Leningrad shipyard "Pella". Leningrad shipyard "Pella" (photo)




On January 28, 2015, the tugboat “MB-96” of project PE-65, building No. 507 was launched at JSC “Pella”. Within a year, the vessel will be transferred to the State Customer - the Russian Navy and introduced into the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Federation.
The solemn ceremony of launching the tug was attended by the head of the support vessel detachment - Golod A.V., the captain of the MB-96 vessel S.V. Damchenko, officers of the military unit of the Russian Navy, management and employees of Pella OJSC.
JSC "Pella"

AT OJSC "PELLA" THE TUG "MB-96" PROJECT 02790 (PE-65) was launched


On February 26, 2015, the tugboat “RB-366” of project 90600, building No. 943 was launched
Within a year, the vessel will be transferred to the State Customer - the Russian Navy and introduced into the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Federation.
The solemn ceremony of launching the tug was attended by the adviser to the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation - V.N. Burtsev, the head of the support vessel detachment - A.V. Golod, the group captain of the detachment - A.V. Volchenkov, officers of the military unit of the Russian Navy, management and employees of the JSC "Pella."
The tug was blessed by the minister of the Alexander Nevsky Church, Father Nikolai.


At the naval base of the Black Sea Fleet in Novorossiysk, the state acceptance committee accepted patrol boats of project 03160, building Nos. 701-703, intended for service in the Russian Navy. These boats were built by Pella OJSC.
JSC "Pella"


On March 18, 2015, the tugboat “RB-367” (building No. 627, project 16609) of the 2015 delivery program was launched at Pella OJSC. During the year, the vessel will be transferred to the State Customer - the Russian Navy and commissioned into the Northern Russian Navy.



The State Reception Committee accepted the patrol boat
project 03160 building No. 704 built by Pella OJSC. The boat was delivered to its home base - the port of Kronstadt - and is intended to carry out various operations as part of the Baltic Fleet.


The Pella shipyard has developed a design for a new icebreaker. The icebreaker is designed to escort and support support vessels, as well as to carry out rescue operations. The TundRA 8200 project vessel will have a length of 84 meters and a width of 20 meters. The estimated cruising range is 6,000 miles, and the maximum speed in clear water is 15 knots.
The message notes that the icebreaker is designed to escort and support support vessels and carry out rescue operations. To eliminate oil spills, a mobile OSR system will be installed on the vessel. In addition, the icebreaker will be able to transport special cargo in containers on the upper deck and on standard pallets in the cargo hold.
i-Mash. Mechanical Engineering Resource



The State Acceptance Committee signed the acceptance certificate for the tugboat “RB-365” (project 90600, line no. 942).
In the near future, the ship will be transferred to the Russian Navy and introduced into the Russian Black Sea Fleet.



The Leningrad shipyard "Pella" at the international military-technical forum "Army-2015" for the first time presented projects of an icebreaker and a patrol vessel for the Arctic. "This is a new development, we have not shown them anywhere before," a FlotProm correspondent was told at the company's stand.
If ordered, the vessels can be built at the new plant complex, which was built in the Leningrad region, or at the Pella shipyard in Germany. It is worth noting that the “Arctic vessel” project has space for installing an artillery mount, and according to naval terminology, all armed vessels are called ships.



From July 1 to July 5, 2015, the 7th International Naval Show was held at the Lenexpo exhibition complex, St. Petersburg, in which Pella JSC traditionally took part.
As part of the enterprise’s exposition, in addition to the current line of sea tugs, two new promising projects were presented - the Tundra icebreaker and an Arctic-class patrol vessel. The patrol boat Project 03160 “Raptor” was presented in the waters of the exhibition - by far the fastest and most maneuverable armed boat in Russia.
Representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation visited the enterprise's exposition, and negotiations were held with foreign partners. The stand of Pella OJSC aroused great interest among foreign delegations.
For the best exhibition item and active participation in IMDS-2015, the enterprise was awarded diplomas and a commemorative medal.



On August 8, 2015, at the Pella plant, the multi-purpose rescue tugboat “SB-736” (building number 803) of project 02980 (PS-45) was launched. This is already the third tug of the new project, a series of which is being built by order of the Russian Navy.
After completing the completion work and the necessary sea tests, the SB-736 will be transferred to the Northern Fleet and sent to the port of Severodvinsk for service.

Main technical parameters:
Maximum length 48 m
Maximum width 13m
Draft 5.4 m
Speed ​​14.5 knots
Hook pulling force 80 tons
Displacement 1216t
Power 2×2666 kW



Today it is difficult to see completely new production in shipbuilding; most enterprises in the industry have remained virtually frozen since Soviet times. Only recently has movement begun, money is being allocated, modernization is underway. And when you come to a typical enterprise of the domestic shipbuilding complex, you can observe industrial buildings of different eras, from the “tsarist” time, the Soviet period to new advanced technologies. And now we were able to see a modern shipbuilding complex that meets the most advanced world standards, which was built from scratch - this is the new site of the Leningrad shipbuilding plant "Pella" in Otradny-Saperny.
The new site of the Pella enterprise, which will allow a sharp increase in the output of finished products - ships and vessels, creates the most favorable impressions, here everything is new and harmoniously combined into a production and technological complex, starting from the administrative building with a canteen, utility rooms and, of course, to production workshops . The star of the entire complex is an indoor boathouse with several slipways, where the “birth” of ships and vessels of the modern Russian fleet will take place. Outwardly, it resembles its older brother - the boathouse of the old site of Pella OJSC in Otradnoye, but only externally, in fact, the new place for the construction of ships is many times larger than the old analogue.
The layout of the new compact shipyard can significantly reduce the time spent on logistics - there is a straight-line continuous movement of metal and ship structures, there are no unnecessary transfers of parts from workshop to workshop. The development of the design capacity of the new shipbuilding complex will allow the plant to continue increasing production volumes, which traditionally amount to at least 15% per year. The estimated annual load of the new complex will ultimately amount to 8–10 billion rubles of products per year, which will ensure that the presence of Pella products on the Russian market is at least 20% of the total volume of vessels for similar purposes.
The new complex will create 1,500 new jobs in the region, which is quite important in the conditions of the Leningrad region. The production volume of sea vessels, taking into account the capacity of the new plant complex, will amount to 12 billion rubles. in year. This means that in 5 years from 2013 to 2018, the production output of the Pella plant will increase 3 times.
At the new facilities, the laying of 6 vessel hulls has already been carried out, including the Arctic class, three of which have already been launched.
We can conclude that there is a good future ahead for the “old” shipbuilding enterprise in the Leningrad region.

A.V. Karpenko, VTS “Bastion”, 08/12/2015


From September 22 to 25, 2015, the international exhibition and conference on civil shipbuilding, shipping, port activities and ocean and shelf development “NEVA-2015” will be held in St. Petersburg.
According to established tradition, JSC Leningrad Shipyard Pella takes part in this major event. Presenting the entire range of civil shipbuilding products, the company will focus on the latest projects developed since the last Neva exhibition in 2013.



