How to make money in a crisis: fresh ideas and proven methods. How to earn a lot during a crisis

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 8 minutes


The crisis in Russia is a fairly common occurrence. That is why the majority of people perceive it not as a reason for despair and depression, but as a powerful incentive to act. The worse it is, as they say, the more hidden resources a person discovers in himself and the more actively he looks for opportunities to get rich.

How realistic is this? And what ways are there for development in a difficult period for the country?

10 ways to make money during a crisis – are you ready to get rich?

There are many options to improve your well-being. The most important thing is not to give up, not to lose optimism and to firmly pursue your goal.

So, let's study how to make money despite the crisis!

  • We sell directly from the warehouse. That is, we sell products at a lower price (both retail and wholesale), significantly saving on the rental of retail outlets. Of course, this is less convenient, but due to lower prices, profits are not only maintained, but also increased.
  • Online store. Again, we save on rent, and at the same time on advertising (it’s cheaper on the Internet). We combine sales of products from the warehouse and delivery to the client’s home. If the purchase is made directly from the warehouse, we offer a discount. We place a showcase with the main product items on the website, and to get acquainted with the full range we invite people to the warehouse. Find out at the same time.
  • Website creation and promotion. No matter how hard the crisis hits, the Internet has been and will be, companies have opened and will continue to open, websites have been created and will continue to be created. Of course, creating websites is a very competitive job, but quality workmanship and low prices work wonders. It should also be noted that entertainment, consulting, legal, etc. sites are gaining popularity. You can also earn extra money on the Internet.
  • Construction. We are, of course, not talking about a construction company for the construction of high-rise buildings or cottage villages, but you can make money here too. We gather our team of professionals and... build to order. Or we provide other services - for example, repairs, screeding floors, installing suspended ceilings, welding, building baths or wells, drilling wells, etc. Forged products are also popular and in demand today. If you have such experience, it’s time to show your talents.
  • Car repair. You can open the workshop itself right in your garage, and when things get going, you can rent the space. Drivers always feel the need to repair their cars - the crisis does not save them from accidents and breakdowns. In addition to repairs, you can do reupholstery of seats, installation of alarms, painting, etc.
  • Transportation of passengers or cargo. If you have a car (minibus, gazelle) - then you have a chance to earn money. And the crisis is not a hindrance to you. Because people continue to move and travel long distances, and the need to deliver goods also continues. There are plenty of transportation options.
  • Manicure at home. Do you have skills and experience? “Turn on” word of mouth, take advantage of advertising opportunities on the Internet, create your own business card website with the best works and work for your health. You can do it right at home, or you can go to the client (this is more expensive). If you are a professional, then you are guaranteed regular profits.
  • Hairdresser. Nothing can interfere with this work - even in times of crisis, people need haircuts and hairstyles. Seize the moment! Specialists who come to the client’s home are always popular and valuable, despite the higher “tariffs”. As a rule, people sign up for a queue 2-3 weeks in advance, and for 1 day of work, even taking into account trips around the city, you can earn from 3-5 thousand rubles.
  • Organization of economy class holidays. A very profitable business. Many people want a holiday, but not everyone has the opportunity to organize it on a grand scale. In a crisis, you have to save on everything. But the holiday is not only a laser show, a restaurant, fireworks and dinner to the music of a popular band. This is, first of all, originality, a great mood and a flight of imagination that will help you organize a memorable event even with a minimal budget. Gather your team (don’t forget to bring a photographer) and off you go!
  • Breeding dogs (cats). If your living space allows, you yourself adore four-legged animals, and your household doesn’t mind - grab this idea. It’s better, of course, to do this in your own country house, because not all neighbors will be happy with round-the-clock polyphonic barking behind the wall. As for earnings, it depends on the breed and number of your “producers”. For example, a puppy of a Chinese crested dog, popular today, costs about 15 thousand rubles, a Yorkshire terrier - 30 thousand, an English bulldog - up to 2500 USD, a Pharaoh Hound - up to 7000 USD.

You can also organize excursions around your city, rent out your home, do tutoring, sew clothes for dogs at home, repair computers and much more.

The main thing is to be an expert in your field. Responsible and qualified.

How to say goodbye to poverty - real stories of people who got rich during the crisis

For many enterprising people, the crisis is just another opportunity to make money, despite global economic turmoil.

Here are real examples of such people:

This New York financier was able to earn $3.7 billion on the falling American market.

At the same time, in 2007, Simons, Soros, Griffin and Falcone significantly increased their well-being.
Jeff Green.

He also made money on the fall of the market, after which he entered the TOP of the richest Americans. He foresaw future problems in the real estate market and successfully played on its decline, increasing his fortune by 800 million USD.

  • Young entrepreneur from Russia Philip

Left without work during the crisis, the guy did not fall into depression, but did exactly the opposite - he opened a small online store for selling artificial Christmas trees and bright New Year's costumes.

Earnings were up to 100,000 rubles/week.

  • Charles Wiley

This man at the beginning of the 19th century (during the Depression) opened a small printing house, and at the same time a bookstore.

In the process of “survival,” he entered into an agreement with the publisher Van Winkle, and one day the books of Alan Poe, Fenimore Cooper, and others were published in the now famous printing house.

The steadily expanding company was named John Wiley & Sons.

At the beginning of the 20th century, during the already great depression, an ordinary man, James Ryder, quit his job and bought a truck for $125. He used it to transport construction materials and garbage from the beaches.

Less than 2 years later, several trucks appeared in his “vehicle fleet”. Ryder rented them out to trucking companies.

Today James' business is known as Ryder Systems.

There are many such stories. As life shows, it is possible to get rich during a crisis.

And it is not necessary to have serious start-up capital. As a rule, all you need is perseverance, ingenuity, courage and... a little luck. A crisis is not a test of strength, but new opportunities .

Go for it!

Hello everyone, dear blog readers! Today I’m publishing a rather interesting article on the topic of the day, in which our guest today will tell you what you can do to make money during a crisis, and share his vision of what to do if everything gets very bad in the near future.

