Butcher shop profit. How to open a profitable butcher shop

Meat products are one of the most attractive and promising for a novice entrepreneur. Whatever, there will always be a demand for the purchase of meat products, regardless of the time of year and the financial well-being of consumers.

According to statistics, meat products occupy one of the key places in the people’s diet, as they are one of the primary products necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. By the way, the work of a butcher shop can be carried out in several directions, for example, trade not only in meat, but also in various semi-finished products, sausages, etc.

Since the butcher shop is a small business, the best registration option would be to register an individual entrepreneurship (if there is one founder) or a limited liability company (if there are co-founders).

What documents will be required?

To start selling meat products you will need to prepare

  1. sanitary-epidemiological conclusion (SEZ). It will be available from the Rospotrebnadzor authorities. However, the procedure for obtaining it depends on the region where the butcher shop is located;
  2. permission from the fire department;
  3. permission to trade meat. A confirming document is issued by a veterinarian after examining the meat carcasses;
  4. complaint book;
  5. health records (for all store employees).

Peculiarities of store reception by veterinary authorities

Typically, the store is received by the chief physician of the veterinary clinic. His responsibilities include checking compliance with all standards and rules for the storage of meat products, meat cooling conditions, research of meat products, etc.

The results of the veterinary check are valid for 1 year, then you will have to go through it again.

Choosing a premises for trade

The main criterion for choosing a territory for organizing a butcher shop is a place with a high traffic volume of potential buyers and a convenient entrance.

A butcher shop can be located, for example, in a supermarket building or, generally, in a separate room. An excellent option would be to locate a butcher shop next to a grocery supermarket.

As for the volume of space for a butcher shop, 30 square meters is enough for a start. m.

Zoning the area of ​​a butcher shop

The area of ​​the butcher shop will need to be divided into several parts:

  • zone No. 1 – trading is carried out;
  • zone No. 2 – cutting of products that will be used for the production of semi-finished products;
  • zone No. 3 – cutting and deboning of carcasses.

Although the third and retail zones can be combined, they can be separated using some kind of screen or thick fabric. The height of this fence should be at least two meters.

We purchase equipment

Equipment for a butcher shop can be mandatory or optional. Since meat is a product that quickly spoils, The first step is to purchase refrigeration equipment.

Mandatory equipment

  • freezer for storing and freezing semi-finished products. The normal operating temperature of the camera should be a maximum of -28 degrees Celsius. The cost of the freezer is about 25 thousand rubles;
  • refrigeration chamber for cooling and long-term storage of meat. The oriented area of ​​the chamber is 4 square meters. m. The temperature inside the chamber should be from -2 0 to 0 0 C . A refrigerator costs about 100–130 thousand rubles;
  • refrigerated display case for viewing sold semi-finished products and prepared carcasses. The internal temperature of the cooling showcase is from -2 0 to +2 0 C. The cost of such a display case is in the range of 70–80 thousand rubles.

Optional equipment

  • trays;
  • industrial and electronic scales. Industrial scales are needed for weighing large carcasses;
  • block for cutting meat;
  • industrial meat grinder;
  • many different knives and several axes for cutting meat;
  • calculator;
  • bags or wrapping paper;
  • overalls for personnel, sleeves;
  • special containers for storing and selling semi-finished products;
  • price tags;
  • thermometers for recording the temperature in refrigeration equipment;
  • boiler in case of lack of hot water supply.

Additional equipment will cost 70–80 thousand rubles, and the final cost of all equipment will amount to about 300 thousand rubles.

Meat purchase

It is very important to establish contacts and find a reputable supplier who will ensure an uninterrupted supply of quality meat, which will be the starting point for retail success.

A good choice of supplier can be peasant and farm enterprises, as well as private collective farms. It is better to choose suppliers located as close as possible to the point of meat trade.

Features of concluding cooperation agreements

Relationships with suppliers need to be reinforced about cooperation. It will need to address the following questions:

  • purchase price;
  • influence of weight on product category;
  • category depending on the age of the cattle (up to 2 years);
  • documents for the animal confirming its health before the slaughter process;
  • number of carcasses

Nuances when purchasing goods

You should not purchase a lot of carcasses, as a large amount of meat will become weathered and stale, and therefore dry out, which will affect weight loss of approximately 2-3 percent of the total weight of the meat carcass.

Butcher shop assortment

To attract more customers, it is necessary to maintain and expand the range of products offered. Mandatory item must be presented

Also on display should be various kinds of minced meat, cutlets, soup sets, offal (heart, kidneys, liver, lungs), semi-finished meat products (barbecue, chops, beef stroganoff, soaked kebab, etc.).

