How to open your own sewing business from scratch. How to open a sewing workshop or mini-atelier from scratch: a detailed business plan

If you are planning to open, then this article will help you understand some of the nuances of this process. We are not talking about extras, not about serial tailoring, but specifically about custom tailoring.

If we are talking about extras, then sewing some orders for enterprises is also quite possible to make money from this, except that you will sew according to individual orders. Therefore, I believe that the basic building block on which everything should be based if you decide to do sewing at home is your professional skills.

If they are not there, then it is clear that you will not be able to sew, you will not be able to earn money by sewing at home.

I bring to your attention a small 5-minute fragment of one of the 33 questions discussed in detail at the seven-hour custom marathon

“How to make money by sewing at home or in a small workshop”

We will talk about two internal obstacles, because of which many sewing professionals cannot start their profitable sewing business.

I wish you useful listening!

Mind map: how to organize a sewing workshop

Perhaps you can organize some small.

I will also tell you examples of my clients who, having absolutely no knowledge in the sewing business, organized and are organizing these small productions. Mostly these are owners of some businesses or owners of some retail outlets.

For their business, they organize a small workshop, sew clothes that will be sold. If this is your situation, then you can also earn money from your workshop without having professional skills. I will also tell you how to do this.

When you have the basics of sewing at home, you have some kind of qualification, then, of course, comes discipline, clients, orders, sewing equipment, desire, incentives, perseverance, increased self-esteem - today we will look at all this.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that if you have the qualifications and desire, if sewing brings you pleasure, then, I will say in advance, even if you have nothing now, not a single client, you have not even sewn a single one to order products, then you already have a big starting advantage.

Because many people start creating a sewing business in order to earn money, and they don’t really like this activity. You already have an advantage over such people. And the cards are in your hands and it’s simply a sin not to make money from it. If you like something, you are passionate about something, something brings you pleasure and you don’t turn this business into your business - you are simply limiting yourself.

This is what I wanted to say on this point, who can actually start in their own small workshop.
Only certain categories of people cannot earn money by sewing at home. There are also people who seem to be doing well: they have qualifications, they can sew, their health is fine, but I would say that these people, too, for some internal reason, cannot earn money. First of all, people who have a worm of doubt cannot earn money. those who are always doubting and hesitating: whether they will earn money or not. People are not obligatory, people are suspicious in this regard.

That is, the person decided...

For example, a seamstress advertises in the local press or on the Internet on a website. He places an order, then thinks: “No, that’s it. Not mine". People call, she refuses. I have had such cases in practice. After a while, this seamstress finally makes up her mind; she works somewhere at another enterprise.

I had such a case with this seamstress. She had three or four days off a week. There was a small load. She worked part-time. A fairly qualified seamstress, she did the job quite normally, and at home. She had great equipment, great qualifications, but these doubts were killing her. They gave her the same salary. She just walked four days a week. She sometimes made attempts to find customers, which, given her qualifications, was, in principle, quite possible. The clients were happy. But she exaggerated her fears, and in the end her business was killed by these doubts.

These people also cannot earn money by sewing.

Today we will talk about various psychological issues, about the fears that many novice sewers have. If you have such a situation, then you need to initially decide: either you want to earn money by sewing at home, or earn extra money, or still work for your uncle and sew for yourself, for your soul, for your family. And just don’t waste your time and energy on endless attempts to start something.

If you have already decided, then we do it, but if in doubt, then let’s better not start.

We will talk about prices, quality, and clients in great detail on different pages of my website, in mailing letters and in training courses..
I also believe that people who wear dark glasses and are always negative in life cannot make money by sewing at home. There are people who wear rose-colored glasses in life—everything seems rosy to them. Even when they fall into a hole, they still don’t notice it.

And there are people with other light filters who are dissatisfied with everything in life. They are unhappy with their equipment, unhappy with their customers, unhappy with the situation. If you are one of these people, you don’t need to start not only sewing at home, but in general any business that generates income. If you don't like this business, don't try to turn it into a source of income.

A few psychological points in the sewing business at home or in your sewing workshop.

This situation often happens, at least in my practice it has happened more than once, when a person decides to take up sewing at home. There is a fire in his eyes, he is ready to move mountains, takes something, finds clients, places an order, but something has stalled.

For example, a client comes and says: “Why does your coat cost 2 thousand rubles, but on the next street they will make it for a thousand rubles. I won't pay you."

The second client comes and is dissatisfied with the quality. The third client is unhappy with the timing. And after that, such a person wilts, becomes sour, and never sews to order again in his life. Everyone starts to blame him; just as quickly as he caught fire, he quickly went out.

A lot of home-based seamstresses have worked with me. And there is a certain percentage of people who quickly light up and quickly go out.

If you are one of these people, what should you do?

Internal settings need to be changed.

There is such a principle in life. I have a friend who is a water survival instructor. Extreme, you will agree. profession. He told me one survival principle: if one person does it, others can do it too. Here we have the opposite case - more than one person is engaged in sewing at home, and profitable sewing at home, so you can do it too!

The main thing is attitude, the main thing is systematic work, discipline. D

Even if three clients in a row found your work unsatisfactory in various respects, it is not a fact that the fourth client will not be delighted with you and will not come to you for 10 years.

How does a sewing business at home differ from a custom sewing atelier or serial tailoring (extras)?

To answer this question I will give an example. A woman came to me for an interview to get a job as a seamstress and told me that she sews, sews for herself and for her family.

But I know that for myself and for my family this is one quality.

And under what conditions does he sew for himself and for his family?

On an ordinary household machine, not always with the use of special paws, even for sewing in a hidden zipper. This is not always a high-quality overlock stitch. Perhaps even the finishing stitching and the width of the seams are not always of high quality.

That is, a person who sews at home does not always know the quality requirements for products that are sewn in an atelier, in tailoring, or even in mass production.

When do you need technological maps for the sewing business and how to draw them up correctly?

We have already spoken about technological maps.