In general, I’m honestly fed up with the alarmists all around, who are shouting that things are bad, there’s a crisis, etc., etc. Shout “Guard!” Everyone can, but not everyone can say what exactly needs to be done in a worsening economic situation, and how, if anything, it will be possible to earn money for themselves, at least for a living.

So, we bring to your attention a most interesting article from Denis Zaitsev.

Crisis in Russia - less and less money

Even if tomorrow oil costs $200 a barrel, this will not change. This will fill the budget, but will not start the economy. It's practically non-existent. The main difficulty of this crisis is that it is very slow, long-lasting, and most importantly, systemic. At the moment, a situation has developed that was described by V.I. Lenin as a classic revolutionary one: The upper classes cannot govern in the new way, the lower classes do not want to live in the old way.

The conditions and rules that the state offers for manufacturers and businesses are unacceptable. It is impossible to conduct business honestly and transparently with minimal investments and make a profit. But the state will not accept the necessary conditions for producers and businesses. Because this will require political reforms. Here there is a discrepancy between socially productive forces and socially productive relations.

And in the next three to five years this is unlikely to change. A change in the political and economic course of the state will be required. And for this, the contradictions must become more acute.
Therefore, citizens will have to survive on their own during a crisis. Without the support and obsessive care of the state. The coming times will be much more difficult for people than the past 90s of the last century. For a variety of reasons.

In the nineties, in Russia, there was an industrial and economic infrastructure. Production facilities, enterprises, energy networks. Now they are worn out by more than 80%. Of those that remain. There was a large supply of human resources. Engineering, technical and working specialties. Which is now exhausted.

In the nineties, the state actually withdrew from managing the lives of citizens. This gave great freedom in entrepreneurial activity. Cooperatives and artels were created... Now the state will intervene very actively and harshly, trying to maintain control. The creation of a national guard is one step towards this.

In the nineties, Western countries actively tried to help citizens of the USSR. This time you can't count on it. The credit of trust has been exhausted. It’s one thing to help people who were closed behind the Iron Curtain and lived under special laws. They sympathized with the citizens of the Soviet Union. Another thing is people who supported their state in unmotivated aggression and violation of international treaties. The reputation of Russian citizens is badly damaged. They will remember the bananas of the Motherland, the inscriptions “Obama schmuck”, “1945 - may remind you”, etc.

In the 90s there was a prospect for the future. It was clear which way to move. Now this vision is gone; sitting at home, it’s impossible to wait it out.

What to do in a crisis

What types of activities can provide reliable well-being and help you get through difficult times? If there is a local apocalypse in the yard, this is not a reason to live poorly.

So, a few ideas for making money in a small town

  1. Do not take this as dark humor, but the most profitable legal business will be funeral services.
  2. The second in cynicism and profitability will be pawnshops.
  3. If this type of business is left out of the equation, then the most popular and profitable will be all types of repair work. It will be difficult for people to purchase new things, which means it will be necessary to extend the life of old ones.
  4. The most profitable will be auto repair shops.
  5. The second after car repair will be consumer electronics repair. Mainly computers and cell phones.
  6. Household appliance repair workshops. Especially refrigerators and washing machines.
  7. The professions of tailors and shoemakers will become in demand. Accordingly, various tailoring and clothing repair shop.
  8. If you have available funds, it will be very promising purchasing various tools: files, drills, drills and hammer drills, sewing machines. Everything that craftsmen will need. Production tools and consumables for them.
  9. Separate topic - medicine and medical services. General practitioners, dentists, nurses. In the format of private practice and various services.

It will be profitable to purchase batches and retail sale of inexpensive and rare drugs, antibiotics, analgesics, cardio medications and insulin. As well as dressing material, syringes, droppers. Which will be bought and sold by the doctors themselves.

In general, the trade sector will shrink greatly. Now almost 35% of the population is involved in trade. In the future, the number of people employed in trade may decrease by more than three times.

  • In private houses and holiday villages it will be profitable small livestock farming. Breeding rabbits, for example.
  • The problem of food at affordable prices will become acute. This means that trade with villages and villages will become profitable.
    Three quarters of the population are urban residents. And they will need to be fed.
    People will be needed who will purchase food from private farmsteads, transport it to the city from the village and sell it. Accordingly, bring to the village what the peasants always need.
  • Home kindergartens. Parents will have to work hard. And the children will have to be left with someone. A little later, if things turn out very badly, teachers will become in demand. Education will continue to be a prerequisite for future prosperity. Here's an idea on how to make money with almost no investment.
  • The production and installation of durable doors, window bars, and reliable locks will again be in demand. Street crime will increase sharply and everything that provides personal safety and home protection will be in demand.

If the crisis is severe

in two years, good guards will be needed. But not the current format, but something close to American sheriffs.

State authorities will have no time to protect public order. In cities and especially in villages. Residents will begin to hire strong and determined men who, for the residents’ money, will monitor security.
Because in difficult times, many different evil spirits are brought to the surface.

There will be a great need for various autonomous energy systems. Anything that will be capable of generating electricity and... It is quite possible that the production and sale of compact “stove stoves” will be in demand.

And this is not in anticipation of a zombie apocalypse. Gas and heating prices may soon become prohibitive. There will simply be nothing to pay for them. Especially the unemployed. This is already happening. The number of people burned and killed in fires has increased sharply this year. The cause of the fires is the use of homemade stoves. People's gas was cut off for non-payment of housing and communal services. And in winter they had to somehow warm up. Gas is a product sold to the public by the government. And the state will not stand on ceremony with those who use its goods for free. Which, by the way, can be sold for foreign currency.

Soon we can expect the introduction of new “services” of energy networks. The population may well be required to pay for the maintenance of these networks - wires and pipes laid to the house. And the network infrastructure is very worn out.
What will make various technical specialists and engineers in demand.

By the way, about creative people

A separate conversation for “creative” people

One way to make money in difficult conditions is to organize “apartment events”, home viewings, or organize “salons”. Something that can always be imagined as a house party and can be done at.

