Where can I sell logos and make money? How to make money by creating logos Where to sell logos.

Hello designer!

Like most other creatives, you don't like looking for new clients, right? But what to do if all exchanges are organized on the principle of tenders - whoever offers the lowest price is the customer! Take part in competitions for the best design? It’s also nonsense, you’re wasting energy and time, and it’s far from a fact that they’ll choose your job.

More recently, an “exchange” has appeared, which operates on the principle of a store. No, not the store where they post layouts that the customers did not accept, but the service store. The principle is simple: you post a service in which you indicate what exactly you are willing to do and for what price.

For example: “I’ll make 5 logo options for 4,000 rubles.” Then your service is moderated and voila, literally the next day you start receiving the first messages and orders from customers.

Isn't that cool? No searching for clients, no bargaining in the style of “why is it so expensive? Maybe you can give me a discount?”, just fulfill incoming orders with all your heart and receive high five reviews, each review increases the number of customers many times over.

Of course, all this is not free, the store will take a 20% commission from each completed order. This may seem like a lot at first, but think about it! If you make a logo for an average of 2,000 rubles, set the price in the store at 2,500 and continue to receive your 2,000.

The advantages are that orders arrive on their own and the buyer makes a 100% prepayment for the service, which means eliminating the risk of fraud is much more valuable than this 20%.

Money for completed orders can be withdrawn to Yandex.Money, Qiwi or Webmoney. Payment is made within 3 working days from the date of order.

Well, are you ready to try? I even jotted down instructions for you so that you will definitely receive a lot of orders, otherwise I won’t earn my million on a Mercedes with a 3% affiliate program :)

  • Step 1. Register on the website using the link: https://todo.run/signup. Everything is simple here: enter your email and password, then you will need to confirm your email. You can also log in via VK or FB if ​​you are too lazy to enter your email.
  • Step 2. Go to your profile and fill out everything! This is where most of the sellers I've seen make a big mistake. They don’t fill out a profile and then wonder why no one orders from them. It is very important. Upload a good avatar, write a text about yourself, how many years you were, where you studied, what your work experience is, what you can do and what you specialize in. By the way, the store displays this text on each page of your service in the right column and on your profile page, so don’t be lazy!
  • Step 3. Adding a service. How to get there? Either through the big green button in the site header “Add a service”, or via the link: https://todo.run/user/service-add. Let’s go step by step on how to properly arrange a cool service:
    • Service name. This is the “I’ll do something” field. There we write the name of the service, for example: “I will make 3 logo options for 2500 rubles.” There is no point in simply writing “Logo” or “I’ll make a logo,” the name should be of interest. Here are a couple of examples of good service names in my opinion: “Express logo in 24 hours”, “Cool logo for only 3000 rubles”, “5 amazing logo options for 5000 rubles”, “Memorable logo + business card as a gift”. Don't copy other people's names, moderation will most likely not let it pass, but you shouldn't score it either.
    • Price. Everything here is very interesting, in order to avoid price wars between sellers, we divided all prices into segments, here are the possible price options in rubles: 100, 200, 300, 500, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 4000 and 5000 rubles. Don't dump! This will not lead to anything good; set a realistic price at which you value your services. Here you can say - “What kind of logo is this that costs only 2-5 thousand rubles?”, but don’t rush to make such conclusions, firstly, it is possible to set additional options, limit the number of edits and quite easily package a basic offer, even a cool one designer at a starting price of up to 5,000 rubles. When setting the price, immediately take into account that you cannot change the price in the order and 20% will be deducted from the total amount of the order for the store’s services.
    • Scope of service. An important point, incorrect, the filling of which may later go sideways. Write in detail what exactly you are willing to do for the specified price. For example: “The price includes 5 logo options, from which you choose 1 and I will bring it to perfection with an unlimited number of edits” or “The price includes 3 logo sketches and 3 edits.” If the client has complaints about the work performed and wants to return the money, the store will look at the “Scope of service” item and, based on it, make a decision - return the money to the buyer or close the transaction in your favor.
    • Category. Everything is simple here, if you are a designer, select the “Design” category, after which another list of subcategories will appear on the right, there you can select what exactly the service relates to.
    • Description. Here I advise you to tell in detail why your service is excellent and what the client will receive as a result. Write what and in what formats you will provide the result, what benefits the client will receive from working with you. The minimum description size is 100 characters, but I would recommend writing at least 500.
    • Instructions for the buyer. Here I would advise you to approach it according to the principle - what would I be the first to send to the client after he placed an order with me. Example of instructions: “For work I will need: the name of your company, field of activity, color wishes, any ideas that you want to reflect in the logo.”
    • YouTube link. The field is optional, you don't have to fill it out. If you have time, of course you can make a video with a presentation of your service, but for a designer I don’t see much point in this.
    • Image. The principle here is simple - the more examples of work you upload into images, the better. By the way, a life hack: it is better to use images in size 750x400px, so they will not shrink and will fit perfectly on the service page. Upload only your own work! Don't copy other people's pictures. Post the coolest picture first, a collage and an inscription that duplicates the sentence will work well. Use only those examples of your work, the level of which you are ready to repeat for the specified price, so that there are no problems later. If you make logos or corporate styles, use renderings on paper or real objects in your pictures - such pictures will attract 2 times more attention!
    • Additional options. If you have the talent of a marketer, you can break down the service in such a way that you will definitely order several additional options. The number of options is unlimited, prices are the same as for the service. For example, if you make logos, you can add something simple as an additional option - business card design, letterhead design, etc. Thus, a client who came to order a logo can be turned into a full-fledged corporate identity with a check of over 20,000 rubles! Isn't that cool?
  • Step 4. Having saved the first service, it is sent for review by moderators. If you send a service in the evening, it will be checked in the morning or afternoon. And another important point: when you edit a service, it is automatically sent for re-moderation, even if you just changed the price! Be careful and don’t edit the service just so you don’t have to wait for it to be published again.
Now you can repeat steps 3 and 4 as many times as you like, adding all your services. I highly recommend dividing the big elephant into pieces. Create a separate service for each type of work. A separate logo, a separate business card design, a separate corporate identity, a separate leaflet design, etc.

