Presentation on the history of the first Romanovs. First Romanovs (10th grade)

Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov February 7, 1613 Zemsky
Was elected to the throne by the council
Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov. Them
that was the beginning
new dynasty - dynasty
Born July 12, 1596 in
Moscow. Son of boyar Fyodor
Nikitich Romanov, Metropolitan
(later Patriarch Philaret) and
Ksenia Ivanovna Shestova
(later - nun Martha). At
his accession to the throne
turned 16 years old.
Election of Mikhail Fedorovich
the end of the Troubles was put

1613 -1645

Patriarch Filaret

First time on behalf of Mikhail
ruled by the king's mother and boyars
Saltykovs. In 1619 actual
became the ruler of the country
returned from Polish captivity and
father of the king, chosen by the patriarch,
Metropolitan Filaret.
In 1619-1633 It is the patriarch
Filaret actually led
state policy.
Being the parent of Sovereign Filaret
Romanov until the end of his life (1633)
was officially his co-ruler and
officially bore the title of "great
By upbringing and character he was a secular man; in fact
ecclesiastical and theological matters were poorly understood and controversial
questions to the Patriarch of Constantinople.

Estates-representative monarchy

The reign of Mikhail Romanov -
this is the heyday
activities of Zemsky Sobors and
Boyar Duma.
This meant establishing
Russia's estate-representative monarchy,
typical for most
Western European states.
authorities made it legitimate
decisions of the royal authorities and
helped her to establish herself in
in the eyes of the people

Zemsky Sobors

Until 1622, Zemsky Sobors operated almost
continuously as an advisory body for
royal power. They resolve ongoing administrative
and financial issues. The royal power strives
rely on zemstvo councils when conducting
financial events: collection of “five money”,
restoration of the damaged economy, liquidation
consequences of the intervention and prevention of new
aggression from Poland
Zemsky Sobors essentially turned into organs
administrative power, in which great, even
representatives of the nobility played a decisive role and
At the same time, Zemsky Sobors did not limit, but
on the contrary, they strengthened the power of the monarch.

1613 -1645

Alexey Mikhailovich (1645-1676)

Distinguished, like his father, by gentleness,
meekness of character, he could
show temper and
Its essential features were
decorum, meekness, good looks,
mercy, fear of God.
The combination of these features embodied
in his title "The Quietest"
During the reign of Alexei
Mikhailovich had to several
popular uprisings. With him
annexation took place
Left Bank Ukraine.

Strengthening the autocracy

Starting from the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich in
the development of Russian statehood began
absolutist tendencies prevail.
These trends are expressed in
political doctrines about the "enlightened" absolute
monarchy that can best provide
the highest good of all her subjects. Similar
doctrines closely tied economic
and political transformations, suggesting ways to
Instead of the former “sovereign, king and grand duke
of all Rus'" he became the following: by God's grace
great sovereign, king and grand prince of all the Greats
and Little and White Russia autocrat. In the title
the idea of ​​divine origin was emphasized
royal power and its autocratic character.

Cathedral Code of 1649

The Council Code of 1649, which established
socio-economic shifts of the Russian
state, reflected the increased power
autocratic monarch.
Chapters 2 and 3 of the Code established
severe punishment for crimes,
directed against the personality of the king, his
honor, health, for crimes,
committed on the territory of the royal
palace All these crimes
were identified with those introduced for the first time in
the law of the Russian state by the concept
state crime.

Cathedral Code of 1649

The death penalty was established for direct intent (“evil
intent") against the life and health of the king, as well as for
detection of intent against the king and the state (rebellion,
treason, conspiracy).
Chapter 1 is devoted to protecting the interests of the church from “church
rebels", as well as the protection of nobles, even in cases
their murders of slaves and peasants.
On sharp social differentiation and protection
state of interests of the ruling class
evidenced by the difference in fines for “dishonor”:
peasant - 2 rubles, a walking person - 1 ruble, and persons
privileged classes up to 70-100 rubles.