As usual, there will be a lot of criminal and semi-criminal activities. Starting from moonshine and smuggling, and ending with robbery, arms and drug trafficking.

Living standards will decline steadily in the coming years. And you need to be prepared for this. And prepare now. Although we should have started yesterday.

And we will have to create the “new economy” ourselves. And this means that you need to be useful, necessary and in demand for the people among whom you live.

Investing in a crisis

The easiest way is in foreign currency. Euros and dollars. But there is always the possibility that the state will either significantly limit the circulation and exchange of currency, or even simply ban it. And at one fine moment you can, completely unexpectedly, become a criminal currency trader.

Although this will cause the value of the currency and the emergence of a “black market”.

I also don’t see gold as a convenient way to preserve and increase finances. Due to its low liquidity. It will be very difficult to implement it and convert it into something necessary. And again, there will always be the threat of government confiscations.

In my opinion, the most reliable investment in this period is investing in means of production. Something with which it is possible to create “added value”. How can you make money?

If you invest in real estate, then only in objects that can become premises for small-scale production and repairs - major garages and storerooms.

And also tobacco and salt - something that will be in constant demand, which means it can replace money.

A particularly successful investment is in vocational education. Mastering the basics of a useful craft.

Get ready now

There will be a difficult period that will reformat everything. And types of business, and the relationship of people to each other and the state.
The relationship with the state is a completely different matter. It flies above, “somewhere between Orsay and Prado,” and negotiates with Bolivia on “not being the first to place weapons in space.”

The state frankly has no time for citizens. We are disturbing him. We ask about pensions, we remind about salary delays...
Even if citizens now begin to introduce a parallel currency, they will not notice this. It itself has been living and counting in euros and dollars for a long time.

This is the difficult text I have for you today, dear readers! What do you think about the material? Please post your comments below, I think that Denis will be happy to comment on certain issues. Well, if the article is interesting or useful for you, please share it on your favorite social network by clicking the button below. And of course, subscribe to blog updates - there are a lot of interesting things ahead!

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Greetings, friends. Viktor Samoilov is with you. Crisis... many people associate the saddest memories in life with this word. Poverty, job loss, terrible depression and stress - all this arises in a person when another crisis occurs. Perhaps, few people were able to avoid its harmful effects, because rising prices for absolutely all goods are a blow to everyone’s wallets. Experts and analysts appear on TV screens who supposedly know what an ordinary Russian should do, but in practice it turns out that their forecasts turn out to be false, and in most cases so incomprehensible that it is impossible to derive practical benefit from them. But do all people really lose money during a crisis? Is it really impossible to make a profit during a period of instability? We will talk further about how to make money during a crisis. I will share with you my own experiences of anti-crisis earnings and tell you how I turned from a simple worker at the Samara plant into a dollar millionaire.

The law of conservation of “money” in nature!

What do you think: where does money go during a crisis, in whose pockets does it end up? No one destroys money, no one steals more than usual, so where does the money go that people lose when they lose their jobs, fall into a “debt hole” on a foreign currency loan, etc. Many will say: the money goes to the oligarchs and dishonest officials. In principle, there is some truth in this, but only some, because oligarchs often go bankrupt during a crisis, they themselves become victims of an unstable economy. In this regard, an oligarch is no different from an ordinary person. They both lose money when instability sets in, they both make money when the economy is good.

So, this means that only part of the lost money goes to the oligarchs, so where does the rest go? Are there really people who know how to make money during a crisis and are actively doing it? So who are they then? There are too many questions, the time has come to answer them. There really are people who make money from the crisis, or rather, during the crisis. Do you think they are geniuses, financial tycoons, prodigies? Some of them yes, but most of them no. Most of those who make a profit in unstable times are ordinary people, but at one time they learned several secrets of a wealthy life, which is why they got the opportunity to live to the fullest, and regardless of the existing system. It cannot be said that they are making money from the crisis, because the crisis has nothing to do with it. A more precise phrase is that they earn money during a crisis, regardless of the situation. For such people, it doesn’t matter what the ruble exchange rate is, how much they need to pay for utilities, or what the price of bread is at the market. They just do their thing and earn enough money to not pay any attention to all this. They are financially literate people, and now you have the opportunity to join their number. Next, you will learn how to make money during a crisis, and unlike analysts, I will give you advice in clear words and based on personal experience. Whether you use them or not is up to you, but I sincerely hope that you will make the right decision, live a decent life yourself and provide a bright future for your children.

Options for the elite!

During a crisis, some people earn really huge money by building their own business, investing in real estate, gold or shares of large foreign companies. It is during a crisis that it is easiest for a motivated and talented person to take a place at the financial top. The thing is that conservative oligarchs, for the most part, cannot cope with the influx of problems and are losing their positions in the market. Absolutely anyone who has the ability to do business can take these positions. Sounds beautiful, agree. True, to implement all of the above you need the following:

  1. Large initial capital (from a million dollars and above);
  2. Entrepreneurial abilities and talents;
  3. Extensive connections among businessmen and government;
  4. High level of luck.

As you can see, the requirements are very serious, so this option is not suitable for the vast majority of ordinary citizens. However, there is an option for them, which, by the way, allows you to get everything that is indicated in the list above. This option gives you the opportunity to earn up to a million dollars, allows you to gain a lot of experience and make connections in business circles, but luck always accompanies motivated people.

How can a “mere mortal” make money during a crisis?

20 years ago I was a simple worker, working around the clock, first at the factory, then at home, while providing only a primitive existence for my family. But everything changed when I learned about financial exchanges. Then it was something new, unknown, and therefore terribly frightening (however, the picture has not changed much even now). However, circumstances forced me to try a new way of earning money, and I succeeded. I have been working on financial exchanges for 20 years, first on Forex, now on a simpler binary options exchange, and during all this time I have never regretted my decision. Trading brings me everything I could ever dream of, and now I have an obsession with teaching as many people as possible how to trade profitably on the stock exchange.

