Steve Jobs - Founder of Apple. Apple founder Steve Jobs: a brief history of personality Steve Jobs where he was born

Steve Jobs is an American entrepreneur, inventor, and industrial designer who is widely recognized as a pioneer of the information technology era.

Jobs gained the greatest fame as one of the founders of the Apple corporation and the Pixar film studio. Many consider him a true revolutionary in the field of mobile gadgets, as well as a brilliant marketer.

Education and first job

In 1972, Jobs entered Reed College in Portland, but was expelled after six months. This was due to the overly expensive education, which turned out to be unaffordable for his parents.

After leaving Reed College, Steve began to become seriously interested in Eastern spiritual practices. In addition, he refused to eat meat and repeatedly experimented with fasting.

An interesting fact is that Jobs liked to spend his free time with hippies, listening to The Beatles, who were at the peak of their popularity, with them.

In 1975, Jobs set about improving the circuitry for a video game. He had to upgrade the board, minimizing the number of chips located on it.

Atari paid $100 for the removal of each chip. But since Steve had little understanding of electronic circuit design, he was forced to turn to Wozniak.

As a rule, it took more than one month to complete such work, but he convinced his friend to complete the task in 4 days. As a result, after 4 days of intensive work, Wozniak was able to optimize the board for the game.

For such an outstanding result, the company paid Jobs $5,000, but he told his friend that he received only $700, after which he divided this amount in half.

Thus, he had quite a lot of money in his hands, which allowed him to quit his job.

Jobs's career

When Steve Jobs turned 20, he first saw Wozniak’s computer, which he created with his own hands. Then the friends seriously thought about selling such equipment.

However, this required start-up capital. By selling some personal items, they were able to save $1,300.

After that, the guys found a customer willing to buy as many as 50 computers from them. To complete such an order, they had to take out a loan, because they needed to purchase a lot of materials.

After 10 days, the inventors managed to sell some of the computers, which they decided to call “Apple 1”. The price of each of them was $666.

At the same time, IBM began mass production of computers. Then Jobs thought about how to get ahead of his competitor and emerge victorious in this difficult race.

Millionaire at 25

By that time, Wozniak was able to improve his PC, as a result of which Apple 2 was released. This model was faster and had a better design.

As a result, Apple technology began to spread throughout the world, and the number of their computers exceeded 5 million copies. This event became one of the most significant in the biography of Steve Jobs.

At the age of 25, he and his friend Steve Wozniak became millionaires.

The inventors did not stop at the achieved results, but on the contrary continued to modernize their products.

Soon a new PC "Lisa" appeared, which Steve named after his daughter.

Later, his colleagues Mark Marculla, who invested more than $250,000 in Apple, and Scott Forstall reorganized the company and decided to remove Jobs.


After his dismissal, he began collaborating with Jeff Raskin. Together with him, he wanted to create a portable machine that would be small in size and could fit into a small suitcase. This device was later called the "Macintosh".

It is worth noting that conflicts often arose between Jobs and Raskin, since Jobs was already a very demanding and principled boss.

As a result, Raskin was fired, and later, due to disagreements, John Sculley and Wozniak also quit.


After this, Jobs formed the hardware company NeXT.

In 1986, he became the head of the Pixar animation studio, which produced many popular cartoons.

Soon Apple announced that it would buy NeXT for $427 million. The deal was completed in late 1996, and Jobs was introduced to the Apple team as "adviser to the chairman."

Return to Apple

The company immediately began to feel movement: production was reduced, followed by a series of personnel changes and reshuffles.

It became clear that Jobs would try to regain Apple, although he called himself only a “consultant” and in every possible way denied claims to power, citing his employment at Pixar and the need to devote more time to his family.

At the same time, Jobs quickly managed to bring people loyal to him to key positions in the company and acquired a clear reputation: he became an eminence grise at Apple.

A short time later, he received the position of manager of Apple, joining the board of directors. An interesting fact is that in 2000 Jobs was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the director with the smallest salary - $1 per year.

