What is a cpa business? CPA marketing is the goldmine of online business

Good afternoon dear friends! The purpose of this post is to open your eyes to CPA, to the prospects that await you, and to explain the work scheme in this very “delicious” kitchen.

CPA marketing– this is a business based on affiliate programs with payment for the actions of the people you attract. Actions can be different: registration, email subscription, purchases, etc. Serious money is circulating here, and getting into the CPA business is still easy.

The domestic market in this segment is in a stage of active growth, so if you enter here right now, you will have a chance to get promoted and earn hundreds of thousands of Russian rubles every month. When the CPA business market stabilizes, it will be almost impossible for a newcomer to settle here, since very large budgets will be required to enter. Now you can start with 1000 – 3000 rubles.

How much will you receive? Let's see. For example, for 1 registration, a site or a company using a CPA marketing strategy is willing to pay approximately 0.5-1 USD, and in some areas - 2 or more. Little things? What if you attract 1000 such registrations in a month (this is quite possible if you advertise on sites with a target audience)? 1000 dollars (on average) minus advertising costs 200-300 USD. (everything is individual, depends on the success of the advertising campaign, its type and other parameters). Here's how much money is circulating here (and that's not the limit):

Earnings from CPA: scheme

This abbreviation translates as Cost-Per-Action, i.e. payment for the actions of the target client whom you must bring to the company. She will pay you. Actions can be anything: from going to the organization’s website to registering and purchasing goods. But let's take things in order. So, there are only 4 links in the CPA marketing chain.

This creates a vicious circle of mutually beneficial cooperation. If at least 1 link drops out, then the CPA business scheme stops working.


Receives clients without advertising costs. She could buy it herself, but for this she needs to hire a specialist, waste time, etc. It is much easier to offer a tasty affiliate program and get clients on autopilot. This is the beauty of CPA marketing for business. CPA network

. This is an intermediary between the partner and the company. All settings take place here: creating an affiliate link, maintaining statistics on completed actions and the amount of remuneration. The CPA network monitors the purity of the transaction, makes payments to partners and receives its %. Naturally, 2 people who don’t even see each other in person and often don’t hear each other cannot trust each other the first time. The CPA network guarantees both parties that they will get what they came for.

I have had the opportunity to work with several CPA partners, including Ryumka, KMA, Admitad, Monsterleads and others. I especially liked working with Dr.Cash: they have “chocolate” cases from TOP partners and support who is ready to set the right direction at the start, suggest an offer and a positive link. By the way, their offers are in the “beauty and health” category, which even a beginner can master. Partner . Earns money by attracting interested clients. He receives an individual link leading to the company’s website and begins to promote it everywhere: on his website or by buying advertising. With the right approach, investments in it pay off with a profit of 50–100%, and sometimes even more. If you want to learn how to make such a profit, I recommend this free school

. Of all the 4 paid CPA courses that I have ever studied, this one turned out to be the most effective. There are very valuable free materials from practitioners, from which you can already earn your first decent money. I recently bought a paid course from them and realized that among the pile of garbage that is now being sold on this topic, this one is a real diamond. Client

. Performs an action, receiving benefits for himself and providing income to the partner, the CPA network and the company. The ultimate goal of any client is to solve his problem in exchange for money. The problem may be the following: there is nothing to drive to work (the solution is to buy a car), nothing to play (registration in an online game), not enough money (buy a course on making money on the Internet, get a loan), etc.

Basic concepts of CPA marketing

  • This mini-dictionary will help you, because without it, listening or reading the instructions of the guru in the CPA, you will not understand anything.– this is the flow of visitors that you will direct to the partner’s website. Drive traffic = redirect visitors from one site to another.
  • - in CPA, this is the purchase of visitors on one site and transfer it to another, making a profit.
  • Lead– a person who has performed a paid action for which you must be paid.
  • Hold time– the time during which your lead is verified by the company. If it turns out to be fraudulent (for example, using active advertising) and you are exposed, then you will not receive payment. Moreover, if the cheating is serious, the matter may come to trial. Therefore, it is profitable and safe to use honest marketing in CPA.
  • Profit- profit.
  • Context– contextual advertising (i.e. text).
  • Teaser– teaser advertising (a bright, sometimes frightening or attention-grabbing picture with a flashy title).
  • Offer– from English offer - offer. This is an affiliate program with its own conditions and offer of earnings, which works through the CPA network.
  • . This is how much you can earn for each click on an affiliate link.
  • That's all for now. If I remember anything else, I’ll definitely add it.
  • – this is the storage time of Cookies, during which the client assigned to the partner must make a purchase or other targeted action after clicking on the affiliate link. If a lead arrives later than the post-click cookie is stored, it will not be counted towards the partner.

