How to open a fast food stall. Business plan for a fast food cafe

Fast food has become widespread in our country. Every day, millions of citizens buy fast food, so the owners of street outlets receive a good income. This type of business does not require large investments, so anyone who wants to open their own business can engage in entrepreneurial activity in this area.

To work in a fast food cafe you do not need to have special education or hire highly qualified personnel. You can learn how to cook such food in just a few days.

However, before opening a fast food restaurant and starting work, it is necessary to conduct a thorough market research, as well as calculate all the risks and future profits. On our website you can download a business plan with calculations for free, which will be a good help for you in organizing your own business in this area.

Main points:

  1. Project description and performance indicators;
  2. Sales plan and market analysis;
  3. Investments;
  4. General costs;
  5. Personnel and wages;
  6. Financial calculations;
  7. Profitability;
  8. Conclusions.

Our resource offers beginners ready-made business plans for small businesses that can be used to develop a strategy for a future enterprise. In order for them to correspond to market conditions in your region, it is enough to make small adjustments and perform the necessary calculations.

If you want to open a business without being able to invest large amounts of money in it, this business is for you. Fast food – cafe, fast food eatery. Today, fast foods are in great demand among all age categories. Before legally registering your business, you need to draw up a business plan, calculate expenses, possible additional costs, turnover income, and possible risk situations.

How to open a fast food store from scratch?

A business that has a specific target audience is called a snack bar. The location of your fast food should be where there is a lot of foot traffic. For example, near educational institutions, in shopping centers, near a train station.

The premises must be appropriately equipped. Create a pleasant, cozy atmosphere in your cafe. Focus on the quality of customer service; the premises should be clean. The room needs tables and chairs, your visitors will be people of different age categories, they must feel comfortable. Additionally, design a bar counter for serving drinks, because some people prefer to have a snack on the go.

In order for your business to pay off as quickly as possible, you need to understand that the quality of the food you offer must be high. If your food is tasty and you have good service, the consumer will definitely return. Establish yourself, this will help you get regular visitors.

Description of the enterprise.

The best option for the organizational and legal form of your business is individual entrepreneurship (IP). With a registered individual entrepreneur, the simplified tax system will be sufficient.

To open a fast food restaurant, cafe, or snack bar, you need to obtain permission from the SanEpidem Station, the tax office, as well as permission from Rospotrebnadzor.

Market analysis.

It is very important where your fast food will be located, choose the right place, calculate all the points. The main category of your visitors are students, drivers of vehicles and minibuses, bus passengers, shoppers in shopping centers or markets.

Find out if there is a fast food cafe nearby, what range they offer and at what price. You shouldn’t be located where there is a lot of competition, it’s better to choose another place, but if there’s a lot of competition, you should think about the menu, offer visitors something new that other cafes don’t have. Hamburgers of various types, vegetarian, or an unusual combination of ingredients. You can diversify desserts, unusual puff pastries, cheesecakes of various flavors, etc.

Business promotion.

Your business needs proper promotion, advertising will help you with this. Use outdoor advertising, you can order various booklets and leaflets. Submit advertisements on the Internet and media. Banner with your establishment's logo and menu. During the opening, organize a small presentation; outdoor advertising agencies and the BTL agency can help you with this.

Description of services.

Create a menu for your cafe.

Sample menu.

  1. Hamburgers with cutlet, chicken, fish
  2. Hot and cold sandwiches, they can have any filling
  3. Steaks, cutlets, served with different sauces
  4. Pies with meat and fish.
  5. Pies with sweet filling
  6. Drinks: tea, coffee, juices, cocktails, fresh juices.

Fast food production plan.

Let's consider the list of equipment necessary for preparing dishes in your cafe. Refrigerated display case, coffee machine, microwave, meat grinder, dishes, maybe ceramic, paper, disposable plastic, also buy containers for packing food for clients to take away.