The remaining meat waste after preparing semi-finished products will not be thrown away, but will be used for animal feed, which, by the way, is in great demand.

The entire listed range plays a very important role in increasing the number of regular customers, which has a positive effect on increasing revenue from the sale of various products.

Personnel search

To operate a meat shop, you will need an administrator (entrepreneur), a butcher, sellers (their number depends on the volume of trade), a cook (needed for the production of semi-finished meat products) and a cleaner.

If the store is small, then the position of cook and butcher can be combined. When choosing personnel, you should pay special attention to the qualifications of the butcher, since it is his work that affects the volume of meat sold, which plays a positive role in revenue growth.

A professional butcher knows how to do it right chop the meat, cut it equally into pieces, quickly cut the carcass for a presentable appearance on the display.

The role of the seller comes down to skillful presentation and sale of the product. The chef's job is to prepare minced meat and prepare semi-finished products, taking into account that the product should look attractive.

Features of remuneration

The salary of butcher shop employees in Russia ranges from 20 to 50 thousand rubles.

Average number of butcher shop employees:

  • for the seller – 35 – 55 thousand rubles;
  • for a butcher - 30 - 40 thousand rubles;
  • for a cook – 20 – 25 thousand rubles.

Butcher shop business plan

Approximate costs

  • purchasing equipment will cost 300 thousand rubles;
  • you will need 5 thousand rubles;
  • the initial purchase of meat will cost 200 thousand rubles;
  • To purchase your own retail outlet you will need from 80 to 90 thousand rubles.

In total, the approximate amount for opening a butcher shop from scratch will be from6 00 before800 thousand rubles.

Regular monthly expenses

As for fixed monthly expenses, for example, for a store with an area of50 m 2, then they will be approximately the following numbers:

  • rental fee for premises - on average 20 thousand rubles. (depending on the location of the store);
  • checks for electricity - from 5 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of meat – 75 thousand rubles;
  • - from 100 thousand rubles;

In total, the approximate amount for the monthly maintenance of the store will be 200thousand roubles.


The entrepreneur enters into agreements with suppliers to purchase products at wholesale prices. Then the markup is determined, and the goods are sold at retail.

Typically, the markup on meat products starts from 30 percent and depends on the time of year. The profit from daily meat products sold is approximately 7–16 thousand rubles.

  • meat should only be sold fresh and of high quality. Do not use frozen meat even for making minced meat;
  • it is worth preparing semi-finished products only from those parts of meat that the buyer chooses;
  • expand the range of meat products as much as possible. The more choice, the more buyers;
  • Don't forget about good store lighting. The product must be clearly visible; poor lighting may make the buyer suspicious of the product being offered.

Opening a butcher shop from scratch is quite possible; with a small investment and a quick payback (from a year to two), you will achieve success in selling meat products.

How to open a butcher shop yourself? Watch the following detailed video with recommendations:


Business selling products is a common type of income. People have been selling vegetables, fruits, bread and other food products for thousands of years. For those who want to start their own business from scratch, such as a meat store, but do not know how to open it, they need to start by registering a legal entity.

Vegetarianism is becoming increasingly popular, but most people still prefer meat. The meat business brings stable profits and does not require large investments or special knowledge.

Future business

Before you start a store from scratch, you need to decide on the format. Identify possible competitors. Make an estimate of future demand. Possible business format: a meat shop, a point or a small department that offers products from its own farm.

Butcher shop

The room you need is 40 square meters. m. and more to accommodate a large assortment of natural products. Profitability depends on location. As a rule, the chosen place is rented. The store operates successfully both in the city center and in residential areas. It is recommended to open in a place where there is no competition.

Before opening a store, you should make sure that the premises meet sanitary standards.

  • There is sewerage and water supply
  • The walls are covered with material resistant to disinfectants.
  • There are separate sinks for food and workers.
  • Light bulbs must be equipped with shades.
  • If the store is located in a residential building, an additional entrance for unloading must be provided.
  • Temperature: 18 – 26C.

Butcher shop

To open it, you need a place or department in the market, a stall or a room of 10 - 15 square meters. m for the sale of a small assortment. A meat shop can focus on one type of natural product: dietary, poultry. Beginning entrepreneurs need to pay special attention to how to open a butcher shop quickly and what is needed for this.

A small department in a shopping center is a good start: you can study demand and accumulate funds for expansion. The shop is a non-stationary type of trade and must be located in places where there is sewerage, water supply, and a common toilet.