There is no point in cramming a lot into one service at once: as a rule, customers come to the store for something specific and are more willing to buy “narrow” services than “I’ll design everything in the world” style sets.

Now we have reached the stage when all services are published and you receive the first message from the client or an order immediately. How do you know what has arrived? After your first order, you will see the “Transactions” section in the top menu, after the first message, the “Messages” section, and you will also receive a notification by email.

Be careful, the rules prohibit giving your contact information in correspondence with a client and taking the buyer away from the store. You can get away with the last Chinese warning, or they can immediately block your account. So read the rules and either respect the house you’re eating in or leave, that’s my personal position.

Well done, there’s a lot of text here and it’s very valuable that you reached the end. And since you did this, like the post and subscribe to our blog if you want to thank me.

Freelancing today opens up the most various earning opportunities online. And almost half of all remote work is in one area or another of design. If you are a creative person, have artistic skills, a basic knowledge of design theory and are familiar with the operation of the appropriate software, then you can make a lot of money by creating logos.

What is a logo?

If freelancing logo design is your dream, then first of all you should study the features of this area of ​​​​design. The concept of a logo appeared relatively recently, in the 19th century, when the industrial revolution led to the creation of a huge number of enterprises in the market and high competition. To stand out from other firms, some companies began to create recognizable logos and trademarks that branded their products.

Today, freelancing logo design has turned into a huge and profitable business.. All companies, without exception, want to have their own trademark, both large offline business projects and small websites on the Internet. Therefore, developing a logo for freelance specialist is a promising area of ​​work.

What are the requirements for creating a logo?

Over more than a century of logo creation, clear criteria have emerged that should be followed when working as a logo designer. So, freelancing logo development must necessarily imply the creation, first of all, of a recognizable image, which is easy to remember. This is the most important purpose of a logo, so a freelance specialist should take care of a recognizable logo.

The second important criterion is simplicity in general, it is tied to the first one, because the more complex the logo, the harder it will be to learn.

An ideal logo is an emblem that is memorable at one glance.

The development of a freelance logo should also take into account such criteria as versatility. The logo must be suitable for use in a wide variety of situations, against any background, and remain recognizable at both large and small scales. And the last of the most important features when creating a freelance logo is associativity. The more the logo is associated with any product or activity, the easier and faster the trademark is remembered. For example, Coca-Cola has a red logo associated with the drink.

Ways to make money by freelancing creating a logo

We recommend a course on making money on the Internet: Find out more than 50 ways to make money online, including ways to make money freelancing

There are three main types of earnings when creating a freelance logo. The first and simplest is remote work in a large design studio. You can find such work mainly on job sites. You should carefully and regularly monitor vacancies and highlight those that offer remote collaboration. The peculiarities of such employment are that you must work according to a certain schedule and perform the required amount of tasks and responsibilities.

