How to open a wedding salon from scratch: secrets of experienced specialists. How to open your own wedding salon that makes a profit

For aspiring entrepreneurs, it can sometimes be very difficult to decide which business to choose. In such cases, experts advise focusing on the area in which you understand at least a little, but it’s still better to understand it thoroughly. Many businessmen (and more often, businesswomen) are seduced by the beauty of the fashion or wedding business, believing that it is easy to give people joy in their own salon. However, behind a small amount of positive emotions there are a lot of difficulties that you will have to face on the path to success and profit.

Be prepared for a lot of unforeseen expenses and expenses, fierce competition, and, after all, the seasonality of this business: you will have to work a lot just to stay afloat. But if you study the whole picture in advance, you can avoid unpleasant surprises, and with effort, you will realize yourself as a successful entrepreneur.

Oh, this wedding, wedding: features of doing business

A wedding celebration is a very expensive affair, but young (and not only) people continue to get married, despite the economic or political situation in any country in the world. Based on this, your own wedding salon should bring good income to its owner. However, not everything is so simple, so before you open a wedding salon from scratch, try to analyze all the features of this business:

  • evaluate the existing market, that is, collect all the relevant information about similar salons in your city (how many there are, what products and services they offer, are there any additional interesting offers, what is in particular demand, and what is there in short supply, etc. );
  • decide how or with what you will attract customers and withstand competition (offer unique products or services, make additions in the form of bonuses or special offers, combine business with other related activities to make a profit, etc.);
  • decide how you will “survive” during the decline in wedding rush (out of season);
  • think about whether you can organize a business on your own, or whether you will become a representative of a brand (store) that has already conquered the market, that is, you will work as a franchise;
  • It’s also worth deciding how and from whom to purchase goods (bring ready-made dresses and accessories, choosing from a catalog, or sewing them on the spot, focusing on models, or modeling them yourself, etc.).

These are just some of the questions you should ask yourself and make decisions accordingly. Along the way, new, sometimes unforeseen circumstances will appear. However, you can prepare as much as possible for work. To do this, before opening a wedding salon, you need to draw up a clear and competent business plan. In it you must make all the calculations (at least approximate), display the amounts of income and expenses, identify possible risks and ways out of them. This way you can avoid many unexpected difficulties.

  1. Drawing up your own strategy.
  2. Preparation of necessary documents and search for funds.
  3. Selection of premises and salon equipment.
  4. Range of services and goods.
  5. Personnel search.
  6. Promotion and advertising.
  7. Preparing for possible development prospects and getting started.

Experts advise trying to first create a thematic online store, where you can study in detail all the proposed products. Of course, in this industry you cannot do without a stationary store, because all newlyweds want careful and lengthy fittings before purchasing anything. But you will at least have an idea of ​​what is in demand, and will not invest money in an unprofitable product.

Idea and strategy development

Wedding business can be very diverse. This business has many prospects and opportunities for further development, but you will have to start small. An ordinary wedding salon, designed for the average person (and the same profit), can offer the buyer only a dozen or two similar dresses. If you want your establishment to be visited by elite clients, then this will require other amounts of investment and a different approach to work.

You need to decide how your salon will function (independently):

  • you simply buy dresses (one brand or several) and sell them. This is the most common and most losing option. Firstly, in this business you have many competitors who have been on the market for a long time (unlike you), and secondly, you will not be able to satisfy all the needs of the newlyweds and will quickly go to a loss due to lack of profitability;
  • you have a minimum assortment (at least 30–40 models), and you bring the rest of the dresses to individual order after pre-ordering from the catalog. You can also combine a salon with an atelier and make your own outfits. True, for this you will need to find real professionals. But even one or two seamstresses to adjust ready-made dresses is very wonderful, because such a service is in great demand. Think about your own designer who could decorate or slightly alter the outfit. This is often what brides ask for;
  • You can solve the problem of seasonality of business in several ways, for example, combining a salon of wedding dresses with evening or cocktail dresses (then you will be able to select dresses and bridesmaids for the wedding ceremony). Don't forget about men's suits. Beautiful clothes are suitable for any other celebrations and events that happen all the time, so you can save yourself from downtime. Think about this before you open just a small wedding salon;
  • Decide whether you will only sell outfits or also rent them out. Very often, after a wedding, people don’t know what to do with dresses that they can’t wear anywhere else, so you can accept them, assessing their condition, for future rental (if such a service is in demand);
  • See if you can add any products or current offers to make your salon unique from the rest. “Turnkey weddings” have become very popular lately, that is, you not only select a dress for the bride, but also provide her with shoes, jewelry, all the necessary accessories, help make a bouquet, order a cake, choose wedding decorations for the hall, car, other attributes, give recommendations about transport companies, beauty salons, restaurants, etc. Many salons cooperate with holiday agencies and other companies that are able to provide the full range of required services. Bonuses that you can provide with a large purchase are very welcome.

Having decided on the idea and built a work strategy, you can proceed to the next step.