Where to get traffic for CPA

  1. Own website, social network group And . The process of creating and promoting your project is quite labor-intensive, but it’s worth it because... you create passive income for yourself. Your website will then work for you for years with minimal effort. Therefore, if you haven’t started creating it yet, then start today, understand this topic and in 2-3 months you will make a profit. And I have a gift for you: a promo code for , which, by the way, has been running this blog for the 2nd year.
  2. Free methods, including . Just don’t SPAM, otherwise you will be 100% excluded from the affiliate program without payment. A very long and tedious process. But if you have nothing to do or little money and a lot of time, try it.
  3. Banner. Suitable for any affiliate program, the main thing is to place it on the right sites where the target audience lives who is interested in the product or service being offered. Banners can be placed through Rotaban - a good service with very affordable prices. By the way, for starters, you can manually write to webmasters of sites in your field with a request to place your banner in test mode and a promise to give away a certain percentage of the profit (i.e., profit). Most of the webmasters will send you somewhere, some will not answer, but in the end you will still find those who agree.
  4. Teasers. A fairly cheap way to get referrals, but there are many nuances that are worth knowing before launching the teaser. And be sure to analyze the results afterwards. I recommend studying it. Yes, it’s a pity I didn’t find it at the time. Would save a lot of money. Teasers are suitable for women's themes, for advertising all sorts of scandals and women's products based on fears such as obesity, for gaming and adult (materials for adults) themes. It is not recommended to use it for selling paid training courses, because... The traffic from there comes mostly “cold”, not ready to buy.
  5. Context. To be honest, I haven't come here yet. They say that the pros make crazy profits from the context. But this requires knowledge and practical experience. And be sure to analyze every action.
  6. Social media. There are 2 ways here - placing advertisements in VK groups and using official advertising on the left. In the 2nd case, you can very accurately determine your target audience and carefully study the placement rules. I tried to post there 3 times, but the ads did not pass moderation for the following reasons: documents are needed (for pyrotechnics), advertising of such and such sites is prohibited (and absolutely white, fluffy and does not violate the laws). Well, to place yourself in groups, you can use sociate.ru or contact their owners directly.

Where to get CPA marketing training for free

There is the only online school in the CIS that offers beginners free online lessons, plus the support of a live mentor. That is, as you progress through the course, you will be able to ask questions on Skype.

  1. This is not just a school: its founder also owns his own CPA networks Ryumka and CPAelectro with exclusive offers, and also has a large traffic arbitrage team. Those. Your training will be carried out by practitioners.
  2. If you succeed in your studies, you may be accepted there with a salary of 1000 – 2000 dollars and more.
  3. The main goal for creating free training at this school was to increase the team of arbitrage specialists in order to scale in the CPA market. But you can just learn the basics and go “free swimming”.
  4. The course “” has existed for more than one year, but is constantly being modernized. So you will receive the latest information and cases on CPA marketing from practitioners free of charge.
  5. You will attend highly valuable educational webinars held several times a week.

How to register and get your first lessons

  1. Follow this link
  2. Watch the video, read the information, click “Start training” and fill out the form.
  3. Be sure to include real contacts in the form. You will be contacted by a person who will accompany you throughout your training.
  4. A letter will be sent to your e-mail. Don’t ignore it: open and follow the links to activate your subscription to training materials and receive webinar announcements by email.

And finally, a very useful free book about this type of earnings.

After receiving this free book about CPA, you will learn...

There are many ways to make money on the Internet, and one of the most notable among them is earnings through CPA affiliate programs, which allows you to receive a stable income from advertising. What is such a CPA business and how to build it?

What is SPA?