In general, working for a studio via the Internet is almost no different from working in an office, but it is not always formalized, which creates some problems - for example, the lack of paid vacations and sick leave.

The second type of work is on freelance exchanges . You need to create a profile on a major remote work portal and achieve a high reputation on the site. You can take on individual projects and complete them as they come, or you can try to find a permanent job with one customer. The second option is less troublesome and you will always be provided with work. The advantage of such employment is also that you will not work according to a fixed schedule, but depending on your own pace of project completion. That is, if you wish, you can work above the normal schedule or, on the contrary, complete tasks for only a couple of hours a day.

Watch the video - Earn money by creating logos without investment

The third option for making money on logos involves creation and promotion of your own website with logo design services. This type of income is the most profitable and interesting, but is only suitable for experienced logo designers who have created their own recognizable brand on the Internet.

In order to promote a website for creating logos, it will take some time - from several weeks to six months.

As you can see, logo development is not a type of task on the Internet, but a whole area of ​​​​earning money. One logo can cost from 3 to 10 thousand rubles, so talented designers on the Internet always make good money. To start working, you will need to have the skills to work with logos, knowledge of the theory of creating logos and register on a freelance site, or you can try to find a remote vacancy in a company or even launch your own website.

What is the logo?

Logo is an original image that fully or briefly reflects the name of the company or products. Just like any product, a logo is first created and then sold. Among other things, it, like any artist’s work, is subject to copyright.

To successfully sell your product at a high price, you must take into account a number of conditions:

  1. Uniqueness of the image.
  2. Ease of perception.
  3. Compliance with the direction of the company.
  4. Emphasizing the advantages and products of the company.

If all these conditions were met, then the logo should undoubtedly please the customer.


Galior-Market is a platform for buying or selling website templates, logos and illustrations, here you can easily find what you need. We have already provided about 100 web studios and 1000 designers with the opportunity to put up any ready-made design for sale.

If you are a buyer, then the result will not be long in coming - having found the necessary image, you can directly contact the seller and agree on a purchase.

Speaking about purchasing, it should be noted that there are 3 options on the site:

  1. Regular purchase.
  2. Purchase with installation.
  3. Full ransom.

The first option involves a regular purchase, it costs less than a full buyout and it can be sold multiple times.

A purchase with installation is a purchase that includes placement of the design on the site and work on setting up hosting.

Once fully purchased, the seller guarantees that the design will be removed from sale forever.

Sale logo in is carried out only according to the first and third options.

If you are a seller, then by registering in a couple of minutes you can immediately place your advertisement for sale and after verification it will be located in the GaliorMarket template catalog.

To sum it up, I would like to say that selling your logo is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Good luck submitting your logos on our site!


Why am I talking about logo design as a business?
There are several reasons for this.

First reason. Profitability.
Today you can easily get 10,000-25,000 rubles for developing a logo. (I recently checked it myself using prices on the Internet). The work time on one order is from two to four weeks. Thus, it is quite possible to earn $1000 in additional income per month from creating logos. But in addition to the logo, you can develop a corporate identity. This includes the design of a business card, letterhead, folder, mailing envelope, etc. The development of a corporate identity with a logo is estimated at around 30,000 rubles. Moreover, the amount of work on style, with experience, increases slightly. The price increase is due to complexity. As a result, the customer receives a whole package of documents, executed in a single key.

The second reason. Minimum expenses.
Creating logos and corporate identity requires virtually no production costs. All work is performed on a home computer and recorded on a CD. The peculiarity of vector graphics of logos is that all files are very small in size and do not change their quality when scaled. This means that the business card layout can be easily transformed for printing, say, a 3x6 meter street billboard. And there are no costs for retouching or pre-press, unlike raster images.
In fact, all production costs here are an inkjet printer (from 900 rubles), paper (1 pack of 50 A4 sheets from 150 rubles) and cardboard for presenting sketches to the customer (1 sheet of foam board 1x1.4 m from 250 rubles).

Third reason. Expansion of the service sector.
For example, if you are creating custom websites, you can offer your customers the additional development of their logo or corporate identity. This way everyone wins. Your customer will receive an integrated approach, creation of both a website and a logo/corporate style in one place. You will discover another source of income.