Legalization of business

You need to start the business correctly, that is, arrange everything according to the law. First you will have to choose how to register the business: in the form of an individual entrepreneur () or (limited liability company). Each option has its advantages and disadvantages, but you need to base it on your capabilities and plans. It is believed that an individual entrepreneur is preferable for a store, since this form simplifies the accounting and tax accounting systems, and also reduces tax payments.

  1. You register with the tax service and submit an application for registration. Within a few weeks, you should be registered and issued a package of documents (extract from the unified register of individual entrepreneurs, notification that you have been registered, notification of registration with the Pension Fund, OGRNIP and a certificate from Rosstat on the issuance of statistics codes).
  2. Having paid the state duty and chosen the form of taxation (single tax or simplified system -), you will also need to open your bank account and purchase a stamp (as an entrepreneur).
  3. Rospotrebnadzor must issue you the appropriate permits (for opening and placement, for a production control program, etc.).
  4. The selected premises must not only have all the necessary permits (lease agreement or purchase and sale agreement, coordination with the BTI of all design, including signage), but also pass inspections from various services. The State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority will issue you permission to operate the premises and the assortment list of goods sold. In addition, the inspection will be carried out by fire supervision and city utilities. With the latter, you will have to conclude agreements on the provision of a number of services (energy and water supply, heating, garbage removal and cleaning of the territory).
  5. Any additional service must be agreed upon with the relevant authorities, so think through everything in advance.

The financial side of the issue is very relative, since the amount will depend solely on your plans and strategy. However, the initial costs are usually very high, so try to attract investors, since a commercial loan in this case may turn out to be extremely unprofitable, and you should not count on a government loan.

Where to settle?

Choosing a location is a huge problem. The specifics of your business are such that you cannot start work somewhere in a yard in a residential area on the outskirts. The most important criteria for the location of the future salon should be:

  • high traffic, that is, a constant flow of people (this could be a central street, a separate store in a large shopping center, etc.);
  • spaciousness and spaciousness of the room (at least 30-40 sq. m., and the ideal option for a good salon is 100-150 sq. m.);
  • the ability to place glass display cases around the perimeter and make the salon clearly visible from the street (to attract clients, you can display models on mannequins right in the windows; in addition, there should be spacious fitting rooms with large mirrors, it’s good if you can place a podium);
  • the selected premises must meet all the standards and requirements of the relevant government organizations

Of course, rent in such a place will cost a lot. You should also take into account that opening a wedding salon in the capital and opening a wedding salon in a small town are completely different. Financial costs will vary significantly. However, so are the development prospects.

Equipment and range

Having rented a room, you should not invest in major repairs, because cosmetic ones will be enough. You don’t need any special design either: for decoration, opt for pastel and calm colors, since too bright flashy colors will simply distract visitors, and most importantly, take care of good and high-quality lighting (special devices, such as halogen spotlights, which can focus attention on details and allow you to distinguish all shades of white).

You can predict the approximate amount of equipment and furniture based on the scale of your activity. Depending on the quantity and types of goods, you will need:

  • mannequins and dress racks;
  • racks for hangers (floor hangers);
  • built-in glass display cases (for jewelry, costume jewelry or other accessories);
  • racks for shoes and other attributes (fur coats, capes, boleros, gloves, veils and other headwear);
  • mirrors;
  • podium;
  • sofa or soft chairs, table, chairs;
  • cash machine;
  • signboard.

If you are planning to have an atelier on site, then add all the necessary equipment for sewing. The same applies to additional services of a florist, makeup artist, hairdresser, etc.

It would be good if the store was spacious enough for the bride to walk around calmly and examine the models on the mannequins from all sides. Keep in mind that often clients do not come alone, that is, parents or friends may also come to you with the newlyweds. Calculate and design the interior of the hall so that it is comfortable and convenient.

Some nuances

You will not be able to please everyone and choose such an assortment of dresses that will suit every bride’s taste. Conclusion: do not chase the number of models, but the demand for them. There are many suppliers who sew and sell dresses at wholesale prices. Stock up on catalogs and take several outfits to try out. After some time, you will see for yourself what customers prefer.

It is better to bring exclusive or unusual dresses (original style or color, as well as expensive models) by pre-order.

Thanks to evening, cocktail and ball gowns, it will be possible not to notice the seasonality of the wedding salon (as a rule, wedding dresses are in demand from late spring to late autumn).

Watch the assortment carefully. Outfits in the hall should be changed, and then stored in special cases or bags, since after several fittings they still need to be taken to the dry cleaner. Pay attention to the “paid fitting” service, when the client is forced to pay for the fitting, but the money is returned to him upon purchase.


Almost half of your sales depend on how competent and communicative your employees are. Before you open a wedding salon, think about who could work for you. Ideally, there should be two sales assistants and an administrator on one shift. That is, for a full staff, multiply by two. You will also need a cleaner and an accountant (unless you do your own bookkeeping or use services remotely). This is only what concerns the store. The rest of the employees or hired craftsmen - depending on the situation.

Your employees should have a sense of tact and resistance to stress, be polite, calm and patient, and have an excellent understanding of all product categories and fashion in general.