And about when you need technological maps for seamstresses. If you have 1-2 seamstresses, and you sew a small number of products, and this is custom sewing, then technological cards are not needed at all.

The desire of women housewives to become independent motivates them to seek additional income.

He will be successful if he discovers his talents or abilities to do some kind of manual work. If you turn your handicrafts into a small home business, you can truly gain the independence you desire.

How much can you earn from handmade?

It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. The range of possibilities is quite wide. The amount of earnings depends on the chosen type of handmade. The amount of work and the amount of time spent are also important.

An equally significant factor influencing the result is the advertising campaign, the ability to disseminate information about your small business to a wide audience.

At a minimum, you can earn from 7-10 thousand rubles. However, this is not the limit. In order not to work blindly, it is advisable to draw up a rough business plan. For example, a woman is content with limited time opportunities. Most likely, she will be happy with even minimal additional income.

If the plans are far-reaching, and there is enough time for this, you need to start calculating based on the desired amount. For example, a housewife who masters knitting plans to earn 15 thousand rubles. It is necessary to build an earnings scheme in this way:

  • Decide on the types of knitted items for sale or to order.
  • Check the cost of yarn.
  • Take into account the thread consumption per unit of finished product.
  • Consider the amount of time required to knit one item.

The average yarn consumption per item is 500 g;

at a cost of 100 g of 200 rubles: 200 x 5 = 1000 rubles (plus accessories 200 rubles);

price for finished products - from 4000 rubles.

With a cost of 1200 rubles, the profit is 2800 rubles.

To earn money 15 thousand rubles. per month, you need to knit at least 5 sweaters. With a high level of skill, it is quite possible to produce such a quantity. One thing can be knitted in 4-5 days, and in about 21 days of work you can get the planned amount.

If you improve the quality and use more expensive materials, you can increase the price of the product. Thus, the load will be more acceptable, and the income will be the same. For example, by knitting only 3 sweaters a month, you can get the desired 15 thousand rubles, spending not 21, but only 12-15 days.

In this case, you can make a choice for yourself: leave your small business at the level of your original goal or still increase your workload and increase your income.

Which type of needlework to choose depends on the abilities of the person who wants to make money from it. There are a great variety of activities, among which the most profitable can be identified.

Knitting to order and sale

Knitted items never go out of fashion; this fact speaks in favor of this type of needlework. If an experienced knitter, she probably has a circle of acquaintances who know about her abilities. Once she starts knitting for income, it will be easy for her to get her first customers.

The initial point is very important here: the better and more original the first order is, the more effective the further work to attract customers will be. We can say that the manufactured item will work like an advertisement.

You can knit one type of clothing or several:

  • Children's clothing: suits, booties, knitted hats, overalls, dresses, blouses, sundresses.
  • Hats and scarves for adults.
  • Dresses.
  • Cardigans, jackets and sweaters.
  • Gloves, bibs, socks, handbags and other accessories.

You can become universal knitter or specialize in one type of knitting, taking into account the direction of women's or men's clothing.

To sell knitted items by hand, it is enough to have 3-5 clients a month, and you can get a good additional income. After all, handmade work is valued higher than machine work. Having received a high-quality order, the happy owner of a beautiful thing will definitely tell his family, friends and neighbors about it.

Thus, the number of likely customers can increase first in arithmetic and then in geometric progression. This means that you can get good money for your work.

You can also knit by machine, but to prevent the item from looking stamped, it can be supplemented with hand embroidery (satin stitch, cross stitch), appliqué, decorated with ribbons or in other ways that will give it individuality.

Sewing home business

Sewing at home for individual orders has always been a popular activity. Previously, people turned to home craftsmen because it was almost impossible to buy a fashionable item in a retail chain. Now, with the advent of a huge variety of clothes, I want to choose the ideal option so that it is both fashionable and not very expensive.

Now is the time to start sewing, because you can buy fabric of any texture, color and cost. Dozens of new types of fabric have appeared.

Fashionistas who cannot afford to buy a dress that has sunk into their soul, because it costs fabulous money, can use the services of local craftswomen. To succeed in this type of needlework, you need to know all the subtleties: how to get bias tape, cut out complex details to decorate the finished product, and many other tricks.

Professional seamstresses or even self-taught ones who are good at sewing and are able to recreate the style of an outfit depicted in a magazine or on a TV screen will not experience a shortage of clients.

Women who have non-standard shapes, are too plump, tall or short, face serious difficulties in finding the right size and style. It is this category that will always come to an individual seamstress and help her get additional income , sitting at home.

Sewing needlework involves more than just sewing clothes. These can be the following types:

  • Sewing soft toys.
  • Bed linen.
  • Curtains and tulle.
  • Quilting blankets.
  • Leather sewing.

When choosing to make money from sewing, you will have to consider the costs of purchasing materials for finishing sewn products. After all, in addition to fabrics, a sewing machine, a set of needles, scissors, an overlocker, you need accessories.

Sewing dolls

This type of handmade involves not just sewing individual dolls, you can create entire collections. Depending on the craftsmanship and artistic design, such products may be in demand.

There are hundreds of examples where a needlewoman, showing maximum imagination and creativity, turned what seemed like an ordinary toy into a branded product. These include Tilda dolls, dolls in national costumes made of nylon, and porcelain angel dolls.

Adults are more interested in collectible dolls, but for children you can design educational toys, dolls with a set of clothes and accessories, a doll family (father, mother and daughter or son).

By the way, such goods can be sold by prior arrangement at a toy store. The results of homemade crafts will not take long to arrive, so you can prepare for a good income.

Decoupage: universal decoration

This type of needlework is not very widely known, but it appeared in the distant medieval era. In those days, they used wooden decoupage: they cut out various pictures, covered them with varnish and decorated pieces of furniture with them.

This type of needlework is divided into several types:

  • Straight.
  • Back.
  • Volume.
  • Smoky.
  • Decopatch.