“It’s all a scam! How is this even possible?”, some of you will say. But don't be so conservative. You should not assume that you can earn money only through traditional methods. This happened before when we lived in the Soviet Union, and now the time has come for changes and great opportunities. Now an ordinary person, with due persistence, can become wealthy, although for this he will need something.

Financial exchanges are, of course, an excellent opportunity to move up the social ladder, but still not a “Miracle of God.” You should prepare for any job, trading is no exception. In order to successfully make money here, you need to study, strictly follow the rules, trade thoughtfully, according to a trading strategy.

What do you need to make money on financial exchanges?

  1. The first thing you need is motivation, because without it you will not be able to go all the way from a beginner to a professional trader. If you don’t want to succeed, if you don’t need money, if you don’t strive to provide a decent future for yourself, your family and children, don’t even try to make money on the stock exchange, you won’t succeed. To achieve a certain result in any business, you need motivation, the desire to do it. Ask any successful businessman if he likes his job. With a 99% probability he will answer yes. Now ask whether the office clerk or, say, an ordinary passport office employee likes the job. With the same probability, all these people will answer no. And how can you like a job where you do the same thing day after day, and you don’t feel your own importance against the backdrop of a huge system? Only motivation contributes to success. It's not that difficult to get. It is enough just to want to earn money, to want to become wealthy, and to prepare yourself for the fact that certain actions will be required to achieve all these goals.
  1. The most important component of making money on financial exchanges is proper training. This includes, first of all, a trading strategy. Without it, you have very little chance of making money, but with it, success is almost guaranteed. If you study and strictly follow all the rules of any strategy from the table below, then with a 99% probability you will start making money from the very first day. At least, I don’t know a single trader who lost money trading according to the strategy. Only those who work thoughtlessly, frivolously, hoping for their own luck lose. You can proceed to studying the binary options strategy from the table below, and if you want to work on Forex, I recommend reading the article.

The best binary options strategies!

Strategy By trend Against the trend According to the selection scale Signals According to the news Martingale
Difficulty level (1-10) 2 4 3 1 4 1
Recommended deposit 200$+ 250$+ 200$+ 150$+ 300$+ 500$+
Type of analysis Technical Technical Psychological Technical Fundamental Technical
Accuracy (number of profitable trades out of the total number) 7/10 8/10 7/10 7,5/10 9/10 5/10
Profitability (% of initial deposit per month) 50% 65% 55% 50% 60% 55%
  1. And the last component of your success is a reliable broker, i.e. the company you will work with. The broker acts as an intermediary between you and the exchange, because only very large investors can trade directly. The more reliable the company and the better its conditions, the greater your income. You should be careful when choosing a broker, but you should also not assume that your profit depends only on him. Much of your success still depends on you and how thoroughly you study your trading strategy. For trading binary options, I recommend a broker with whom I have worked for more than 5 years. As for Forex, one of the best companies here is.

Thus, we can derive a simple formula for success for working on financial exchanges: Motivation + Training + Reliable broker = Money. You can get all the elements of this formula on this portal. If you have never encountered financial exchanges before and do not understand what trading is, I recommend starting by reading the article. Several months ago I created this site so that a person here could go from a beginner to a professional, and with some pride I can say that I managed to do this. Now it's up to you!

Forex or binary options?

You can make money on both exchanges, just using different strategies. For beginners, I recommend starting with a simpler binary options exchange, trading using strategies from the list above, or new trading systems on the portal and. As soon as you gain enough experience, you can use averaging and acceleration of the deposit, which will increase trading profitability up to 3 times and reduce the number of losses to the very minimum. However, you can start with the Forex currency exchange. In this case, I recommend the strategy either.

What amount should I start trading with?

Some brokers allow trading to all clients who have deposited at least $10 into their account. But you must understand that for serious work, which is what trading is, you need a serious amount. Firstly, the more funds you have in your account, the more positions you can open and earn more. Secondly, only a decent amount allows you to use the highly profitable rules of acceleration and averaging of the deposit, as well as the Martingale principle. And thirdly, a large deposit is your guarantee that you will not lose all your money in the event of several unsuccessful transactions in a row. This sometimes happens to beginners, and in the vast majority of cases, they win back all their losses over the next day, but only if they have enough funds in their account to open new positions. So, you should have a minimum deposit of $250, and ideally $500 or more. This applies to both binary options and Forex.

Who has already made money on the stock exchange?

At the moment, I already have several successful students who were trained even before the PAMM-Trade portal was created. You can read about them in the section of the site. There are also quite a lot of successful traders among my readers; they constantly write to me on VKontakte and share their impressions of their new work. Of course, they haven’t become millionaires yet, because only 3 months have passed, but all this is in perspective. Now it may seem to you that all these are unattainable goals, and believe me, it seemed so to me too when I worked at the factory. Nevertheless, life was a pleasant surprise, and my story is the rule rather than the exception, because many traders on financial exchanges have gone through this path, and you can follow this path too. You can find the most striking examples of successful traders in the article. Some names will seem familiar to you, because at the moment these people are representatives of the financial elite of their country and the world.

On to completion!

How to make money in a crisis? Now you know the answer to this question, and unlike the next “sermon” of the analyst, you can use the material received today in practice. Start studying your trading strategy right now, choose a reliable broker, clearly and strictly follow the step-by-step instructions in the article about your strategy - and guaranteed success awaits you. The main thing is not to be lazy, not to sit on the couch waiting for a miracle and not to assume that you can earn money without even lifting a finger. Spend about 10 hours of your time on preparation, take trading seriously - and you will start making money, regardless of whether there is a crisis now or a period of temporary stability. You can find out how to make money from the fall of the ruble

Good luck and great profits to everyone!

Sincerely yours, Viktor Samoilov!

For some, hard times are an excuse. Someone is looking for opportunities to make money during a crisis. It turns out that this is no more difficult or easier than in a stable economic situation. It's enough to know how.