Promotion and advertising

You can place advertisements about the opening in special publications, make booklets and business cards (leave them in various organizations, hairdressers, beauty salons, negotiate with the registry office, etc.). Create your own website and advertise yourself on social networks and forums. A voluminous illuminated sign will also undoubtedly attract attention to your salon.

Collaborate with restaurants and cafes, event planning companies, and videographers who film wedding celebrations. Mutual advertising will benefit all parties.

Come up with interesting bonuses or package purchases (when buying a dress - photo and video shooting as a gift or any other).


According to experts, the profitability of this business is not very high - no more than 10%. However, wedding goods have a fairly good markup - from 100% and above.

Approximate costs

(prices in rubles for a big city)

Don't forget about unexpected expenses, advertising costs, taxes and utilities. That is, you should expect an entry threshold of several million rubles. Of course, the amount will depend on the city in which you are going to open, and on the chosen location, and on many other factors. But the payback period for this business is several years (from 2 to 6).

By developing your own strategy and offering clients various additional services, you can quickly win the attention and love of clients, which means your salon will become successful and popular.

All brides at their weddings want to be the most beautiful and unique.

An indisputable fact is that weddings are very expensive celebrations. By opening a wedding salon, enterprising people can earn good money. The probability of success of this business is quite high, since the number of people getting married has been increasing over the past few years.

Before you take action, you should think through every moment in the question of how to open a wedding salon. A correctly and competently drawn up business plan will help you avoid mistakes at the stage of creating a business and in subsequent work. After calculating all possible expenses and comparing them with income, it will be possible to answer the question of whether it is worth opening a wedding salon.

Documents required to open a wedding dress store

Where to start a business? First of all, you should start your business by determining the legal form. If we take into account the fact that the store will be visited mainly by individuals, then the best option would be to open an IP (Individual Entrepreneur). The advantages include simplification of the tax and accounting system and reduction of tax payments. The disadvantages of this form include the fact that in case of failure the individual entrepreneur will be liable with his property. If you choose an LLC (Limited Liability Company), tax deductions will be greater, but in case something happens, the LLC is responsible for the failure of the business only with its authorized capital.

If a wedding shop chooses a form of activity as an individual entrepreneur, then the following documents are submitted to the tax office:

  • paid receipt of state duty for registration of individual entrepreneurs (800 rubles);
  • application in form P21001 for registration as an individual entrepreneur. It must be certified by a notary;
  • if accounting will be carried out according to the simplified taxation system, then it is necessary to write an application for the transition to the simplified tax system in form No. 26.2-1;
  • a copy of all pages of the applicant’s internal passport.

Reviewing a set of documents to open a business as an individual entrepreneur will take a week. If you couldn’t pick them up on time, the tax office will send them by mail within 2-3 weeks.

If the decision to open an individual entrepreneur is positive, the entrepreneur will be given:

  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (unified register of individual entrepreneurs);
  • notification of registration of an individual with the tax authorities;
  • notification of registration of an individual with the territorial Pension Fund (Pension Fund);
  • from Rosstat - certificate of issuance of statistics codes.

After registering as an individual entrepreneur, you need to make a stamp (from 500 rubles) and open a bank account (from 1 thousand rubles).

Documents that must be submitted to the tax service if your business or store will be registered as an LLC:

  • Application on Form 11001 to register an LLC;
  • LLC charter;
  • if there is only one founder, then the decision to establish an LLC. If there are several founders, then a protocol on the creation of a legal entity is provided;
  • paid receipt of state duty (4 thousand rubles);
  • notarized photocopies of passports of all founders;
  • if accounting will be carried out according to the simplified taxation system, then it is necessary to write an application for the transition to the simplified tax system, according to form No. 26.2-1.

It takes a week for the tax authority to consider the application.

If the response to the application is positive, the tax office issues:

  • LLC registration certificate;
  • registered LLC charter;
  • certificate in form 1-3-Accounting for registration with the tax authority;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • notification of registration with the Russian Pension Fund (PF);
  • certificate of registration in the TFOMS;
  • certificate of issuance of statistics codes from Rosstat.

It will take a few more days to register with the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund and Rosstat. It will take two days to produce the organization's seal. Opening a bank account takes on average three days. The authorized capital of an LLC must be at least 10 thousand rubles.

After registering the legal form of activity, in order to open your business as a wedding store, you will need to prepare the following set of documents:

  • write a statement in any form addressed to the head of the district government;
  • collect all constituent documents and make copies of them;
  • make a photocopy of the tax registration certificate;
  • a copy of the letter from Goskomstat;
  • a copy of the KKM registration card;
  • a premises rental agreement or a certificate of ownership of the premises;
  • conclusion from the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision;
  • assortment list of goods sold, which is agreed with the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision;
  • conclusion from fire supervision;
  • copies of contracts for the provision of city utility services (energy supply, garbage removal, territory cleaning, water supply and heating);
  • BTI passport;
  • passport-permission to install outdoor advertising.

