What are show room discounts? How to open a clothing showroom

In the age of high technology and smart gadgets, every person has become lazy and thoughtful to varying degrees. Nowadays it’s no longer possible to surprise anyone with expensive devices and beautiful things. However, not everyone knows where they can be purchased without risk at the price they correspond to. If you have experience in purchasing these in online stores, and you want not only to make money from this, but also to develop in the field of communication and sales practically without leaving your home - this article will be useful for reading and will answer the questions: How to open a show run your own business and make good money from it?

What is a showroom?

This is a small clothing store, a corner with mirrors and a fitting room at home. Its popularity is only gaining momentum, while in America, where the name comes from, showrooms have been used for a very long time. This store appeals mainly to those who are afraid to order clothes online, fearing that they will receive them in the wrong size. In addition, Russian Post does not often please with its prompt work in terms of deliveries. An additional advantage of a home store is that the seller does not have to pay rent for the premises, as is the case in regular boutiques or markets.

Of course, there will be a markup on things, but it includes a whole list of possible advantages:

  • No queues;
  • The seller's hospitality and homely environment;
  • Tea and coffee with sweets as a possible bonus;
  • An opportunity to order interesting and unique items that are not available in regular stores in the city.

How to open a show room from scratch? Where to begin?

The first thing you should start opening a show room with is drawing up a business plan, with a description of all the key points.

Next, you need to decide for yourself what exactly you will sell. Will it be only clothes, or also shoes and accessories. Next, you need to find reliable suppliers, to whom such concepts as “guarantee”, “quality” and “affordable price” will be inextricably linked with the shortest possible delivery time. The waiting time for goods, if ordered from Korea or China, is from two weeks to a month. Don’t rush to open a showroom with only 10-15 items; accumulate as many as possible by ordering from different sources. It’s another matter if you want to sell expensive and exclusive fur products - in this case, you can get by with 8-10 pieces at the initial stage.

When ordering, try to choose clothes for which you can make the maximum markup. These should not be things for mass consumption, they should look expensive and stylish, so that the buyer does not mind giving away money. If you don’t have a suitable room at home equipped with a fitting room, mirrors and good light, you can work for some time via the Internet, accepting orders and delivering to the buyer’s home. There you can let a person try on an item, be sure to give advice on caring for the fabric and accessories, and most likely sell it. When the profit from the show room business and sales is regular, you can equip a room for a show room at home, or rent a commercial space. For the latter, you need to register an individual entrepreneur, choosing UTII taxation.

Things to consider before opening a showroom:

  1. They won’t know about you right away, because advertising is needed. Advertising can be active (calls, direct contact with a potential buyer) and passive (word of mouth, advertisements);
  2. If you already have such a store in your city that is popular, you will have to try to lure customers or simply be competitive. To do this, you need a feature, something that similar showrooms do not have, for example, you can rent things out, do make-up, make-up, photograph customers in new outfits. At a minimum, the coffee or tea with sweets you offer should be more expensive than what buyers typically buy for their home. This will show how much you value each client;
  3. If you want to sell a complete set of clothes - dresses, underwear, shoes and hats, try to make it all compatible and replaceable;
  4. Buyers purchase items at their own risk; when selling at home, provide them with a guarantee for the product in the form of a purchase receipt. But try to prevent the client from wanting to return the item. Check forms are sold at any office supply store;
  5. The more start-up capital you have at the beginning of your career, the more money you will get back from your business later. Think about how solvent the people in your city, in your area are. Go to the state statistics website. Based on the answer, feel free to choose the price category and availability of your product - from inexpensive Chinese to luxury brand;
  6. Be as sociable and friendly as possible, know how to combine and select things, understand the color scheme and listen to the wishes of clients;
  7. Consider the schedule and operating hours of the showroom. How can you get into it - from the street, by appointment or invitation;
  8. Not only demand creates supply. As is the case with the most popular and popular phones from Apple, supply creates demand. Until the devices began to be created and actively promoted, no one knew how necessary they were for consumers. Therefore, feel free to experiment with images, do not be afraid to order something that has not previously appeared on the shelves of your city. Perhaps you will subsequently become the owner of a popular studio, after visiting which every buyer will discover something new, will be satisfied and will recommend you to their friends. Good luck!