You have already succumbed to the general trend of social panic, you are being consumed by depression, and you are sure that making money during a crisis is an unrealistic task. You don’t take on the implementation of your ideas, you don’t look for ways to improve your quality of life. The main excuse: “It’s hard for everyone right now.”

This simultaneously calms and lowers you to a lower level. Because it's easy to be nervous and let poverty grow into your life. It is much harder to believe in making money and not believe the beliefs that this is impossible in 2019.

The crisis of 2018-2019 differs from previous crises only in the reasons that gave rise to it. The very concept of crisis is as follows:

  • large-scale job cuts;
  • collapse of Russian shares in the securities markets;
  • collapse of the ruble against world reserve currencies by 40%;
  • prices for food, electronics, cars, utilities rise by 25% at a time;
  • a powerful increase in prices with a significant decrease in the income of average Russians.

During a crisis, as Robert Kiyosaki writes, the social gap widens: the rich become even richer (or go bankrupt), and the poor become poorer. The situation in Russia resembles an economic apocalypse, which indifferently absorbs all chances to make money.

But it provides just as many opportunities to achieve success in forming and replenishing your budget.

A crisis is a strong, obstinate horse. Ride him! Then you will be able to “travel” any economic situation, remaining at your best.

Earning Strategies

Remember that the crisis in the country is not your personal crisis. You have not become spiritually poor or less talented in 2019. Don’t concentrate on the idea of ​​earning a lot of money at once, otherwise you will fall into the world of money illusions.

Illusory ways to make money

Popular “money-making” programs, which exist not on a legislative basis, but on the agreement of several people, unfortunately, catch birds frightened by the crisis. They usually hide their fraud behind slogans with strong emotional overtones, which attract those who want to escape during a crisis.

An example of an illusory way to make money

There are so many financial pyramids whose founders supposedly know how to get rich in crisis conditions! And just as many people are deceived and lose money. Or losing not money, but time trying to find naive investors.

If you think that you can get a good amount of money from MLM or network marketing, get rid of this idea. Those who have been making money in this area for a long time will continue to make money. A crisis is not the time to start working in network marketing from scratch and expect miracles.

Real ways to earn money

The rule that will work during a crisis and beyond is to give people what they need. It’s even better to provide it at an affordable and reasonable price. Then you are guaranteed success.

This axiom applies to any business, and in times of crisis its relevance intensifies. What is not an object of primary needs for people will remain needed only seasonally, in influxes. And what people always need is already clear: food, clothing, housing. We haven’t discovered anything new, but if we develop this topic further, we can get the idea of ​​a profitable business.

Earning money in crisis conditions for everyone

So, let’s free our brain from panicky and sad thoughts, fill it with creative energy, and go ahead, make money!

Food is an eternal need

The crisis comes and goes, but you always want to eat. No matter how high the cost of food products, they will always be sold out, in any conditions. A person can save on clothes, but he cannot save on food due to physiological needs. Your job is to provide people with food, and you can do this in several ways.

If you live in a private house, you can grow some vegetables. For example, onions, carrots, greens, which are in demand in any season. Many people not only survive by selling buns and cakes, but also make good money, especially since home-made bakery and confectionery products are sweeter to the taste buds.

They will buy it. There is also home-canned food, which the residents of the metropolis miss so much, Korean-style carrots, etc.

There is another option. It is more progressive and productive, but requires some investment. You can negotiate with food suppliers, rent a stall, and sell there. Legal and profitable.

The only problem is the attitude of the sanitary services towards traders - they are picky, and an agreement with them can cost money. In addition, it is unknown what other ways to suppress spontaneous trade the legislative authorities will come up with in 2019.

Educational home courses

In addition to physical hunger, there is spiritual hunger. External manifestations are that a person continues to study or care about the education of his child. Typically, a crisis does not interfere with this process, despite the fact that tuition prices cause outrage.

If you claim that you can't do anything worthwhile, you're probably wrong. Surely you have a hobby in which you can find an ally and income.


A crisis does not affect a person’s constant desire to look good. Therefore, clothes will always be in demand. Here you have several options: you can sew and repair clothes yourself, or you can supply clothes. If you have good living space, you can equip one of the rooms as a small home store. This will not require huge investments.

There is another option - create a website and accept orders through it. Online stores have repeatedly demonstrated their survivability in emergency conditions. Everyone knows the quote from Bill Gates, saying that if you are not on the Internet, then you are not in business either. Creating online stores has its own difficulties and subtleties, but with them you can really make money in a crisis.

Self-tailoring is disappearing from the service market, returning only during the prom and wedding season, so we do not recommend engaging in this troublesome task. But clothing repair is a hot topic, because not everyone can buy it.

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Income on deposits


This is a promising and long-term type of income. You won't earn a lot of money right away. It will take time to promote your blog. Whatever topic your blog covers, it should be clear. Knowledge of the audience is also required. That is, you must understand who needs your unique experience. And it is needed, believe me. There will always be a demand for knowledge.

Bloggers make money by selling links and advertising. If you were involved in beadwork, for example, it would be great to create a master class using Toho beads that you bought on such and such a site. Both practical benefits for the audience, and unobtrusive advertising, and people willingly take advantage of such offers.

Reselling and dropshipping

These concepts are not as relevant as they were a couple of years ago, but that’s even better - you won’t have competition. Dropshipping or direct delivery has remained a magnet that attracts the most controversial opinions. Some people believe that making money on direct deliveries of goods from the manufacturer to the buyer is real, others are skeptical about sales of “products without goods.”

But our goal is to make money during a crisis, and dropshipping, like Internet commerce in general, has proven itself to be a crisis-resistant phenomenon.

The main thing is not to fall for flashy, openly advertising offers, where they call on you to quickly open your own business and become financially independent. The more inconspicuous the company is, the better for you - you will be able to dictate some terms to it.

In a simplified version, the system looks like this: you find a supplier of some interesting product (it’s better if it’s a manufacturer), create a website that you “fill” with the appropriate lots, and deliver the product to the client after full prepayment.