You have probably come across such terms on the Internet as CPA advertising, CPA news, CPA business, etc. CPA is an abbreviation that stands for “Cost Per Action”, that is, from the English “payment for action”. What does this mean? This is a special type of advertising on the Internet, which is paid not for a click or impression, but for a specific action taken.

Such advertising is considered the most effective and convenient for the customer. For example, an online store wants to increase sales and places CPA advertising on the Internet - the customer will pay not for its impressions, but for the direct transition and further purchase of the product. Those. for CTR is the click-through rate of an advertisement, that is, its effectiveness when directly displayed to the client.

CPA advertising costs much more than regular contextual or teaser advertising and has a very high CTR. The action included in a given CRF can be very diverse - for example, purchasing a product, filling out a form, sending an application, viewing a store’s price list, contacting an operator, viewing a certain chain of pages.

Conventional advertising works in such a way that not every ad turns out to be truly effective and profitable - the CTR of ads is very low. Among a thousand impressions or transitions, there may be only a couple of dozen actions required by the customer, for example, ordering a product, so CPA advertising is like the tip of the ad iceberg; the customer does not pay for hundreds of empty transitions, but only for real actions, which are often few. The CTR level of CPA advertising is as high as possible.

How to make money with CPA?

Advertising with high CTR and cost per action can be the basis for a successful online business. In general, the scheme of such activity on the network works in approximately the same way as working with conventional types of advertising. And, as you know, you can make money on advertising in a number of ways: selling a platform for placing ads, affiliate networks, developing effective ads and managing them.

When people talk about it, they most often mean earning money through affiliate programs, of which there are already a lot on the Internet today. In Russia, for example, some of the most notable affiliate programs include programs such as AdmitAd and CityAds.

They work according to a simple scheme - you have a website with regular visitors and you register it in the affiliate network. The affiliate program gives you advertising banners that should be placed on the pages of your website or teaser advertising. For each effective CPA with a high CTR, a decent reward is paid, for example, 5-10% of the income from the transaction.

Alternative income from CPA

There is another way to make money with pay-per-action advertising. Affiliate network can provide you with a universal link that customers should click on and take certain actions, such as ordering a product. The partner is usually not interested in where you will place such links; it can be either your website or other people’s resources, such as social networks or forums.

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Thus, for a successful business, all you have to do is create a group on a social network, for example VKontakte, and sell your partner’s products there using an affiliate link. Or you can find forums with a suitable topic and regularly publish links there, but in this case it is very important to work intelligently with the audience and provide a link not as an advertisement, but as advice.

For example, you can tell the forum that you recently bought hand cream and found it absolutely amazing, and when asked where you bought it, simply post an affiliate link.

The World Wide Web has enveloped the entire planet, penetrates into all spheres of life in all countries, and exerts ever-increasing pressure on politics, economics, social structure, etc. In addition, the Internet is systematically modified, stunning the whole world with new innovations. In the first decades of the twenty-first century, the concept of CPA (Cost Per Action) arose. Literally translated from English, this means “pay for action.” It’s completely unclear, isn’t it? What is CPA marketing? Teaching this subject will show the depth of changes in marketing technologies of the modern Internet.

Internet and time

The Internet has now become a place for processing a large amount of information at different levels and in completely different ways. So big that even in Russia (with all the successes, computer technology and business still lag significantly behind the West), the Internet is comparable in financial flows to the country’s agriculture.

But big money requires a lot of effort to manage and speed things up. CPA methods are one of the effective ways to work with businesses on the Internet. You can either make money from this by attracting traffic, or develop your own business by paying advertising specialists only for targeted actions of potential clients. In recent decades, CPA marketing from scratch has been one of the most popular areas of online commerce in the world and the fastest growing area in the RuNet.

Why is that? When in the past companies gave money for potential clients to visit their pages and display direct advertising on bloggers' sites, that was enough. Today the situation has changed. Online sellers need effective, targeted spending of budgets. CPA marketing calculates payment only for a specific action of an incoming potential client. Registration, further subscription to the newsletter and trade offers, calling a specialist (measurement measurer, for example), making a call, completing the desired purchase of a product (ideally) - here is a list of proposed conversion (desired) commercial actions.