You will need working staff. Which includes a salesperson to take orders, a cook to fulfill them, a cleaner to keep the room clean, a dishwasher, and a technical worker.

Fast food financial plan.

Your income depends more on the number of visitors than on the cost of your product range.

You will have 2 types of expenses:

Initial investment costs;

Monthly expenses.

The initial investment will require the cost of renovation of the premises to be fifty thousand rubles, the purchase of equipment, furniture, inventory will be seventy thousand rubles, the cost of registering a business will be from ten thousand rubles, advertising promotion will also be ten thousand rubles

With monthly expenses, the cost of necessary food products will be one hundred thousand rubles. The salary of the working personnel will be sixty thousand rubles. Fifty thousand rubles must be allocated for the rental and maintenance of premises.

The total cost will be 350 thousand rubles. of which for the initial 140 thousand rubles, for monthly 210 thousand rubles.

Average monthly revenue will be approximately 240 thousand rubles, estimated profit is about 30 thousand rubles, daily income will be from 8 thousand rubles.

The fast food market is constantly growing and developing. Regardless of the internal and internal factors of the economy in the country. This is facilitated not only by the modern pace of life and the constant lack of time, but also, as a consequence of the first reasons, people prefer a five-minute “snack” instead of tomorrow, lunch or dinner.

And this way of life is unlikely to ever change. Consequently, opening a fast food restaurant will always be a profitable business. The main thing is to start and choose a niche that best suits the spirit of the times.

How to open a mini-cafe – location, equipment, business plan

Before you open your own fast food restaurant, you should immediately decide on the menu. Initially, a fast food outlet can get by with a minimal but original assortment. Consequently, the set of necessary equipment will be small and therefore inexpensive. For example, selling coffee and ready-made baked goods will require only two pieces of equipment - a coffee machine and a microwave oven or roaster for heating the finished product.

Roaster, translated from English as “roaster”, is also called a “mini-oven” or “mini-oven”. The roaster is a compact electric oven, similar in size to a microwave oven.

One-time capital investments required to open a mini-cafe or fast food outlet:

  • Purchasing commercial equipment, interior items and furniture, organizing a counter - new or used.
  • Kitchen equipment (coffee machines, ovens, microwaves, grills, etc.), disposable household items - napkins, dishes, etc. Depends on the direction of your fast food.
  • Purchase of cooking products.
  • Promotion costs – signage, premises branding, menus, leaflets, etc.
  • In addition to the above, you will need a room (15-30 m²) and trained staff of up to three people.

The total costs of opening a bistro range from 180 thousand to 1.2 million rubles.

Having decided on the equipment and assortment, you will need to choose a location. When choosing a location and organizing a mini-cafe, you need to take into account some factors. Thus, a point in a walk-through location may bring in less profit than opening a fast food outlet at a point where footfall increases or decreases; for example, a fast food outlet on the way to a metro station will bring in less profit than a fast food outlet near the station.

This is due to the fact that despite the large customer traffic moving towards the metro, passers-by are in a hurry to catch the train. This means they are unlikely to stop for a snack. And there are a large number of such factors influencing demand.

Before opening your own fast food, you can do research, or you can open your own cafe near other points, this will definitely bring an additional flow of customers. Since a person always likes to compare, and is prone to diversity. This is especially clearly reflected in gastronomic preferences.

Also, we would like to note that people trust the brand and the original name more. For example, customers are more willing to buy shawarma at the Doner cafe than at the Shawarma cafe. And they are unlikely to buy shawarma under the sign “Delicious food.” Wrong scale means no trust.

So, having decided on the initial menu, placement and brand, you can think through the details of the menu assortment and delve into the essence of your sales offer.

Classic and unusual trends in fast food

Fundamentally speaking, everything that can be prepared in 5-20 minutes and immediately eaten or consumed is considered fast food. Even a point selling coffee, without additional assortment, is entry-level fast food. If such a point is placed correctly, it will be profitable and popular.