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Choosing a location to open a wedding dress store

It is better to rent a room in the city center or in areas with high traffic. A mandatory point when choosing a suitable room should be the presence of a good and large display case. A good option would also be to rent retail space in one of the city's large shopping centers. The size of the rented premises will depend on the chosen location. If the store will not be limited only to the sale of dresses, but will also offer its visitors jewelry, an atelier for sewing dresses to order, etc., then it is better to give preference to a large room for their sale, for example, 100-150 sq. m. m. When renting premises in a shopping center and selling only wedding dresses, 30 sq. m. will be quite enough. m.

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Equipment selection

The equipment for a wedding store will be approximately the same as for a clothing store. There is no need to start making special repairs after concluding a lease agreement on the premises. Cosmetic repairs will be quite enough. In the color scheme of the room, it is better to give preference to pastel colors. You should not choose too bright wall decorations, as this will distract buyers from the product. An important requirement for a wedding dress store is good lighting. For example, white has about 20 shades. The lighting in the cabin should be such that all shades of white can be distinguished.

The capital costs to open a business as a wedding dress store will be:

  • cosmetic repairs and lighting costs - 1,065,000 rubles;
  • working capital of the salon - 1 million rubles;
  • The store's inventory is 5 million rubles.

Total 7,065,000 rubles.

If the premises are rented, then its owner will not allow you to drill into the walls, so you should give preference to floor modular structures. If the store sells jewelry or accessories in addition to dresses, it will be necessary to purchase display cases. To sell shoes, shoe racks are purchased, and for clothes, hangers and special racks are purchased. It would be a good idea to purchase several mannequins for the store. When choosing equipment, first of all you need to pay attention to its quality and functionality. It is better to opt for lightweight structures.

Equipment costs:

  • mannequins (20 pieces) - 120 thousand rubles;
  • floor hangers (5 pieces) - 50 thousand rubles;
  • glass display cases for displaying accessories (2 pieces) - 30 thousand rubles;
  • cash register and its registration with the tax authority - 40 thousand rubles;
  • podium for trying on dresses (2 pieces) - 30 thousand rubles;
  • soft chairs (4 pieces) - 20 thousand rubles;
  • mirrors (5 pieces) - 45 thousand rubles;
  • sign - 100 thousand rubles.

Total 435 thousand rubles.

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Recruitment of personnel for a wedding salon

Selecting staff for a wedding store needs to be done very responsibly. After all, the company’s profit directly depends on the professional skills and abilities of the sales consultant. Employees must have a pleasant appearance, innate good taste, sociability, self-control and calmness. The sales consultant must be well versed in all categories of goods that will be presented in the store. For the salon to operate productively, you need to have a store manager, 2 administrators and 4 sales consultants on staff. If a wedding fashion store is open from 9:00 to 21:00, then the staff should work in two shifts. The schedule is two days every two, 12 hours each. The work shift will include 1 administrator and 2 sales consultants.

Monthly staff costs will be:

  • store manager - 60 thousand rubles;
  • administrator (2 people) - 100 thousand rubles;
  • sales consultant (4 people) - 160 thousand rubles.

Total monthly expenses for wedding salon staff will amount to 320 thousand rubles.

How to open a wedding salon: salon format + how to draw up documents for a business + choosing premises + purchasing equipment + how to find a good supplier + hiring employees + marketing plan + when the business will pay off.

In the 21st century, not only men, but also representatives of the fairer sex dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur. As practice shows, women can also successfully manage enterprises, maintain high-level accounting, and create a business from scratch.

We suggest considering a starting idea like opening a wedding salon. In our material you will see step-by-step instructions for organizing the case and approximate calculations. Based on our guide, you will be able to understand whether you are able to realize this idea and how to become a successful entrepreneur.

Wedding salon format for brides

Even before you start, decide for yourself what format your store will have.

A wedding salon can be opened in the following areas:

  • Sale of economy outfits.
  • Rent and sale of wedding dresses of average cost.
  • Sale of exclusive and branded clothes for women.

The choice of class for your wedding salon will determine which audience you will work with. Naturally, this will affect how you decorate your salon, in which area of ​​the city it will open, etc. No less important in this matter is the purchase price of dresses for the bride.

Consider whether your salon will provide services other than bridal and evening dresses. For example, you can enter into an agreement with city photographers who will offer the newlyweds a photo shoot.

You can find handmade craftsmen in your city and offer them barter. You will talk about them in your salon, and for each client you refer, they will give away a portion of the profit from the order.


First of all, think about what form of ownership is most suitable for you.

There are 2 most common options for beginning businessmen - to obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur or to organize the work of an LLC, i.e. become a legal entity. Each option has its pros and cons.

For example, it is easier to register an individual entrepreneur; a minimum package of documents is required. - Long procces. You need to know how to draw up minutes of meetings, draw up the Charter of the company, etc.

At the same time, an LLC gives a novice businessman a lot of advantages: you have a chance to get a large loan from a bank secured by the authorized capital, it will be easier for suppliers to contact you and other bonuses.