In 2001, Jobs introduced the world to an MP3 player called the iPod, which gained incredible popularity. The player had unique technical characteristics, excellent design and a large amount of memory.

After this, a series of striking events related to innovative developments occurred in the biography of Steve Jobs.

Apple introduced the Apple TV media player, and soon the iPhone touchscreen phone went on sale. Less than a year later, the company developed the thinnest laptop ever, the MacBook Air.

Jobs' genius

Researchers have always been interested in the question of why Apple products have long held leading positions in the global electronics market, leaving all competitors far behind.

When answering this question, it is impossible not to admit that this was only possible thanks to Steve Jobs.

Jobs attached great importance to the appearance and interface of his devices. Apple products were one of a kind and could not be confused with any other brand.

Steve always thought several steps ahead and tried to anticipate the desires of the consumer. It is worth noting that he often used other people’s developments, which he brought to perfection before implementation.

You can recall one interesting fact from the biography of Steve Jobs, which fully reveals his talent as a marketer. In 2010, they introduced the iPad tablet as a full-fledged alternative to a laptop.

However, the public showed little interest in the gadget. The situation was further complicated by the fact that he actively advertised his netbooks, claiming that the future lay behind them.

This is where Jobs's oratorical talent showed itself. He described the iPad so masterfully that he literally forced people to buy it.

As a result, in just one year, more than 15 million people purchased the tablet, which was almost a record figure in the world.

Personal life

At the age of 17, Steve Jobs met Chris Ann Brennan, who was a hippie. Together they mastered various eastern practices and also hitchhiked.

In 1978, their girl Lisa was born. An interesting fact is that Jobs initially categorically denied his paternity, stating that Chris was not only dating him. As a result of legal proceedings and a genetic test, it turned out that he was the father.

When Lisa grew up, Steve got along quite well with her, and recalled the story of denying his paternity with annoyance:

“I shouldn’t have behaved like that. Then I did not imagine myself as a father and was not ready for it. If I could change everything now, I would, of course, behave better.”

In 1982, Steve began an affair with artist Joan Baez, but their relationship ended after 3 years.

After that, he met Tina Redse, with whom he fell in love at first sight. At that time, she worked as a computer consultant, and most importantly, she was also interested in the hippie subculture.

Feelings arose between them, but things never came to a wedding. When Steve Jobs proposed to her, Tina turned him down and their relationship ended.

In 1989, Jobs met and began dating Lauren Powell, who was a bank employee. A year later they decided to get married. Later they had a boy, Reed (1991), and two girls, Erin (1995) and Eve (1998).

Death of Jobs

In October 2003, Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The doctors unequivocally insisted on urgently operating on him.

However, he refused surgery for 9 months, preferring to use unconventional methods. Subsequently, he very much regretted it.

He gave his last speech on June 6, 2011, and on August 24 he announced his resignation as CEO of Apple.

Fully concentrating on the fight against the terrible disease, he used various treatment methods, but he was never able to defeat the disease.

Some researchers call Jobs “the greatest entrepreneur of our time,” and put him on a par with such personalities as Thomas Edison and.

Jobs statue in Graphisoft Park in Budapest

In 2013, the film “Jobs: Empire of Seduction” was shot, based on facts from his biography.

In 2011, Graphisoft unveiled the world's first bronze statue of Steve Jobs in Budapest, hailing him as one of the greatest figures of our time.

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A year ago, on October 5, 2011, at the age of 56, the American engineer and entrepreneur, co-founder of Apple Inc. Stephen (Steve) Paul Jobs died.

Steven Paul Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco (USA).

Steve's parents, American Joanne Schieble and Syrian Abdulfattah John Jandali, abandoned the child a week after his birth. The boy's adoptive parents were Paul and Clara Jobs. Clara worked as an accountant, and Paul Jobs was a mechanic.

Steven Jobs spent his childhood and youth in Mountain View, California, where the family moved when he was five years old.

