Exhibition companies for honey trade. Business idea: how to start production and sale of honey

Before starting a business of breeding bees and selling honey, you need to at least theoretically learn this specific business, fortunately there are plenty of sources of information, because bees have been bred since ancient times.

Considering popular and at the same time real, from my point of view, ideas for small businesses from scratch in agriculture, one simply cannot help but recall bee breeding. Indeed, the idea of ​​a bee business is one of the traditional ones for the entire southern part of the former USSR. According to official statistics from past years, we can say that the USSR was one of the five leaders in honey production in the world. Now the situation has changed and Ukraine is in the top five, and Russia has entered the top ten largest producers of sweet products, but in the aggregate nothing has actually changed.

To organize a business based on bee breeding, you need to purchase hives. The optimal number of hives for an entrepreneur who does not permanently live in an apiary is 30 pieces. Such a purchase will cost $600 (based on the price for 1 piece of $20). It should be noted that these costs can be avoided by building the hives yourself.

The costs of running this business are one-time in nature, since after the first honey collection there will be no need to re-purchase bees and hives. By the way, it is not necessary to buy hives at all: if you have some skills, they are not difficult to make yourself. Today on the Internet you can find dozens of diagrams and drawings, according to which you can make high-quality hives with your own hands. If you do not have such a desire or opportunity, you will need to spend approximately 400-500 rubles on the purchase of each hive, the number of which should be equal to the number of bee colonies.

So, for example, if you decide to install 30 hives on your site, you will need to purchase 30 families, the cost of each of which is approximately 1100-1300 rubles. In addition to the above, a novice beekeeper needs to buy the necessary tools, equipment and a special protective suit, spending 3-4 thousand rubles on all this. Thus, the starting capital for breeding 30 bee families will be about 60 thousand rubles. There are no ongoing costs for keeping bees.

The main condition for obtaining sustainable honey yields from bees is the timely and skillful implementation of all apiary work related to the care of bees and their breeding. An equally important task in caring for bees is the beekeeper’s ability to keep bees from harmful natural reproduction (swarming), promptly provide them with high-quality food supplies, create optimal conditions for wintering, prevent bee diseases by timely preventive measures, and when diseases appear, be able to recognize them and treat.

It is advisable to place the apiary in an area protected from the wind, between trees or buildings, in order to prevent the possibility of death or illness of your bees. You can also place the hives on an area that has a south-facing slope, which will be well illuminated by the sun throughout the day.

In the absence of the above-mentioned conditions on your personal plot, the area for the apiary will need to be fenced around the perimeter with a small fence or hedge, the height of which will be at least 1.5-2 meters. It is advisable to locate the hives away from roads and paths heavily traveled by people. It is strictly forbidden to locate an apiary in damp and low places, near industrial enterprises, since such an arrangement of hives will inevitably entail the inevitable disease of the bees.

It is noteworthy that beekeeping not only generates income from the sale of honey, but also from the sale of beeswax, propolis, bee venom and pollen. Thus, with one-time costs for organizing your business, you will receive a stable income.

Working with bees requires special clothing and special care. If you wish, you can breed bees yourself, but it is also possible to hire a separate employee for this, who will visit your hives from time to time for a salary by agreement.

Honey obtained from bee breeding can be sold to both wholesale resellers and small shops. If you wish, with the growth and development of your business, you can organize your own honey supply channel to all stores in your city.

Each bee colony produces about 30 kg of honey per season, so from 30 hives we will get approximately 900 kg of this product. The cost of one kilogram of honey varies, depending on its variety, region, etc., but in any case, it will not be lower than 150 rubles. As a result, 30 hives will bring the owner income, the minimum amount of which is 130-140 thousand rubles. But do not forget that, in addition to honey, you will have propolis, bee venom, propolis and pollen, from the sale of which you can earn about 30 thousand rubles. Thus, already in the first season, your investment will not only pay off, but will also bring about 200% net profit.

Business plan for bee farming. Beekeeping

Beekeeping is another craft that can be a very successful idea. You don’t need a lot of money to start a business, but the profit will be good. Beekeeping provides a wide range of products. In addition to honey, such as it is, there is the possibility of selling pollen, royal jelly, comb honey, propolis and beebread. As a result, you should expect a profitability of 15-30%.

Before starting such a business, you need to familiarize yourself with a large amount of literature, as well as take care of practical skills. Experts say that starting beekeeping from scratch will be difficult. Therefore, only those who know about the main nuances, or better yet, have been through school for several years, should engage in such an industry. After all, experience will allow you to recoup your business within a season, eliminating the possibility of mistakes.