However, it is always more interesting to serve something more nutritious with coffee. "food", to increase profits and quickly "fast" customer satisfaction. Therefore, we present a list of the most popular fast food destinations.

  • Shawarma. It was with her that the march of fast food in modern Russia began. We have already written - .
  • Pizza. A universal dish that is prepared both in restaurants and fast foods. Valued for its ease of preparation, variety and taste. Find out more - .
  • Sandwiches, sandwiches and hamburgers (burgers). It doesn’t matter who and when invented this type of quick snack, but the trend itself is becoming more and more popular due to the fact that the world’s fast food brands - McDonald's, Burger King, etc. offer us this particular fast food. This means that this direction of “fast food” is always in sight.
  • Potato. Potatoes in any form - fried fries, potato balls, oven baked with filling. A universal dish. Low cost of raw material, high popularity. With an original recipe, you can stand out from the competition.
  • Bakery. A variety of baked goods. Pies, hot, with potatoes, with mat, with meat. More than 50 years in the fast food market. The variety is amazing - pies, belyashi, permyachi, puff pastries, samsa, flatbreads. Anything baked from flour, water and filling is considered fast food.
  • Chicken. Nuggets, spicy wings. Again, thanks to global brands, fast food made from chicken, chicken meat and nothing extra has become very popular. Ready-made semi-finished products are cooked in boiling oil and eaten with sauce. Very tasty and fast.
  • Dumplings. Hello from the past. Nevertheless, nothing threatens the popularity of dumplings. They are loved and eaten. All segments of the population. we wrote. In addition to the workshop, by opening a network of fast food outlets, you can organize sales of your products and earn even more money.
  • Sushi. 10 years ago, sushi revolutionized the Russian fast food market. Preparation requires a little knowledge and some specialized (but inexpensive) equipment. Despite the abundance of outlets for the preparation and sale of sushi and rolls, the market is still capacious and profitable. You can learn more about sushi from our article -.

The fast food market has always remained and will remain capacious, without upper limits of saturation, because it is constantly on the move, looking for new directions. And people will always want to eat... people will always want to eat.

Catering, and especially quick service, is a very profitable business. Indeed, with the modern rhythm, eating out has long become the norm. Fast food means providing the population with delicious food with prompt service.

With the right approach, a fast food cafe will be a good way to invest money. Despite the lengthy process of registering a business, lengthy preparation for opening, high competition, opening a cafe of this type can be called a very profitable business.

Market analysis

Before starting, you need to analyze the market and identify the target audience. The more accurately potential clients are identified, competitors are analyzed and a development strategy for the establishment is developed, the faster the business will begin to generate income.

You can monitor competitors yourself by simply visiting their cafe and studying the range of dishes and prices. Make a comparative table with evaluation parameters (advantages and disadvantages of the cafe, what is missing).

Another option is to conduct a survey of the target audience. This can be done on the street or via the Internet, on various forums and groups.

The target audience of the cafe-bistro is young people 17-25 years old, students, office employees, taxi drivers, couriers. If the client likes the food and service, then the next day you can count on a whole group of his friends, colleagues, classmates who came on recommendation.

Based on the analysis, you need to prepare a list of criteria for choosing a cafe. The main advantages of this type of establishment are:

  • close location to work or school;
  • speed of service;
  • assortment of dishes;
  • acceptable cost.

Basic operating principles

Cafe-bistro is a small establishment with a wide selection of dishes at low prices and very fast service. The initial capital for a bistro is needed much less than for other cafes. It will also take little time to prepare the establishment for opening, and the first income can be received within 2-3 months after the start.

For the fastest possible payback, the cafe must work actively from the first day and serve as many visitors as possible. Success in this business depends precisely on high turnover.