The basic principle of the decoupage technique is to paste cut out elements and arrange them into patterns, ornaments, and pictures. After this, the surface is varnished.

This type of manual work can be a source of income. Unique in their beauty and originality, created by the hand of a home craftsman, they can become a wonderful memorable gift. By the way, the client can order a specific drawing or image related to the person for whom the gift is intended. The master will be tasked with doing exactly what the customer wants.

Items decorated with decoupage can be put up for sale as exclusive souvenirs. In this way, you can win your circle of clients and build a small business on it. The author of decoupage will receive double pleasure: from doing interesting work and receiving a reward for it - payment for the completed order.


This crafting method is becoming increasingly popular. It is interesting because you can create a wide variety of items: certain types of clothing (hats, scarves), toys, interior items, decorative elements.

Customers are attracted to this kind of things because they are natural, because they can only be made from wool.

It’s not difficult to learn felting with your own hands, but first of all, you need the necessary tools and materials:

  • Special needles.
  • Felting solution or liquid soap.
  • Merino wool.
  • Sintepon.
  • Cotton wool or other material as filler.

The created items must be made at a high professional level in order to amaze customers with their uniqueness. Then success in making money will be ensured.


One of the traditional types of needlework, which came from ancient times and has not lost its popularity and attractiveness, is embroidery. There are many varieties, some of them are:

  • Cross stitch.
  • Gladue.
  • With a stem.
  • Chain.
  • With ribbons.
  • Beads.

For some girls, this activity develops into an exciting hobby that they do not part with all their lives. Thus, the skill is improved to the level of professionalism.

Such craftswomen can easily start earning income from embroidery, which turns an ordinary thing into an amazing work of art. You can specialize not only in embroidering shirts, blouses, dresses; you can choose one or more areas:

  • Embroidering tablecloths.
  • Napkins.
  • Pillows.
  • Towel.
  • Bed linen.
  • Knitted items.
  • Volumetric embroidery (decoration of souvenirs with embroidery).
  • Embroidering pictures.

You can use various threads and materials for embroidery:

  • Floss.
  • Acrylic.
  • Gold or silver threads.
  • Beads.
  • With ribbons.

In order to be convinced of the possibility of earning an income from this type of needlework, just look at the prices of embroidered products on the Internet. Paintings made based on the works of famous artists cost fabulous amounts of money, calculated thousands of rubles and even dollars.


An interesting and unusual type of handmade, you need to master a special method of twisting paper, the result is parts from which you can create beautiful things. Craftswomen make jewelry of stunning beauty:

  • Panel.
  • Paintings.
  • Snowflakes.
  • Flowers and floral arrangements.
  • Postcards.

To work you will need the following set of devices:

  1. Colored paper cut into strips.
  2. PVA glue.
  3. Sample.
  4. Sharp scissors.
  5. Tweezers.
  6. A device used to roll paper strips.

Needlewomen with experience in this matter create masterpieces of souvenirs that can be successfully put up for sale.

Cold porcelain

Creating porcelain figurines and various crafts is an interesting, enjoyable activity and profitable at the same time. Cold porcelain modeling can actually be used to earn quite decent money. The work is exciting, but requires a lot of time, physical and creative energy.

If you have the abilities and skills in this direction, you can create unique interior and decorative items that will be in high demand.

The source material is inexpensive, but the cost of work is quite high, so incredibly high rises are possible here: at a cost of 2000 thousand rubles. can be obtained from 10 thousand rubles.

Creation of designer bead jewelry

Costume jewelry, which has not lost its popularity, continues to interest the female half of humanity. Therefore, it’s worth taking a closer look and doing, for example, weaving beaded decorations:

  • Bracelets.
  • Necklace.
  • Pendant.
  • Seryozhek.
  • Clips.
  • Diadem.
  • Hair clip.
  • Obodkov.

Such a small business will require an investment of about 10 thousand rubles. With a price per unit of work of 300-1500 rubles. (depending on labor costs) and an average daily sale of 6-8 jewelry, income can average about 4000 thousand rubles.

Wicker weave

It is enough to take special courses or a master class from a good professional and get to work. Items made by weaving from wicker always found their buyer.

You should start with simpler items:

  • Baskets.
  • Khlebnits.
  • Flowerpot.
  • Decorative items (souvenirs in the form of wicker bast shoes, panels, amulets).
  • Hat.

After the circle of consumers has been won and income has stabilized, you can continue to develop. To do this, learn and create wicker furniture. This is a more serious type of income. Such products attract people with their naturalness and beauty.

Iris folding

All kinds of souvenirs, accessories, and decorative interior items can be created from ribbons. Such art has no limits in choosing a wide variety of compositions. These can be paintings, decoration of wedding dresses, curtains and other interior elements or clothing decorations.


Such handicrafts are mistakenly considered too expensive. Starting from scratch, you can use scrap materials that you can always find at home. You just have to buy a simple photo album or notebook and create a masterpiece based on it.

Scrapbooking is an artistic design that gives individual originality to various items:

  • Photo albums.
  • Notepads.
  • Personal diaries.
  • Invitation cards.
  • Gift packaging (from a regular box).
  • Pictures.
  • Envelopes for money.
  • Books.

Such things can be made to order, but in order to increase your income, you can offer them for sale in a retail chain.

Soap making

This is a fairly highly profitable business. It is worth doing for those who are looking for ways to make good money at home. The lesson requires preparation, but mastering the technique is not difficult, the main thing is to have the desire.

This type of income will be successful if you make not ordinary bars of soap, but make original works of art from it. The calculation for the profitability of soap making is based on the fact that this niche is not sufficiently filled, which means high demand.

Starting from the first steps and small volumes, gradually this type of home production can grow into a small factory and provide higher incomes.

Homemade cosmetics

Everyone always needs cosmetics; it is impossible to imagine any woman without it. In the cosmetics market, hundreds of companies create intense competition for each other, but prices remain quite high. And one can argue about the quality of industrial cosmetics.