How much can you earn from a show room? Experience



The question is relevant for everyone, because everyone wants estimate possible profit even before it opened

The answer to this question depends on many factors:

  • your activity
  • number of specialists involved in the project
  • volume of starting capital
  • competent advertising and promotion
  • potential for expansion

Subject to an active approach and good sales, the profit from the show room can be significant; this will allow, if there is a desire, to transfer part of the business to the real world, for example, by opening a “regular store” in parallel.

From personal experience taken from communication with my friends in Rostov-on-Don who sell women's dresses and cosmetics in this way, the profit from the show room is 300-500,000 rubles per month. The show room reached such a financial result in 4 years. This business is located in an ordinary two-room apartment and the total costs for goods and promotion amounted to approximately 1,500,000 rubles (the amount of costs in parts during 2013-2018).

According to friends, with more significant investments initially and with more active promotion, the results over these years could be doubled or tripled.

Therefore, if you are planning a large volume at once, you may need obtaining a business loan.

Read more: How to open a hair salon from scratch

Just a few decades ago, our compatriots expressed doubts about words that are now an integral part of the lexicon. Thanks to the process of globalization, we not only study the culture of other countries through films and music, but also have the opportunity to enjoy the landscapes of different continents with our own eyes. The information received allows us not only to improve in the sciences, expand our own consciousness and gain a deeper understanding of the world around us, but also to borrow from other nations objects and concepts that are familiar to them and new to us to change everyday life.

Wide use

One of these words, which recently became part of the lexicon of compatriots, is the term “showroom”. This concept came to us, like many others, from abroad. It is worth noting that in the countries that were once part of the great Soviet Union, this word appeared relatively recently - just a few decades ago. In Europe and America, the concept in question has appeared since the widespread spread of market relations. Despite the popularization of the foreign term, many people want to know the answer to the question: what is a showroom? What is it for? In what areas is it used and what are its advantages? Our article will reveal the secrets of the borrowed concept.

What is hidden in this word?

Let's start getting acquainted with the term we are interested in with its etymology. If you turn to English dictionaries, you will find out that showroom is a transcription of the foreign phrase show room. The latter translated means “demonstration or exhibition hall”. We can say that a showroom is a place where any goods are displayed in front of the audience. As a rule, this is carried out for informational purposes. The visitor can obtain more detailed information about the products he is interested in, as well as place an order for the supply or production of a sample he likes. Yes, that’s all true: for the most part, showrooms display only single items of goods designed to attract customers. Products are never presented here in mass quantities. Currently, the most widespread showrooms are clothing, shoes, cars, furniture, tiles, laminate flooring, plumbing fixtures, etc.

Single products, or “No” to mass production!

However, at the moment this word is not used for its intended purpose. Many people, not quite understanding the meaning of the concept in question, unintentionally distort it by using the term to name warehouses and stores where the product is not presented in a single version. It's no wonder that many people are confused and unable to understand what a showroom is. Show - “show, demonstrate” room - “room”. This is how the concept is literally translated. There is no talk of any wholesale or retail trade here. “Look, get acquainted and order” - this is the operating principle that almost all showrooms in Moscow, London or Los Angeles rely on.

Showroom of the "Ready-to-wear fashion" category

However, there are some exceptions that apply to clothing and shoe showrooms. Initially, in such places the visitor is given the opportunity not only to look at the collections on display and place an order, but also to buy the item he likes. In this case, an exception is made for the clothing showroom in the “ready-to-wear fashion” category. As mentioned above, the samples displayed in the exhibition hall can be ordered. However, an interesting fact is that the time for producing the selected specimen is strictly regulated. This parameter is determined in accordance with the global schedule of companies offering exclusive products. Clothes or shoes are made to order twice a year or, at most, every quarter.

Placement of exhibition halls

Some showrooms in Madrid are located directly at factories or factories. Sometimes showrooms are distribution centers. In order to improve and facilitate the work of their potential wholesale consumers, many companies open showrooms in the most profitable cities in the world for them. This takes into account not only the financial capabilities of consumers, but also the territory of distribution of the brand, recognition and its deeper penetration into the masses. For wholesale customers, showrooms are an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with the range of products and, taking into account the characteristics of the sales market, order selected goods. For retail buyers, showrooms are a convenient option for purchasing good quality wardrobe items at wholesale prices. This, of course, is not a characteristic feature of every showroom, but many Italian distributors give their clients this opportunity. You can purchase clothes, shoes and accessories at low prices after the end of bulk purchasing campaigns. It should be noted that in this case, most copies will only be of one, the most popular size. As a rule, for clothes it is 42nd, and for shoes it is 37th.