If you want to open only one salon, then it will be enough for you to obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur.

What documents are needed to obtain individual entrepreneur status:

  1. Application from an individual about the desire to obtain individual entrepreneur status, form No. P21001.
  2. In the same application, indicate the desired form of taxation (USN is recommended). You'll pay 6% of revenue or up to 15% of the difference between business costs and net profit.
  3. If you do not write a statement about your desire to switch to the simplified tax system, then you will automatically be installed a general tax payment system, which is considered the most unfavorable for individual entrepreneurs - up to 26% income tax.

  4. Pay the state fee at any bank and bring the receipt to the tax inspector.
  5. Don't forget to take your passport and Taxpayer Identification Number with you to your appointment.

Be sure to indicate OKVED code 52. 42 - “Retail trade in clothing.”

After 5 days of working with your application, the tax inspector must issue a ready-made package of documents - a certificate of registration of individual entrepreneurs, an extract from the unified state register of individual entrepreneurs.

Inspectorate employees will personally transfer data on the registration of a new Russian businessman to the Pension Fund. You don't have to do this on your own.

What additional documents will be needed for the wedding salon to start working:

  • Permission from SES, fire inspection, State Statistics Committee.
  • Agreement for the lease or purchase and sale of premises for a salon.
  • Rospotrebnadzor must approve the list of things you will sell and check them for quality.
  • You will have to enter into agreements with utility companies to pay for all services on your behalf.

Business card for a wedding salon - choosing a room...

Great emphasis should be placed on the choice of premises. For a future bride, buying a dress is an important event, one might say a holiday, so the salon should have a celebratory design. In addition, wedding dresses are not cheap goods, and the decor should emphasize this and indicate the status of the store.

You have 2 options - buy a space for a salon or rent it. In truth, it is more profitable to purchase a place for a future store, but only after you have opened and are convinced of the success of the venture.

At first, it is better to rent a room with an area of ​​50-70 m2 with the right to buy. It would be good if there was a fresh renovation - walls painted in light colors, a bathroom for clients and staff, a separate office for employees, as well as a place to store goods.

The interior will need to be designed personally or by inviting a specialist. The main thing is to install more mirrors and provide the hall with light. The bride should see herself in all her glory!

It is best for the salon to be located in the city center or, for example, near the registry office. You can agree on cooperation with shopping centers where the foot traffic is at a high level.

If we take into account that the rented premises will be located in the city center, have an area of ​​70 m2, and will be newly renovated, then its price per month of use will be approximately 60 thousand rubles. Of course, the price will largely depend on the region where you plan to open your wedding salon.

Purchase of equipment for a wedding salon

Of course, to open a wedding salon you do not need to purchase a huge amount of production equipment. The main task is to equip your store and make it comfortable for visitors.

Necessary equipment
for wedding salon
QuantityPrice, rub.)
Total: 252,600 rubles
1. Fitting room
5 30 000
2. Full-length mirrors
2 5 000
3. Sofa for guests
1 20 000
4. Chairs
4 10 000
5. Coffee table
1 3 000
6. Plasma TV
1 20 000
7. Mannequins
20 20 000
8. Hanger rack
15 30 000
9. Wardrobe
1 5 500
10. Curtains and tulle for interior
1 8 000
11. Clothes rack for guests
1 2 000
12. Set of hangers
50 2 500
13. Water cooler
1 5 000
Equipment for workers
1. Table
3 000
2. Laptop
1 20 000
3. Chairs
4 6 000
4. Kettle
1 1 500
5. Microwave
4 000
6. Service
2 3 600
7. Stationery 1 000
8. Tea coffee 500
9. Equipment and household chemicals for cleaning premises 5 000
10. Terminal for cashless payments
1 25 000
11. Cash machine
1 15 000
12. Garment steamer
1 7 000

Always offer tea, coffee, water or juices to customers. The bride does not come to the wedding salon alone; her companion should feel comfortable while waiting and not be bored. Buy various magazines, a plasma TV.

Set up a staff room where the administrator will sit and salespeople can come to relax, drink coffee, and have a snack.

Be sure to make sure that the cleaning lady often changes cleaning rags, purchase everything necessary to maintain cleanliness - detergents, a mop, etc.

How to open a wedding salon and find a good supplier?

We have come to the question of how to create an assortment for a wedding salon and find the best supplier of evening dresses.

Read on for tips on how to choose the best from a variety of clothing suppliers:

  1. The fabrics must be of high quality, and the tailoring of the dresses itself must be carried out according to all standards. The wedding dress should not have any defects, broken clasps, etc.
  2. Buy dresses of different styles and sizes for your salon, so you can please any customer.
  3. Before entering into an agreement with a supplier, ask them for a quality certificate. Find out when he opened his production, look for customer reviews on the Internet.
  4. Enter into an agreement with 2-3 suppliers who can provide you with a minimum quantity, but at a wholesale price.

First, you will have to purchase at least 30-50 wedding dresses. You can order evening dresses that will be in demand during proms.