Apiary location.

This is one of the most important questions. The ideal solution is a clearing with colorful plants. Fruit trees in the garden can also be a good place. Some beekeepers decide to abandon their apiaries near fields. But this is always a risk and is fraught with looting. Therefore, you will have to hire a watchman. Therefore, it is best to agree for a fee to place your apiaries near already protected fields or gardens. This option will be beneficial for both parties. After all, pollinated fruits will produce a good harvest. Whereas the bee's value is food and an abundance of honey. Seasonal rental prices will follow the agreements. Most often, this amount starts from $200 and depends on the size of the apiary itself.

So, to work on large fields or gardens, landlords ask for at least $1 thousand.

Purchase of bees and hives.

It is most optimal to purchase five families to start a business. Those who try to start with two often end up unsuccessful. This option will allow you to protect yourself from mistakes and the possibility of family death. It is best to contact experienced beekeepers who breed and sell bees. Although not everyone is ready to share a strong swarm. Most often, bee colonies are sold directly with the hive. Therefore, this will allow you to immediately solve 2 issues. The price of purchasing hives along with cheels will also vary greatly and starts from $800. In the future, experts recommend continuing to develop families. And for the apiary to become a truly profitable industry, it is worth creating about 15 hives.


If you already have hives, then you need to buy the following tools:

  1. Boxes - $12;
  2. Axes - $8;
  3. Planers - $10;
  4. Containers - $30;
  5. Pliers - $4;
  6. New honeycombs - $25;
  7. Frames - $20;
  8. Wires - $10;
  9. Honey extractor - $120;
  10. Special tap for pumping out honey - $40;
  11. Protective suit - $100.

In total, about $500 is needed to purchase the necessary equipment. It is worth noting that some tools will cost consumables. Therefore, it is important to purchase them in the required quantity.


It is quite possible to take care of a small apiary yourself. But, if you have the proper experience and time, and the apiary is small. Otherwise, 1 assistant is required. This is a person with mandatory experience in such activities. Also, most often you need a security guard or even two to work in shifts. Since the apiary will be temporarily located in a field or near a garden, this is seasonal work that lasts for 6 months. Pay will depend on the size of the apiary.

On average, you can expect monthly payments of $400.

The Internet is most often used for advertising. This is the creation of a website page with address data, as well as the dissemination of information about the sale of honey online. You can also use outdoor advertising. When working for the end customer, it is worth posting information and posters on poles. It is also important to prepare leaflets and business cards. It is better to immediately purchase in bulk from a printing house.

Basic costs.

The main costs include the following:

  1. Apiary location - $200-1 thousand;
  2. Purchase of bees and hives (5 families) - $800;
  3. Equipment - about $500;
  4. Staff - $400;
  5. Advertising - $200.

The starting price for creating and developing a business will be about $3.5 thousand.

Profit and payback period.

The market value of 1 kg of honey is $7.5-10. A kilogram of wax will cost customers $8. The cost of propolis is about $7. Bee venom and pollen are sold at the same price. Royal jelly is considered one of the most expensive beekeeping products, and its price is close to $33. This is the market price and may vary greatly depending on the size of the territorial unit and the sales region. As a result, in a season you can make a profit of $9 thousand or more from five hives.

Payback will be realized within a season. Net profit will be about $4 thousand.

Clients and options for development.

Clients: food industry, end customer, cosmetics industry, healthcare industry and so on. As a business development, it is worthwhile to breed hive families. For business to be highly profitable It is worth organizing at least 15 families. Processing honey is also an even more profitable business. But for implementation it is necessary to purchase special equipment. And the volumes of honey should be much more significant.

Modern technologies are several steps ahead of our daily lives. But there are needs that no human invention can satisfy. An excellent example is honey and all beekeeping by-products. The huge content of beneficial micro- and macroelements turns honey into an irreplaceable sweetness. And other products from honey production: royal jelly, pollen, propolis, bee venom and wax are widely used in medicine. A business plan for honey production with calculations will help you understand the topic, assess all sorts of risks and delve into the details.

Choosing a place to place and create a hive

Before drawing up a business plan for honey production, you should familiarize yourself with the method of producing a useful product. First of all, you need to find a honey-bearing place with a lot of flowering plants. The time of collection and the start of work will depend on the location. The beekeeper must know the periods and flowering times of common plants. Here is a calendar of flowering in central Russia.