Differences from a boutique

Showrooms in Moscow are quite common. Among them are exhibition halls for furniture, construction and cladding materials, engineering innovations and cars. Of course, there are also distributors of world-famous clothing brands in the capital. Those interested can order stunning exclusive items from the new collections or purchase their favorite options from the previous season. However, you should not equate a showroom with a boutique, because the second option is characterized by a large number of clients. At the same time, there is no large influx of buyers in the showroom. Here every visitor is welcome, each one receives an individual approach. Be it a children's, women's or men's showroom - in each of them the client will feel comfortable and absolutely free. It is noteworthy that in every showroom of this kind, all buyers are known by sight. It is worth noting that some showrooms of exclusive clothing are quite well kept secret and getting into the “holy of holies” of fashion is not so easy. To do this, you need to get a recommendation from one of our regular customers.

Comfort for everyone

The considered wardrobe update option is very convenient for famous personalities who are tired of being harassed by the paparazzi. Showrooms often present new items from various brand fashion designers, so it is not surprising that both the style and quality of clothing are always at the highest level. The client is given an amazing opportunity to choose something new from the most fashionable items at the moment. Agree, this is very convenient. For many people, visiting a showroom becomes a regular ritual. After all, this is where you can buy not just the necessary wardrobe, but also show off yourself.

In Moscow, almost every exclusive clothing boutique has a showroom. The exhibition hall is a separate room with limited access, where clients are invited to look at the “freshly baked” new items from famous couturiers. This allows you to be aware of changing trends in the fashion world and follow their trends.

Today, in addition to the already well-known showrooms for adults, a children's showroom is also gaining popularity. Now parents have an amazing opportunity to purchase an excellent and, more importantly, exclusive wardrobe for their beloved child.

Summarizing the information

A clothing showroom is a place where visitors are offered products from one, sometimes several brands. At the same time, in this hall the client has the opportunity not only to study the displayed goods, but also to order the samples he likes from both the current and future collections.

At the same time, a showroom is an excellent opportunity to become the owner of exclusive clothing immediately (for showrooms in the “ready-to-wear fashion” category) and not have to worry about the mass distribution of the purchased new item.

Each of us one day certainly thinks about our own business. The desire to work as much as we want and to receive according to our work is often stronger than fears and all sorts of concerns. So what to do? In which area is it more profitable to open a business? If you have previously dealt with clothing production or are connected with the fashion industry, then you will probably be interested in learning how to open a showroom. What is the essence of this business?

Legal and profitable

Show-room is nothing more than a room designed for displaying clothes. Typically, these demonstrations are aimed at large wholesalers. But very often it is more like a kind of boutique at home. At the same time, its owners very often do not legalize their activities, and they fall outside the field of view of the tax authorities.

However, we do not advise you to go this route. After all, this kind of business will still be identified one day, and its owner will receive a serious administrative fine. Therefore, we’d better tell you how to open a showroom legally.

But first, a few words about why this business is worth doing. The fact is that this niche in our country, according to expert research, is only partially occupied. And businessmen who want to expand widely in this field have every chance to take their rightful place in the market. In addition, showrooms are indeed becoming more and more popular in Russia every day.

This format miraculously allows you to very well present a fashionable collection of clothing or demonstrate to clients the best examples of exclusive items so that they can subsequently order them. Experts in this area of ​​business are confident that with the tactical organization of business, it is quite possible to limit yourself to a reasonable investment of financial resources and receive a stable and decent income.

Show your imagination

And now to the specifics. Suppose you, after weighing all the pros and cons, decide to open your own showroom. What will you need for this? How to open a showroom with little money? First of all, you will need a good premises, of course, start-up capital and decorative elements. Let's talk about all this in more detail.

You can organize a showroom wherever space allows. For example, a very well-known personality in the world of furniture design, Luc Debuse, used the building of a former dairy factory for these purposes. It is interesting that he preserved the old architecture of the room, in which non-standard interior items looked very extravagant and created a very original atmosphere.

Therefore, do not think that you need to choose only pretentious places in the city center for presentations. Get creative. If you have a good idea, you can beat the relatively cheap venue for the presentation and its interior.