From September 22 to 25, 2015, the 13th International Exhibition and Conference on Shipbuilding, Shipping, Port Operations and Ocean and Shelf Development - NEVA-2015 was held at the Expoforum Convention and Exhibition Complex, St. Petersburg.
According to established tradition, Pella JSC took part in this one of the largest events in the shipbuilding industry.
The plant presented the entire range of civil shipbuilding products, focusing on the latest projects.
At the stand of Pella JSC, a new promising project was presented - the icebreaker Tundra. This is a powerful, reliable and very compact vessel in its class, designed to operate in difficult ice conditions (with solid ice up to 2 m thick). High maneuverability is ensured by two fully rotating rudder propellers, each with a power of approximately 7 mW. The icebreaker is equipped with a large cargo deck, a cargo crane and two cargo holds. The vessel has a high level of comfort for the crew and special personnel.
The exhibition also presented the plant's serial products: a fishing vessel of the PL -475 project, a sea tug of the PS-60 project, a multi-purpose rescue tug of the PS-45 project, an escort tug of the PE-65 project, highly maneuverable tugs of projects 16609, 90600, RAscal 2000 and pilot boat of project P I 22.
The exposition of the enterprise was visited by representatives of various structures, including representatives of the Federal Agency for Fisheries.
During the exhibition, negotiations were held with potential customers, as well as foreign partners.
JSC "Pella"



As part of the implementation of the state defense order State Defense Order 2016-2018, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and JSC Leningrad Shipyard "Pella" entered into contracts for the supply of high-speed patrol boats of Project 03160 "Raptor" and special purpose raid tugs of Project 16609 in the interests of the Navy.
In accordance with the terms of the contract, more than 10 patrol boats and raid tugs will be built for the Navy by the end of 2018.
Project 03160 Raptor fast patrol boats are coastal zone boats that perform missions during daylight and dark hours. These high-speed boats are used by the Navy to patrol water areas, land landings, and perform search and rescue operations. The maximum speed of the boat reaches 48 knots.
The lead boat of Project 03160 was transferred to the Navy in 2014.
The Project 16609 road tug is designed to perform towing and berthing operations in ports, roadsteads and coastal areas, and conduct escort operations at speeds of up to 10 knots. In addition, the tug is used to refloat ships and vessels, extinguish fires on floating objects and coastal structures, transport cargo, as well as to participate in rescue and special operations.
The lead tug of Project 16609 was transferred to the Navy in 2012.
Directorate of Press Service and Information of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


The ceremonial laying ceremony took place at the new shipbuilding complex of Pella OJSC.
The ceremony was attended by honored guests of the event - Head of the Main Directorate of Deep-Sea Research of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation A.V. Burilichev, commander of military unit 40056-N, captain 1st rank Kapustin I.V., Deputy General Director of OJSC "Corporation "Kometa" D. Litovchenko. Ts., General Director of JSC SPMBM Malakhit Dorofeev V.Yu., Chief Designer of JSC Severnoye PKB Kiselev D.B., Chief Designer of JSC Concern Marine Underwater Weapons - Gidropribor, son of Academician Ageev Mikhail Dmitrievich - Ageev D.M., management and factory workers.
JSC "Pella"



On September 16, 2016, JSC “Pella” launched the tugboat “RB-397” of project 90600, building No. 945. This is the 45th tugboat of project 90600 built, it was built according to the 2016 State Order for the Caspian Flotilla.
The tug will soon undergo all the necessary tests, after which it will be handed over to the State Customer and introduced into the Russian Caspian Fleet.
The plant's management and employees took part in the launching ceremony.
The tugboat was blessed by Father Nikolai, a minister of the Church of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir.
VTS "BASTION", 09/12/2016



On December 6, 2016, the tugboat “RB-2180” (build number 631) of project 16609 was launched at the Pella shipyard.
The ceremony was attended by honored guests of the event - Head of the naval training service for the crews of support vessels of the Navy of the Russian Federation, captain 1st rank Dandamaev A.G., Head of the auxiliary fleet - head of the transport support department of the Western Military District, captain 1st rank Chukhrai A. .A., officers of the Navy, management and employees of Pella OJSC.

The tug is designed to perform towing and berthing operations in ports, roadsteads and coastal areas corresponding to the R2 navigation area (navigation in sea areas with a distance of no more than 100 miles from the place of refuge), refloating ships and vessels, extinguishing fires on floating objects and coastal structures, participation in OSR operations, cargo transportation, ice breaking, as well as for participation in rescue and special operations.
VTS "BASTION", 07.12.2016

LAUNCHING OF TUG RB-2180 PROJECT 16609. 06.12.2016


On December 24, 2016, at the Pella shipbuilding enterprise in St. Petersburg (Otradnoe), a new generation small missile ship (serial number 257) of Project 22800 was laid down for the Russian Navy. By order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Vladimir Korolev, the ship was given the name “ Storm".
The event was attended by Chief of the Main Staff of the Navy Vice Admiral Andrei Volozhinsky, Deputy Head of the Navy Shipbuilding Department Mikhail Krasnopeev, Chief Designer of Project 22800 Dmitry Tsymlyakov, Director of the new Pella shipbuilding complex Oleg Kononov, Deputy General Director of Pella Sergei Kukhtik.
“It is impossible to underestimate the importance of this ship for the Navy. The experience of building small missile ships is the experience of the mature shipbuilding of the Soviet Union, the cost-to-efficiency ratio on these ships was achieved to the maximum, said Chief of the Main Staff of the Navy, Vice Admiral Andrei Volozhinsky after the laying ceremony. “Such ships, recently tested in combat conditions, have proven their effectiveness in the Mediterranean Sea. The arrival of such ships is a long-awaited event; the fleet needs them.”
As Volozhinsky explained, ships of this class were in all fleets, their divisions were always called “bad weather” divisions, and the tradition of naming ships in honor of those who served their time with dignity and completed the task was preserved. The lead ship of the series of small missile ships of Project 1234 of the Soviet Navy was called exactly that - “Storm”.
It was also noted that the idea of ​​​​using warships of this class - small missile ships - was approved by the Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Navy, Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Sergei Gorshkov.
Designed by the Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau, Project 22800 MRKs will have a displacement of about 800 tons and a speed of over 30 knots. Small missile ships will be equipped with a complex of high-precision missile weapons of the Kalibr-NK type and modern artillery systems. Among the advantages of these ships are high maneuverability, increased seaworthiness, as well as superstructure and hull architecture made using low-reflectivity technologies. The ships will be able to carry out tasks in the sea zone at a distance of about 3,000 miles from bases.
At the Pella enterprise, three new-generation small missiles are already at various stages of construction - Hurricane, Typhoon and Shkval.
It is interesting to note that on the laid down ship “Burya”, on the superstructure in the stern, instead of 30-mm artillery machine guns of the AK-630M type, it is planned to install the “Pantsir” SAM system, this is clearly visible on the laying board and poster.
18 small missile ships of the new generation of Project 22800 will be built for the Russian Navy until 2022, said Vice Admiral Andrei Volozhinsky, Chief of the Main Staff of the Navy.
The construction of Project 22800 small missile ships is carried out in accordance with the State Military Shipbuilding Program with the aim of updating the surface component of the Navy.
VTS "BASTION", 12/24/2016