In this case, the purchase price consists of the supplier’s price and your markup, which will be your profit. You won't become a millionaire, but you won't lose anything either. This is the so-called “business without investment”.

Attention, promotion!

What is the first reaction of the human brain to the word crisis? Intuitive desire to save. Save on food, clothes, household appliances. Therefore, sites that inform users about discounts, promotions, and sales are in demand.

Many people have developed the habit of saving in this way even during non-crisis periods - if they plan to buy a refrigerator, they do not run to the nearest shopping center, but wait for lucrative offers from other organizations.

Creating a sales website brings many benefits to your audience, merchants, and you. In this case, you will earn money from advertising. The more stores you cover, the more you earn.

Help online

The “profession” of a virtual assistant owes its emergence precisely to the crisis. For companies whose turnover is not measured in millions of rubles, it becomes unprofitable to maintain a large staff and rent an office. Therefore, many of the company’s tasks are delegated to employees outside the office – to virtual assistants.

The range of assigned tasks is very wide - from calling clients through the database to creating email newsletters.

Therefore, having networking skills is relevant. Your professionalism, willingness to work and reliability will determine the amount of your income. If the amount obtained in a month of work reaches 25,000 rubles. – this is a good additional income during a crisis.

One of the ways to make money online is to engage in copywriting, writing competent, unique, logically constructed texts. They can be advertising or informational in nature, the main thing is that the texts must be valuable from an information point of view. They make money from this with varying degrees of success, and not at first, as a rule, but no one is left without bread.

It often happens that plans for a happy and calm future suddenly collapse. This is not necessarily due to personal mistakes at work or poor business decisions. Globalization has affected all developed countries so much that the average person has little influence when the economy of an entire state or the world is in a fever.

Therefore, all that remains is to accept the realities of the current situation and survive the constantly recurring waves of the crisis, thinking about what business to start during the crisis.

What to do in a crisis?

In a world where fictitious capital is many times greater than the volume of real capital, a crisis is not something new or surprising, but it always comes abruptly and at the wrong time. Unprepared entrepreneurs lose their assets, and employees lose their jobs.

A businessman has two options during an economic downturn:

  • Try to restore and establish your previous business, which may not be in demand at this time.
  • Find a new source of income in a completely different area, which is profitable even in a crisis.

To make the right choice, you need to determine whether there will be any demand at all for goods or services that were consistently purchased in the pre-crisis period. If such prospects are not foreseen, then you should look for other niches for the implementation of your business projects, deciding what business to start during the 2016 crisis.

When the population is acutely short of financial resources, companies producing luxury goods and expensive durable goods are the first to suffer. If the question arises whether to leave money for food or pay the installment on a consumer loan, then the choice will be obvious.

Therefore, in order to successfully endure the consequences of the crisis, you need to offer people goods and services for which they will willingly allocate money even in a difficult economic situation. So, let's look at business in a crisis - what to do in 2016 and make a profit.

What to do during the 2016 crisis - the best ideas

Essential goods

This could be, for example, medicines or clothing, but the most popular product remains food. You have to cope with hunger and thirst at any time, so the food business suffers least from the economic downturn. Meat, bakery and confectionery products, water and alcoholic drinks - all these goods are taken off the shelves no matter what the ruble exchange rate is today or how much a barrel of oil costs.

A businessman is required to choose a specific niche, present his product correctly and attract buyers at a favorable price, which will play the most important role at a given moment in time. You can start such a business even from scratch in your own kitchen, with only a passion for cooking and money for the first batch of ingredients. And this is perhaps the best answer to the question of what to do during a crisis to make money.

Car repair

A new car is a big investment during a crisis, one that most people are not financially prepared to make. Therefore, the repair and maintenance of old vehicles is in demand more than ever. During an economic downturn, there is also a good chance to purchase the necessary parts or an entire auto shop from a bankrupt businessman for next to nothing.


Social networks and blogs are experiencing the peak of popularity, and you can make good money from it. A blogger is required to be able to create unique and interesting content for a specific target audience, and all income is based on advertising that is placed on the site or used in the posts themselves.

Direct sales

This type of income is suitable for people who are tongue-tied and can sell any product, sometimes even against the client’s wishes. An example can be taken from companies such as Avon or Oriflame.

What business to open during a crisis - 15 current business ideas for 2017-2018

The most important thing is that this business does not require initial investment or an office.

Any investment in an unstable period involves a risk that many entrepreneurs are hesitant to take on their own. In these situations, they turn to a qualified specialist for help so that he can analyze the situation and suggest what decision to make. This is one of the best options for what to do profitably during a crisis for economists who are left without work due to the crisis.

Educational courses

Even in the most difficult times, parents strive to give their child the best education, so the demand for talented tutors never falls. Moreover, the crisis is affecting the labor market. To get a decent job, many people attend various specialized courses, trying to improve their resume in the eyes of a future employer.

Cosmetics business

The desire of women to be attractive and take care of themselves cannot be broken by any crisis, this is a fact. Therefore, sales of cosmetics remain high even during periods of economic instability. For many girls, the very fact of buying a new perfume or lipstick is a cure for stress and allows you to forget about pressing problems.

Preparing real estate for sale

The real estate market reacts very sensitively to changes in the economy; during periods of recession it is extremely difficult to find buyers for new houses and apartments; people simply do not have enough savings. The only ones who do not feel the impact of the crisis in this market are home staging specialists. The task of these experts is to give the property the best presentation possible (make cosmetic repairs, arrange furniture correctly, or remove an unpleasant odor from the premises). This type of work is best suited for designers or experienced builders involved in apartment renovations.

Caring for the elderly

There are many elderly people who need daily care, but their relatives have very busy schedules and are unable or unwilling to do it themselves. Setting up an elderly care service is a good business idea at any time. In addition, there are wealthy retirees who want to see the world and have accumulated funds for this. You can help them realize their dream and at the same time make money by organizing travel.

Ecological business

In recent years, demand for environmentally friendly products has risen sharply, both in the food industry and in the fashion world. Enterprises that do not harm the environment have become especially revered.