While studying at school, Jobs became interested in electronics and attended the Hewlett-Packard Explorers Club.

The young man attracted the attention of the president of Hewlett-Packard and was invited to work during the summer holidays. At the same time, he met with his future colleague at Apple, Stephen Wozniak.

In 1972, Jobs entered Reed College in Portland (Oregon), which, however, dropped out after the first semester, but stayed in friends' rooms in the college dorm for about a year and a half. I took calligraphy courses.

In 1974, he returned to California and got a job as a technician at Atari, a computer games company. After working for several months, Jobs left his job and went to India.

In early 1975, he returned to the United States and was rehired by Atari. Together with Steve Wozniak, who worked at Hewlett-Packard, Jobs began visiting The Homebrew Computer Club, where he gave a presentation of the computer board that Wozniak had assembled, the prototype of the Apple I computer.

On April 1, 1976, Jobs and Wozniak founded Apple Computer Co., which was officially incorporated in 1977. The roles of the participants were distributed as follows: Steve Wozniak began developing a new computer, and Jobs looked for customers, selected employees and materials necessary for the work.

The new company's first product was the Apple I computer, which cost $666.66. A total of 600 of these machines were sold. The advent of the Apple II computer made Apple a key player in the personal computer market. The company began to grow and in 1980 became a joint stock company. Steve Jobs became chairman of the company's board of directors.

In 1985, internal problems led to a reorganization of the company and Jobs' resignation.

Together with five former employees of the company, Jobs founded a new company, NeXT, engaged in the development of hardware and software.

In 1986, Steven Jobs acquired a computer animation research company. The company later received the name Pixar Animation Studios (Pixar animation studio). Under Jobs' leadership, Pixar released films such as Toy Story and Monsters, Inc.

In late 1996, Apple, struggling and in need of a new strategy, acquired NeXT. Jobs became an advisor to Apple's chairman and, in 1997, Apple's interim chief executive.

To improve the health of Apple, Steven Jobs closed several unprofitable projects of the company, such as Apple Newton, Cyberdog and OpenDoc. In 1998, the iMac personal computer was released, with the advent of which the growth in sales of Apple computers began to increase.

Under his leadership, the company developed and launched such hit products as the iPod (2001), iPhone (2007) and iPad (2010).

In 2006, Steve Jobs sold Pixar to Walt Disney Studios, and he himself remained on the board of directors of Pixar and at the same time became the largest individual shareholder of Disney, receiving 7% of the studio's shares.

In 2003, it became known that Jobs was seriously ill - he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. In 2004, he underwent surgery, during which metastases were discovered in the liver. Jobs underwent chemotherapy. By 2008, the disease began to progress. In January 2009, Jobs went on six months of medical leave. He underwent a liver transplant operation. After surgery and a rehabilitation period, Jobs returned to work in September 2009, but by the end of 2010 his health had deteriorated. In January 2011, he went on indefinite leave.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Steve Jobs was born in 1955. It happened on February 24 in the sun-kissed state of California. The biological parents of the future genius were still very young students, for whom the child was so burdensome that they decided to abandon him. As a result, the boy ended up in a family of office workers named Jobs.

Steve grew up in the computer technology field from an early age. The boy felt at home. A common sight in this developing area were garages filled to the brim with all sorts of appliances. This specific environment determined the fact that Steve Jobs, from a young age, had a genuine interest in progress in general and technological innovations in particular.

Soon the boy had a bosom friend - Steve Wozniak. Even the five-year age difference did not interfere with their communication.


After graduating from school, the young man decided to apply to Reed College (Portland, Oregon). Studying at this educational institution cost a lot of money. However, upon adoption, the Jobs promised the boy's biological parents that he would receive a decent education. Steve only lasted one semester in college. Further study in a prestigious place with major classmates was not at all interesting to the computer genius.

Unexpected development of events

The young man begins to look for himself, his purpose in this world. The story of Steve Jobs is turning in a new direction. He becomes infected with the free ideas of hippies and becomes fascinated by the mystical teachings of the East. At nineteen, Steve goes to distant India in the company of Jobs, hoping to find himself on the other side of the planet.