Business registration

To start a business selling meat, you need to register. An entrepreneur or company must prepare the necessary documents and register with government agencies. To establish your own meat products store, you must:

  1. register an individual entrepreneur or open an LLC or ODO;
  2. obtain a certificate from Rospotrebnadzor that the premises meet sanitary requirements. This certificate is required if the store will produce semi-finished products;
  3. open a current account at a banking institution. For individual entrepreneurs you must provide:
  • original letter from the USRPO;
  • notification from the tax office that registration has been completed;
  • copies of Certificates, extracts from the Register;
  • signature and seal impression. It is not required by law for an entrepreneur to obtain a seal, but many banks require it to open an account;
  • For organizations, copies of the charter and orders for personnel are additionally provided.

Supplier selection

The popularity of a shop selling meat depends on the quality of the products. Before opening your own outlet, carefully study possible suppliers. Sellers can be divided into two main groups:

  • manufacturers;
  • resellers or, as they like to call themselves, resellers.

What to choose is up to you. Both the first and second groups have pros and cons. By working directly with the manufacturer, quality is guaranteed. You know the deadlines and the real price. In turn, resellers independently take care of the transportation and storage of cargo. They may offer prices lower than the manufacturer. This is possible when the discount size is tied to the number of sales. What will be beneficial for you depends on the size of the store you decide to open.

  1. Carefully study the offers of several sellers. Choose the one who offers the best quality-price combination. Please note that the meat products offered are natural.
  2. Do not buy a large quantity for the store if you are not sure that you can sell it before the expiration date. If you decide to open a small meat department, it is profitable to buy a small batch at a high price rather than suffer losses.
  3. Pay attention to delivery offers. Find out how far the warehouse is from the store. This affects the speed of delivery.
  4. Explore the range on offer. If at first you are not going to sell rabbit or horse meat, then it is quite possible to open an additional department in six months and profitably sell these types of products in your store.

You can find a future supplier at thematic seminars, exhibitions, and fairs. There you can meet representatives, study meat products and documents. Conduct initial negotiations on the possibility of concluding a contract and receiving a discount. Pay attention to farms: they can offer high-quality fresh meat at prices lower than those of large producers. This nuance is very important if you are thinking about how to open a butcher shop and not incur losses.

Conclusion of a lease agreement

To start a store business, an aspiring entrepreneur needs to find premises and enter into a lease agreement with the owner. Without practice and knowledge, it is easy to make mistakes and not notice the subtleties when drawing up the text of the agreement. Below are the five main mistakes:

  1. The area and the space to be transferred for the shop have not been precisely determined. Leads to rent disputes or invalidation of the contract. You can avoid the situation by marking the area for the meat point on the photocopy of the general plan with dashed lines or color.
  2. Expenses not agreed upon. Before registering a store, the parties are required to agree who pays and to what extent utility bills, repair work, parking, etc.
  3. The agreement was concluded with a person who does not have authority. Demand to show supporting documents: owner certificates, letter of permission to sublease, power of attorney. In the contract, be sure to provide for the provision of information about the presence of encumbrances: pledge, mortgage, easement, arrest.
  4. There are no conditions for changing the amount of rent, or the lessor has the right to change it unilaterally.
  5. Inattention to the terms of termination and renewal. Do not allow onerous conditions to be included, for example, termination due to a one-time late payment.

Equipment and search for financing

Before you set up your own shop, you will need to find specialized equipment for organizing trade, which will be used for cutting and storage. You can buy new or rent. If possible, you can profitably buy a used one, but in good condition. In any of these cases, equipment is the most expensive part in the decision to open a business. To start selling meat products in your store, you will need the bare essentials, for which you will have to purchase:

  • refrigerated storage equipment;
  • display cases, special baking trays and trays for displaying meat;
  • axes, cutting boards, knives, blocks;
  • meat grinders, pots, basins, other utensils;
  • scales;
  • cash registers;
  • computer and accounting software.

Your own store as a business requires at the initial stage (to open it) an investment of $4,500 with an area of ​​20 square meters. m. The average markup is within 30%. Payback occurs within one and a half years. Personal savings are often used for financing. They are less likely to resort to credit assistance or participate in government programs to support business.


A good salesperson can increase revenue by 20%, and some by 50%. You can start the selection yourself or entrust it to specialists, for which you need to contact a recruitment agency. But be sure to conduct the final interview yourself. Ask for references from your previous place of employment. Make sure that the seller has not previously been associated with embezzlement or theft.

Many employers prefer not to formally register personnel, saving on taxes. In addition to a fine for such workers, authorized bodies may suspend activities for up to 3 months. To open a business selling meat again, you will have to pay off tax debts and fines.