Some craftswomen tried to make cosmetics with their own hands and they did very well. Now they do this with success not only for themselves, but also on order. The main positive point is the use of only natural raw materials.

If you start a small cosmetics business, you can produce the following types of natural cosmetics:

  • Oils.
  • Creams.
  • Face and hair masks.
  • Lotions.
  • Scrubs.
  • Rinse aids.

Decorative candles

Paraffin or wax is a convenient tool in the hands of a master. You can make unique souvenirs from an ordinary candle. To create a unique sample, natural materials and any auxiliary small items are used:

  • Groats.
  • Pasta.
  • Nuts.
  • Coffee beans.
  • Acorns.
  • Beads.
  • Beads.
  • Foil.
  • Artificial stones.
  • Seashells.
  • Decorative braid.

Dyes are also used to make a candle of any color. The result is an interesting result, for example, candles for a romantic evening, New Year's, for a children's party, for a birthday. By adding flavorings, you can create a real miracle that produces enchanting odors.

Leather Products

To make money from this type of sewing, you need to be a professional. Working with leather is one of the most difficult jobs, but the demand for leather clothing and accessories never subsides.

In addition to sewing clothes, it is worth learning how to make bags, belts, and jewelry. Then you won’t have to worry about your earnings, it will always be quite high. For example, a set of clothes with accessories will always find its buyer who wants to look “not like everyone else.”

Reasons for the high demand for handicrafts

It’s easy to get confused amid the abundance of different products, and it’s difficult to find something suitable in size, taste and style. People are looking for the perfect option and go in search of a fulfiller of their individual order. As a result, they get a unique thing that you won’t find even on the Internet.

So, we can highlight the main advantages of handmade and the reasons for its popularity:

  • High quality.
  • Artistic value.
  • Originality.
  • Exclusivity.
  • Affordable price.

Armed with the confidence that handicraft is profitable, it’s worth a try. To choose a more popular direction, you can view information on the Internet, look for reviews about different ways to earn income from handmade goods.

In these short stories, the needlewoman will always express her sincere wishes and give a real assessment of this or that type of income. With desire and determination, a good result is always obtained.

How to make money on handicrafts on the Internet

Needlewomen who have mastered one or more types of craftsmanship can create their own exclusive items to order. But to increase implementation, you can use several methods:

  • Through specialized platforms:, Crafts Fair, City of Talents.
  • Social networks, in particular, creating a profile page. You will need advertising, which should be placed on thematic platforms with high-quality photographs.
  • Partnership with a retail chain. It is enough to negotiate with management in one or more stores about the supply of your unique product. This should be a mutually beneficial transaction, in which the supplier sets its own price, and the seller sells it at a certain percentage higher.

You can use all sorts of thematic forums where you can conduct useful dialogues with colleagues not only about sales problems, but also about the development of a specific type of handmade product. Sharing experience and useful advice with like-minded people will help improve your skills and obtain better results from your creative work.

*Calculations use average data for Russia

Clothing is one of the most in-demand products, no matter what happens in politics and economics. Clothing is something that, along with food and shelter, we need every day. In difficult years, the consumer can limit himself to the necessary minimum of clothing, and also increase the duration of its use. However, a person simply cannot completely abandon its use. This applies, of course, only to everyday clothing (or, according to the generally accepted industry classification, household products). In addition to it, as we know, there is also special-purpose clothing: workwear, uniforms, sportswear, etc. Demand for each of these categories is determined by a number of completely different factors. Production technology may also differ significantly depending on the group under consideration.

Each class is also divided into five groups according to operating conditions:


Light dress;

Linen and sewing haberdashery;


Inventory, equipment and other products.

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Perhaps the best ratio of demand and profitability among household products is a light dress. Its diversity also plays a role here - for men it is shirts, vests, jumpers, jackets, trousers, jeans; for women - blouses, sweaters, pullovers, cardigans, skirts and trousers and much more. Also here, great demands are placed on product design. And the wardrobe of light dresses is updated with high frequency, including due to seasonality.

On the other hand, precisely because the demand for casual clothing is high, competition in this area is very fierce, and constantly changing trends in world fashion adjust this demand towards one manufacturer or another. And manufacturers have to adjust their range in accordance with fashion trends. The one who manages to do this quickly, efficiently and without significant financial losses survives.

In general, manufacturers of household garments can be divided into two categories according to the method of generating profit.

1. By promoting your own brand. The owner of the brand develops the design and construction of the product, produces it and independently promotes it on the market. At the same time, he can use both his own labor and intellectual resources, as well as outsourced specialists and contractors. The brand unites a wide range of products, the distribution of which is carried out through its own retail stores, wholesaler stores or franchisees. The advantage of this form of business is a higher rate of profit; Difficulties include high risks in developing and promoting the brand.

2. By concentrating on our own production. As a rule, such organizations act as contractors for sewing batches of garments on a toll basis. They can only have a highly specialized production line - knitwear, textiles. Or they can have a full cycle production, from design to packaging. Profitability in this case is ensured by the absence of costs for maintaining a brand - advertising costs, costs for maintaining a large sales department or a network of retail stores.

A different situation is observed in the workwear and uniform market. Design and world fashion hardly have any influence here; Functionality and practicality rule here. Requirements for such products, as a rule, are established by the customer and directly depend on their purpose. As for demand, it is determined in most cases by the situation on the relevant market and its solvency. A peculiarity of these areas is that the demand for products is usually formed in large quantities, purchases are carried out through tenders and competitions. This provides the manufacturer, on the one hand, with long-term loading, and on the other, reduces the profitability of the business compared to household products.