On May 26, 2017, the launching ceremony of the tugboat RB-393 (serial number 946) of project 90600, the next in a series of vessels of this project, took place.
The honorary guests of the ceremony were Advisor to the NK Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation T.A. Sukhova, Chief Inspector of the Auxiliary Fleet Service of the Department of Transport Support of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Captain 2nd Rank A.S. Kostenko, group captain 2 grso 668 oso LenVMB A.V. Volchenkov, enterprise management and factory workers. After completion of all necessary tests, the tug is planned to be handed over to the Customer in July.
According to tradition, the tug was blessed by Father Nikolai, a priest of the Church of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir.
The godmother of the ship is the president of the Ship of Hope charity foundation, Natalya Aleksandrovna Serdtseva.
The tug is designed to perform towing and berthing operations in ports, roadsteads and coastal areas corresponding to the R3 navigation area, refloating ships and vessels, extinguishing fires on floating objects and coastal structures, participating in OSR operations, transporting cargo, and washing out ice.
VTS "BASTION", 05/26/2017


The Leningrad shipyard "Pella" was visited by Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Rogozin.
During his acquaintance with the enterprise, which occupies a leading position in the towing market, the distinguished guest was accompanied by the Governor of the Leningrad Region, Alexander Drozdenko.
Pella's management demonstrated a new hydraulic channel and a wedge-shaped platform for launching ships, an outfitting embankment with workshops for finishing work. Dmitry Rogozin also assessed the progress of the construction of small missile boats and the special vessel “Garage” for the Russian Ministry of Defense.
“The Leningrad region is proud that the region produces vessels for both civil and military purposes. We continue the shipbuilding traditions laid down by Peter I when creating the Baltic Fleet at the shipyards of Lodeynoye Pole,” Governor Alexander Drozdenko emphasized.
Press service of the governor and government of the Leningrad region


On the eve of the Navy Day, a solemn ceremony of launching the lead small missile ship "Uragan" of project 22800, building No. 251 took place at the new shipbuilding complex of Pella JSC. The keel of the ship was carried out on December 24, 2015.
The participation of the Admiralty Orchestra in the ceremony emphasized the solemnity of the event.
The honorary participants of the event were:
— Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Yuri Borisov;
— Head of the Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the provision of state defense orders, Rear Admiral Andrei Vernigora;
— Head of the Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for Providing State Defense Orders Pavel Pechkovsky;
— Head of the Navy Shipbuilding Department, Rear Admiral Vladimir Tryapichnikov;
— Chief Advisor to the USC President for Military Shipbuilding Viktor Chirkov;
- Commander of the small rocket ship "Uragan", Lieutenant Commander Azimov Adil Ilgar-Ogly;
— General Director of OJSC “Pella” Herbert Tsaturov;
— General Director of Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau JSC Alexander Shlyakhtenko;
- representatives of the management of JSC Concern Morinformsystem-Agat, JSC NPK Zvezda, PJSC Zvezda, JSC GOZ Obukhov Plant, JSC Zelenodolsk Plant named after A.M. Gorky, JSC Instrument Design Bureau named after. Academician A.G. Shipunov", officers of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Main Command of the Navy, management and representatives of Sberbank PJSC, management and factory workers.
Alexandra Yakovleva, an employee of the construction department of Pella OJSC, became the godmother of the lead small project of the Hurricane ship.
The small missile ship is designed to conduct combat operations in the near sea zone and participate in carrying out missions in peacetime and wartime independently and in cooperation.


As the TASS agency reported on September 7, 2017, the Administration of the Primorsky Territory and the Pella shipyard (Leningrad region) signed an agreement of intent at the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) in Vladivostok, according to which the shipyard plans to build a compact shipyard in the region for serial production of resource-saving high-tech fishing vessels up to 80 meters long. This was reported by the press service of the Primorye Administration.
“We built the same plant in St. Petersburg in 2015, and in 1.5 years of work, five vessels were manufactured, four of them have already been launched. Among our customers there are also Far Eastern companies, which is why we decided to organize the same production in Primorye. It is expected that the plant will be able to reach full capacity within two years,” the statement quotes the words of the plant’s general director, Herbert Tsaturov.
The project is supposed to be implemented on the territory of the free port of Vladivostok using the tax preferences that this regime provides. Production will be opened on the basis of the existing Slavyansk shipyard.


On November 2, 2017, at JSC Pella, the raid tugboat “RB-2186” of project 16609, line No. 633, included in the delivery program for 2018, was launched.
After passing all the necessary tests, the tug will be handed over to the State Customer and entered into the Russian Pacific Fleet.
The ceremony was attended by: Head of the Auxiliary Fleet - Head of the Transport Support Directorate of the Western Military District, Captain 1st Rank Chukhrai Alexander Anatolyevich, representatives of the Baltic Branch of RS, management and employees of the plant.
The tugboat was blessed by Father Nikolai, a minister of the Church of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir.
The godmother of the tugboat was Elena Anatolyevna Kaurova, head of the civil service and personnel department of the personnel service of the North-West Customs Administration.
The tug is designed to perform towing and berthing operations in ports, roadsteads and coastal areas corresponding to the R2 navigation area (navigation in sea areas with a distance of no more than 100 miles from the place of refuge), refloating ships and vessels, extinguishing fires on floating objects and coastal structures, as well as walking in rarefied first-year ice with a thickness of 0.6-0.8 m.
VTS "BASTION", 03.11.2017

Leningrad shipyard "Pella"
Key figures

Tsaturov Herbert Robertovich (General Director)


In the 30s of the 20th century, a trailer plant of the Ministry of Forestry Industry was built on this territory. After the Great Patriotic War, the plant was restored and renamed Leningrad Mechanical Plant No. 4.


The Pella plant became the first Russian shipbuilding enterprise to be invited as a participant to the international exhibition of small-tonnage shipbuilding Tug & Salvage Convention and Exhibition in Rotterdam.