Return to native shores

In his native California, the young man began working on computer boards. Steve Wozniak helped him with this. My friends really liked the idea of ​​creating a home computer. This was the impetus for the emergence of Apple Computer.

The future legendary company developed in Jobs' garage. It was this unprepossessing room that became the springboard for the development of new motherboards. Ideas for promoting products in nearby specialized stores were also born there. At the same time, Wozniak was thinking about an improved version of the first version of the PC. In 1997, the innovative development created a real sensation. The Apple II computer was a unique gadget that had no equal at that time. This was followed by numerous contracts, mutually beneficial cooperation with different companies and, of course, the development of new computer products.

By the age of twenty-five, Steve Jobs already owned a fortune of two hundred million dollars. It was 1980...

Life's work is under threat

Danger loomed on the horizon already in 1981, when the industrial giant IBM took on the development of the computer market. If Steve Jobs had sat idly by, he would have lost his leadership position in just a few years. Naturally, the young man did not want to lose his business. He accepted the challenge. At that time, the Apple III was already on sale. The company enthusiastically began a new project called Lisa, the idea of ​​which belonged to Jobs. For the first time, instead of the now familiar command line, users were faced with a graphical interface.

Macintosh time

Much to Steve's disappointment, his colleagues removed him from his work on the Lisa project. The reason for this was the raging emotions of the computer genius, because Lisa is not just the name of the project, but the name of the daughter of Jobs’ former lover. In an effort to take revenge on his offenders, he decided to create a simple, inexpensive computer. The Macintosh project debuted in 1984. Unfortunately, a few months after its release, the Macintosh began to rapidly lose ground.

The company's management noted that Jobs' conflicting behavior jeopardizes the entire business. By decision of the board of directors, he was deprived of all leadership functions. Thus, the rebellious qualities of Steve Jobs played a cruel joke on him - he became just a formal co-founder of his brainchild.

New turn

In an effort to find a way to realize his ideas, Steve bought a promising project in the field of computer graphics. This was the beginning of Pixar. However, for the time being, this initiative was forgotten. The reason was NeXT. The author of this idea was, of course, Steve Jobs himself.

The Apple Empire is Reborn

By 1998, Jobs's first creation was suffocating in a sea of ​​competitors. Steve's return to the company allowed Apple to begin to restore its position in the computer market. For this, the genius of his craft needed only six months.

iPod enters the arena

Apple experienced great success after the appearance of the MP3 music player. Its release was timed to coincide with the year 2001. Users were simply crazy about the attractive, streamlined design, the thoughtful interface, fast synchronization with the iTunes application and the unique circular joystick.

Revolutionary step: the merger of Disney and Pixar

It is noteworthy that the iPod had a significant impact not only on the world of music, but also on the development of Pixar. By 2003, she already had several super-popular animated hits in her baggage - “Finding Nemo,” “Toy Story” (two parts) and “Monsters, Inc.” All of them were carried out in collaboration with Disney. In October 2005, the process of merging the two giants began. Cooperation brought them incredible income.

And again Apple

2006 was a very important year for the company. Sales were growing. It seemed that things couldn't get any better. However, the debut of iPone in 2007 cannot be compared with any previous event in the entire period of the company's existence. Steve Jobs' new creation was not just a bestseller, it represented a fundamental innovation in the world of communications. The iPhone conquered the mobile gadget market once and for all, leaving all Apple's competitors behind in one fell swoop. The sensational novelty was followed by a contract with AT&T for the provision of subscriber services.

The iPhone triumphantly entered the history of technological development of mankind. This gadget is equipped with the functions of a player, computer and mobile phone. Jobs' unique project is the first converged mobile product in the world.

The aforementioned 2007 became a landmark year for the company for another reason: according to Steve’s instructions, Apple was renamed Apple Inc. This meant the demise of the local computer company and the formation of a new IT giant.

