth the most terrible and joyful road. “One hundred twenty-five blockade grams with fire and blood in half.” Olga Bergolts. January 27, 1944. - Day of lifting the siege of Leningrad.ppt

Children of the siege

Slides: 17 Words: 194 Sounds: 1 Effects: 1

Children of war. On May 29, 1942, the Komsomol Central Committee addressed all students with an appeal: along with their fathers and mothers, to work for the front. Children in the rear: instead of fathers. Children for victory... Children of the blockade. In the winter of 1941-42. Leningrad was gripped by a fierce cold. There was no fuel or electricity. People were dying of hunger right on the streets. Workers received only up to 250 grams of surrogate bread per day, and employees, dependents and children only 125 grams! “125 blockade grams... With fire and blood in half.” In Leningrad, 700,000 people died during the siege. Behind enemy lines... After an enemy air raid. Refugees. Children of concentration camps... - Children of the siege.ppt

Children of Leningrad

Slides: 12 Words: 411 Sounds: 0 Effects: 2

Children of besieged Leningrad Memorial Hour. Annotation. They remember at what price the happiness of living on earth was won. As long as hearts are knocking. - Remember! Remember. how the blockade ring tightened. And only white Panama hats floated on the water... Remember Tanya Savicheva’s diary. And they worked 14-16 hours a day. The blockade has been broken. While hearts are knocking, - Remember! At what price was happiness won - please remember! List of used literature. Berggolts O. Memory. There was a war. Children of wartime. Unconquered Leningrad. About your feat, Leningrad. Leningrad. - Children of Leningrad.pps

Children during the siege of Leningrad

Slides: 29 Words: 1481 Sounds: 2 Effects: 63

Children of besieged Leningrad. Dedicated to the young defenders of the city on the Neva. Goals. All this is called a blockade. Diary of Tatyana Savicheva. Twelve-year-old Leningrad resident Tanya Savicheva began keeping her diary. The Savichevs planned to spend the summer of 1941 in a village near Gdov. Sister Zhenya died right at the factory. The girl was evacuated to the Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) region. Today, on the road of life there is a monument “Flower of Life”. Birches whisper along the road of life. The children were taken away from Leningrad on boats. All the defenders of Leningrad swore not to surrender. Even in those terrible war days, children went to school and studied. - Children during the siege of Leningrad.ppt

Children of besieged Leningrad

Slides: 24 Words: 466 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Children in besieged Leningrad. Cold years, death by starvation... Managed... Poems by the author. Purpose of the research work: Sources: Interview with a siege survivor, materials from the school museum, literature on the Internet. Memoirs of the siege survivor Galina Aleksandrovna Tabaricheva. Tabaricheva (Bistrova) Galina Aleksandrovna was born in Leningrad on April 14, 1931. The initial plans of the fascist invaders to destroy the city. Children during the siege. Not realizing the danger of such help, the children “just played”... Children's help in the construction of defensive lines. I went voluntarily. Anti-tank ditches were dug near Peterhof. - Children of besieged Leningrad.ppt

Diary of Tanya Savicheva

Slides: 20 Words: 824 Sounds: 0 Effects: 1

Siege diary of Tanya Savicheva. Notebook. Tanya Savicheva. Older sister Zhenya. Writing with the letter "zh". Grandmother Evdokia. Entry starting with the letter "b". Brother Leonid (Leka). Writing with the letter "l". Entry starting with the letter "v". Mother. Writing with the letter "m". Tanya is the only one left. Well, what about Tanya? Tanya Savicheva's grave. A monument was built. Granite monument with bronze bas-relief. Original document. Diary of Tanya Savicheva. Myths about Tanya Savicheva. - Diary of Tanya Savicheva.pptx

Heroic Leningrad

Slides: 13 Words: 222 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Hero City Leningrad. The heroic defense of Leningrad began on July 10, 1941. September 8, 1941. The 900-day siege of Leningrad began. By December, the city was trapped in ice. Hunger began. But the city lived, the city fought. People died on the way to work, at the machine, at home, whole families died. Scurvy and dystrophy began. But hungry, exhausted people found the strength to stand at the machine. Schools, libraries, and theaters were open. Ice under the wheels, don’t let me down, Shackled in the cold. Help awaits ahead In a starving city. The column of lights moves for a long time, the shore is closer, and returning, they take the children away to a new life. - Heroic Leningrad.ppt