Think things through in advance

It is very important to draw up a good showroom business plan before making any financial expenditures. When writing it, focus on the finances that you have available, or the funds that you can attract for this business from sponsors. What is a showroom without an exact plan of action? This is a complete business improvisation that is unlikely to lead you to financial well-being. Therefore, plan everything in advance.

Does size matter?

Really, what kind of premises should you count on? In fact, everything here depends on the turnover of the company itself, and, accordingly, on the finances that the organization is able to allocate for the presentation room. How to organize a showroom indoors? If the scale is small, then in this case you can put a stand for filing documents, several shelves and a small table with soft chairs.

It should be noted that a row of comfortable and comfortable chairs is an integral attribute of, perhaps, any showroom. It plays a significant role in successful negotiations with clients. It is unlikely that your customers will be inclined to do business with you if you sit them on hard chairs and spend more than one hour presenting the capabilities of your company. Be sure to consider maximum comfort for wholesale customers and partners.

How best to furnish the room?

By the way, such presentation rooms are needed not only by large tailoring studios, but also by almost any company. So, for example, if you sell auto parts or various oils and additives for cars, then in this case you will also need a showroom with special exhibition stands. The most important rule when installing internal equipment is functionality.

The presented products, on the one hand, must be presented in a favorable light, and on the other hand, the racks must be located very conveniently, so that, if necessary, you can always reach any shelf and get a better look at the company’s product. The client should be really comfortable and look at the product from the outside, and examine it in more detail, if necessary.

Eastern helpfulness

The real pros in the field of various presentations are the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom. A huge number of different industries creates intense competition among manufacturers in China, so companies fight for every client. Service in this country is at the highest level.

What is a showroom in Chinese? These are huge rooms that fascinate with their decoration, soffits and some unimaginable ceilings. Stands, racks, special stages - everything works to ensure that the client can appreciate the products presented.

In this case, special attention is paid to visitors of presentation rooms. They offer cozy upholstered furniture, armchairs, comfortable chairs, light and cold drinks. Returning once again to the question of what a Chinese showroom is, we can say with confidence: these are spacious spaces, courteous staff, and huge stained glass windows. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers in Russia can yet boast of such showrooms. But the most important thing is that they have something to strive for.

For many girls, buying clothes is a “pill” for all troubles, an opportunity to spend time with benefit and pleasure, or just a way to relax. Everyone wants to look stylish, feminine and unique, and at the same time save on price without compromising on quality.

For such young ladies, a way out has been found - a showroom - a place where you can buy designer clothes much cheaper than in famous stores. What is its peculiarity, why is it becoming more and more popular and what do you need to know before opening such an establishment? So, how to open a clothing showroom?

The showroom is a place where the clothes of several little-known designers who are just starting their careers are displayed.

Hence the prices are low with good quality materials and tailoring. This is how they try to advertise themselves, gain interest and become in demand. With a good influx of customers and gaining recognition from the general public, they

they quickly become famous and open boutiques, but with different prices.

Most often, such studios are opened by stars - media figures, having previously promoted the future showroom on social networks through their groups with millions of subscribers. But ordinary people can do such a business; the main thing is to first decide what exactly you are going to do.

  • A showroom is considered to be: studios
  • in which samples of clothing from factories or manufacturers are displayed for review and wholesale purchase;
  • where you can order yourself a unique suit; room with a presented assortment

several designers for retail purchase. The last option is the most common in our country; we will consider its discovery further.



  • To open your own showroom, you will need to register your activity. This procedure includes several steps:
  • and (receipt for, TIN, passport with copies, application for registration and);

filing an application with the tax office.

Then we move on to the technical part. Activities required to be completed:

1. Search for a studio and purchase of equipment;

3. Personnel (if necessary);

Premises and equipment for the showroom

There is no point in worrying about high foot traffic unless you decide to rent a boutique in a shopping center. People should learn about your salon from each other, through social networks, from invitations, etc.

The most suitable space for opening a showroom is a small room or studio apartment. Such an apartment can be found in advertisements for housing rentals; now many one-room apartments are specially converted into studios. You can allocate one largest room in your apartment or rent a small building.

Indoors required carry out high-quality repairs. Some style must be evident. It is better to decorate the studio in light and calm colors, with many lamps, lanterns, and paintings.

The color of curtains, floors, and walls should match well. People with a good sense of style will come to you, and if they don’t like the design, they are unlikely to want to come back here again, much less recommend this salon to anyone.