So, if you are thinking about getting into clothing production, the first thing you should decide is whether you want to develop your own brand, getting the satisfaction of publicity and social recognition, or whether you just want to make money by focusing on the production process. In the first case, a prerequisite will be the presence of your own designer (designers), a laboratory for experimental tailoring and a talented marketer; Having designers and technologists is highly desirable, but not necessary - their work can be outsourced. Own production capacity may be minimal, but in this case it is necessary to properly establish relationships with contractors. In the second case, depending on the planned volume of activity and available investments, you can limit yourself to a good technologist who will perform the functions of a production manager, or you can form a full staff of the production department: designers, technologist, cutters, etc. In subsequent calculations of the economic efficiency of this line of business, we will take as a basis only a production line with a staff of seamstresses and a production manager-technologist. Additional work and services will form the added cost of tailoring.

Ready ideas for your business

Working with your own brand in most cases involves positioning in the market of household products or sportswear. Less often - in the workwear market. The fame of the brand or brand in the case of uniforms and workwear, especially when participating in tenders, is practically irrelevant. Therefore, the production of such categories of garments will most likely be the domain of the second group of enterprises.

We will begin the calculation with this option. First you need to select a room. For small (up to 10 people) and medium-sized (10-25 people) production facilities, the area of ​​auxiliary premises, such as a warehouse, wardrobe, eating place, toilets, offices of engineers (at least the production manager), will be approximately equal to the area of ​​the production line itself . The area required for the line is calculated based on the type of product produced and the number of employees. So, when sewing light knitwear, one worker has 4-5 sq.m.; in the production of more complex textile products - already 5-6 sq.m.; Well, the production of outerwear will require 6-8 sq.m. per person. These are just approximate figures; in practice, much depends on the type of equipment used, the configuration of the premises, and, ultimately, on the qualifications and skills of each employee. However, when calculating, we will be guided by them.

Ready ideas for your business

So, to sew textile products (this can be both household products and workwear and uniforms) with a team of 15 people, you will need a production area of ​​75 sq.m. The auxiliary premises will take up the same amount. In total, we get the required area of ​​150 sq.m. At the current rental price - 75,000 rubles per month. If we are considering creating our own brand, we will need additional premises: an office for administrative staff and a sales department; additional space for warehouses of fabrics, accessories and finished products; showroom. All together this will be at least 100 sq.m. or 50,000 rubles.

You can save on production space by introducing a shift work schedule - two 12-hour working days and two days off. With a constant output, this will reduce the occupied area, or, with a constant area, increase output.

Another opportunity to reduce rental and labor costs is to locate production not within the boundaries of a large city (even if sales will be carried out within its boundaries), but in the region. In this way, you can achieve even thirty percent savings.

Subtract 10% for various losses - sick leave, vacation, downtime due to defects or equipment malfunction, we get 2376 man-hours of working time per month.

Output is calculated based on established time standards - for each product there is a strictly defined time. There are industry standards that were widely used in Soviet times. But over the years, technologies, materials and equipment have changed, but the standards have remained the same. Therefore, today sewing enterprises develop standards independently, based on the characteristics of the premises, equipment and other factors. For newcomers to the industry, the solution may be to borrow standards from experienced market players.

Ready ideas for your business

For example, sewing a light dress on a production line can take an average of 0.7 hours, trousers for men or women - 0.5-1 hour, a textile jacket with or without lining - 1.5-2 hours, respectively. If we proceed from the option of sewing uniforms or workwear, then the number of trousers and jackets will be the same, and the time spent on the product can be averaged to 1 hour. If you plan to produce lightweight textile products, time costs will be reduced to 0.5-1 hour per product; If you add lightweight knitwear to the assortment, this figure can be reduced to 0.3 hours. Everything will depend on the assortment matrix - the share of a particular product in the total assortment.

So, when sewing uniforms, the monthly output will be:

Today, the average market cost of sewing trousers is 200 rubles, a simple-cut textile jacket is 300 rubles; We accept 250 rubles for the calculated value. Monthly revenue will be:

Since in the considered option the material (fabric, accessories, threads) is provided by the customer, the costs of its purchase are not taken into account. However, it is necessary to mention the following nuance: the tolling basis is assumed in the customer-contractor relationship, but not the customer-supplier relationship, as is the case, for example, with a tender held by a department. In this case, the manufacturer purchases the material at his own expense and on his own.

As for equipment, there are no problems with its purchase today. You can buy both new and used equipment in any quantity. Japanese sewing machines and overlockers have the best combination of price and quality; for the cutting area, you can choose knives (for large volumes - cutting-band machines) made in Poland and China. The cost varies widely - from 650,000 to 20,000 rubles for a new car with a drive. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully determine the range, production volumes, prospects for expansion and modernization, and only then proceed to the selection of equipment. It is best to contact the supplier to select a kit. For our calculation option, it is advisable to budget 1.0-1.3 million rubles for the purchase of sewing equipment. A cutting table with a reciprocating knife will cost an additional 35,000 rubles, and with a cutting and tape machine - 400,000. Production capabilities can also be expanded with knitting and embroidery machines, but such work is usually subcontracted to highly specialized companies.

The presence of one or more designers on staff requires the availability of specialized software - sewing CAD systems, the cost of which reaches hundreds of thousands of rubles. You will also need one or two plotters for printing patterns; A digitizer may also be useful for digitizing them. In the most budget option, you can budget 200,000 rubles for this. It must be remembered that having a designer on staff (or, moreover, several) is beneficial only when the company is constantly developing new models. Otherwise, it is easier and cheaper to turn to familiar specialists or purchase a ready-made medical base.

If you decide to create a brand of fashionable clothing, you cannot do without a laboratory - an experimental workshop, where trial products will be sewn and refined to the standard. The laboratory consists of 3-5 experienced seamstresses, provided with high-quality equipment. In the context of equipment costs – 300,000 rubles.

If a company plans to purchase large volumes of various types of fabrics on its own, a rejecting and measuring machine will be needed in the warehouse, which is used for rewinding, rejecting and re-measuring material from a roll. The cost of such equipment will average 170,000 rubles. For a warehouse of finished products with a wide range, you will also need standard warehouse equipment - from shelving to label printers and data collection terminals, which will cost at least 300,000 rubles. In the case of sewing large batches of standard products, such difficulties will not be required.