Sunset star named Steve Jobs

Young programmers knew the quotes by heart (the phrase “Think different” alone became millions), sales of products brought excellent income - it seemed that nothing could disrupt Jobs’ plans... The news of his serious illness amazed everyone. A malignant tumor in the pancreas was discovered back in 2003. Then it could still be removed without any special consequences, but Steve decided to seek healing in spiritual practices. He completely abandoned traditional medicine, went on a strict diet and constantly meditated. A year later, Jobs admitted that all these attempts to overcome the disease were futile. He underwent surgery to remove the tumor, but the moment was irretrievably lost. In 2007, only the lazy did not discuss the fact that Steve was slowly dying. The deterioration of the condition was eloquently confirmed by the significant weight loss discussed in many media.

In 2009, Jobs was forced to take leave to go back to the operating table. This time he needed a liver transplant.

In 2010, it seemed that Steve was able to fight the disease. He presented another super development - a tablet on the iOS platform, and in March 2011 - iPadII. However, the computer genius was rapidly losing strength: he appeared less and less at corporate events. Steve resigned in August of that year. He recommended Tim Cook to take his place.

On October 5th, Steve Jobs died. This is an irreparable loss for the entire world community.

Perhaps, today the majority of people, when it comes to an apple, will first of all think not about the fruit, but about the largest corporation, a well-known brand, a technology giant - the Apple Corporation.

Yes, indeed, it is true; people who do not know about the existence of the products of this American company and do not dream of a laptop, tablet or smartphone made by Apple probably no longer exist today.

But the history of the modern giant began with an ordinary garage and with founder of Apple, a simple guy Steve Jobs.

Steve's childhood and adolescence

Steve was born in 1955, and his parents were students who were not even married. Considering life's difficulties, problems with parents and many other factors, the biological parents were forced to give the boy up for adoption. This is how the future billionaire ended up in the family of Paul and Carla Jobs, people whom in the future he called his real parents.

It was Paul who introduced his son to the basics of electronics as a child, which greatly attracted the boy and gave him his main hobby and passion for his entire subsequent life.

Jobs almost skipped elementary school due to his extraordinary knowledge. And thanks to an offer from the director, I skipped several grades, going straight to high school.

Friendship with Steve Wozniak

At the age of fifteen, Steve developed a friendship with one of his classmates at his new school, whose name was Bill Fernandez. He, like Steve, was interested in electronics, but that was not why this meeting became such a significant moment. Bill had a friend who was almost more passionate about technology and innovation than Jobs himself. And it was Steve Wozniak. Over time, Bill introduced the two namesakes and this subsequently made them best friends.

iOS from Apple is


Crucial moment

In 1971, a turning point occurred in Jobs' life, which made him understand that electronics could bring in quite serious money without simply being a kind of hobby, a hobby.

All this happened because of a very interesting story, which, by the way, became the first business project of the two Steves. Then the guys were able to invent the so-called “Blue Box”, which imitated the sounds of a payphone tone. Thanks to the use of the product, it was possible to make completely free calls from payphones anywhere in the world.

The guys very quickly realized that they could make good money with such a device and soon began selling them to their peers for $150.

A year later, Jobs entered Reed College, where he met Daniel Kotke. The Apple founder dropped out of college six months later, but Daniel remained his best friend along with Wozniak.

Apple I

In 1975, Wozniak created the “Homemade Computers” club, where meetings were held for everyone. Soon Steve joined in. Over time, such meetings resulted in the creation of the first Apple computer of its kind.

The presentation of this computer was carried out already when the club was significantly expanded, and even moved its meetings to university premises. After the presentation, the person interested in purchasing the computer was Paul Terrell, who offered Jobs one of the main and first deals in his life: he immediately requested 50 of these fully equipped computers, for which the entrepreneur was ready to pay $500.

Work on computers was carried out in the garage of the Jobs family, and all available forces and acquaintances were involved in it. Daniel and the two Steves worked around the clock to build the computers to complete the order within a month.