Cathedral Code of 1649

Cathedral Code of 1649
serfdom -
hereditary dependence
peasants, “time work” was cancelled.
summer" to find runaway peasants,
for harboring fugitives
a high fine was imposed.
Landowner peasants were deprived
judicial law
representative offices for
property disputes.

Cathedral Code of 1649

The townspeople population (i.e. townspeople) was attached to
posads and was also subject to state taxes and
taxes. The search for fugitive townspeople was envisaged.
The cathedral code also eliminated the “white
settlements" - urban areas that belonged to secular
landowners or monasteries whose population
was exempted (“whitewashed”) from paying posad taxes
state taxes. On the liquidation of “white settlements”
insisted first of all by the townspeople, who carried more
heavy duties.

Cathedral Code of 1649

The punishment system in the Council Code looked like this:
Death penalty (in 36 cases) - hanging, beheading,
quartering, burning (for religious matters and in relation to
arsonists), as well as “pouring hot iron into the throat” (for
Corporal punishment - divided into self-harm (cutting off
hands for theft, branding, cutting of nostrils, etc.) and painful
(beating with a whip or batogs).
Imprisonment from three days to life imprisonment.
Prison inmates fed themselves at the expense of relatives or alms.
Exile is a punishment for “high-ranking” persons. Was a consequence
“Deprivation of honor,” that is, deprivation of ranks or reduction in rank.
Fines - called "sale"
Confiscation of property
Purposes of punishment: deterrence, punishment and separation of the criminal from
environment (cutting off the nose, branding, cutting off an ear, etc.).

Cathedral Code of 1649

The Council Code of 1649, summarizing and absorbing
yourself prior experience in creating legal
norms, based on:
1. judges;
2. decree books of orders;
3. royal decrees;
4. Duma verdicts;
5. decisions of Zemsky Sobors (most of the articles
was compiled according to the petitions of the cathedral councils);
6. “Stoglav”
7. Lithuanian and Byzantine legislation;
8. New decree articles on “robberies and murders”
(1669), about estates and estates (1677), about
trade (1653 and 1677), which were included in
The Code was already after 1649.

Order of secret affairs.

Evidence of the growing power of the king by the middle of the 17th century
century was the creation of the Order of Secret Affairs. Back in the first
years of reign, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich had with him
several clerks from the order of the Grand Palace for personal
This state at the end of 1654 or at the beginning of 1655 received
a certain organization of the Order of Secret Affairs - personal
office of the king, the body that allows the king to authorize
to do without the most important state issues
Boyar Duma.
The Order of Secret Affairs carried out investigations into
important state affairs. Some
researchers consider it the first
institutionalized intelligence service in Russia. Secret order
affairs was destroyed at the very beginning of Fedor's reign

"Name Decrees"

In legislative practice
activities of the Russian state
the concept of “nominal decree” appeared, i.e.
legislative act given only
tsar, without the participation of the Boyar Duma.
All nominal decrees were of the nature
minor acts of the supreme
management and court.


Changes have also occurred in the organization of local government:
power in the counties was concentrated in the hands of those appointed from the center
Voivode The gradual collapse of the Gubna and Zemstvo begins
reforms of Ivan the Terrible
The local government system also retained a lot of
archaic features. In some places where organs were preserved
local government, a peculiar
dual power, which prevented the execution of managerial
functions. Although, unlike the feeders, the activities
voivode was a service, not a reward, it was not
was paid for by the state. The voivode was supported by
of the local population as feeders in the beginning. XVI century
In 1679 local government finally passed into
a complete department of voivodes sent from Moscow, and all others
local positions, i.e. detectives, provincial elders and
clerks were cancelled.