At the final stage, it is necessary to equip the office: purchase furniture and office equipment; equip a dressing room and a dining room. All this will cost 150-300 thousand rubles.

Another important point that you need to pay attention to is product certification. According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 1, 2009 No. 982, underwear products, fur clothing and children's clothing of all categories are subject to mandatory certification, however, the ConsultantPlus system indicates almost all categories of clothing products as excluded from the list of products subject to mandatory certification. Therefore, it is necessary to promptly clarify the conditions with the local certification body.

Summing up the intermediate result, we can sum up the investment costs in the minimum and maximum options. The data is summarized in Table 1.

Table 1. Investment costs

So, as can be seen from Table 1, the order of investment costs can vary widely: from 838,000 in the case of organizing a simple workshop for sewing a narrow range of products and purchasing budget equipment to 3,702,000 rubles in organizing a wide-profile enterprise with a staff of designers and technologists, as well as high quality equipment. And this is not the final amount - as they say, there is no limit to perfection.

Recruiting staff is also not easy. Fewer and fewer educational institutions provide training in the professions of seamstress and cutter. And few graduates prefer to work in trade and other potentially higher-paying industries. The average age of seamstresses working today is 40 years. Partly for this reason, partly due to the peculiarities of the professional education of the working staff in general, even with a fully staffed team, there is a high risk of production downtime due to seamstresses not coming to work. Pay for this position is piecework; when production volumes decrease, seamstresses go to work part-time in other workshops to cover time off, sick leave, vacations, etc. Serious sewing production involves a continuous organization of labor, i.e. each worker performs one or more specific operations, but does not completely sew the product from start to finish. This leads to specialization, and when one worker leaves, there is a risk of stopping the entire flow. To prevent such a situation, it is necessary to have several generalist specialists in the team who, if necessary, can take on problematic operations.

On-line quality control requires special attention. Operational work differs significantly from the work of a tailor, for example, in an atelier. It requires high speed and accuracy; If a defect from one seamstress goes to the next operation, it may remain unnoticed until the very end of the production cycle, and will only be detected upon acceptance of the finished product. At best, this will lead to complete or partial disassembly of the product in order to eliminate defects. At worst - to its complete rejection. If a defect occurs not because of carelessness, but because of an incorrect operation, this can lead to the rejection of an entire batch.

The selection of engineering and technical personnel, which should include designers, technical designers, technologist, quality control inspector and production manager, is also difficult. There are not many universities in the country that train graduates of such specialties, and the popularity of these specialties is falling catastrophically. The situation is broadly similar to that of production workers. Employers retain qualified specialists with high wages, while a weak designer or technologist can force the enterprise to incur serious losses. The conclusion from the above is that the search and selection of production personnel at all levels must be approached extremely seriously.

The company's staff and wage fund are shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Staffing and wage fund

Previously, we calculated the amount of revenue when fulfilling an order for sewing uniforms consisting of trousers and a jacket. The proceeds turned out to be equal to 594,000 rubles, which fully covers the costs of labor and rent of premises. However, the resulting figure reflects a rather pessimistic version of the development of events - fulfillment of orders from customer-supplied raw materials in accordance with customer requirements, lack of our own design and sales system, etc.

The development, production and marketing of more diverse and complex products will not only increase the costs of the enterprise, but, to a much greater extent, increase revenue and profitability.

In the case of creating and promoting your own brand, there are several marketing strategies that can be used both individually and in combination.

    Own retail store/chain.

    Distribution through third party retail stores.

    Own online store.

    Third-party online trading platforms.

People will always have a demand for quality clothing, despite high competition and economic instability in the country. The sewing business niche has just begun to actively develop in our country, so you don’t have to worry about the future profitability of this business. We present a detailed business plan for sewing production, which will allow you to properly organize the business and calculate profitability and payback.

At the stage of forming a business plan, it is important to note all the risks and prospects of such production. If you approach the implementation of the project correctly, you can get a good stable income.

Sewing business: definition

This type of production belongs to the light industry. This creative direction can be directly linked to making a profit by making clothes and then selling them. The main thing in the sewing business is competent implementation and clearly thought-out strategies.

In order not to make mistakes in the first stages of the sewing business, communicate with professionals and eminent craftsmen.

In the video you can learn the typical mistakes of beginners.

Video. Typical mistakes when starting a sewing business

Pros and cons of sewing

The positive aspects of the business include:

  1. Fast and high return on business.
  2. High cost of the average check.
  3. Possibility of long-term storage of products in the warehouse.

To the negative:

  1. Expensive rental of premises, difficulties in finding the optimal location.
  2. Low demand for specific products.
  3. High level of competition in the sewing business.

Choosing the current direction

There is a huge selection of different areas in the clothing industry. You can focus on tailoring clothes for children or only for adults, workwear, and seasonal items. You can sew not only clothes, but also household items or accessories.

Any region is consistently famous for its high demand for children's clothing. If you manage to obtain a certificate for permission to sew children's products, you can get rich in a fairly short time.

It is very important to take into account the demand in a certain area for a product; for this you need to monitor the market. Careful analysis will be required to achieve a reasonable ratio of income and expenses.

At first, you can specialize in several niches to find yours. However, it is important not to overdo it; the combination of prom dresses and hammocks for summer cottages looks quite ridiculous.

Production technology from A to Z

The entire stage of sewing consists of 5 points: design, construction, cutting, sewing and finishing. Let's look at each in a little more detail.

The first point is that modeling is done by a designer or fashion designer. He draws up a sketch of the future product, determines the color scheme and suitable fabric.

The design is carried out by the designer, who must transfer the designer’s sketch into the form of a drawing. He calculates the parts and material that will be needed for sewing. At the same time, he draws up patterns and the necessary technical documentation.