The presence of comfortable furniture is a prerequisite for such an establishment. Upholstered armchairs, fashionable coffee tables, display cases, hangers, stands, mirrors, fitting rooms and other necessary attributes should be purchased immediately.

Cleanliness and order in the room, a pleasant smell, and calm music will create a good impression of your studio.

What is a showroom?

Product for the store

Regarding the product, several main problems should be solved:

1. Where can I get it?

2. What will the assortment be like?

3. How to arrange clothes?

Where to buy clothes?

Before looking for suppliers, you need to decide on the pricing policy of your showroom. There are several places where you can purchase items for a studio like this.

  • Chinese sites offer things at very low prices, which can be resold with an almost 100% markup. If you don’t know how to open a showroom for clothes from China, then first you will have to make a lot of trial orders to determine which store has the best quality items. Some Chinese suppliers send products that do not match the pictures, differing not only in quality, but also in appearance.

Among things from China you can find very decent and high-quality items, and as proof of this there are a huge number of clothing stores coming from there. This assortment is designed for a low price category and you should understand that respectable people are unlikely to look into such a place.

  • American sites offer original clothes from famous brands with big discounts. But as a rule, on such sites you can find models from past collections. If your goal is to sell high-quality and well-known items, regardless of the latest trends in the fashion world, then such sites are suitable for you.
  • Outlets. Last year's collections with discounts up to 70%. You will have to travel to such places on your own and select the options you are interested in.
  • Young designers. You need to look for them on thematic forums, in social groups and other places. The advantage of their items is uniqueness, style and good quality. And since they are little known or unknown at all, the prices for their clothes will be reasonable.
  • Ready-made clothing factories. They work from catalogs and remotely. Prices are low, quality is good. But it is worth remembering that when purchasing from such factories there is a minimum threshold. Manufacturers themselves set the monetary minimum for which you will need to purchase.

What will the assortment be?

The ideal option is to have a variety of clothes and accessories for them. When a client comes to your showroom, he should be able to purchase not only a specific item, but a whole set. And to go with it, choose a handbag, scarf, underwear and, possibly, shoes. It’s good for the client, and you’re in the black.

The assortment must be regularly updated to ensure that consumers remain interested in your store. When purchasing things, it is important to focus on what is fashionable. People will not want to buy ugly things that have long gone out of fashion. For example, if skinny trousers are in fashion, you shouldn’t expect much demand for bell-bottoms.

How to position?

It is important to keep your clothes in order: everything should lie and hang straight. It’s better to put new items on mannequins and then at the entrance people will see the latest arrivals.

Clothing showroom staff

You can work in such a studio alone. The main thing is to have a good understanding of fashion, to be able to combine colors, textures, shapes and even incongruous things.

If you are confident in yourself and can easily say what is fashionable to wear now, and are ready to choose a set for each client that will favorably highlight his best sides, while hiding his shortcomings, then feel free to open a showroom alone.

If choosing an assortment on your own is a problem for you, and you are far from fashion, it is better to find a companion who is well versed in clothing. He will select the right assortment and monitor the quality of the fabrics. The designer himself can act as a partner.

Store advertising

Before opening, you need to make a presentation of your studio. You need to start with a few interested clients, serve them to the highest standard, gaining respect, and they, in turn, will tell their friends about you.

In the same group it is worth posting information about existing products, new products, and discounts. The same information can be sent via SMS or email.

How to open a clothing showroom?

How to open a clothing showroom: business plan with calculations

showrooms look something like this:

  • Legalization of activities around 5000 rubles, 800 of which is state duty.
  • Purchase of the first batch of goods approx. 100,000–150,000 rubles.
  • Rent 40,000 rubles.
  • Repair 100,000 rubles (if necessary).
  • Furniture 50,000 rubles.

If you plan to travel independently to buy the goods, then flight and hotel costs will be added. about 50,000 rubles.

To start a studio you will need to invest about 400,000 rubles.

If you want to sell branded clothing, then this amount will increase by at least a third.

Showroom profitability

One regular customer spends from 15,000 to 45,000 rubles on clothes every month, and considering that he can bring up to 5 new customers, that’s quite a decent income.

Profitability, however, you need to study the market well and find generous clients, otherwise, the profit will go negative.

Business nuances

The main problem of the showroom is the different understanding of its essence.

Some people call this a place for clothing exhibitions with subsequent wholesale purchases, others are sure that this is the joint work of young designers, and still others even believe that a showroom can be an ordinary boutique in a shopping center or a small shop on a busy street.