The selected site should be located on a slight slope or on a flat clearing, surrounded by trees for protection from winds and sun, away from large open bodies of water and industrial and food plants. The minimum distance from other apiaries is 7 kilometers. The apiary should be located near drinking water sources. The hives are placed in a checkerboard pattern. The distance between families should be maintained - about 6 meters, and between rows - at least four meters. The hive should be located at least 30 centimeters from the ground.

The breed of bees will also depend on the location. Central Russian bees or Ukrainian steppe bees are suitable for collecting pollen from buckwheat and linden. The former practically do not hide the collected honey from the beekeeper, while the latter easily tolerate the cold in the wild. For forb and mountain plants, Caucasian bees are better suited.

The hive also depends on the above factors. They are:

  • Single-level horizontal.
  • Double-hulled.
  • Multihull.
  • Books.
  • Retractable.

Any type of hive must have good insulation and ventilation, otherwise the bees may either freeze or suffocate.


The good thing about a business plan for selling honey is that you can start it on your own personal plot. The room for storing equipment can be of a small area - a shed is enough. An individual entrepreneur on the Unified Agricultural Tax is ideal as a form of ownership. The type of economic activity falls under OKVED-2 01.49.11 “Honey beekeeping.” Despite the fact that honey production is not subject to mandatory licensing, it is mandatory to obtain permission from veterinary services. To obtain a permit and veterinary passport, you need to go through the following steps:

  1. Write an application to the chief sanitary doctor of the locality. The application contains information about the location of the apiary, the number of bee families and owner information.
  2. Next, the veterinary service comes to the apiary to check. The auditor conducts an inspection and records information: technical characteristics of the apiary, feed, veterinary treatment, describes the beekeeper’s clothing. A potential entrepreneur must study all the characteristics to obtain a passport. Many factors are assessed; this issue must be approached with full responsibility.
  3. If there are comments or recommendations, a deadline is set for compliance with the requirements, and the inspection comes again.
  4. Only after a complete and successful check can the beekeeper receive a passport.
  5. Every year, notes are made in the passport about the sanitary condition of the apiary, veterinary examination, results of laboratory tests of honey, prevention and treatment of bees. Once the passport is completely filled out, it needs to be changed.
Type of action Price, rubles
Registration of individual entrepreneur (state duty) 800
Registration with the tax service
Obtaining a medical record and medical examination 3000
Obtaining a certificate from the administration about the presence of an apiary 30
Obtaining permission from neighbors to maintain an apiary
Calling an expert to the apiary to obtain a passport 300
Bee examination 300
Honey analysis 500
Obtaining a veterinary certificate 200
Veterinary support for a year 10 000
Receiving a passport
Permission from Rospotrebnadzor
Permission from the fire department
Notification of Rospotrebnadzor about the start of activities
Total* 15 130

*Average prices for services are indicated. Depending on the region, the cost may vary.

To register an apiary you need a minimum of funds, but to obtain all the necessary documents, you will have to spend about 3-4 months.

Technical equipment

Expense item Qty Unit cost, in rubles Total, in rubles
Hive with housings for 16 frames “Dobrynya” 30 4 500 135 000
Bee packages (Central Russian breed) 30 4 000 120 000
Veterinary drugs 30 3 300 99 000
Insurance of bee colonies with hives (5% of the insured amount) 30 400 12 000
Beekeeper protective suit 3 1 500 4 500
Various sizes of containers for honey 1950 30 58 500
Other small equipment such as chisels, wires, wax, etc. 15 000
Honey extractor 1 15 000 15 000
TOTAL 459 000


The number of workers in an apiary is calculated as follows: 4 hours must be devoted to 1 hive per week. 30 hives per week will require 120 hours. Thus, it is enough to hire 3 temporary workers to cope with the presented volumes during the peak season. The rest of the time (October-March) the owner can independently monitor the condition of the bees and hives. For each beekeeper, the wage fund will be 25 thousand rubles. Taking into account deductions, it will be 32,550 rubles. For three people, the wage fund will be 97,650 rubles per month. There won’t be too many accounting delays, so all document flow and accounting can be carried out by the owner of the production through online services.


To promote agricultural products, you can not resort to aggressive marketing, but use conservative methods of promotion:

  • Establish direct contacts with distributors.
  • Look for direct buyers.

To find direct buyers, it is proposed to resort to the following measures:

This is a one-time expense and there will be no monthly advertising costs.