CPA marketing

It used to be simpler; it was enough just to create and regularly maintain your website listing products. This gave about 90% of successful trading on the Internet, which was considered a significant success. Nowadays, such promotion of a product will not give any effective result; buyers simply will not find a website or trading platform if there is no correct, interesting and unobtrusive advertising. The competition between companies and products is very great, and the situation is also aggravated by the fact that the Internet actually has no specific boundaries, which requires constantly stimulating potential consumers and sending them along the right path.

This is now called the term “Internet marketing”. And CPA marketing plays an important role from scratch to results.

As there are fewer and fewer opportunities for trade, the problem arises of how to increase the effectiveness of marketing activities? We need a working CPA model. The return on existing investments in this case reaches almost 100%. CPA marketing (we'll look at examples below) shows that, in particular, a travel company nowadays only pays for registering a tourist on its website or even ordering a tour. If the client did not do this, the responsible advertising agency does not have the required fee. And vice versa, the larger the tour operator’s database has become or the more tours they can sell, the greater the profit for the company working with it. Consequently, money from the existing budget is distributed much more efficiently. Honest and fruitful cooperation in this case benefits all participants in the chain.

In a similar situation, a digital agency can significantly increase its commercial profit.

Difficult start

Of course, the opportunity to earn money quickly attracts those interested. The term affiliate marketing itself has been popular for generations. But only these days, the financial flow earned from attracting a large number of clients to the advertiser’s company’s website is produced not through the usual traffic on the link, but from the position of a possible client.

There are many attempts. Even very, very much, because who doesn’t love quick money. But judging by further reactions to CPA marketing, reviews are very often negative. Why does this happen? Why are people leaving marketing in droves?

Many users who are just starting to work in this area are under emotional stress and simply give up on CPA marketing due to the fact that their work and any attempts give absolutely no results. Nothing works out for those who want to earn money quickly and easily, and not become specialists. Only professionals in their field remain.

The problem is that the techniques are not yet so popular, because, on the one hand, they have not been fully developed, and on the other, they are not widespread. Lots of newbies. The desire to receive money is constantly growing, but skills are still lacking. Hence there are many pessimists and negative reviews.

Meanwhile, there is no need to lose heart ahead of time. Actually, any work, no matter how difficult it may seem, tends to end with a victorious report. The most important thing is not to abandon your plan halfway. CPA marketing yields to a lot of patience and fierce determination.

Mainly, for this you need to change your own approach to work, work on mistakes, and in-depth analyze the work done. These reflections will show what was done in general, what were the typical mistakes that can be corrected with the same standard actions.


A close acquaintance will tell you that you can’t just understand CPA marketing. Training, at least minimal, must be present. The most primitive and quite subjective can be obtained from older, more experienced comrades. The positive side of this type of training is that it is concrete work. The negative side is that the theoretical side is presented from the point of view of a mentor who does not always understand what the scientific basis of CPA marketing is.

Universities provide a much more decent level, but their standards often lag behind the realities of life. Books on CPA marketing are more up-to-date, but their content should first be reviewed by a specialist. Otherwise, a beginner can get a very non-trivial understanding of CPA.

Marketing Options

CPA marketing and other names imply the same concept. Using for commercial purposes a model for the rapid promotion of manufactured goods (services) on the Internet, in which specific user actions are paid. Very effective CPA marketing can be developed in this regard. Beginner mistakes include haste and rough methods of influence. Specialists in this field use various tools, such as direct and contextual advertising, effective SMM marketing, fast search engine promotion, etc. But it is necessary to emphasize that for an advertising company in any of the listed commercial models, its own financial direction is created. In this regard, according to reviews, CPA marketing makes it possible to make a profit almost from the first working week. This is a very good financial result.

Flexible return

There are many CPA marketing opportunities. How to make money now is not an unsolvable question. Internet marketing is developing rapidly and actively, and the buyer is no less actively looking for an opportunity to escape, to hide from annoying direct advertising. Because of this, marketers are constantly having to look for less rude ways to attract potential customers.