The cost of one dress at a wholesale price is about 8-10 thousand rubles. We are talking about average models; if you want to sell only elite outfits in your salon, then their cost will be about 10 times more expensive.

Also, do not forget about such little things as veils, stockings, rental of sheepskin coats, sale of jewelry, etc. Be sure to purchase such little things for your salon; without them, the range will not be complete. An approximate cost item for them is up to 50 thousand rubles.

To open a wedding salon, in general, you will have to spend approximately 500,000 rubles on equipment.

We select personnel for your wedding salon

To open our own point of sale of wedding dresses, we will have to hire 5-6 employees:

№. Staff memberQuantitySalary (rub/month)
TOTAL: 147,000 rubles
1. Manager1 50 000
2. Shop assistant2 60 000
3. Accountant (part-time)1 15 000
4. Security guard1 12 000
5. Cleaning woman1 10 000

The wedding salon is usually open from 10:00 to 20:00. The day off is Monday, as Saturday and Sunday are likely to be the busiest days for you.

It is best to hire staff for a wedding salon with experience. The manager must monitor the work of each employee, be able to eliminate conflict situations with customers, and find good suppliers.

It is advisable that at least one of the employees understands the quality of fabrics, so that you do not mistakenly purchase defective or low-quality products. You can hire a part-time seamstress who will sew dresses or can alter them at the client’s request. For example, add length, shorten, cut off sleeves, etc.

A large burden of responsibility also lies with the seller. He must create comfortable conditions for fitting, help the bride choose the right outfit, create an ideal atmosphere in the salon, always be friendly, and not be rude to even the most demanding customers.

An accountant can be hired part-time and assigned tasks as needed. For example, draw up a report for the tax office, make all payments to the insurance service, pension fund, etc.

How to attract your first clients?

Opening a wedding salon is only half the success. Without customers, you will go bankrupt within a few months. In order not to let things get to this point, we advise you to get serious about advertising.

Marketing strategy:

Type of advertisingPrice, rub.)
Total: 75,000 rubles
1. Order a bright sign so that it glows and can be seen even at night.30 000
2. Don’t forget about printed materials: business cards, leaflets with a short list of products and prices.3 000
3. Order advertising in a specialized publication, i.e. in a wedding magazine.5 000
4. Today, it is important for most clients that any business has its own website. And wedding salons are no exception.

The page should contain a complete list of products, prices, photos from the showroom, opening hours, and contact information for feedback.

Purchase a domain and hire an SEO specialist who will fill your portal and make it popular, raising it to the TOP of the Yandex and Google search engines.

20 000
5. If you don’t have money for a website yet, then you can use free advertising on the Internet - add your salon to online company catalogs.0
6. You can save more and create a group on social networks. An administrator can promote it, because you don’t need to have any special knowledge for this.0
7. You can rent a billboard near the registry office, where there will definitely be a large flow of potential clients for your wedding salon.17 000

Wedding business. How to open a wedding salon?

Sales in the creative business.

How much does it cost to open a wedding salon in Russia?

Above we described in detail how to open a wedding salon. Now we need to take stock, how much will it cost, and when will the business make a net profit?

Expense itemAmount (rub.)
Total: 1,093,600 rubles
1. Opening an individual entrepreneur1 000
2. Purchase of equipment and interior arrangement250 600
3. Purchase of goods550 000
4. Salon rent + utility bills70 000
5. Advertising for a wedding salon75 000
6. Employee salaries for 1 month147 000
  1. To open a wedding salon, we will need a starting capital of at least 1,100,000 rubles. The numbers and all calculations are approximate; you can invest in a smaller amount or, conversely, purchase expensive furniture, make repairs, enter into agreements with foreign suppliers, etc., which will lead to an increase in the amount of investment.
  2. Monthly expenses include rent, utilities, advertising and employee salaries. This expense item will cost you about 292,000 rubles.
  3. Next, let’s calculate the approximate income from an average salon:
    • We will purchase dresses at a price of 10,000 rubles per piece.
    • The markup in wedding salons is large - about 3-4 times.
    • For example, in our wedding salon the markup will be 30,000 rubles. That is, having purchased goods for 10,000 rubles, we will sell it to the client for 40,000 rubles.
    • If we manage to sell at least 10 outfits a month, we will receive an income of 400 thousand rubles. At the same time, we do not take into account, which will bring, albeit small, additional profit.
  4. Thus, a wedding salon will pay for itself in about 1 year of operation, if you approach the implementation of the idea wisely from the start and develop a marketing strategy.

How to open a wedding salon and make it successful? The main thing is to love what you do, to invest not only your strength, but also your soul into your business.

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A wedding is one of the most touching events in life. From early childhood, girls dream of putting on a luxurious dress and saying the cherished “yes”. Newlyweds strive to make their special day unique and memorable. Therefore, many couples preparing for the celebration turn to a wedding agency. A wedding is also one of the most expensive events. Many entrepreneurs are faced with the question of how to open a wedding agency from scratch. Despite the beauty of such a process, this business is not much different from others; it requires careful planning and organization.