"Shelves of the new system"

During the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich, the creation of regular
military units (1630s), “regiments of the new order”, rank and file
which consisted of “willing free people” and homeless children
boyars, the officers were foreign military specialists. Under
the end of Michael's reign arose cavalry dragoons
shelves for border protection.
“Regiments of the new system” (more correctly, “regiments of the foreign system”),
military units formed in the 17th century. in Russia according to the model
Western European armies. There were regiments of soldiers,
dragoon and reitar. In peacetime, some of the regiments were disbanded.
At the end of the 17th century. they made up over 1/2 of all troops and at the end of the 17th -
beginning of the 18th century were used to form a regular
Russian army.
Dragoons are a type of cavalry designed to act as
mounted and on foot.
Reitars are a type of cavalry in which the bet was made on
firearms. At the beginning of the 18th century. R. were driven out by dragoons
and horse huntsmen

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Russia during the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov (1613-1645)

Remember under what circumstances Mikhail received power? “The personality of Tsar Michael contributed in the most possible way to strengthening his power: the gentleness, kindness and purity of this sovereign made on the people the most favorable impression for the supreme power, they represented this power in the most favorable way in the eyes of the people...” Soloviev S. M. “We will choose Misha Romanova; he is young and still immature in mind, and we will get along with him” (opinion of the boyars at the Zemsky Council of 1613) Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich

Dual power of the king and the patriarch. From 1619 to 1633, his father, Patriarch Filaret Filaret, became Michael’s de facto co-ruler and received the title “Great Sovereign.” All decrees were signed by two names - the king and the patriarch. Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Patriarch Filaret

Domestic policy of Mikhail Fedorovich Remember what tasks the authorities faced at the beginning of Mikhail’s reign? The main task is to overcome the consequences of the Troubles. Measures: Increasing taxes on plows Introducing emergency levies - five-dollar money Combating robbers Restoring school years Establishing the work of state bodies. administration Strengthening the army - establishing the first regiments of the foreign system Inviting foreigners to Russian service, the emergence of the German Settlement near Moscow Repair of fortresses and fortification systems on the borders (reconstruction of the Great Zasechnaya Line, construction of the Belgorod Zasechnaya Line)

S. Ivanov “Zemsky Sobor in the 17th century.” Domestic policy of Mikhail Fedorovich A distinctive feature of the first period of Mikhail’s reign was the almost continuous meeting of Zemsky Sobors. However, by the end of his reign, Zemsky Sobors began to meet only on the most important occasions (wars, uprisings, etc.) What do these facts indicate? During the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich, the consequences of the Time of Troubles were gradually overcome. The power of the king gradually increased.

Objectives Completion of the war against the invaders Return of lost lands 1632 -1634 - Smolensk War 1617 - Stolbovo Peace 1618 - Deulin Truce Foreign policy of Russia in 1613-1645 Ensuring the security of the southern borders 1637 – 1642 - Azov “seat” of the Don Cossacks

1632 -1634 - Smolensk War The Smolensk War was generally unsuccessful for Russia. The bulk of the Smolensk and Seversk lands remained with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. However, Vladislav IV abandoned his claims to the Russian throne.

1637 – 1642 Azov “seat” of the Cossacks Russia did not yet have the opportunity to wage a big war with the Ottoman Empire, so it was not possible to gain a foothold in the Sea of ​​Azov. The southern borders still remained vulnerable to Crimean raids. Azov

Name, dates Characteristics Domestic policy Foreign policy Mikhail Fedorovich (1613 - 1645) Poorly educated, sickly, calm, merciful. He was under the strong influence of his father, Patriarch Philaret, who was his co-ruler until 1633. Increased taxes on plows. Introduction of emergency fees – five-dollar money. Fight against robbers. Restoration of lesson years. Establishing the work of government bodies. management. Frequent convenings of Zemsky Sobors in the first half of the reign. Establishment of the first regiments of the foreign system. Invitation to the Russian service of foreigners, the emergence of the German Settlement near Moscow Repair of fortresses and fortification systems on the borders (reconstruction of the Big Zasechnaya Line, construction of the Belgorod Zasechnaya Line) 1632-1634 - Smolensk War, 1634 - Peace of Polyanovsky - confirmation of the loss of territories in the west. The Polish king Vladislav renounced his claims to the Russian throne. 1637 - Don Cossacks independently captured the Azov fortress at the mouth of the river. Don. 1642 Zemsky Sobor ordered to leave Azov, because. there were no funds for a major war with the Ottoman Empire. Conclusion During the reign of Michael, the country gradually overcame the crisis caused by the Time of Troubles. The power of the king gradually increased. However, it has not yet been possible to return the lost territories. Russia under the first tsars of the Romanov dynasty

DICTIONARY “Fast summer” is the period during which the owners could bring a claim for the return of runaway peasants to them. Sokha - a certain amount of land from which a unit of land tax was calculated. Five money is an emergency (temporary) tax on property in the amount of 1/5 of annual income. Sloboda is a separate settlement near a fortified city, the population of which was temporarily exempted from state duties (hence the name “sloboda” - freedom, that is, “free settlement”). The German settlement arose northwest of Moscow on the river. Yauze near the Kukuy stream (hence its second name - Kukuy) around the middle of the 17th century.