One of the types of ships being built en masse at the plant’s shipyards are Project 90600 tugs.
In 2006, two such modern azimuth tugs were built - Beluga and Navaga, which became the beginning of the port fleet of the Ust-Luga company.
In May 2012, construction began on a series of resource-saving fishing vessels of Project PL-475. Its prototype is the Norwegian longline fishing vessel "GIER-II" type. The peculiarity of a longline fishing vessel is that it does not throw out nets, which crush and spoil a lot of fish, but throws out 50 thousand special hooks at a time. The length of the vessel is 47.5 meters, width - 12 meters, draft 5 meters, refrigerated hold volume - 500 cubic meters. The propulsion power of the vessel is 1.6 thousand horsepower. Completion of construction of the first vessel of the series is scheduled for the end of 2012. In the future, it is planned to produce 2-3 vessels of this project per year. It is expected that longline fishing vessels will be able to operate effectively not only in the Barents Sea, but also in other basins.


In 2011, the enterprise, in agreement with regional authorities, purchased a plot of land with an area of ​​about 20 hectares on the bank of the river. Neva in the city of Otradnoye, Kirov district, Leningrad region - 3 km downstream from the existing Pella site.

On a new section of the river. There are no restrictions on rapids on the Neva, so Pella plans to organize serial construction and launching there of up to 10 sea vessels per year, up to 100 m long, up to 22 m wide, with a draft of up to 6 m.


  • special vessels of the technical fleet: high-power tugs with reinforced ice class, hydrographic and other special vessels, including for ensuring the operation of infrastructure facilities of the Northern Sea Route;
  • vessels of the fishing fleet (vessels for longline fishing of ground fish, mid-water trawlers, research vessels for industry institutes of the Federal Agency for Fisheries)

The new complex will create 1,500 new jobs in the region. The production volume of sea vessels, taking into account the capacity of the new plant complex, will amount to 12 billion rubles. in year. Portfolio of construction orders in 2014-2016 The first series of technical and fishing fleet vessels (up to 80 m or more in length) have been formed and agreed with the Customers.

The planned commissioning of production workshops at the new site is the 4th quarter of 2014, reaching the design capacity of the complex is the beginning of 2018. The production of sea vessels should increase annually, and accordingly from 2015 will be 2-4-6-8 units. The estimated annual load of the new complex will ultimately amount to 8 - 10 billion rubles. products per year, which will amount to up to 20% of the total volume of vessels for similar purposes on the Russian market.

On February 10, 2014, Terraline GmbH, a subsidiary of the Hamburg plant, acquired the Hamburg shipyard Sietas.

In 2015-2016, information appeared in the press that the company intends to invest in the modernization of the Feodosia shipbuilding plant "More", which will be involved in the construction of ships and boats of the same series as the "Pella" within the framework of the state defense order. According to other information, Pella claimed to transfer the plant’s property to its subsidiary legal entity, which caused a sharp negative reaction from the staff of the Feodosia enterprise and some deputies of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea.

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  • , pellaship.ru (Retrieved October 17, 2010)

Excerpt characterizing Pella (factory)

Prince Andrei, in his colonel's white (cavalry) uniform, in stockings and shoes, lively and cheerful, stood in the front rows of the circle, not far from the Rostovs. Baron Firgoff spoke with him about tomorrow's supposed first meeting of the State Council. Prince Andrei, as a person close to Speransky and participating in the work of the legislative commission, could give correct information about the meeting tomorrow, about which there were various rumors. But he did not listen to what Firgof told him, and looked first at the sovereign, then at the gentlemen who were getting ready to dance, who did not dare to join the circle.
Prince Andrei observed these gentlemen and ladies timid in the presence of the sovereign, dying with desire to be invited.
Pierre walked up to Prince Andrei and grabbed his hand.
– You always dance. There is my protegee [favorite], young Rostova, invite her,” he said.
- Where? – asked Bolkonsky. “Sorry,” he said, turning to the baron, “we’ll finish this conversation somewhere else, but we have to dance at the ball.” “He stepped forward in the direction that Pierre pointed out to him. Natasha’s desperate, frozen face caught the eye of Prince Andrei. He recognized her, guessed her feeling, realized that she was a beginner, remembered her conversation at the window and with a cheerful expression on his face approached Countess Rostova.
“Let me introduce you to my daughter,” said the countess, blushing.
“I have the pleasure of being an acquaintance, if the countess remembers me,” said Prince Andrei with a polite and low bow, completely contradicting Peronskaya’s remarks about his rudeness, approaching Natasha and raising his hand to hug her waist even before he finished the invitation to dance. He suggested a waltz tour. That frozen expression on Natasha’s face, ready for despair and delight, suddenly lit up with a happy, grateful, childish smile.
“I’ve been waiting for you for a long time,” as if this frightened and happy girl said, with her smile that appeared behind the ready tears, raising her hand on Prince Andrei’s shoulder. They were the second couple to enter the circle. Prince Andrey was one of the best dancers of his time. Natasha danced superbly. Her feet in ballroom satin shoes quickly, easily and independently of her did their job, and her face shone with the delight of happiness. Her bare neck and arms were thin and ugly. Compared to Helen's shoulders, her shoulders were thin, her breasts were vague, her arms were thin; but Helen already seemed to have a varnish on from all the thousands of glances sliding over her body, and Natasha seemed like a girl who had been exposed for the first time, and who would have been very ashamed of it if she had not been assured that it was so necessary.
Prince Andrei loved to dance, and wanting to quickly get rid of the political and intelligent conversations with which everyone turned to him, and wanting to quickly break this annoying circle of embarrassment formed by the presence of the sovereign, he went to dance and chose Natasha, because Pierre pointed him out to her and because she was the first of the pretty women to come into his sight; but as soon as he embraced this thin, mobile figure, and she moved so close to him and smiled so close to him, the wine of her charm went to his head: he felt revived and rejuvenated when, catching his breath and leaving her, he stopped and began to look on the dancers.