Websites about discounts and sales

Such resources are always in demand among consumers seeking maximum savings. But during a crisis, sites about promotions, discounts and sales acquire special value, bringing the owner good income from advertising.

Remote employee

Large companies use any methods to reduce their costs. Outsourcing tasks eliminates the need to maintain an office and reduces wage costs. Employees working remotely also benefit. They don’t have to spend money on travel and have the opportunity to control their schedule.

Online video creation

Going to the cinema involves a lot of expense, especially if you have popcorn lovers in your group. In this regard and with the desire to save money, the Internet has replaced visiting cinemas for many people. The demand for high-quality online video has increased, and many platforms have appeared where you can sell such content.

Home business franchise

For those who are afraid to open a business on their own, there is the opportunity to buy a time-tested franchise, which is designed for starting a business from scratch at home.

Online trading assistant

There are a number of online platforms where you can profitably sell old or unnecessary items. However, many people do not know how these resources work and how to work on them correctly. Such sites provide the opportunity to trade on behalf of others, and people willingly use the services of sales assistants who receive a percentage of each transaction.

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Comments on the article

Most people on our planet every day wonder about starting a business, but even more people think about ideas for their own business.
A lot depends on the idea, because it lays the foundation for your future business. To avoid wasting your time, nerves and, of course, money, you need to consider and analyze only really working business ideas.

What are working business ideas?

Working business ideas include only those ideas that can bring you the desired and, importantly, constant profit. In an idea, you need to see something that no one else could notice.

How do you know that a business idea will work and you can make money from it?

A business idea will become workable when opening your business allows you to earn a sum of money, which in turn will cover all the costs of starting a business. You should not rush to conclusions, because at first your business may bring you good income, but a turning point may occur and your small business will slowly die.

Classification of business ideas

I classify all ideas, because it’s more convenient to analyze them and make some predictions about your future business. They are divided into three groups, namely:

  • Highly promising;
  • Unpromising;
  • Average prospects;

Now let's take a closer look and analyze each group.


Low-promising ideas include those ideas, the implementation of which will result in temporary profits. A good example would be opening an ice cream stand. From this example it is already clear that the main profit will come only in the summer, and in the winter you, alas, will have to bite your nails. So opening a business based on such an idea will be empty and hopeless.

What ideas are suitable for starting a business during a crisis?

Moderately promising

Medium-promising ideas for business implementation include the following:

  • Office chair with footrest;
  • Musical bathroom;
  • Candies with natural juice;

You can read about all this in the article about ideas for starting a business. Everything seems to be fine, these ideas can be developed, but will you make money from your business in 2-3 years or later? Optimists will say yes, but you need to evaluate everything as it happens in real life.

One entrepreneur opened a company whose main service was to provide citizens with the necessary information. Something like a reference. This company brought him good income, but with the development of the Internet, the service provided by his company simply became unnecessary to anyone.

Hence a small conclusion: you need to think about the prospects of your business at the “fundamental” stage, that is, precisely at the moment when you come up with an idea that should work. Let's move on and look at the last group:

Highly promising

Highly promising workable ideas relate to businesses that will generate income in five, ten and fifteen years. Such a business includes only one whose services will always be in demand. Based on this, you need to look for ways to create and develop your “precious” business. Such businesses include:

  • Opening your own grocery store (people will always eat as long as they live);
  • Opening a beauty salon (people will always want to look beautiful and this trend is growing every year);
  • Clothing store (a person is simply forced to dress);
  • Business related to the biological and chemical industries (there is a whole future in these areas);

Conclusion: open a highly promising business based on working business ideas! Good luck to you!

Section: Tips

Publication date: 2017-12-08 18:06:26

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The thought in the title of this article has not only a deep, but also a double meaning that allows us to answer...

The thought in the title of this article has not only a deep, but also a double meaning, which allows us to answer the sacramental question - what to do with business in a crisis? After all, while some entrepreneurs experience panic and losses during a crisis, others are making their own success story...

First of all, you need to understand what happens during a crisis in three main segments of goods and services - for the rich, for the middle class and for people with below-average incomes.

Many economists and marketers agree on the following: the market for the “rich” remains relatively stable; the “middle class” market is rapidly shrinking and is in a fever; The market for “those with below-average incomes” is growing!

Why is that?

People who are considered rich, as a rule, have a good “margin of safety” and are in a large financial gap even from the middle class, which simply cannot be overcome. Many of them can lose millions, or even billions, but at the same time they will not become poor. And so they will remain true to their habits. But the market aimed at the rich is quite narrow. And the competition is high. And start-up costs for starting a business are extremely high. Therefore, starting to work on it right away is quite difficult, whether in a crisis or not. In general, it's a matter of taste.

The market, aimed at the middle class, is very promising in normal times and covers the widest segment of goods and services. But a crisis always hits the middle class especially hard. Moreover, not only (or even not so much?) financially, but psychologically. During a crisis, the incomes of some representatives of the middle class fall to the state of “poverty” for objective reasons, but the majority begin to save a lot simply because of negative expectations and fear for their future.

Therefore, during a crisis, the market, aimed at people with “below average” incomes, begins to grow rapidly precisely at the expense of representatives of the middle class - either former or frightened. People with incomes below average simply do not have the opportunity to radically reduce their consumption.

Accordingly, during a crisis, it is the businesses that grow best that are aimed at those who are not going to spend a lot and save every penny. And we need to help these people save!

What kind of businesses could these be? The scope for new ideas is unlimited. And I can suggest a few traditional ones:

- inexpensive and most necessary food products - people always want to eat and drink;

- budget catering - see "point one";

- pharmacies are the last thing most people save on;

- repair of clothing, electronics, household appliances - what in the best years was simply thrown away, in a crisis they will most likely try to repair it;

- stock and second-hand stores - here, I think, nothing really needs to be explained;

- goods for children - diapers and rompers - this is something that few people will save on...