The Big Belgorod Zasechnaya Line The Big and Belgorod Zazachny Lines are systems of defensive structures that consisted of several dozen fortresses and special lines of fortifications - abatis, consisting of fallen trees (see diagram on the next slide). Besides them in the 17th century. Several more serif lines were built in Russia: Simbirskaya, Syzranskaya, Zakamskaya, Isetskaya.

References Grigoryan V.G., Romanovs. Biographical reference book. – M.: AST, – 507 p. Markova A.N., History of Russia: textbook. manual for universities / A.N. Markova, E.M. Skvortsova, I.A. Andreeva. – M.: UNITY-M25 DANA, – 124 p. Popova T.F., Russian monarchy. Epochs. Events. Fates. – M.: AST, Astrel, – 783 p.

Years of life: years. He was elected to reign by the Zemsky Sobor on February 21 (March 3), 1613, which closed the period of the Time of Troubles. Father Mother Boyarin Fyodor Nikitich Romanov Boyarin Ksenia Ivanovna Romanova

Establishment of strong centralized power throughout the country through the appointment of governors and village elders. Overcoming the severe consequences of the Time of Troubles, restoring normal economy and trade. Reorganization of the army (g.). Creation of regiments of the “new system”: Reitar, Dragoon, Soldier. Founding of the first ironworks near Tula (1632). Foundation of the German Settlement in Moscow, a settlement for foreign engineers and military specialists. In 1637, the period for capturing fugitive peasants was increased to 9 years, and in 1641 by another year. Those exported by other owners were allowed to be searched for up to 15 years.

The wars were stopped: – with Sweden (the Treaty of Stolbov in 1617, according to which the Novgorod lands were returned to Russia); – Deulino truce (1618), and then “eternal peace” with Poland (Polyanovsky peace of 1634). The Polish king renounced his claims to the Russian throne. Relations with foreign powers were resumed.

Years of birth: March 19, January 1676 He was elected to reign by the Zemsky Sobor on July 14, 1645. Father Mother Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov Evdokia Lukyanovna Streshneva

Prohibition for Belomest residents (monasteries and persons in state, military or civil service) to own black, taxable lands and industrial and commercial establishments (shops, etc.) in the suburbs. The final attachment of the tax classes, peasants and townspeople, to their place of residence. The transition was prohibited in 1648 not only to the peasant owners, but also to their children, brothers and nephews. New central institutions were founded, what are the orders: secret affairs (no later than 1658), grain (no later than 1663), reitar (from 1651), accounting affairs (mentioned from 1657), engaged in checking the receipt, expenditure and balances of money , Little Russian (mentioned since 1649), Lithuanian (), monastic ().

At the beginning of 1656 (no later than March 3), due to a lack of funds, copper money was issued. Soon (from 1658) the copper ruble began to be valued at 10, 12, and in the 1660s even 20 and 25 times cheaper than the silver one. The resulting terrible high prices caused a popular revolt (Copper Riot) on July 25, 1662. The rebellion was pacified by the king's promise to punish the perpetrators and the expulsion of the Streltsy army against the rebels. In 1646 and the following years, a census of tax households was carried out with their adult and minor male population, and the above-mentioned unsuccessful attempt was made to introduce a new salt duty. By a decree of April 30, 1653, it was forbidden to collect small customs duties (myt, travel duties and anniversary) or farm them out and was ordered to be included in the ruble duties collected at customs. By decree of June 19, 1667, it was ordered to begin building ships in the village of Dedinovo on the Oka.