It’s worth starting with a list of services that clients who contact such an agency expect to receive.

  • Creating a wedding concept (theme).
  • Careful planning and calculation of the wedding budget.
  • Selection of necessary performers and options for providing wedding services:
  • location for an outdoor ceremony;
  • banquet venue;
  • photo and video shooting;
  • decor, floristry and wedding printing;
  • host, show program and musical arrangement of the celebration;
  • transport.
  • Wedding day coordination.
  • Assisting the bride throughout the entire preparation period. From help in choosing a dress to psychological support.


The first step towards the successful implementation of the idea of ​​​​how to open a wedding bureau will be identifying the target audience. The buyers of such services will be couples who want to save their time, money and nerves in the long process of planning and preparing for the celebration. Clients can be grouped by the amount of expenses for the celebration:

Economy – weddings with a budget up to $3000:

  • Pros: such couples do not immediately recognize a novice organizer. An office, hired personnel, and an officially registered business will not be required.
  • Cons: Couples in this category turn out to be the most demanding clients. They will control every step of the organizer and save on the most necessary things.

Medium – weddings with costs from $3,000–$10,000:

  • Pros: good income, not too demanding attitude towards the organizer, opportunity to show your taste and creativity.
  • Cons: in most cases, you will need an office, assistants, a portfolio or the gift of persuasion.

Premium – celebrations with expenses from $10,000:

  • Pros: high income, opportunity to create an excellent portfolio and receive recommendations for future orders.
  • Cons: ready-made portfolio, good office, hired staff, officially registered business, recommendations required.

First steps

Starting a wedding business from scratch requires good preparation and thorough market research. Collect information about your competitors, which can be found on websites, magazines, city information or wedding portals. Experienced players in the relevant market advise personally visiting several ceremonial bureaus, familiarizing yourself with the method of customer service and presenting information in already established companies.

The next step will be getting to know the contractors. By taking the time to study locations, restaurants, the work of photographers, decorators, florists and other performers, you can be one step ahead of the bride who is just starting to prepare for the wedding. A personal acquaintance will be useful for a novice organizer and will allow him to collect the necessary demonstration material. After analyzing the data, it is worth developing a commercial proposal that should fully disclose the essence, quantity and quality of the services provided.

Having collected information about wedding fashion trends and sketched out a catalog with concepts, you can go in search of clients.

Marketing and promotion

When searching for clients, it is important to properly manage your advertising campaign budget. The wedding business carries a whole baggage of traditional promotion methods.

  • Internet advertising. You should start by creating a branded website that will introduce the client to the services of this agency, give an idea of ​​upcoming expenses, and tell you what organizing and planning a wedding day is. A business card website with search engine optimization will cost $500. It is necessary to create pages for the wedding organization on social networks, offering promotions and discounts to future newlyweds. Posting on specialized Internet portals of the city will be useful.
  • Printing. Distributing leaflets and business cards near registry offices has become a traditional method to promote the wedding business. Young couples who have just submitted an application, upon leaving the “wedding palace”, receive full information about the wedding services of the city.
  • Advertising in specialized print media. A high-quality article in a wedding magazine will help you gain a foothold in the market and interest potential customers.
  • Wedding exhibitions are a great place to present your business, identify competitors, meet contractors, and find clients.


The wedding business is simple in paperwork. It is enough to register an individual entrepreneur and obtain a tax payer certificate.

Office and equipment

The room for meetings with clients will become the calling card of the wedding establishment. The office can be small, 30–40 square meters, but should be located in the city center. The bright interior design and comfortable atmosphere will be a plus. For furniture, you will need 2-3 tables with chairs for employees, a sofa for clients, and a wardrobe. To set up workplaces, you need to purchase computers, a printer, and telephones.


For the successful functioning of a wedding business, you will need 2-3 managers, whose responsibilities include conducting and organizing negotiations with clients, searching for contractors, developing a wedding concept, maintaining pages on social networks, planning and coordinating the special day. Maintaining documentation and submitting reports should be outsourced to an accountant.


To calculate the return on investment and payback of the project, it is necessary to summarize the starting investments and operating costs:

  • individual entrepreneur registration – $50;
  • website – $300;
  • office furniture – $500;
  • office equipment – ​​$1200.

Total: $2050.

  • staff salary – $600;
  • office rent and utilities – $400;
  • advertising – $300;
  • communication services – $50.

Total: $1350.

The income of the wedding organization is 10% of the celebration budget. The average wedding is for 50 people and costs $3,500. Therefore, the break-even point is reached when serving 4 weddings per month. Experienced organizers claim that the average load in the first year of operation is 6 celebrations per month. With such a volume, the payback of the project is achieved in 3 months, but given the seasonality of this business, it can be increased to six months.


Many people dream of financial independence, which encourages people to start their own business. On the path to a dream, a person encounters difficulties that either put an end to achieving the goal or motivate the novice entrepreneur to take further action.

It is possible to create your own business from scratch in a small town. Alternatively, you can open a wedding salon.

Where to begin?