Administrative fines for an unregistered employee reach 5 thousand rubles, in case of criminal prosecution - 300 thousand rubles. It is better to hire staff in accordance with the law and calmly establish your store.


Any meat business is under increased control of inspection authorities. Inspections are carried out by tax officials, Rospotrebnadzor, Rosselkhoznadzor, and Gospozharnadzor.

Rospotrebnadzor checks compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements, rules for trade in meat and products made from it. Documents and laboratory tests are analyzed. The equipment of a store selling meat is checked to ensure the safety of products.

Rosselkhoznadzor checks quality. For this purpose, certificates/declarations of conformity and veterinary certificates are provided. Don’t forget about these documents if you want to not only open, but also make a profit from the store.

Tax authorities verify accounting records and the correctness of calculation and payment of taxes. They check contracts, acts, invoices, expenses and the correctness of transactions.

The State Fire Supervision Authority monitors the implementation of fire safety standards. Without their permission, it is impossible to open your own store from scratch.

Checks can be:

  • planned - no more than once every two years;
  • unscheduled - based on a complaint from the buyer or other persons.
  • comprehensive - several inspection bodies conduct an analysis of the store’s activities simultaneously.

Before starting the test, carefully read the instructions. To avoid fines, each time request documents from your counterparties, issue checks, and be scrupulous when it comes to paying taxes. This is important, otherwise, even if you decide to open a business selling cosmetics, you will end up in the red.

It’s not enough to set up your own store, hire staff, and purchase high-quality meat; you need to be able to attract customers.

Hold a promotion for your first customers, try to offer a wide selection of organic products at a low cost. With favorable development, the business of selling meat products will bring the expected income and become the basis for financial independence.

The business of selling meat is very popular. Opening it does not require a large start-up capital, and the payback period is 5-8 months, depending on the level of markup on the product. Read more about how to open a butcher shop and whether it is profitable in the article.

To implement your idea, you need to make your future activity legal - register with the Federal Migration Service, decide on the organizational and legal form of the company () and indicate the types of activity - 55.22.1 and 55.22.2 (trade in meat and offal).

Each of these forms of ownership has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of IP:

  1. Less taxes and more freedom of action.
  2. No need for accounting.
  3. Ease of handling cash.
  4. Possibility of carrying out activities anywhere in the country without opening representative offices.
  5. Easy opening and closing procedure.
  6. Small fines with a minimum threshold of 50 thousand rubles.
  7. The ability to choose a patent taxation system is a beneficial solution for small businesses.

Also, the individual entrepreneur may not report on the operation and condition of the equipment, the sources of its appearance, spends less money on opening, and is not required to provide reports to the pension fund and social insurance fund if he works alone. For meat sales activities, the optimal organizational and legal form will be an individual entrepreneur.

After completing the registration procedure, you need to prepare a substantial list of documents and obtain the appropriate permissions from the authorities, which often takes a lot of time:

  • Certificate of registration of an LLC or individual entrepreneur and registration with the tax authorities.
  • Lease agreement for premises for trade and storage of products.
  • Permission received from Rospotrebnadzor to locate a butcher shop.
  • Agreements for disinfection of store premises and removal of solid household waste.
  • Inspection report of a retail outlet.
  • Hygienic certificate from Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Fire department permit.
  • Sanitary certificates for each employee of the butcher shop.
  • Certificate confirming product compliance with standards.

How to choose premises and equipment?

For comfortable work and convenient placement of equipment, a room with a minimum area of ​​20 square meters is sufficient. It can be located in the following places:

  • On the market (large flow of people and, as a result, good revenue from sales of products, but high competition with similar retail outlets);
  • In a residential area (low competition, presence of regular customers living nearby);
  • In a shopping center or at a distance of 10-20 meters from it;
  • Not far from crowded places (bus stops, metro, etc.);
  • Near factories, enterprises (workers will purchase from you).

The butcher shop should be divided into three zones: trading, cutting carcasses and preparing semi-finished products.

The following equipment should be located inside:

  • Refrigeration chamber for cooling and storing products with a minimum area of ​​4-5 square meters;
  • A cooling showcase in which meat and products made from it will be placed;
  • Freezer for freezing and temporary storage of food;
  • Scales;
  • Trays;
  • Powerful scales for weighing carcasses;
  • Chopping axes and pallets, knives;
  • Thermometers for obtaining data on the temperature in freezers;
  • Industrial electric meat grinders.