The second important point is the assortment. You should not pass off Chinese copies of famous brands as originals. Knowledgeable people will quickly understand the deception, and those who have little understanding of brands will not want to spend large sums on clothes.

If you are counting on wealthy clients, then clothing presented in the studio must be appropriate.

Opening a showroom is not difficult if you are well versed in fashion and putting together a stylish outfit is not difficult. A small investment of money, a little inspiration, work on the interior, selection of beautiful, high-quality clothes and the studio is ready.

If things go well and the flow of clients increases steadily, You can also think about it, just don’t forget to register your activities.

You can find out what a showroom is and how to open a truly profitable clothing showroom in this video instruction:

When the first showrooms appeared, they were shrouded in mystery and an atmosphere of exclusivity. It was believed that getting into the showroom was not easy and that having a special invitation was very prestigious.

What does showroom mean?

In fact, a showroom is one of the trade formats that allows you to present the promoted product in the most profitable way. Most often, clothing, shoes, and accessories are displayed in showrooms. But it is also possible to create a showroom for furniture, plumbing, and gifts.

In the showroom, goods are not just laid out on the shelves. There is a whole presentation system in place; you can learn about the manufacturing company itself, get acquainted with the entire collection, learn the history of the brand.

A showroom differs from a store or supermarket, first of all, in the atmosphere, the opportunity to spend a long time here, drink a cup of coffee, leisurely think about a purchase, sitting in a cozy chair. The services of showrooms are used by both private buyers and companies to order entire collections, because it is here that they can leisurely examine in detail all the components of the collection.

How did the word showroom appear?

If we make a direct translation into English, from which this word came to us, then the showroom is a room for performances. It turns out that the showroom is a room for colorful shows to present the product. However, consultants, as a rule, behave quietly and correctly, giving each visitor the opportunity to get comfortable and take their time.

The first showrooms appeared in Europe and were used to display fabrics. They were visited mainly by wholesale customers, for whom the premises were designed (large quantities, many items in the order, a place to check canvases).

Visiting showrooms was not open to any passerby on the street, so this format became a kind of club for those who value quality and prestige. In modern conditions, you don’t have to wait for an invitation to go to a showroom to buy a dress. However, they also host specialized shows and theme nights, and getting an invitation to such an event is still quite difficult.

What kind of showrooms are there?

Showrooms differ in the manufacturer that is represented in them. Large factories and well-known industries that have been working in their field for many years have such formats. On the other hand, a showroom is a convenient format for presenting a young fashion designer who is just starting his career and wants tell as many potential buyers about yourself as possible.

If the showroom belongs to a large factory, it may be called the old term “showroom”. In the last century, the largest clothing manufacturers in the USSR had such sites. Here you can select and order collection supplies for your store. Today, large distributors also open showrooms to sell collections to small shops and retail chains.

Another classification of showrooms according to the items presented:

  • ready-made items;
  • samples from which the collection will be sewn to order.

In the first, things are bought straight from the hangers, you can immediately take them with you or customize them to fit your figure (for example, hem your trousers to length). Secondly, they place an order and then wait for the finished items to be sewn. This is exactly how shop-ateliers that focus on piece goods work. This is how expensive fur coats, wedding dresses, handmade bags and shoes are produced.

How to get to the showroom

There are several types of showrooms:

  • open to retail customers;
  • closed to buyers and wholesalers;
  • available by appointment.

Showrooms that accept visitors by prior arrangement and are aimed at wholesale buyers often employ models and have a podium for displaying collections. It is often impossible to get into the showroom of a particular factory in Europe, since it presents its products through distributors in all countries of its presence.

What are the benefits of showrooms?

In small showrooms that do not require specialized retail space, prices may be lower than market prices. In such places you can find piece goods, brought from Europe or manufactured in quantities of two or three units.

If we talk about small showrooms located in office premises or even in apartments, then a truly select audience gathers here; you can negotiate a discount or have something made to order. It all depends on the degree of familiarity with the owner of the showroom. Such mini-stores are not typical for Europe; there are more of them in Russia, Ukraine, and the Baltic countries.

In large showrooms, the benefit lies in convenient conditions for getting acquainted with the collection, the ability to create an order according to individual requirements and a small concession in price, which is created due to the absence of the need to keep a large staff in the showroom.