The completed order was successfully delivered, and with the money saved, the guys assembled a new batch of computers. It was a success that eventually led to the creation of the Apple Corporation.

Thus began the story of such an influential person who will forever remain in the history of not only the industry of innovation and technology, but also of all humanity.

Celebrity biographies


24.02.16 10:02

During his lifetime, his name became a household name, and after the untimely death of Steve Jobs, the biography of this genius became a tasty morsel for screenwriters: two full-length films have already been made about him. Moreover, the title role in Danny Boyle’s biopic “Steve Jobs” brought Michael Fassbender an Oscar nomination. However, we are not talking about cinema at all! It is very difficult to present a detailed biography of Steve Jobs and talk about his personal history in one article, so we will highlight the main milestones in the life of this iconic person.

Biography of Steve Jobs

Unwanted child

From the very first days of his life, Steve was “not like everyone else.” It was the fruit of the passion of a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin with German roots, Joanna Schieble, and a Syrian, Abdulfattah Jandali, who worked at the department. Catholic Joan was unable to have an abortion, just as she was unable to keep the child: her parents were categorically against it. Much later (31 years later), Steve, who suffered from the fact that his mother abandoned him, found his biological family and maintained contact with his relatives.

In the meantime, the baby, born on February 24, 1955, was adopted by the childless Jobs family. Californians Paul and his wife (Armenian by nationality) Clara named the boy Stephen Paul. They were quite simple people - a mechanic and an accountant, but Steve grew up as a young inventor. He didn’t get along very well with his peers, but he was on friendly terms with technology.

Fateful acquaintance

One day, while carrying out an assignment for a research group organized by the Hewlett-Packard company, Jobs realized that there were not enough parts for his frequency counter. Without thinking for a long time, he called the head of the company, William Hewlett, not at work, but at home. He was imbued with the tenacity and intelligence of a 13-year-old teenager, shared the necessary details and invited him to work at Hewlett-Packard during the holidays. A fateful meeting took place there - with an older guy, Stephen Wozniak, Jobs' future companion.

Steve didn’t have a good time studying in college - after the first semester, he left Reed College (it was too expensive for his parents to pay for him, and Jobs decided not to strain them). But during this semester, Steve managed to make friends with some students, switched to a vegetarian diet and became interested in Eastern philosophy. He lived with his friends in Portland for almost a whole year, doing odd jobs.

The biography of Steve Jobs continued in the Atari company: by that time he had returned to his native California, it was necessary to decide on a profession. The work of a technician did not really appeal to him, so he took a break for the sake of a pilgrimage to India. It was a time of experimentation - Jobs took stimulants (including LSD), did therapeutic fasting, and became a hippie. After a seven-month journey, he found himself back at Atari.

During this period there is a funny story that surfaced after Jobs gained worldwide fame. He involved his friend Wozniak in one of the Atari projects: it was necessary to minimize the number of chips on the board for a video game, and a bonus was awarded for savings. Wozniak met 44 chips and received half the payment - $350. Years later, it turned out that Steve had deceived his partner - in fact, he was paid not $700, but $5,000 (each part cost $100).

Own business: ambitious partners without a penny

Jobs soon said goodbye to his previous job - Wozniak persuaded his friend to start creating homemade computers for sale (Stephen had already made one for himself). They started with printed circuit boards and then moved into PC assembly. In 1976, the two Steves, taking engineer Ronald Wayne as their third partner, registered the company Apple Computer Co. The starting capital was $1,300 (Jobs donated a minibus, and Wozniak donated a programmable calculator). However, Wayne soon left the company.

The name (both for the company and for the computers) “Apple” was suggested by Steve, probably due to the fact that he had recently lived in a hippie commune, worked there as an apple picker and was on an apple diet. The friends' first customer was a small electronics store. For the trial batch (50 computers at $666.66 per unit), they took out components on credit. Soon the order was ready. Also in 1976, a computer for mass production was born.