After Prince Andrei, Boris approached Natasha, inviting her to dance, and the adjutant dancer who started the ball, and more young people, and Natasha, handing over her excess gentlemen to Sonya, happy and flushed, did not stop dancing the whole evening. She did not notice anything and did not see anything that occupied everyone at this ball. She not only did not notice how the sovereign spoke for a long time with the French envoy, how he spoke especially graciously to such and such a lady, how prince such and such did and said this, how Helen was a great success and received special attention from such and such; she did not even see the sovereign and noticed that he left only because after his departure the ball became more lively. One of the merry cotillions, before dinner, Prince Andrei danced with Natasha again. He reminded her of their first date in the Otradnensky alley and how she could not sleep on a moonlit night, and how he involuntarily heard her. Natasha blushed at this reminder and tried to justify herself, as if there was something shameful in the feeling in which Prince Andrei involuntarily overheard her.
Prince Andrei, like all people who grew up in the world, loved to meet in the world that which did not have a common secular imprint on it. And such was Natasha, with her surprise, joy and timidity and even mistakes in the French language. He treated and spoke to her especially tenderly and carefully. Sitting next to her, talking with her about the simplest and most insignificant subjects, Prince Andrei admired the joyful sparkle of her eyes and smile, which related not to the speeches spoken, but to her inner happiness. While Natasha was being chosen and she stood up with a smile and danced around the hall, Prince Andrei especially admired her timid grace. In the middle of the cotillion, Natasha, having completed her figure, still breathing heavily, approached her place. The new gentleman invited her again. She was tired and out of breath, and apparently thought of refusing, but immediately again cheerfully raised her hand on the gentleman’s shoulder and smiled at Prince Andrey.
“I would be glad to rest and sit with you, I’m tired; but you see how they choose me, and I’m glad about it, and I’m happy, and I love everyone, and you and I understand all this,” and that smile said a lot more. When the gentleman left her, Natasha ran across the hall to take two ladies for the figures.
“If she approaches her cousin first, and then another lady, then she will be my wife,” Prince Andrei said to himself quite unexpectedly, looking at her. She approached her cousin first.
“What nonsense sometimes comes to mind! thought Prince Andrey; but the only thing that is true is that this girl is so sweet, so special, that she won’t dance here for a month and get married... This is a rarity here,” he thought when Natasha, straightening the rose that had fallen back from her bodice, sat down next to him.
At the end of the cotillion, the old count approached the dancers in his blue tailcoat. He invited Prince Andrei to his place and asked his daughter if she was having fun? Natasha did not answer and only smiled a smile that reproachfully said: “How could you ask about this?”
- More fun than ever in my life! - she said, and Prince Andrei noticed how quickly her thin arms rose to hug her father and immediately fell. Natasha was as happy as she had never been in her life. She was at that highest level of happiness when a person becomes completely trusting and does not believe in the possibility of evil, misfortune and grief.

At this ball, Pierre for the first time felt insulted by the position that his wife occupied in the highest spheres. He was gloomy and absent-minded. There was a wide crease across his forehead, and he, standing at the window, looked through his glasses, not seeing anyone.
Natasha, heading to dinner, passed him.
Pierre's gloomy, unhappy face struck her. She stopped in front of him. She wanted to help him, to convey to him the excess of her happiness.
“How fun, Count,” she said, “isn’t it?”
Pierre smiled absently, obviously not understanding what was being said to him.
“Yes, I’m very glad,” he said.
“How can they be unhappy with something,” Natasha thought. Especially one as good as this Bezukhov?” In Natasha’s eyes, everyone at the ball were equally kind, sweet, wonderful people who loved each other: no one could offend each other, and therefore everyone should be happy.

The next day, Prince Andrei remembered yesterday's ball, but did not dwell on it for long. “Yes, it was a very brilliant ball. And also... yes, Rostova is very nice. There is something fresh, special, not St. Petersburg, that distinguishes her.” That's all he thought about yesterday's ball, and after drinking tea, he sat down to work.
But from fatigue or insomnia (the day was not a good one for studying, and Prince Andrei could not do anything), he kept criticizing his own work, as often happened to him, and was glad when he heard that someone had arrived.
The visitor was Bitsky, who served on various commissions, visited all the societies of St. Petersburg, a passionate admirer of new ideas and Speransky and a concerned messenger of St. Petersburg, one of those people who choose a direction like a dress - according to fashion, but who for this reason seem to be the most ardent partisans of directions . He worriedly, barely having time to take off his hat, ran to Prince Andrei and immediately began to speak. He had just learned the details of the meeting of the State Council this morning, opened by the sovereign, and was talking about it with delight. The sovereign's speech was extraordinary. It was one of those speeches that are given only by constitutional monarchs. “The Emperor directly said that the council and the senate are state estates; he said that government should not be based on arbitrariness, but on solid principles. The Emperor said that finances should be transformed and reports should be made public,” said Bitsky, emphasizing well-known words and significantly opening his eyes.