Amount of initial investment

Production cycle

The business is seasonal, and its opening should be timed to coincide with the flowering of local herbs and plants. Since the first inflorescences appear at the end of April, you need to buy equipment and install hives and transplant bee packages there already in mid-April, on a sunny day. Along the way, you can get a veterinary passport. Next year, when bee colonies have already been formed, you can start working on your own in January. You can receive honey every couple of weeks, until mid-September. Next, the bee colonies need to be prepared for wintering and the hives need to be put in order.

Financial indicators

Among monthly expenses, the largest share is made up of salary costs:

  • Payroll – 97,650 rubles.
  • Utility bills for water and electricity – 3,000 rubles.
  • Unforeseen expenses - 5,000 rubles.
  • Taxes – 1,761 rubles.

Income will directly depend on how much bees can produce. With the best outcome, you can collect 2 kilograms of honey from one frame over the entire season, but it is worth considering that in the outer combs there is half as much honey as in the middle. In practice, one frame will yield about 1.5 kilograms of honey. Having 30 hives with 16 frames each, you can get 540 kilograms of honey. The average price of honey is 450 rubles per kilogram. In 1 season you can collect honey three times. During a season, a beekeeper can receive 2,160 kilograms of honey. Of this, 660 kg should be left for the bees for the winter. The beekeeper has 1,500 kilograms of honey for sale. The total profitability for the season is 675,000 rubles. Net profit for the season will be 137,945 rubles. The initial investment will pay off in 4 years. Profitability is 20%.


There is no denying the fact that beekeeping is a risky activity. Here are a number of facts that may affect the result of the work:

  • Reassessment of the area's honey potential.
  • The need to locate the apiary with an orientation toward possible locations of livestock, standing water, and trees.
  • Dependence on climatic conditions.
  • Mistakes in choosing a bee breed.
  • Poor quality hives.
  • Death of bees during wintering.
  • Incorrect calculation of the nutrition necessary for wintering bees.

An important factor is the beekeeper’s total experience and knowledge. In addition to caring for the hives, the beekeeper must monitor the mood in the families, prevent swarming, and be able to breed strong families. Only if all factors are observed can a good collection of honey and bee products be achieved.

A successful honey selling business requires several years of experience and at least $40 thousand in start-up investment. Beekeepers claim that the honey business is very versatile. It’s not enough to just invest money and wait for results, you need to really love bees and be passionate about the business.

It’s better not to rush to invest all your money in a large apiary at once, especially if there is no experienced beekeeper nearby. For starters, 5-6 hives are quite enough. Try to look after bees throughout the year, study their habits and behavioral characteristics.

Another way to gain practical experience is to get a job as an assistant in a large apiary. The assistant position will lift the curtain on the secret of success in the honey selling business.

Selection of bees and hives

First of all, you need to choose a breed of bees. Experts recommend breeding the breed for which the area around the apiary is traditional. You should not buy expensive families from abroad. They are unlikely to be able to quickly take root in completely new conditions. Individuals bred by crossing lose productivity by up to 40% already from the 3rd generation. In addition, you risk “infecting” the families of neighboring apiaries with foreign blood.

Next we move on to choosing a hive. Here a lot depends on whether the beekeeper will move from one place to another. Please note that a bee will be able to bring nectar if it is within a radius of 3 km. Otherwise, it will be completely burned to restore energy.

In large apiaries, 1/3 of the hives are stationary, the rest roam from time to time.

Today, the most popular types of hives are: alpine, multi-body, lounger and dadan. Practice shows that the latter type is the most convenient and functional.

Honey Selling Business: Potential Profits

If you decide to engage in trade on an industrial scale, you should think about opening an LLC. You will have to undergo inspection by regulatory authorities and obtain a product certificate. Collecting all the documents can take significant financial and time costs. It is much easier to sell products to wholesalers, who sell honey abroad and to supermarkets on a regular basis. Naturally, the profit from wholesale sales will be much more modest. Today, the retail cost of one kilogram of honey ranges from $10-15, while the wholesale price is $4-5.

Beekeepers who own families from 200 to 400 families, on the one hand, collect large volumes of honey per season, but on the other hand, this is not enough to organize supplies to chain stores.

Particularly enterprising beekeepers sell honey on the Internet. They are unlikely to be able to boast of large sales volumes, but an additional sales platform will never hurt.

Do not miss:

Risks of the honey business

Beekeeping is a very risky activity. No one can give you guarantees of successful implementation of the farm. Drought, cold winter, disease - all these factors in an illiterate beekeeper can lead to the complete extinction of the family.