The bistro must meet the following requirements:

  1. Varied dishes. It is important to develop the right menu with a variety of dishes and drinks.
  2. Prompt service. Employees must quickly serve the visitor, provide assistance in choosing dishes if necessary, place an order and receive payment.
  3. Delicious, prepared in compliance with all the rules. “Fast food” is no longer considered an eatery. To obtain maximum profits, customers need to offer only high-quality food.
  4. Low cost of food. Savings do not come from using low-quality and cheap products. In such cafes there are no waiters or extra staff.

Where to begin?

First you need to resolve the issue with the format of the establishment. It could be:

  1. Franchising, that is, purchasing an already well-known brand with established technologies for opening a business and rules for preparing dishes.
  2. Your own business idea.

Both options have their merits. When purchasing a well-known brand, you do not need to spend time and money on developing a unique menu, corporate style and promotion. The brand is recognizable and trusted. Creativity is excluded here; you must strictly follow the rules developed by the franchise owners.

Your own business idea is already a creative approach. The owner himself creates the menu, develops a corporate style, but he will also have to promote the establishment on his own. Only time will tell how profitable the new idea will be and it will be possible to sum it up only in a year.

Perhaps starting a business from scratch will take a lot of time, but in the end you will be able to make much more profit than with a franchise, because you won’t have to share it with anyone.

Legalization of business

Different café formats will require different registration forms. For a small establishment, you need to prepare documents, submit them to the local branch of the tax authority and in a few days receive the status of an individual entrepreneur. Next you need to register the cash register and you can start working.

The following points are worth considering:

  1. Individual entrepreneurs do not have the right to sell strong alcohol, only beer, cider, poire, and mead. A license for stronger alcoholic drinks is issued only to legal entities.
  2. Registering is easier and cheaper. An individual entrepreneur can use the patent taxation system, provided that the cafe premises are no more than 50 square meters. m and the staff employs no more than 15 people. This system eliminates the need to file a tax return, making it easier to do business.

To get started, an entrepreneur must have:

  • rental agreement for the premises where the cafe will be located;
  • approval of the cafe project by government authorities.

Business Features

Every business has its own advantages and disadvantages, which should always be followed. This will allow you to understand whether this activity option is suitable or whether you need to focus on something else.

Among the advantages of the bistro cafe are:

  • high profitability;
  • quick payback;
  • constant demand among residents.

There are also disadvantages:

  • high competition;
  • significant initial investment;
  • human factor;
  • high costs for renting and purchasing equipment.


The premises where the cafe will be located should have a kitchen and a hall. Depending on the task at hand, this can be either a small pavilion with an area of ​​30 sq.m., or a room of about 150 sq.m. A room with an area of ​​about 40 sq.m., located in a shopping center, is suitable.

The premises must meet certain conditions:

  • the cafe should have several zones (warehouse, kitchen, hall, utility room);
  • the entrance to the food preparation area is located separately from the main one;
  • There are emergency exits in case of fire.

The interior should be simple with a view to the mass visitor, but comfortable and cozy. The color scheme should increase appetite.

The furniture chosen is simple, but beautiful and modern. Don't buy cheap plastic furniture. There are attractive posters and menu boards on the walls.

Cafe assortment

Customers are offered delicious and inexpensive food. Main dishes include light salads, hot sandwiches, pastries, and drinks. The establishment is designed for a wide audience, the main visitors are the middle class.

The menu may include Russian and European cuisine, as well as several popular oriental dishes (noodles, sushi):

Kitchen equipment

For a fast food outlet, high-quality professional equipment is important. The kitchen should have all the necessary appliances and devices for operational work. The equipment is selected depending on the dishes offered in the cafe. It is advisable to purchase the following devices:

  • electric stove - 55 thousand rubles;
  • refrigeration chamber - 40 thousand rubles;
  • deep fryer - 5 thousand rubles;
  • refrigerated display case - 5 thousand rubles;
  • dishwasher - 7 thousand rubles;
  • device for cutting vegetables - 3 thousand rubles;
  • potato peeler - 2.5 thousand rubles;
  • washing - 3 thousand rubles;
  • scales - 2.5 thousand rubles;
  • water filter - 1.5 thousand rubles;
  • electric kettle - 1.5 thousand rubles;
  • Microwave oven - 3.5 thousand rubles;

TOTAL 130 thousand rubles

Thus, the purchase of equipment for a medium-sized cafe will require 130,000 rubles. The estimate should also include the cost of dishes, trays, packaging for dishes that clients will take with them, furniture and textiles. This will still cost about 100,000 rubles.