Select: "Russian Association of Sea and River Bunkering Industry" "PFK ETM" "Industrial Cargo" "Prommashtrade" "Prometheus, Engineering and Technology Center" "PROMA North-West" "ProLine, Design Bureau" "PRODUCTION PLANT" "Applied Hydronautics » "Port Turaevo" "Radio Complex" "Radio Navigator" "Rosmorport" "ROAR" "Rittal" "RiM Marine" "Riverside" "RZD-Partner, Magazine" "RechDieselService" "Radio navigation systems" "Radio communication equipment and radio communications » "Polar Marine Geological Exploration Expedition" "Poltraf CIS" "OVMS" "Obukhovskoe" "Project "Standard" "NORTA MIT" "Nordweg" "Nord West Service" "Novik Service" "Neptune 21 Century" "Nevsky Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Plant" "Oka Shipyard" "Onega Shipyard" "Stropa" "Polar SPb" "Pneumo-Alliance" "Petroship" "Petrosoft" "Petrobalt PKB" "Petersburg Ropes" "Palmali" "Parok" "Neva-Metal Trade" "Russian Shipyards" modular systems" "FURUNO EURUS" "Technoros" "Technomarine" "TerriKon" "TENSOR" "Shipbuilding plant "Zaliv" "Shipbuilding and ship repair, Magazine" "Shipmodeling center Albatros" "Shipmechanism" "Hotcha Shipyard" "Technotherm-S" " Technoflot, PA "Uraltermosvar" "Tyumensudokomplekt" "TurboBalt" "Torola" "Bearings SPb" "Trading House LEZ" "TK Remdizel" "TK Neva" "Techservice" "Nizhny Novgorod Pipeline Elements Plant" "Slipway" "North Sea" " Welding and ventilation equipment" "SAIT" "Rybinskkabel" "RUMO" "Rossudoservice" "RossNor Marine" "Russian River Register" "Russian Maritime Register of Shipping" "North-Western Shipping Company" "Sevkabel-Holding" "Union of Russian Shipowners" "Sorius" -sudoservis" "Sovcomflot" "System Sat" "Simbia" "SIZOD" "Sederwall and Rhythm" "SMM" "Sevmorgeo, scientific and production enterprise" "Russian Hydrometeorological University" "Navis" "Kvazar TM Company" "Inter-Trade Electronics » "INMOR" "Engineering Center for Shipbuilding" "InVent" "Ilyichevsk Sea Trade Port" "Ilada" "Plant "Equator" "Plant of Precision Mechanics" "Plant of Diesel Equipment" "InTechSnab" "ISTA" "BREEZ-Marine" "Commercial Center , transport and forest" "Kokum Sonics AB", (Sweden), Russian branch "Klintsovsky piston ring plant" "Kvadrat SG" "Kakhovsky electric welding equipment plant" "CASCADE" "Kanat" "Cummins" "Hydraulic mechanization plant" "Eurotrade" " Giprorybflot-Service "Georg Fischer Piping Systems", representative office "Geomatics" "Gedore Werkzeuge" "Garant, NPK" "VELDTEK" KB "Vympel" "Vyborg Shipyard" "Volga Shipping Company" "GlavMorSnab" "Maritime Academy named after Admiral S. O. Makarova" "Euroblast" "Dukon, Industrial Group" "Drakkar" "Dialogue-Technika" "Delo" "DVK - electro" "Danfoss" "GT Morstroy" "Cargo equipment" "Volzhsky Diesel named after Maminykh" "Technopol Company" "Mulhan Morflot" "Mixtmarine" "Midel, shipbuilding and ship repair plant" "Mobius Center for Information Technologies" "Metalcenter" "Melkom kit" "MediaCompass" "GEA Mashimpex" "Mareko" "MAGNIT plus" "Morintech" "Maritime Exchange, information -analytical journal" "MTK" "MRS Electronics" "Marine Bulletin, Journal" "Marine Engineering Bureau - St. Petersburg" "Marine rescue equipment" "Marine Propulsion Systems" "Marine software systems and technologies" "Marine News of Russia" "Marine Technology" "Lomonosov Ship Equipment Plant" "LIST SPb" "KORTEM-GORELTECH" "Correct Marine Enterprise" "Concern Energotekhnika" "KONSAR" "Compressor" "Composite" "Compass - R" "Era-Service Company" "Energoremont Company" "Red" anchor" "Ferrum" "Lenmorniiproekt" "Leningrad Shipyard "Pella" "Ladoga Transport Plant" "Ladoga-Service" "Kurganstalmost" "Cruise" "Kronstadt Naval Order of Lenin Plant" "Kron SPb" "Krogius Engineering" "TOP MARIN Company" » Instrument Engineering Design Bureau named after. Academician A.G. Shipunov CJSC Central Research Institute of Marine Engineering ABS ZEiM Automation JSC Reut CJSC NPP of underwater technologies Okeanos LLC ABS Hydro CJSC PKK Milandr FSUE VNIIFTRI LLC Research Institute of Energy Technologies GC Technoros NPP Energy systems" LLC "Technos-M" JSC EOKB "Signal" named after A.I. Glukharev Concern Morinformsystem-AGAT Spetssudoproekt TVEL JSC "NP firm "Dolomant" JSC "Teplopribor" JSC "Sarapul Electric Generating Plant" JSC "Saransk Instrument-Making Plant" JSC "NPK "Atri" Scientific and Technical Center "Gamma" OJSC "Ship Repair and Shipbuilding Corporation" Institute of Network Technologies BaltKomplekt LLC "Yamya-Engineering" PT Electronics CJSC "Admiral" LLC "Eleprom.ru" LLC "Rode and SCHWARTZ RUS" LLC "Olsam" LLC "Arsenal-Broker" OJSC "NPO "Gidromash" JSC "NPK "Tehmash" NPO Avtomatiki LLC "Imotech" CJSC "PO "Diesel-Energo" LLC "Ural Diesel Motor Plant" LLC "NIMI" GC Electroninvest LLC "Nord-pulse" OOGIS OJSC Scientific Research Institute Elektromera Holding Cable Alliance OJSC "GNINGI" Group of companies "MSS" Shipbuilding and ship repair plant CJSC "RIF" GC "Bi Pitron" EVO Logics CJSC "NPF "Mikran" ASO Projectintertechnika NIIF Southern Federal University ZDT "Recom" JSC "Foreign Economics" enterprise "Sudoexport" "Kingisepp Machine-Building Plant" "Publishing House Art Volkhonka" NEOSTIL GROUP SPB Marine "Spetsmedtekhnika" JSC "Armalit" Hydrokom-Motors LLC "Uralshina" LLC "Primesoft" Art Foundry Podorozhny B. A. LLC "Stroymontazh" KB "Cybershelf" OJSC "TD "RTI" OJSC "Manatom" LLC "Transit" Finservice CJSC "Uralelektromash" CJSC "RTSoft" LLC "Abris" China Marine Equipment Association CJSC "Turborus" LLC "ITSK" LLC "Instrument Bearing Plant" NPO "Radiovolna" OJSC "KB "Display" LLC "Laser-Graffiti" OJSC "VNII Kholodmag - Holding" PJSC "Eletsgidroagregat" OJSC "PTS" LLC "Marine Energy" MSTU named after N.E. Bauman Samara State Technical University OJSC "Teplokontrol" LLC "MOVEN" LLC "Speed ​​boats "Mobile Group" "Geyser-Telecom" "Izhevsk Motor Plant "Aksion-Holding" "NPA "Corporate Communication Systems" "LOTES TM" "Electrontech" "Scientific -technical training training center "Morsvyazservice" "ITC "Kontur" "Yaroslavl Radio Plant" "Moskabelkomplekt" "Radio Engineering Institute named after Academician A.L. Mints" "MTU Far Communications" "GVARDIA-PLUS" "SOYUZSPETSSVYAZMONTAZH" "Installation and technological management "Ikar" "TELROS" "Central Research Institute "Volna" "SULAK" "NPP "Supertel" "Corporation - Novosibirsk Plant Elektrosignal" "NPP "Istok" "MVP Talisman" "Zvukotekhnika" "ESAB" "Marimeter" "Electrode Plant" "Ecoshelf" -Baltika" "Ship-Master" "Chart Pilot" "Cyclone" "Central Research Institute and Design Institute of the Marine Fleet" "Center of Water Technologies" "Yurmash-Group" "Anchor" "REMDIZELMASH" "Primpostachservice" "Kvart" "Military N.G. Kuznetsov Maritime Academy" St. Petersburg Naval Institute" Naval Institute of Radio Electronics named after. A.S. Popova" "Technogroup" "Marine Technical Center" "Marco Ltd." .. "VitaReaktiv" "Odessa Plant of Rubber Products" "Sudoservice and Welding Technologies" "Aviatekhmas" "Radiocomp" "Volgodieselapparat" "RIP Impulse" "Ural Plant of Electrical Connectors "Iset" "Omsk Production