Fourth reason. The ability to manage your own working time.
Important point. You decide for yourself whether or not to take on the next order, depending on your workload. Of course, for this you need to gain some experience and get promoted. Read below about how best to do this.


Finding customers is the key task of any business. Of course, we want orders to flow like a river and customers to line up to us. Unfortunately, this does not always happen, especially at first. What to do? How to get your first clients?

Here are some tips for finding your first clients.

Advice one. Participation in logo creation competitions.
Such competitions can be found on the website free-lance.ru. This is one of the best sites for freelancers (private designers). Various competitions are opened there regularly. In addition, you can search for tenders on: advertology.ru, sostav.ru

I want to warn you right away: winning a competition and getting paid for it is not an easy task. The question is not even how professionally you will make your version. Unfortunately, here you are deprived of the opportunity to communicate with the customer in advance. You don’t know his preferences, wishes, his view of his market. All you have is a task for a competition, from which it is sometimes difficult to understand what the customer actually needs. That's why you have to make your sketches at random, you'll get it or you won't get it.

It happens that a perfectly done job is not accepted by the customer because it does not suit his style, does not fit into the framework of his market niche, or the designer misinterpreted the task.

However, I recommend participating in such competitions. For what? More on this in the next tip.

Tip two. Creating your portfolio.
A portfolio is samples of your design work, sketches of logos that you have made for other customers. The portfolio can be presented in the form of printer printouts in a special folder. This is a good folder to take to your first meeting with a client.

But it seems to me that it is more useful to make your own mini-site on the Internet and post your logos there. Then you simply give any interested person the address of your website, and he can leisurely get acquainted with your work at a convenient time. Of course, on this site you will also place information about yourself, working conditions, prices, contacts. All this will show that you take your business seriously and will support your reputation as a professional.

But how to fill your portfolio if you're just starting out? Logos made for various competitions are suitable for this. You can select a variety of work in a variety of styles for your portfolio to show “breadth of coverage.” In this case, you can attract a wide variety of clients.

However, it happens that a designer wants to specialize in some topic close to him (for example, “High-tech”). He thoroughly studies all the nuances of such a topic and “occupies this niche.” It is clear that the choice of customers in this case is greatly narrowed. But here you have a much greater chance of getting a well-paid order. It is clear that such a narrow specialization will make it possible to create a unique high-class product for the customer.

What to choose and how to present yourself to the market are questions of your positioning and you need to approach this very carefully. It's better to start by studying the situation. Look at what logos/corporate styles are being made now, what are their features, what styles are in demand? Try to do something yourself. See what you do better, what your soul is about? Believe me, it is very important to understand this and find exactly “your” business. Your own business will be successful when you want to do it even for free, simply because it interests you.

One more point about using a portfolio. What’s stopping you from contacting various design agencies with an offer to work for them as a freelancer? Take companies that (let’s say) create websites. Surely they are approached by clients who need both a website and a logo. They don’t have a full-time logo designer yet, but why miss this opportunity to make money? Here is an option in which the agency approaches you as a freelance designer and enters into a contract with you for a specific job. What if you have several such agencies? This is another source of orders. In addition, with this option, all the problems of selling your work are taken care of by the agency, and you work under the protection of its reputation. All this is only to your advantage.

Tip three. Promotion of your website.
Here we are talking about search engine optimization, contextual advertising (Yandex Direct, Begun), participation in various forums and blogs, writing articles, etc. I admit that those of you who are professionally involved in website promotion know this topic better than me. Here the cards are in your hands, as they say. Of course, with proper promotion, you can achieve high traffic to your site, which will attract additional clients.


Let’s say we’ve learned how to look for clients, what next? We need to organize work on the project, build a trusting relationship with the client, and achieve a successful sale.
But what if the customer rejects all options?

It is best if you agree in advance with the customer that work on the logo will consist of two stages. I think there is no need to say that all relations with the customer must be recorded in writing in the Agreement.

The first stage is the preparation of 3 (5) different concepts. If the customer is not satisfied with any of the concepts, he pays you a small amount for the work (let’s say 2000-4000 rubles) and you part with him. If he accepts at least one concept, the second stage of work begins.

The second stage is the finalization of the logo and its acceptance by the customer. The final amount of the order and the procedure for its payment are agreed upon in advance (advance payment of 25%-50% is very important). It is also specified (if possible) how many alterations you are willing to do for this money. Your task is to eliminate the situation when you will be endlessly screwed with new alterations. Or you can stipulate that the customer will pay for each such alteration separately. Then it will be unprofitable for him to delay the work.