Young millionaire

When Wozniak designed the “Apple II” model, a logo was developed and an advertising campaign for the new product was agreed upon, which the partners sold in an unprecedented “circulation”: 5 million. Thus, 25-year-old Jobs became rich (his fortune exceeded a million dollars).

The next stage of the corporation was the invention of a computer with an interface in which commands were given by a cursor. A model was in development, named after Jobs' daughter "Lisa". But friction arose in the company, and as a result, Steve became the head of another project - Macintosh, which later became a very popular PC in the electronics market. At the same time, Jobs managed to lure talented marketer John Sculley from Pepsi-Cola Corporation. He eventually headed Apple, but they never worked out with Steve. This was the reason Jobs left the company. Following him, in 1985, Wozniak left Apple.

Head of an animation studio

Jobs, of course, found something to his liking: first he organized the NeXT corporation (it produced hardware), and then, in 1986, he headed the Pixar studio, a pioneer of computer animation (its founder in the late 1970s was George Lucas). The studio cost Jobs $5 million: Lucas was in a difficult situation (he was divorcing his wife) and needed money. It was at this studio that the cult Toy Story franchise, the animated masterpieces Monsters, Inc., Finding Nemo and others were born. The box office receipts for these films were simply insane.

Latest successful projects

Ten years later, Steve sold Pixar to the Walt Disney Company, but retained his seat on the board of directors. At that time, he already held the post of executive director of Apple: the “prodigal son” (no, rather the founding father) was back!

He was always a genius of presentation - an excellent speaker who could win over any, even the most distrustful, audience to his side. So in 2001, Steve himself held a presentation of the IPOD player, the mass production of which brought sky-high profits. In 2007, a similar revolution was made by the iPhone mobile phone.

Personal life of Steve Jobs

Stormy romances: from hippies to respectable businessman

Steve's first strong passion was a free-spirited girl, Chris Ann Brennan, with whom he ran away from his parents before graduating from school and spent some time hipping in the mountains. Then he was only 17 years old. The affair lasted several years, and in 1978, Brennan gave birth to a child from Jobs, Lisa.

For a long time he did not want to admit paternity - they say that Chris dated other guys. And only years later, after a DNA test, he began to communicate with his daughter.

When Apple Computer Co.'s business took off, Steve Jobs's personal life also changed. He had to live up to the image of a businessman, so the hippie period was over. He became close to the beautiful advertising woman Barbara Jasinski. An organized life, an elegant mansion - all this lasted until 1982.

A brief affair with Joan Baez flattered Steve. The ex-lover of Bob Dylan, herself a famous country singer, she was 14 years older than Jobs and raised a son.

The relationship between Steve and another IT worker, Tina Redse, lasted almost four years. He considered the girl the most beautiful on earth and called her his first true love. True, the obstinate Tina refused the marriage proposal that followed in 1989, and Steve backed down.

20 year marriage and three children

Steve was married only once. He met bank employee Lauren Powell in the fall of 1989 - she healed the wounds inflicted by Tina. At the beginning of the next year, an engagement took place, but then Steve became too carried away with new projects, and Lauren, unable to bear it, left. The disagreement was short-lived - a month later the groom gave the bride a ring, then they spent a vacation in Hawaii. And on March 18, 1991, a wedding ceremony was held in Yosemite Park, conducted by a Soto Zen monk.

Lauren radically changed the personal life of Steve Jobs, became his “guiding star” and gave birth to three children in marriage: the eldest Reed (in the fall of 1991) and daughters Erin (in 1995) and Eve (in 1998). Jobs had no time for his offspring - he remained full of ideas until the end and brought them to life. Although he loved to talk with his son, and he considered Yves a worthy successor.

He struggled with pancreatic cancer for a very long time; the cancer was discovered in the fall of 2003. Steve delayed the operation and resorted to unconventional treatment. If not for this, the untimely end probably could have been avoided. But cancer still won - the IT genius, who adored worn jeans and black turtlenecks, passed away on October 5, 2011.