Association "Irtysh" "INFOSOFT" "InfoMir" » "INTERMECH" "Information telecommunication technologies" "Integral SPb" "Scientific and technical publishing house "Shipbuilding" "Publishing house "Machine building" "NIAI "Istochnik" "Kazan Electrotechnical Plant" "Central Research Institute "Kometa" "Kolomensky Plant" " Kovrov Electromechanical Plant "St. Petersburg Club of Submariners" "Design Bureau of Precision Engineering named after A.E. Nudelman" "Design Bureau of Navigation Systems" CJSC "Katav-Ivanovo Instrument-Making Plant" "KAMPO" "National Company "Kazakhstan Engineering" "NPKG" "ZORYA-MASHPROEKT" "Zlatoust Arms Company" "Baltic Shipbuilding Plant "Yantar" "NPP "Plant "Equator" "Plant "Fiolent" "Plant "Topaz" "Lighting Plant "Saturn" "Plant "Ladoga" "Plant "Dagdizel" "Plant "Burevestnik" "EMT R" "Plant named after. A.A. Kulakov" "Plant named after. Kozitsky" "ZIKSTO" "Publishing house "Zerkalo Peterburga" "Zelenodolsk design bureau" "Zelenodolsk plant named after A.M. Gorky" "Zvezdochka Ship Repair Center" "Zvezda" "Elekon Plant" "Transistor Plant" "Plant named after. V.A. Degtyarev" "Dolgoprudny Research and Production Enterprise" "NPP "Kompensator" "Scientific Research Institute of Systems Engineering" "Sea Tests" "Morsvyazsputnik" "Morkniga" "PKF "Mnev and K" "Mobile Computer Systems" "Marine Complexes and Systems" " Minibot-Techflot "NPF "Meridian" "NPP "MERA" "Marine navigation systems" "Research Institute of Marine Thermal Engineering" "Research Institute of Instrument Engineering named after. V.V. Tikhomirov" "Research Institute of Long-Range Radio Communications" "Research Institute of Hydrocommunications "Shtil" "Research Institute of Automated Systems and Communication Complexes "NEPTUN" "Nevskoe Design Bureau" "Scientific and Technical Enterprise "Navi-Dals" "Myonk Publishing Group" "Muromsky" Radio Plant" "Murom Instrument-Making Plant" "Machine-Building Plant named after. CM. Kirov" "NPO "Mars" "Scientific and technical complex "Cryogenic technology" "Plant "CRIZO" "Krasnogorsk plant named after. S.A. Zverev" "Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation" "Concern "Systemprom" "Concern "Radio Engineering and Information Systems" "Continent-Service" "Consistent Softwea Distribution" "Connector" "Concern for Medium- and Low-Tonnage Shipbuilding" "Central Research Institute "Kurs" "Manotom" » “MAN Diesel and Turbo Rus” “St. Petersburg Marine Engineering Bureau “Malachite” “Leningrad Optical-Mechanical Association” “LIT-FONON” “JSC for the production of bladed hydraulic machines” “Central Design Bureau “Lazurit” “Laguk-Media” Lux" "Russian Scientific Center "Kurchatov Institute" "Component-ASU" "Design Bureau "Display" JSC "Armalit" Shipbuilding Company "Almaz" "Marine Engineering Company "Aqua-Service" "Research and Production Center "Aquamarine" "Central Design Bureau "Iceberg" "Azov Optical-Mechanical Plant" "Azov Cable" JSC "Admiralty Shipyards" "AGS Plus" Concern "Scientific and Production Association "Aurora" "MNIRE "Altair" "Altair - Scientific and Technical Production Center" "Arctic- M "Northern Production Association "Arctic" "Aris" "NPP "Aviation and Marine Electronics" "Amur Cable Plant" "NPO "Automation of Machines and Technologies" "Design Bureau "Amethyst" "Scientific and Technical Center "Alfa-M" ALFA-BANK" Avro-MKS "PRIBOR" experimental design bureau "AVIAAVTOMATIKA" "CRM S.p. A." E.S. Yalamova" "Successful Expedition" "Turborus" "Joint Stock Company "Tulamashzavod" "Technical Systems and Technologies" (TST) "Triumph" "TREATMENT" "Transtech" "Verkhneufaleysky Plant "Uralelement" "Feodorovsky Plant AB" "Technology Center for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair" » "Central Research Institute of Ship Engineering" FSUE "Krylov State Scientific Center" "Central Design Bureau for Hydrofoils named after. R.E. Alekseev" "Research Institute "Tsentrprogramsistem" "Central Naval Museum" "Center for Speech Technologies" "Henkel Russia. Division Loktite - Terozon "RUSHENK" "VP Finsudprom" "Transmashholding" "SVD Embedded Systems" "Vint" "Aerogeodesy" "Astrakhan Shipbuilding Production Association" "Association of Shipbuilders of Ukraine "Ukrsudprom" "Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute" "ANTARSAT" "Alliance Electro » "Alliance of Welders of St. Petersburg and the North-Western Region" "Alfa Ship" "Alfa Laval Potok" "Baltic Maritime Agency" "Baltia SV" "Vineta, machine-building enterprise" "Winjammer" "Veles" "Boom Techno" "Bosch" Rexroth" "Bogorodsky Machine-Building Plant" "Beloyarsk Factory of Asbestos Cardboard Products" "Barnaultransmash, HC" "Baltkran" "Agni-Progress" "Agatis" "Plant named after. Gadzhiev" "Egorshinsky Radio Plant" "Bryansk Machine-Building Plant" "Association of Ship Repair Companies" "ARS Plus" CJSC "Aquamarine" "AIT Plant" "Electric Rectifier - Special Converters Plant" "Research and Production Association "Electromashina" "Plant for the Production of Programmed Control Systems » "KANAT" "Automation, research and production complex" "Metallurgy of Special Alloys" "Express Diesel Shipservice Co." AND I. Bereznyak" "Industrial Enterprise "Ravenstvo" Group Kronstadt "NPO Fire Automation Service" "Perm Instrument-Making Company" "Nordimpex" "NEW TECHNOLOGIES" "Experimental Design Bureau "Novator" "Scientific Engineering Enterprise - Informatics" "Scientific Research Machine-Building Institute" "Nicole" "Research Institute of Energy SRSTU" "NIIHIT-2" "Research Institute of Television" "NPO "Pribor" "United Industrial Corporation" "Design and Design Bureau "RIO" "Holding Company "Pigment" "PetroInTrade" "Osatek" "Omsk Research Institute of Instrument Engineering" "OMZ-Spetsstal" "Concern "Okeanpribor" "Experimental Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering named after I.I. A... "Special Design Bureau of the Cable Industry" "Research Institute of Automation Systems" "Rosoboronexport" "NPP "Topaz" "Research and Production Enterprise "Start" "Ship Repair and Shipbuilding Corporation" "Splav" "NPP "Spetskabel" NPO "SOKLA" "Connector" "Insurance Group "SOGAZ" "Sovtest ATE" "Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard" "STATUS" "Research Institute "Submicron" "TIMOS" "Techpribor" "Tethys Pro" "Concern "Termal" "Trading House" Union" "TANTK named after G.M. Beriev" "Tantal" "TANGRAM" "Kaluga Instrument-Making Plant "Typhoon" "Sewing Factory "Slavyanskaya" "Holding Spetskomplektresurs" "Sberbank of Russia" "Research and Production Association "Saturn" "Scientific manufacturing enterprise "Salyut" "SignArt" "CDB MT "Rubin" "RTSoft" "RTD-Universal Electronics" "Russian Institute of Radio Navigation and Time" "Russian Institute of High-Power Radio Engineering" "Svirskaya Shipyard" "Sever Trade Plus" "FIG "High-Speed ​​Fleet" » "Special Design Bureau for Boiler Making" NPP "Sistema" "JV "Sverdlovsk Tool Plant - Pumori" "Sea Project" OJSC "PO "Sevmash" "Northern Raid" "Northern Press" Northern Design Bureau "Russian Society of Specialized Weapons"