Another problem has emerged relatively recently - pesticides. Many farmers do not disdain them, and bees suffer greatly from this. If you find out that similar work has begun within a radius of 5 km, immediately transport the apiary to a new location. In addition, do not forget about strengthening the bees' immunity.

You can open a specialized department for honey trading with an amount of 200 - 300 thousand rubles. What is the advantage of such a department and how can you compete with retail chains? Read on.

A special department for the sale of honey or a honey shop is a small retail outlet selling honey and other beekeeping products, as well as related products: tea and confectionery. Such stores are gaining popularity due to a wide range of honey varieties, packaged in different containers (200, 500, 1000 grams, and so on).

The first advantage of such a department over chain stores, which also sell packaged honey, is that it offers a wide range of honey and related products. Thanks to its narrow specialization, in such a department you can sell not only more than 10 varieties of honey: North Caucasian, Far Eastern, Kyrgyz honey, and so on, but also other products and goods:

  • royal jelly;
  • pollen;
  • propolis;
  • honey cosmetics;
  • bee treat;
  • container for honey;
  • useful literature;
  • unique tea, tea sets.

Another advantage of a honey shop: here you can offer honey for testing. After all, this is important for the client, since honey is an expensive product, and one wants to approach its purchase with special selectivity. You can also think of a unique “honey as a gift” packaging or give useful literature or a tea set as a gift for a large purchase. The client will appreciate this and become your regular customer.

To organize such a store, you do not need a large area - it is enough to rent from 10 to 20 square meters. m. of retail space. It is not necessary to rent a place that is accessible (such premises are expensive); you can rent premises even in a residential area of ​​the city. In this case, you can count on local residents who will become your regular customers. For example, a room on the ground floor of an apartment building may be perfect. Renting such premises will cost between 15 and 30 thousand rubles per month.

An important component of a store is a competent salesperson. A person who not only stands behind the cash register, but who can suggest, explain and offer the right product to the buyer. He must know absolutely everything about the product: what kind of honey it is, where it came from, what beneficial properties it has, which honey is bitter, which one lasts longer, and so on. The salesperson is the key figure in making the store successful.

There are several options for purchasing goods for your store.

1. You find wholesale suppliers, of which there are plenty in each region, and purchase goods from them (packaged honey). Essentially, you will purchase the same assortment that is available in supermarkets. But this won't be enough. For more variety, you will have to work with local apiaries, who can offer you honey in different containers (even barrels) and at a more attractive price. You can also purchase other beekeeping products from them (propolis, pollen, royal jelly, and so on).

If you buy packaged honey from a wholesale supplier, then you only need to have a quality certificate or declaration of conformity for the batch. But if you take honey from a private person - a beekeeper, then you will have to request an apiary passport and a certificate from a veterinarian for this batch of honey. If these documents are missing, during a sudden inspection of the store, the retail outlet will suffer, not the honey supplier.

2. Opening your own honey production or packaging. You find a room for a workshop, purchase the necessary equipment (packing plant), hire staff and begin work. Honey for packaging is purchased from local beekeepers at a low price. And after packaging, its price becomes 3-4 times higher. In this case, you receive excess profits, since you bypass all intermediary schemes (as in the case of purchasing honey from wholesale suppliers). Opening your own packaging shop requires additional investments (from 500 thousand rubles). But you will be able to supply products not only to your own retail outlets, but also to other stores. In fact, you become the same wholesale supplier.

Important advice: before opening a point, study the literature, consult with specialists (the same owners of apiaries). Learn to understand honey, distinguish high-quality honey from low-quality honey, natural honey from honey made from sugar. This will help avoid many losses at the start.

        • Similar business ideas:

Opening a department selling packaged honey does not require large investments. Trade equipment can be purchased second-hand, and products for sale can be purchased in installments from local beekeepers. In most cases, to open a store it is enough to rent a corner of 10-15 square meters. meters in a shopping center or on the ground floor of an apartment building. The second option is even more preferable, since clients will be, as they say, “nearby”...

The retail honey market is currently quite developed, but the opening of new sales points continues. Basically, packaged honey is purchased in retail chains. But its range in such objects leaves much to be desired. Plus, retail chains are unlikely to provide advice on the varieties and types of this product, and this is very important for the buyer.

These two facts create a certain niche for opening a specialized department for the sale of packaged honey. This point of sale has several advantages that will be easily appreciated by true connoisseurs of a useful product.

Firstly, in a specialized retail store the range of honey and other products is much larger. Here you can sell a lot of related products: bee products (wax, propolis, royal jelly, beebread, pollen), health products, tea, medicinal herbs, gift sets.