Depending on the menu, the kitchen can be equipped with a pancake maker, waffle iron, and juicer. You will also need detergents and disposable gloves. To prepare drinks, it will not be superfluous to buy a coffee machine, a juice cooler, or a thermopot. You need to install a cash register in the sales area. Investments in the purchase of equipment for a cafe will average 230 thousand rubles.


A small cafe will not require many employees. 5 people will be enough:

  • manager;
  • auxiliary worker;
  • cook;
  • salesperson-cashier;
  • cleaning woman.

To account for expenses, salary indicators will be required. Let's take the average salaries for the regions.

The staff will have 9 workers with a shift schedule. Salary expenses will be 80 thousand per month. Additional expenses will be the cost of legalizing the business, rent, menu development, purchasing products, and paying for designer services. On average, the cost of this will be 250,000 rubles.

The final total amount of initial capital for opening a cafe-bistro is 500,000 rubles. and 89,000 rub. to pay employees for the first month. These investments should pay off within 2-3 months.

Video. How to open a fast food cafe

Let's sum it up

The main tasks facing the future cafe owner are to organize the preparation of tasty, varied, inexpensive food and prompt service to visitors. The clients of this type of catering are schoolchildren, office workers, and students. It is advisable to locate the cafe in a shopping center with good traffic or on college campuses.

To advertise the establishment, you can use a budget method - hand out leaflets next to the cafe. The most important thing is to attract a large number of visitors, fast and high-quality service, and high-quality delicious dishes. If you manage to leave a good impression, clients will come back more than once.

Video. Street fast food as a business idea

Fast food has occupied a significant share of the restaurant market for several decades. The economic crisis forced the owners of prestigious fine dining establishments to significantly reduce their prices or close their doors altogether. While fast food businesses continued to operate and earn a stable income. Today, opening establishments of this format is an attractive option for beginning restaurateurs.

The popularity of the fast food business is due to:

  • low opening costs,
  • simple principles of organization,
  • quick payback.

This is a business with a high return on investment. The owners set affordable prices for dishes, thereby expanding the circle of potential customers. Profit increases due to demand, and not mark-ups on products. Financial indicators suit business owners, regardless of the number of points of sale.

Let's take a closer look at how to open a profitable fast food establishment?

Business plan and competitor analysis

The main thing is to make a plan correctly. A well-thought-out and clearly outlined business plan gives you a better chance of success. Business planning includes several points. And the first thing a businessman must decide for himself is to choose a product that he will offer to clients. It is necessary to understand who needs this and why? What is required for implementation? The business plan reflects economic calculations and projected profit figures. It is necessary to distribute the amount of investment, evaluate possible risks and the return on investment of the project.

Analyzing the work of competitors will help you avoid mistakes. Research the location, customer requests, menus and pricing of other businesses.

Choosing a format

In the fast food segment, there are two ways to organize a business:

  • street,
  • stationary.

The first option is retail outlets on the streets: vans, mobile counters and carts, kiosks and pavilions. The advantage of this format is that opening it requires a minimum of investments. Requires transport, compact equipment, a salesperson and a cook. Takeaway dishes are prepared in front of customers.

Stationary fast food establishments: bistros, pizzerias, pie shops, snack bars, dumpling shops and pancake houses are somewhat more trusted. But to organize an establishment with an expanded menu and seating, you will need a larger amount of financial investments, staff and comprehensive equipment.