In the rays of the bright March sun, the new tug sparkles with fresh paint. The Neva, already free of ice, is preparing to accept onto its water surface another result of the work of domestic shipbuilders.

The air smells of spring and moisture, and we are in the city of Otradnoye (Leningrad Region), where the Leningrad shipyard "Pella" is located - one of the leaders in Russian shipbuilding.

+ 35 photos!(clickable)

Let's start getting acquainted with the plant with a clean slate!

1. Sheet metal enters the body-processing production:

2. As a result of shaped plasma cutting for metal, parts of various shapes and sizes are obtained:

3. Work is in full swing at the neighboring assembly and welding area:

4. Here sections of housings are welded from individual parts:

5. Assembly of the bow section of an integrated port service vessel (serial number 304):

6. Ladders, anchors and other accessories:

8. And this is the superstructure section of the multi-purpose salvage tug project PS-45:

Currently, construction of a series of such tugs commissioned by the Russian Navy has begun at the new Pella production site.

9. 10. 11. The company's machine park is diverse:

12. Products of the pipe processing department:

13. Templates used in the manufacture of pipes of various curvatures:

14. In one of the bays, the Baklan service boats are being assembled:

15. The boats of the project, A 149-1, have an aluminum hull and are mass-produced; in the photo there are boats with serial numbers A006 and A007. In the foreground you can see details of ship trolleys for the new shipbuilding complex:

Now let's return from the workshops to the banks of the Neva.

16. The pilot boat of the PP20 project is being prepared for delivery to the customer.

Please note that in the distance you can see the smog hanging over St. Petersburg:

17. A fishing vessel of project PL-475 (laid down on May 23, 2012) rises on the slipway.

18. The installation of the propeller-rudder complex is underway:

19. After completion of work in the underwater part of the hull, the vessel will be launched:

20. Nearby, the assembly of the 4th integrated port service vessel of project 03180 has begun:

21. 22. The sea tugboat MB-135 of the PE-65 project is bored while waiting for launching:

23. At the outfitting wall is the 3rd integrated port service vessel of project 03180.

24. From the height of the VTN-73 superstructure there is a good view of the Neva and the tugboats standing at the outfitting embankment. It seems that I have found strategic stocks of tires:

25. Serial assembly of tugs of the RAscal 2000, 90600 and 16609 projects is underway in the covered boathouse:

Meanwhile, the solemn ceremony of launching the tug began.

And boats, ZAO Polinom, a manufacturer of products made from polymer materials, as well as its subsidiary, OAO Pella-Mash, a manufacturer of industrial equipment.


In the 30s of the 20th century, a trailer plant of the Ministry of Forestry Industry was built on this territory. After the Great Patriotic War, the plant was restored and renamed Leningrad Mechanical Plant No. 4.


The Pella plant became the first Russian shipbuilding enterprise to be invited as a participant to the international exhibition of small-tonnage shipbuilding Tug & Salvage Convention and Exhibition in Rotterdam.


One of the types of ships being built en masse at the plant’s shipyards are Project 90600 tugs.

In 2006, two such modern azimuthal-type tugboats were built - “Beluga” and “Navaga”, which became the beginning of the port fleet of the “Ust-Luga company”.

In May 2012, construction began on a series of resource-saving fishing vessels of Project PL-475. Its prototype is the Norwegian longline fishing vessel of the GIER-II type. The peculiarity of a longline fishing vessel is that it does not throw out nets, which crush and spoil a lot of fish, but throws out 50 thousand special hooks at a time. The length of the vessel is 47.5 meters, width - 12 meters, draft 5 meters, refrigerated hold volume - 500 cubic meters. The propulsion power of the vessel is 1.6 thousand horsepower. Completion of construction of the first vessel of the series is scheduled for the end of 2012. In the future, it is planned to produce 2-3 vessels of this project per year. It is expected that longline fishing vessels will be able to operate effectively not only in the Barents Sea, but also in other basins.

In 2013, the first patrol boat of Project 03160 “Raptor” was built at the plant. The Raptor patrol boat was designed with the participation of the developer of the original project - the company Dockstavarvet.

On December 24, 2015, the first two in a series of small missile ships of Project 22800 “Karakurt” were laid down - “Hurricane” and “Typhoon” - the main weapons of which are “Caliber” cruise missiles.

On December 24, 2016, the Chief of the Main Staff of the Navy, Vice Admiral Andrei Volozhinsky, announced that the Pella plant will build 18 small missile ships of the new generation of project 22800 "Karakurt" for the Russian Navy until 2022.


In 2011, the enterprise, in agreement with regional authorities, purchased a plot of land with an area of ​​about 20 hectares on the banks of the Neva River in the city of Otradnoye, Kirov District, Leningrad Region - 3 km downstream from the existing Pella site.

There are no restrictions on rapids on the new section of the Neva River, so Pella plans to organize serial construction and launching there of up to 10 sea vessels per year, up to 100 m long, up to 22 m wide, with a draft of up to 6 m.


  • special vessels of the technical fleet: high-power tugs with reinforced ice class, hydrographic and other special vessels, including for ensuring the operation of infrastructure facilities of the Northern Sea Route;
  • vessels of the fishing fleet (vessels for longline fishing of ground fish, mid-water trawlers, research vessels for industry institutes of the Federal Agency for Fisheries)

The new complex will create 1,500 new jobs in the region. The production volume of sea vessels, taking into account the capacity of the new plant complex, will amount to 12 billion rubles per year. A portfolio of orders for the construction in 2014-2016 of the first series of technical and fishing fleet vessels (up to 80 m or more in length) has been formed and agreed upon with the Customers.

The planned commissioning of production workshops at the new site is the 4th quarter of 2014, reaching the design capacity of the complex is the beginning of 2018. The production of sea vessels should increase annually, and accordingly from 2015 will be 2-4-6-8 units. The estimated annual load of the new complex will ultimately amount to 8 - 10 billion rubles. products per year, which will amount to up to 20% of the total volume of vessels for similar purposes on the Russian market.

On February 10, 2014, Terraline GmbH, a subsidiary of the Hamburg plant, acquired the Hamburg shipyard Sietas.

In 2015-2016, information appeared in the press that the company intends to invest in the modernization of the Feodosia shipbuilding plant “More”, which will be involved in the construction of ships and boats of the same series as Pella as part of the state defense order. According to other information, Pella claimed to transfer the plant’s property to its subsidiary legal entity, which caused a sharp negative reaction from the staff of the Feodosia enterprise and some deputies of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea.


  1. Monuments of history and culture (objects of cultural heritage) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, kulturnoe-nasledie.ru (Retrieved March 20, 2012)
  2. “Pella” is taking a step towards Europe, portnews.ru (Retrieved October 17, 2010)
  3. That is, the screws are located on a column that rotates around a vertical axis. Such vessels do not need a rudder, they have a higher thrust-to-weight ratio, and they can moor without a tug.