In a sewing workshop, the first two steps are usually performed by the cutter. This is the person who combines the functions of a fashion designer and designer. The main stages - cutting, sewing and final finishing - take place in the sewing workshop by professionals in their field.

It is very important to establish clear production technology. This will allow the most productive use of available equipment and labor.

Business plan: main steps


When creating a clothing production, it is necessary to register the business with local authorities and pass a Fire Inspection inspection. You will also have to create an accounting department with the necessary documentation and storage facilities. Production problems will be eradicated at the very initial stages thanks to reporting, as information about the actual state of affairs will be generated.

If production involves transportation, issues related to logistics need to be resolved early.

At the first stages, a production or sewing workshop is registered as a legal entity. There are two forms of organizations: LLC and individual entrepreneur. Let's compare the package of documents for these types of organizations:

Amount of state duty800 rubles4000 rubles
Notarized statementform P21001form 11001
Application for transition to a simplified taxation systemrequiredrequired
Protocol on the creation of a legal entity indicating all foundersnot requiredrequired
Copies of passportsrequiredrequired
Articles of associationnot requiredrequired

A package of documents for any type of organization is usually reviewed within 5 days. If the tax service makes a positive decision, the entrepreneur is given an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, OGRNIP or individual entrepreneur number, acts of confirmation of registration with the Federal Tax Service and the Pension Fund and a certificate from Rosstat. The LLC's package of documents differs only in the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the organization's charter.

After these events, it is necessary to make a seal of the organization, its cost starts from 500 rubles. In addition, it is important to open a bank account. All costs will be about two thousand rubles.

When opening a limited liability company, the authorized capital is established; its minimum amount must be 10,000 rubles.

Selecting a room

Finding an area to locate a business that will meet all the requirements is an important step. At first, saving on rent will not hurt; it can be achieved by renting premises in remote areas of the city. The production premises must be equipped with heating, water supply and electricity.

The dimensions of the room depend entirely on the planned production volumes. If you plan to produce 200 items of clothing daily, then for comfortable and fruitful work you will need a room measuring at least 140 square meters.

The premises must comply with the requirements of the Fire Supervision Authority; in addition to the alarm system, the workshop must have fire extinguishers and evacuation plans installed.

Employees for sewing production

Workers are an integral part of this sector. At the initial stages, the business will need experienced employees who can ensure the success of the garment production. It is worth remembering that in addition to seamstresses, such a production will need designers, managers to receive orders, accountants, mechanics, managers and support workers.

A little later, if resources allow, you can train inexperienced specialists on the production basis, who will then become permanent employees. The percentage of beginners and inexperienced employees in production should be no more than 40%.

The optimal number of employees for a sewing workshop, according to various sources, ranges from 11 to 23 people. They can be grouped into different teams to ensure shift work.

The most optimal method for setting wages is a fixed rate with an added percentage of revenue.

In addition, you can reward employees with additional financial bonuses for achieving goals. This way you can motivate employees to do large amounts of work and encourage them to produce efficiently.

Equipment and consumables for work

To organize and effectively process sewing production you will need:

  • automatic programs for clothing design;
  • cutting equipment;
  • sewing and embroidery machines;
  • irons, steam generators and ironing boards;
  • washing machines;
  • printers for printing on fabrics and other specialized equipment.

For sewing, you can purchase inexpensive sewing machines from Korea or China; trusted manufacturers are not inferior in quality to European suppliers. When choosing a semi-automatic loop machine, it is better to opt for imported equipment, since domestic equipment in this area is not fully developed.

Equipment for sewing production does not have to be new. Many businessmen who get into the sewing business purchase used machines. This saves costs, but also carries certain risks. Old machines can quickly break down.

The total cost of equipment for a workshop with average production indicators will be about 200-300 thousand rubles. Specific figures depend on the type of production and its volume.

The purchase of consumables is an integral and constant cost item in sewing production. Therefore, it is important to find reliable suppliers of fabrics and accessories. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with their reputation in advance to ensure business stability. The best solution would be direct cooperation without intermediaries. Purchasing an initial base of fabrics and accessories will cost approximately 60-100 thousand rubles.

Marketing plan

In any business, it is important to consider the nuances of marketing. When drawing up a business plan, it is necessary to calculate profitability and determine specific points of sale of the product.

For promotion, it is important to conduct advertising campaigns on a regular basis. A base of regular customers should be created already in the first stages of the workshop’s operation. To do this, you need to sell products in all kinds of profitable retail outlets. It is important to remember the high quality of the products, otherwise there will be no influx of new customers.

Approximate expenses and planned profit

The average initial investment costs are:

  • Documentation and registration from 10 to 20 thousand rubles.
  • Repair if necessary from 20 thousand.
  • Equipment from 200 to 800 thousand.
  • Logistics and other expenses from 20 thousand.
  • Total initial costs from 330 to 1210000.

Monthly expenses:

  • Rent of premises from 30 to 50 thousand.
  • Fabrics and consumables from 50 to 300 thousand.
  • Salaries for employees range from 75 to 100 thousand.
  • Utilities from 15 thousand.
  • Logistics from 20 thousand.
  • Total: from 190 to 485 thousand rubles.

Projected revenues:

  • The wholesale price of one product is from 700 rubles to 1,500 thousand.
  • The volume of products sold per month is approximately 500 pieces.
  • Average monthly income is from 350 to 750 thousand.
  • Average profit taking into account monthly expenses from 160 to 265 thousand.
  • The payback period for the business is six months.

It is worth understanding that specific numbers depend on the volume of production and the individual characteristics of the business.

Sewing business: smart investment or risk

To successfully open a clothing production, it is important to familiarize yourself with all the intricacies of the light industry. Experienced economists and lawyers will help you draw up a detailed business plan tailored to specific conditions.

In such a difficult task as sewing, it is important to focus on the needs of customers. One of the main tasks is to maintain a high level of product quality. Don't forget about the high competition in this industry. If you have not only the skills, but also the steely grip to keep your business afloat, the clothing industry will pay off for you.