Other auxiliary items:

  • Calculator;
  • Packaging material;
  • Price tags;
  • Containers for semi-finished products;
  • Workwear for store employees (see also -);
  • Boilers, if necessary, for heating water;
  • Sinks.

How to create an assortment?

The store's assortment should include:

  1. Beef and pork (most in demand).
  2. Poultry meat.
  3. Lamb, veal, rabbit.
  4. Semi-finished products - cutlets, meatballs, minced meat, dumplings, khinkali, stuffed vegetables, shish kebab, soup sets.
  5. By-products – liver, kidneys, various parts of livestock carcasses, products based on them.
  6. Ready-made dishes - cutlets, steaks, chops, goulash, stews, stews, manti, etc.

If desired, you can expand the assortment and display pallets with finished products in the sales area. If there is a microwave oven nearby, then employees of nearby enterprises (offices, shops, factories, etc.) can come to the store for lunch. You can prepare those dishes that do not require a wide selection of side dishes for serving, or set up a small cafe nearby where the finished products will be sold.

You can sell meat in different formats: store, department, shop, stall. Regardless of the format, the sale of meat is strictly controlled.

In this article we will look at what requirements must be observed when trading meat. Here is a list of documents for opening a butcher shop or store.

Sanitary requirements for trade in meat and meat products

The meat retail outlet is routinely visited by inspectors who check compliance with tax, customs and sanitary-epidemiological legislation. To successfully pass the tax and customs inspection, it is enough to provide reporting documents and invoices.

With SES the task is more complicated. The inspectorate will check the working conditions and decide whether to issue you a permit to sell meat.

Requirements for a butcher shop premises

When choosing a room, consider these rules. They will help to avoid problems with the sanitary and epidemiological inspection.

  • In the interior decoration of the premises, materials that are resistant to disinfectants, moisture and temperature should be used.
  • There must be a water supply and sewerage system, and a staff bathroom with a toilet and sink.
  • The mandatory type of ventilation is supply and exhaust.
  • Lighting lamps need shades to prevent glass shards from falling onto the products.
  • If you plan to cut meat yourself, there should be a separate room for this.
  • All products are stored in refrigeration equipment
  • The room and surrounding area must be clean.
  • The permissible temperature range at the seller’s workplace is from 18 to 26 °C.

Requirements for butcher shop equipment

Choose equipment with thermometers, but without mercury. Only equipment and packaging materials permitted by the SES may be used inside the display case or refrigeration chamber.

The meat cutting block is installed on a special stand. After completing the work, the surface of the deck is cleaned with a knife and sprinkled with salt.

How to store meat at a retail outlet

Compliance with these rules will protect you from fines and help maintain product quality:

  • Keep delivery notes and do not remove labels from supplier containers.
  • Check for veterinary marks on the carcasses.
  • Products must be stored in special equipment at the established temperature conditions. Raw meat separated from processed meats.
  • Label cutting boards and knives.

What documents should staff have?

Strict requirements are imposed on sellers in a meat department or store. In addition to standard documents, they must have health records.

Monitor the appearance and hygiene of sellers. They need special form with a cap or scarf. The staff toilet should have towels, soap, and toilet paper. At the workplace there is a first aid kit.

What documents are needed to open a butcher shop?

Any business begins with registration of the organizational and legal form: Individual entrepreneur or LLC.

In an individual entrepreneur, documentation is simple. You can choose a simplified taxation system or a Patent. An LLC will require more documents. But there are broader opportunities to expand your business and attract partners.

OKVED codes for meat trade:

  • 52.22.1. Retail trade in meat and poultry, including by-products
  • 52.22.2. Retail trade in meat and poultry products
If you plan to trade other products, you will need more OKVED codes.

List of documents for a meat store

Before you start trading, collect a package of documents. Selling meat without them will result in a fine and suspension of the business.

  • Certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur and tax service
  • Lease agreement or documents confirming ownership
  • Permission from SES and Fire Inspectorate
  • Agreements on preventive measures of disinsection, disinfection and deratization
  • Agreement on waste removal and disposal
  • Contract for disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems
  • Employee health records
  • Certificates for products and veterinary form No. 4 (issued by the supplier)
  • Notification to Rospotrebnadzor

This is a list of the basic documents required to open a butcher shop from scratch. It may vary depending on the business format.

To sell meat at a market or in a grocery store, you do not need documents for maintaining the premises or permission from the Fire Inspectorate. Only a rental agreement.

How to open a meat store: easier, faster and cheaper

Setting up a meat retail outlet on your own is not the only way to open a business. There is a more proven way to sell meat, but not collect documents from authorities.