Hero City Leningrad

Slides: 17 Words: 603 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Dedicated to the Great Victory! Presentation “Hero City Leningrad”. On May 1, 1945, in the order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Leningrad was named the first Hero City. The presentation is dedicated to the upcoming anniversary of the Great Victory. The title “Hero” was not given to cities just like that. Day and night the Germans bombed and shelled Leningrad. Blockade…. Children, crying, asked for bread, There is no worse torture than this. The gates of Leningrad were not opened and they did not go out to the city wall. 125 grams of bread for the whole day. People died right on the streets. The boy in the cap also has medals. There are cities that are richer and happier, There are cities that are calmer, but none more beautiful! - Hero City Leningrad.pptx

St. Petersburg - hero city

Slides: 22 Words: 745 Sounds: 0 Effects: 33

Leningrad is a hero city. Why was Leningrad awarded the title of hero city? Heroic defense of Leningrad. Leningrad as one of the first targets of attack. Fierce fighting on the outskirts of Leningrad. Hitler's troops were forced to stop offensive operations. Almost 900 days. The inhabitants of this city must, had to die. During the blockade, people experienced terrible hunger. They worked in different ways. A few months after the blockade began, people began to die. Leningrad poetess Olga Berggolts. Leningrad not only withstood the siege, but also won. 226 people were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union. -

The presentation talks about the day that Leningrad residents consider a special holiday: the lifting of the siege of Leningrad. This happened in 1944 on January 27th. This joyful day was preceded by a series of terrible events filled with the horrors of war, which we have no right to forget. You can download the finished manual for free for a class hour or history lesson in any class.

The work was completed on 35 slides. It can be used as an accompaniment to a literary or musical composition, since its main material is illustrations demonstrating the hardships of those days when civilians found themselves in a besieged city. The day of liberation arrived and the blockade was lifted, but first there was hunger and devastation, the death of children, the destruction of houses, the fear and pain of those who survived this event.

Let schoolchildren from grades 1 to 11 know and honor the Leningrad blockade, then they will strive to live in such a way as to prevent its repetition.

The presentation tells about the difficult fate of Leningrad schoolgirl Tanya Savicheva, whose fate was tested by war and blockade in her hometown. Today's schoolchildren should know about the hardships that befell children's destinies. Not everyone managed to survive that terrible time. Tanya, who had to die as a child, was also unable to meet Victory. Her diary is a historical relic that reflected the fear of war seen through the eyes of a child.

You can download the development for conducting a class hour in an elementary school (grades 1, 2, 3, 4) on the eve of the Day of Lifting the Siege of Leningrad.

The presentation tells about the terrible 871 days that besieged Leningrad experienced during the war. The siege of the city lasted exactly that long, when the inhabitants of the huge settlement found themselves cut off from the whole world. This was the longest siege of the city. Subsequently, Leningrad received the proud title of hero city. On the eve of the holiday, every teacher should download this presentation to tell schoolchildren about the suffering that Leningraders endured. You can show the multimedia manual during class in grades 2-4 or during history lessons in grades 5 and 6.

An electronic resource was produced on 70 slides. Don't let this development seem very big to you. These pages were only enough to briefly tell the sad story of the besieged city. A detailed description of events causes pain in the soul of those who watch the slides. However, we cannot remain silent about this. Let at least one word be said about each hero.

The presentation tells about the youngest victims of the war - the children of besieged Leningrad. Today it’s scary to imagine how a shell flies over a child’s head, how a mine explodes next to him, how his mother dies of hunger nearby. These terrible events are separated from today's happy days by a large period of history. More than 70 years have passed since the day when the siege of Leningrad was lifted and the surviving children were released. How many of them died? All this is described on the slides of the presentation, along with which you can download the song “Boys of Leningrad” for a class lesson.

The presentation on the topic “Bread of Siege Leningrad” was made as a tool for a history lesson or for a class hour, which will teach about the terrible blockade that Leningraders experienced during the war. It was not only the explosions of shells and the howl of sirens during the bombing that frightened the residents of the besieged city. Hunger became a terrible companion for them all these days. There was not enough food, so special standards for the distribution of bread per person were introduced. These meager standards were forever remembered by those who were happy with every bread crumb.

You can also download the development for holding an extracurricular event about bread. Slides about besieged Leningrad will be an excellent educational moment for modern children who live in abundance in peacetime.

The development contains an explanatory note (script) and a presentation for class about the siege of Leningrad in primary school. Children will get acquainted with the concept of “blockade”, with the feat of the Leningraders, and will get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe duty to the Motherland.

Presentation for class about the siege of Leningrad. Contains about 50 slides with photographs and text, ready for use without drawing up additional notes.

The development contains a script and presentation for a class hour about the siege of Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War. He will tell schoolchildren about the feat and courage of the Soviet people during the invasion of the Nazi invaders.