Secondly, such departments, as a rule, employ a person who understands the types of honey and its beneficial properties. After all, often, when a buyer comes to a store, he does not know what variety and taste he will like. But no problem - tasting is open for him, try and buy whatever your heart desires. You won't find this in a supermarket, that's for sure.

It is for these reasons that a specialized store selling honey and related products will always be in demand. Any city, from small to large, will form its own client base.

How to start a business opening a department selling packaged honey

A businessman who decides to open such a business needs to resolve several issues. First you need to decide where to get honey from and how to create the right range of products. There are several options. First option: You can buy honey in bulk from local beekeepers and package it yourself in plastic or glass containers. The advantage of such activity is that you can get more profit due to a higher markup (up to 100-150%). However, there is also a significant disadvantage - packaging requires the purchase of appropriate equipment (UD-2 dosing unit), a separate room and the hiring of labor. In other words, you are forced to open a full-fledged production, with all that it implies.

An easier way is to purchase ready-made, packaged honey from wholesalers, of which there are quite a few in our country. You can even agree on such conditions that they themselves will bring the goods to your outlet. Hence, there are no transportation costs. You will earn less (maximum 50% markup), but there will be significantly less hassle.

How much money do you need to start a business selling packaged honey?

As for the total costs of starting a business, they can range from 300 thousand rubles, depending on the scale of the project. It is logical that the larger the sales department, the more funds are needed for its arrangement. The purchase of retail equipment will cost at least 100 thousand rubles, to create an assortment of goods - from 150 thousand rubles, for advertising (signboard in front of the entrance) - from 30 thousand rubles, for other organizational expenses. expenses are still about 20 thousand rubles.

When purchasing goods, you should definitely check with the supplier for the availability of an apiary passport and a veterinary certificate for the batch of honey. This is necessary in order to avoid problems with regulatory authorities in the future.

The most important task of the business organizer is to find good sellers, real experts in the honey business. Often, the size of the store’s revenue and the success of the entire business depend on the skill of your sellers. The person behind the counter must understand the types of honey, be able to offer the right product to the buyer, explain its healing properties and rules of use. In addition, he must have good human qualities, be polite and responsive. Finally, the seller must be able to sell the product, no matter how trivial it may sound. If a buyer, having come for one jar of honey, takes two more with him, and also bought a set of Indian tea just in case, you have found the ideal employee.

How much can you earn from a honey selling point?

When talking about how much you can earn from the retail sale of honey, you need to calculate turnover. In total, one bee colony can produce an average of 40-50 kilograms of honey per season. Taking into account the current market price of 300 rubles per kilogram, we can conclude that one family can earn 12-15 thousand rubles per season. Then from one apiary you can get about 400,000-500,000 rubles. You can also introduce the sale of beekeeping by-products (pollen, wax, propolis). From their sale you can get an average of 120-150 thousand rubles. If the development of the apiary proceeds at a normal pace, then subsequently the number of bee colonies will only increase, which will give impetus to an increase in profits.

What equipment to choose for a honey selling point

The main equipment to purchase is honey packaging devices. Experienced entrepreneurs advise choosing the domestic Medofit+ line. It is highly productive, with great power and a rather high price - for one automated production line you will have to pay about 500,000 rubles. You also need transport for delivery of containers, the containers themselves and standard retail equipment (counters, racks, signs, etc.).

Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?

When registering a business, you must indicate OKVED code 52.27.39 (“Retail trade in other food products”).

What documents are needed to open a point selling honey?

To open a point for the retail sale of honey, you need to register an individual business. To do this, you need to collect the following package of documents:

  • a copy of the act of registration with the tax office;
  • copy of ID;
  • application for opening an individual entrepreneur (in the form);
  • receipt of payment of state tax for opening an individual entrepreneur.

Which taxation system to choose when registering a business?

To open a point selling honey in Moscow, it is recommended to use a simplified taxation system, and in other regions - UTII.

Do you need a permit to open a point selling honey?

For retail trade in honey and by-products, you do not need a license, but you need to undergo certification in the structures of Rosstat and Rospotrebnadzor - this will allow you to distribute the products through retail chains.

Business management technology

In general, retail honey can bring even more income than wholesale. This is because it is difficult to succeed in wholesale trade due to high competition. Otherwise, thanks to the opening of not even one, but several honey retail outlets, the entrepreneur has a chance to become a monopolist in certain areas. If, of course, the quality of the product corresponds to this. Subsequently, you can create your own brand and promote it on the Internet (including by creating an online store).