The Council Code was compiled and published (printed for the first time on May 720, 1649) and supplemented it in some respects: the new trade charter of 1667, the new decree articles on robbery and murder in 1669, the new decree articles on estates of 1676, the military charter of 1649 .

–Unification of Russia and Ukraine in 1654. -Under Tsar Alexei, the colonization movement to Siberia continued. The following people became famous in this regard: A. Bulygin, O. Stepanov, E. Khabarov and others. –The cities were founded: –Nerchinsk (1658), –Irkutsk (1659), –Selenginsk (1666).

Conclusion The historical merit of the Romanovs lies in the fact that they were able to see the main internal and external problems of Russia and solve them. The most important events that occurred during the reign of the first Romanovs: - the adoption of the first printed law of Russia (the Council Code), - the implementation of church reform, - the reunification of Ukraine and Russia. Thanks to the efforts of Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, by the end of the 17th century. Russia has achieved political stability and a certain economic prosperity. The first Romanovs were able to gain a foothold on the throne and laid the foundation for the second ruling dynasty in Russia - the Romanov dynasty.

Socio-economic and political development of Russia in the 17th century. After the Time of Troubles, Russia went on for almost three decades
recovery process. Only from the middle of the 17th century. V
new, progressive
1) the process of “zoning” is underway - economic
specializations of different regions. In the northwest, in
Novgorod, Pskov, Smolensk lands are cultivated
flax, hemp (hemp) and other industrial crops.
Northeast - Yaroslavl, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod
land - begins to specialize in cattle breeding.
Chernozem regions (their development begins in the 17th century) and
The Volga region grows wheat. Moscow region (incl.
Tula) becomes the center of metallurgy;
2) peasant crafts are developing noticeably: on
in the northwest - weaving, in the northeast - leather. IN
The original Filimonovsky appears in the Tula region
fishing (Filimonovskaya toy).

Socio-economic and political development of Russia in the 17th century.

3) Increasing exchange of agricultural and
commercial products led to the emergence
commodity exchange centers - fairs. Total of them
there were about 80, three of which were
central: Makaryevskaya (Nizhny Novgorod),
Irbitskaya (South Urals) and Svenskaya (near Bryansk).
4) Production becomes “small-scale”
character (sales oriented).
5) Manufactures have become a new phenomenon in the economy -
large production with division of labor, in
mostly manual. Number of manufactories in Russia
XVII century was insignificant. The only industry
in which they arose was metallurgy.
6) The coin system was improved. At
Mikhail Fedorovich with a national coin
became a silver ruble consisting of one hundred kopecks.


The presence of these new trends for Russia
indicates the development in the country
a single all-Russian market, i.e.
global state system
exchange of goods.
Socially, more and more
The nobility becomes a significant force.
Continuing to give land to service people for
service, the government avoided taking them away.
Increasingly, estates are inherited,
those. are becoming more and more like fiefdoms
and a state interested in strengthening
nobility, contributes to this process

The most important events in domestic politics

In 1649, the Council Code was finally
serfdom formalized: search for fugitives
became indefinite.
This enslavement was still formal
character - the state did not have the strength to
really attach the peasantry to the land. Except
Moreover, the Council Code brought even closer
estate and fiefdom.
The authorities have taken measures to maintain trade
estates. In 1653, the Trade Charter was adopted,
established high protectionist

Prerequisites for absolutism

Zemsky Sobors under the son of Michael
Fedorovich Alexei Mikhailovich (1645-1676) cease to be convened. Last
a full-fledged council was convened for
making a decision on Ukraine's accession
to Russia.
The tsarist government takes control of the Boyar Duma
their control by introducing Duma clerks into it and
nobles (up to 30% of the composition), unconditionally
supporting the king.
Thus, a transition begins in Russia
to absolutism, i.e. unlimited power