Create a business plan. Having decided to open your own wedding salon from scratch, you should forget about doubts and fear.

Analyze the following points regarding creating your own business in the field of providing wedding services:

  • features of activity;
  • products;
  • profitability;
  • success.

The monitoring will introduce you to the nuances of competitors’ work.

It is quite difficult to open a business such as a wedding salon from scratch, but the acquired knowledge will help you quickly get used to the new field.

Before you start implementing your plan, ask yourself, will this business be successful? It is necessary to calculate the possible costs and probable profits of the business.

Business plan

You can buy a ready-made wedding business or organize it at home, but it is better to rent a separate room and start creating a business from scratch.

To open your own business, do not spend money on a huge area located in the center. Limit yourself to a small room of 40 square meters in an attractive area. The convenient location of the salon helps attract customers without additional advertising. For example, a room near the registry office is an excellent place where buyers will come first.

To open a salon, you need to purchase furniture and equipment that will transform an empty rented space. Choose simple furniture, but with a twist. Purchase a cash register, mannequins, mirrors, video cameras at the owner’s request and other accessories that will help develop this business in the right direction.

To open a salon, you need to buy consumables, such as: protective cases for outfits, napkins intended for clients before fitting, and other equipment.

The design of the wedding venue plays an important role. It’s much more pleasant to come to a salon where the atmosphere and friendly staff are conducive to shopping. You will have to spend money on creating a cozy atmosphere of the establishment with paintings, photographs, flowers, and other attributes of beauty and wealth.

Purchase of goods

If you decide to open a stylish salon, then find out about current trends and decide on the choice of wedding dresses. Dress models must combine good quality and reasonable prices. If you don’t know where to start, pay attention to the classic options, which are always in fashion, which means they will be sold out first. To successfully open a salon, it is important to purchase dresses of all sizes. It is better to order outfits in bulk; many suppliers offer favorable discounts.

To open a salon, you need to buy not only dresses, but also other wedding attributes: shoes, gloves, hairpins, jewelry and even men's suits. Shoppers can dress fully for such an important event, saving valuable time. The number of suppliers depends on the goals of the wedding salon.


With certain knowledge, a salon owner can act as a salesperson, accountant, and even a seamstress. This will help save time the first time after opening the salon.

When the wedding venue becomes popular and begins to generate regular income, you can think about hiring employees. If this is not an option, you should start recruiting qualified workers. The administrator and sales consultant must be friendly, patient and lenient towards customer requirements.

Advertising is the final stage

The Internet, banners, business cards, leaflets will advertise the wedding salon even before you decide to open it. You can create your own website or online store, but its promotion will cost a lot of money. In virtual stores there is a “reviews” function, where customers share their impressions. Many women focus on the number of positive responses.

Important nuances

Even in a small town there is strong competition. To open a wedding business, you need a strategy that will draw the attention of potential buyers to profitable offers (promotions, discounts, bonuses).

The wedding business has one drawback. The downside is seasonality, that is, weddings are often scheduled for the warm season, while in winter there are very few people interested. To support the business, you can purchase fur coats and accessories that are suitable for the New Year holiday. It is better to open your wedding business in March; during this period, newlyweds are looking for outfits for the upcoming event.

The costs of creating a business depend on the chosen premises, the amount of repair work, assortment and other nuances.

To start a wedding business from scratch, you will have to spend most of the money on purchasing outfits. Plus you need to include the costs of rent, arrangement, paperwork and staff salaries. Approximate calculations will help a novice businessman open a salon and not go broke.

  • Rent will cost 20 thousand rubles per month.
  • Arrangement of the premises and other nuances related to repairs - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of dresses and other goods – 300 thousand.
  • Employee salaries are about 40 thousand per month.

Don’t forget about advertising costs, even if it’s 10 thousand, although options are possible. In the future, your clients will advertise for you for free, recommending you to their friends. Already a year after you decide to open your wedding salon, it will begin to pay off. The main thing is not to give up and make every effort to ensure its prosperity.

Staff work

The availability of additional services in the salon is a decisive factor when recruiting staff. Often, to open a good salon, they hire:

  • administrator;
  • sales consultants;
  • accountant;
  • seamstress;
  • fashion designer - it as needed.

You can open a salon with additional services. Cooperation with wedding planning agencies brings 15% profit from each client. In many salons you can negotiate the following services:

  • hairdresser and makeup artist;
  • florist;
  • photographer;
  • toastmasters and so on.

Large wedding agencies offer clients tailoring of dresses to order. To do this, you need to open a sewing department or enter into contract agreements with third-party companies.

Documents for business registration

Red tape with documents seriously frightens newly minted businessmen. Many register as individual entrepreneurs, because this is the simplest option for accounting. The only drawback is that the entrepreneur bears full responsibility for the business he decides to open.

Legal nuances include: registration of private entrepreneurship, presence of a seal, services provided by a notary, and other aspects no less important for successful work in this field.

Creating a wedding salon business is a great idea and investment of finances, which, if properly managed, will be the beginning of a prosperous and successful business.