Video. Business plan for opening a clothing production

To earn extra money, women are looking for jobs where they need to sew clothes at home, making a profit from such work. Here are several options for those who know how to sew and want to make money from it.

It is not at all necessary to look for an employer. People go to ateliers to have their clothes repaired or have something new made to their individual design. But in such establishments, prices are usually inflated, and therefore consumers prefer to turn to seamstresses at home.

Before you begin, determine the following points:

  • Will you work directly with clients? If you hire a cutter, you won’t have to communicate with people. You can also negotiate with the seller so that your products are sold on the market, and you receive a percentage of the sales.
  • What sewing experience do you have? To begin with, you can sew one thing, for example, bed linen. Over time, you will improve your skill and be able to diversify your assortment.
  • Where will you sew - at home, in a studio or rent an office. Location is also important - it should be convenient for you to get to.
  • Do you have the necessary equipment. You will need: a sewing machine, a sewing kit and an overlocker. If the latter is not available, then you can buy it, or do work where it is not needed.
  • What will be your working hours? If you are on maternity leave, you can work at any time of the day. If you are officially employed, then evenings or weekends are suitable for sewing. The main thing is to manage your time correctly so as not to get tired. Set up your workplace where you will have everything you need and no one will interfere with your work.
  • How to advertise your services. You can use various methods: advertisements in newspapers, radio, forums on the Internet, social networks, as well as word of mouth, posting advertisements and placing flyers in mailboxes, distributing business cards.
  • When to start. Most orders are in the summer. Then it’s worth starting.
  • Where is the best place to learn sewing? A great option is a atelier as an apprentice. In a short time you will learn a lot and, in addition, you will receive a salary.

You can set up your own business and sell products online. To do this, you need to take photos of your works, create a special page on social networks and post them there, and also collect reviews. You can also make money by selling ready-made clothes online, read more at

With proper promotion of the group, you can find many customers. It is advisable to read about how to promote on social networks and use all available tools, as well as find as many regular customers as possible.

Since sewing requires measurements, you will have to communicate directly with customers - at home or at their home. Also, the performer must have all the necessary instruments at home.

You can also find an employer who is willing to provide work on making clothes from home. This is more profitable for him, since he needs to spend less on office maintenance

You should study the market, current prices for such services and basic requests from consumers. Then you can set up a profitable job sewing various products at home, receive many profitable and paid orders, or try other ways to make money on the Internet.

Advantages and disadvantages of home working

Pros: the ability to plan your work day, be distracted by household chores and children, eliminate some expenses (for example, paying for travel to your place of work, purchasing business suits that meet the dress code, etc.)

Cons: you want peace and quiet at home, and clients can come at any time. Therefore, constant maintenance of exceptional cleanliness of the house is simply necessary. No full days off and long working hours. Difficulties also arise when communicating with clients. You need to be polite even with the most capricious customers.

There are quite a lot of competitors in this business, but if you do your job conscientiously and better than others, then your clients will not leave you anywhere.

Here are some tips from housewives who successfully sew at home and earn good money:

  • To start sewing, you do not need to have a special education or complete any courses. The main thing is that you have the necessary skills. At first, it will be useful to carefully examine how your dresses, blouses, and blouses are sewn, to study how they are sewn and how the edges are processed. It's not that difficult to repeat this. You can also rip out old things and make patterns for new ones from them. Of course, it is better if you have the appropriate education and experience working in a studio. This will help you do things with more confidence and clearly know what to do and how to do it.
  • The quality of your products will significantly improve the overlocker, so buy it, maybe even a used one.
  • Today you can find many offers from seamstresses. For your products to be competitive, they must be of high quality. Curtains, bed linen, furniture covers, suits for matinees, and clothes for people with non-standard figures are in good demand. Also, many sports require the tailoring of special clothing - figure skating. pop or ballroom dancing, equestrianism.
  • Work only with people you like. Among the disadvantages of the job is that you may encounter dishonest clients who will ruin your reputation with their negative reviews.

What can you sew?

  • Curtains. This is a business for those who can think outside the box and have sufficient experience. On the Internet you can find various master classes on creating beautiful and unusual curtains.
  • Clothes for pets - capes for dogs and cats. Sewing for animals really pays off. The work is quite simple, and the pay for the products is decent.
  • Covers. Covers for furniture and car seats have long been in great demand.
  • Bags and backpacks. This activity is for experienced seamstresses. You can create sports bags, travel bags, original clutches, and laptop bags.
  • Kids toys.
  • Original outfits for dolls.
  • Costumes for children's parties and matinees.

What equipment is needed

  • Sewing machine (the cost of modern good machines is from 20 thousand rubles). To begin with, you can buy a Soviet-type machine; it takes any fabric and is inexpensive.
  • Overlock (it is better to take from well-known manufacturers). If you do not have your own funds, you can take out a loan to pay for the purchase. You will find favorable offers from banks.
  • Ironing board.
  • Iron.

It’s good if you have all kinds of buttons, fasteners, chains, multi-colored ribbons, and beads in your arsenal. All this will help you create a unique design. Fashion magazines and pictures with models, which will be useful for consulting clients, will not be superfluous. A mannequin is a very useful item for a home sewing workshop.

How to look for clients

There are several effective ways.

  • Through friends, acquaintances and relatives. Do your work efficiently, and soon the so-called “word of mouth” will start working.
  • Advertisements on poles, on the Internet, on the radio and in newspapers.
  • Advertising brochures. Give them to friends and strangers, bring them to the hairdresser, beauty salon or other places where people often sit and wait their turn. Can be distributed through mailboxes.
  • Contact companies that do sewing. They may need your services, for example, with an increase in the volume of orders or an urgent order.
  • Try contacting stores that produce decorative items - tablecloths, bed linen, blankets, pillows, clothes for animals or dolls, carnival costumes, soft toys, etc.
  • Offer cooperation to interior designers.

How much do seamstresses earn at home?