It often happens that all relationships with a client are determined only by the second stage. Those. an agreement is concluded stipulating that in any case the customer buys one option. In fact, this sometimes results in lengthy logo redesigns.

The peculiarity of selling design is that, by and large, everything here is determined by the client’s choice: “like it or not.” There are no clear unambiguous arguments in favor of one solution or another. More precisely, they exist: these are arguments of style formation, harmony, proportionality, subordination. But these arguments are understandable only to designers. The client, as a rule, does not understand such issues, and it is difficult to demand this from him.

All that remains is to speak to him in his language, to use arguments that he understands. To do this, it is very important at the very beginning of work to establish a trusting relationship with the customer, find out his preferences, and obtain as much information as possible from him.

What logos are typical in this market niche? What logos do the customer’s competitors have? What does the customer like about them and what doesn’t? What logos do clients generally like and why? What does he think about his company's image? How does he want her to be perceived? Etc.

The customer’s own words will become the basis for selling him the logo. Of course, if all wishes were taken into account in your work.

Ideally, the scheme for working on a logo looks like this:
1. Receive a task. Research work, “immersion in the topic.” Meeting the customer.
2. First sketches. Choosing a priority area of ​​work. Clarification of what exactly needs to be improved.
3. Second sketches. Selecting the final version and indicating the latest improvements.
4. Presentation of the finished work. Sale.

Of course, it is not always possible to follow this scheme, especially if you have little work experience. You will have to learn a lot and get your head around it. And design work itself is a constant learning process. Every new project starts with a “clean slate”. Every order is unique. This, in my opinion, is the hallmark of creative work.

Choose this path if you like to CREATE something new.

No matter how well the work with customers goes, you must admit that extra money never hurts. Passive income is one of the beauties of freelancing, which allows you to earn money while you work on orders or other projects.

If you are a graphic or logo designer and want to make money while sitting at home, then you probably need to take a closer look at the following services where you can sell your work. I'm sure there are a lot of sketches and rejected logos gathering dust on your computer that could still bring you financial benefits.

So, some of the best places where you can sell logos and make money.

Let's start with the domestic platform, which appeared relatively recently, but has already begun to gain popularity - Freelance.Discount. The service is a convenient place where anyone can sell their creativity, or rather its result - logos and ready-made websites, texts and photographs, graphics and printing. The uniqueness of Freelance.Discount lies in the fact that this is perhaps the only platform that allows you to sell and buy creative works of various directions, because most marketplaces specialize specifically in graphic design, photos or text content. That is why Freelance.Discount will be a godsend not only for freelancers, but also for those who are looking for ready-made solutions for their business.

Every day the resource is updated with new original works from high-level specialists, which are carefully checked by moderators. Simply upload your work to Freelance.Discount, set a price and wait for your buyer to find you.


A marketplace where you can sell not only logos, but also ready-made web designs, print designs, illustrations and much more. You don't need to submit applications to competitions or compete with anyone: just publish your works and wait for their buyers to be found.

Brand Crowd

One of the most popular marketplaces. It is also called the secondary market for logos and brands. This is where designers sell logos and brands rejected by customers. Each designer, when developing a new logo, provides the client with several options, of which only one is selected, and the rest are sent to a folder. Rejected logos will find new life and find their owners. Designers who sell their work on the site receive 60% of all sales. But the main thing here is that you yourself determine the price of your work.

Stock logos

Another place that gives you the opportunity to sell your logos. One of the advantages of this site is the way logos are presented in the store. The customer has the opportunity to immediately see how the logo they like will look on a black and white background, on a T-shirt, cap, mug, badge, and even a car. Thus, the site itself makes a small presentation for you.


A small but quite promising marketplace. Here the designer also sets the price for his logo or brand, taking into account the minimum cost of $100. The resource commission is 65% of the sale amount. But if you think that here you can sell all your craziest ideas that are not accepted by clients, this is a good option for passive income.

Of course, how could we forget about Envato - the largest portal where you can sell any design work: themes for websites, icons, raster and vector images, logos, etc. And although the sales commission is quite high, it is 40-70%, this is much better than unowned material taking up gigabytes on your computer.

You shouldn’t stockpile hundreds of logos, regretting selling them at half price. They were created to be recognized and used. Give your works a chance for another life, and they will reciprocate with financial profits.