Equation of boyars with nobles

Proof of the increased strength of royal power and
The weakening of the boyars was abolished in 1682.
localism. The boyars thus lost
class privileges upon appointment to a position
and, in this sense, were equal in rights with
The administrative bureaucracy is strengthening and growing,
served as a support for the king. Order system
becomes bulky and clumsy: by the end of the 17th century.
there were more than 70 orders, some of them
was of a functional nature - Posolsky,
Local, Streletsky, etc., and part
territorial – Siberian, Kazan,
Malorossiysky, etc. An attempt to control her
with the help of the order, the Secret Affairs were not completed

Rapprochement with Western Civilization

In the second half of the 17th century. appear in Russia
regiments of the new formation (infantry) and Reiter regiments
(cavalry), in which those who were “willing” served for a salary
people” are volunteers.
One of the main problems during the reign
Alexei Mikhailovich Quiet (1645-76)
the question arises of overcoming voluntary
international isolation of Russia. The king creates
an island of European life on Lake Kukuy –
German settlement - a colony for emigrants from
However, the expansion of ties with the West is hampered by
church, which, moreover, claims to control
over the state.

Confrontation with the Church

To weaken the influence of the church on society
life and expand ties with the West Alexey
Mikhailovich begins church reform in 1654.
Patriarch Nikon became the main ideologist of the reform.
The reason for reform is the need for correction
church books (translations from Greek beginnings
XI century), in which a mass has accumulated over the centuries
errors. The model for correction was
Greek originals, which in itself
meant the church recognized the possibility
cultural borrowing from Europe.
In addition, there have been minor changes
church rituals: triplicate introduced, allowed
Catholic cross along with Orthodox, etc.

The reform was of enormous importance

The centuries-old spiritual isolation of the Russian began to collapse
Conditions have been created for future global
transformations of society.
The state, having initiated the reform, confirmed
its priority right to manage the company. This
confirmed by the Great Moscow Council of 1666-1667. This
the council, at the insistence of Alexei, dismissed
Nikon, who tried to strengthen his power.
The reform led to the Schism - the division of society into
supporters and opponents of reform (schismatics) in
headed by Archpriest Avvakum.
As a sign of protest, schismatics go to sparsely populated areas
places or commit “gari” - self-immolation. Fight with
schismatics will reach its apogee under Peter I and
will continue until almost the middle of the 19th century.

Russian foreign policy in the 17th century.

In 1632-1634. Russia fought the Smolensk War,
which ended in victory for Poland. Polyanovsky
the peace of 1634 left Smolensk for the Poles. However
less, the war also had a positive meaning -
King of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Vladislav IV refused
claims to the Russian throne.
In 1648, an uprising broke out in Ukraine,
headed by Bohdan Khmelnitsky. Insurrection
began with the victories of the Cossacks over the troops of Rech
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. However, since 1651 the Ukrainian army
begins to suffer defeats. Khmelnitsky
turned to Russia for support. In 1653
Zemsky Sobor in Moscow, and then, in 1654,
The Pereyaslav Rada in Ukraine spoke in favor of
reunification of Ukraine and Russia. After that
another Russian-Polish war began

Ending wars

The first actions of the Russian troops were successful:
in 1654, they returned Smolensk and captured
a significant part of the rebels against the Poles
Belarus. However, without bringing this war to an end,
in 1656 Russia started a new war with Sweden,
trying to break through to the Baltic Sea.
According to the Treaty of Kardis with Sweden (1661) Russia
returned all the Baltic territories to her,
captured during the war. Failed to achieve
complete success in the war with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: according to
Truce of Andrusovo (1667) Russia
received Smolensk, Levoberezhnaya (Eastern)
Ukraine and part of Right Bank Ukraine with Kyiv
and Zaporozhye Sich.

Relations with Turkey

After these wars, relations deteriorated sharply
Russia with the Ottoman Empire claiming
territory of Left Bank Ukraine. In 1677
the united Ottoman-Crimean army besieged
Chigirin is a Russian fortress in Ukraine. In 1678
it was captured, but the siege of Chigirin
weakened the Ottomans and other military actions
they no longer had enough strength. In 1681 in Bakhchisarai
a treaty was signed according to which the Turks recognized
Russia's right to its Ukrainian territories.
Under the same treaty, Russia became a member
Holy League - Union of Austria, Rech
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Venice, created to fight
Ottoman Empire