In this regard, the undoubted advantage of the CPA model will be the ease of changing actions. A new client subscribed to the newsletter - they paid, but he didn’t want to - the company didn’t want to transfer the payment. It is this ease of determining effectiveness that attracts all partners in the product promotion chain. But, of course, this is not the last positive side that can be highlighted in CPA marketing.

Positive points

Reports from experts in this field make it possible to determine some of the reasons for the popularity of the scheme:

  1. For the offer, this is a very profitable way to spend the available money. Payment occurs only for useful actions of a potential client. It turns out CPA marketing without investment. Monetary risks are virtually eliminated. After all, in comparison with the investments made in certain contextual advertising and SEO, offers clearly know that they will be able to achieve the planned activity, the targeted action.
  2. Marketers, in turn, make money from the targeted leads they receive. Therefore, they have to come up with new incentives that are interesting and understandable to the consumer. Since most often the allocation of money for successful conversion actions is higher than the fees for collected traffic, consumer clicks and impressions, advertising agencies are quite interested in using CPA marketing.
  3. The owner of a popular entertainment site aimed at consumers in our country will also begin to maintain his own resource at a high level. After all, he needs a regular flow of clients who will be shown advertising within the framework of the CPA model. The higher the popularity of the portal, the greater the potential to receive a permanent income (or simply raise the payment for a single short action).

In general, each of the participants in the chain, in addition to basic monetary benefits, also receives additional bonuses - from facilitating the planning of an ongoing advertising campaign to developing an Internet resource.

Development ways

Among the large number of possibilities for using marketing with possible payment for conversion actions, we will consider the most popular ones. Effective CPA marketing, positive examples of which can be quickly researched, manifests itself like this:

  1. Cost per lead (CPL) - product advertising is considered complete when a potential client clicks on the link provided and, at the very least, registers (entered his email address and name).
  2. Selling pages or sites (just one page or full-fledged Internet resources with advertising landing pages) - in them the client acquires complete useful information about the products being sold and is redirected to well-known manufacturers, where he can place an order. The task of the advertising specialists themselves is to try to qualitatively push the consumer so that he really has a personal desire to purchase the product.
  3. Quite successful promotion with payment for actions is very similar to content marketing that has existed for many years, but the emerging CPA marketing believes that payment will be made not for the existing traffic or the space that appears in the search query string, but for certain actions of the Internet user .
  4. Review sites with a significant amount of information about products, comparative characteristics, and so on. User reviews, professional reviews and ratings are also found here. Each such message sends the consumer to the page of the desired advertiser (the manufacturer itself or an authorized seller), and if the consumer follows the link and buys the product, the owner of this review site receives a certain reward.


To fully understand the nuances of CPA marketing, you need to understand how many participants in this chain there are, how they are involved in the promotion structure that provides a reliable cash flow.

CPA marketing, reviews of which are very varied, is implemented in the presence of at least three equal parties: the seller of the product being sold - an advertising agency (full-cycle or digital-based) - owners of online blogs and popular sites. The first two participants are called offers, i.e. persons who determine payment for attracting various consumers to their website. But, as already noted, CPA marketing without monetary investments (without separate investments and payments for Internet content) is not just ordinary traffic; This is payment for certain actions of the site client.

Therefore, it is much easier for active owners of review, general or thematic sites, popular information and entertainment portals to receive money. After all, several thousand (knowledgeable experts indicate that the usual statistics are 15-20 thousand) visits per day will certainly give the required number of transitions. Another issue is that the consumer is becoming more and more discerning and it is not easy to force him to implement something: you will have to put in a lot of effort and think through really effective incentives.

Internet marketing indicators CPC, CPA are objective indicators of CPC marketing. The price that an advertiser gives for one click on a commercial advertisement followed by a smooth transition to the site is the best indicator of success.

Scope of application

Thematic online stores, service establishments, etc. - these are the most suitable business projects that need such marketing. Cash transfers (reviews from professionals about CPA marketing are encouraging) can rise to very, very high numbers. But this will only happen if the site owner correctly assesses his audience and displays the right offers. The products sold should be clear to visitors and correspond to their interests and financial capabilities.

Selling unusually exotic, purely individual products on websites using CPA marketing will not achieve the desired results. After all, consumers of such goods are in small numbers.