It is clear that in the “below average” price segment there is also fierce competition and earnings per conventional unit of goods or services are significantly lower than in other segments. So you need to immediately get ready to work “in areas”, attracting a mass client. How to do this is a topic for another conversation...

But I promised to talk about the second meaning of the phrase “businesses for the poor always grow during a crisis.” The fact is that a crisis is the best time to start or expand their business for entrepreneurs who lack start-up capital. A crisis is a time of particularly broad opportunities.

Business in times of crisis: promising directions

Rent of office and industrial space at this time is the lowest, and the cost of real estate, in principle, is the same. At this time, the easiest way is to find qualified specialists who are ready to work at this stage for a relatively modest remuneration. In addition, you can save a lot of money on equipment - during a crisis, it’s easier to find good used options. Well, competition, be that as it may, is falling. It's clear that it simply won't happen. But when and for whom is it easy in business? Just remember that difficulties only make us stronger, and hurry to take advantage of new opportunities. After all, the crisis is also not eternal...

Alexey Voronin shared his thoughts with you

Tags: Money and business, Voronin

Profitable niches for trading: pilaf via the Internet, knives, optics and much more.

Since the establishment of commodity-money relations, trade has been one of the most profitable types of business. However, during a crisis, the question of what is profitable to trade becomes especially relevant. Which product will definitely be in demand: already known and “promoted” or innovative? Low or high price category? Domestic or imported?

To understand which product to choose for promotion, you should analyze the market situation in various segments, its development prospects, evaluate sales channels and the level of competition.

Market situation

Nowadays, citizens' incomes are declining, and this entails a decrease in their purchasing power. According to Rosstat, in 2015, real disposable income of Russians fell by 4%, and in the 1st quarter of 2016 - by another 3.9%.

According to Romir research, approximately 70% of our compatriots in 2015-2016. began to save up to 10% on the essentials: groceries, clothing, shoes, and other non-food items of daily demand.

Sociologists distinguish four types of buyers depending on their chosen cost-saving strategy (see Table 1).

Buyer type




Men over 45 living in large cities

Refusal from expensive brands (21%), transition to cheaper ones (31%)


High income people

They make a list of proposed purchases (29%) and always follow it

"Bargain Hunter"

Women 35-44 years old, low-income citizens, residents of small towns (100-500 thousand population)

They purchase goods mainly through promotions (19%)


Residents of small settlements, people with low incomes

They stock up on food for future use (16%), go shopping less often to keep their budget under control (22%)

Similar trends are observed in online sales (see Fig. 1).

Fig.1. How e-commerce is growing in Russia*

*Data is presented excluding online orders of prepared food, tickets, digital goods, and wholesale purchases

In 2015, according to Vedomosti, they grew by only 3% taking into account inflation (excluding - by 16%). This is 2.5 times less than in 2014 (8% taking into account inflation). In the average online store, the receipt “grew” by 8% and amounted to 4,050 rubles, the number of orders also increased by 8% (increase to 160 million)

According to Data Insight statistics, buyer interest has shifted from electronics and household appliances to budget products: inexpensive clothing and consumer goods. At the same time, the share of premium brands and expensive goods has decreased. The leaders are sporting goods, products for animals and children's assortment.

Summary: The market situation makes us think about creating a fairly wide assortment designed for an audience interested in saving money. At the same time, the quality must be acceptable, since competition in the low and medium segments has been and remains high. The sales strategy should be focused on different categories of citizens and take into account their preferred methods of saving.

What do buyers want?

Let's look at what products are profitable to trade today, using the example of successful startups and the most popular franchises (according to Forbes 2016).

Food products: pilaf via the Internet

Food products are classified as essential. Even in times of austerity, buyers will never exclude them from their shopping basket. This means you can take your place in this niche. This is exactly what the young entrepreneur Ilkhom Ismailov did. In 2014, he opened an online Uzbek food store,

Start-up capital - 1 million rubles from their own savings - was spent on furnishing the kitchen and creating a website for accepting orders.

At first, the entrepreneur and his partners sold only pilaf, but in 2015 they expanded the range and began offering sweets, salads, manti, and baked goods: sales increased by 88%. The revenue of the online store in the period from January to April 2016 increased by 2 times compared to the same period last year.

Our immediate plans include creating a franchise (there are already about 200 requests from potential franchisees) and opening a business offline: “We understand that we need to go offline,” says Ilkhom Ismailov. — In summer, people try to spend more time outdoors, in parks. We have to be where our client is.”

At the end of 2015, I. Ismailov became the winner of the “Young Billionaire School”, held annually by Forbes, and his project was recognized as one of the most promising.

Cooking at home: knives for amateur cooks

During the crisis, people began to visit cafes and restaurants less, but at the same time they still want to eat tasty and beautiful food. Entrepreneur Alexey Yakovlev noticed this trend and entered into an agreement with the largest manufacturer of steel and ceramic knives, Samura Cutlery. By promoting the products of this company in the middle price category, you can interest amateur cooks in them. The idea has justified itself: today the Samura franchise (TOP 5 in the Forbes rating of 2016) operates 250 points of sale (23 opened in 2015).

The initial investment is 250,000 rubles: it involves the cost of equipping a retail outlet and purchasing a starting batch of knives. The franchisee's revenue is 3.75 million rubles, profit - 2 million rubles (knives are sold with a 160% markup).

Good vision comes at a price

The demand for health products is consistently high. This explains the success of Icraft Optics, a federal retail chain of stores that sell ready-made glasses and make them to order (it has its own lens turning workshop). Franchise TOP-12 Forbes rating. Currently, there are 130 of its own and 350 franchise points (120 opened in 2015).

Geography of business - more than 100 cities. There are no royalties or lump sum fees. For the start-up fee (1.4 million rubles), franchisees receive retail, lighting, medical equipment and a basic batch of goods.

The franchisor offers partners the opportunity to make up to 300% of the retail markup and, as a bonus, gives 50% compensation for advertising costs.

Revenue - 6 million rubles, franchisee profit - 3 million rubles.

For children's creativity

Most parents consider investing in the younger generation to be paramount and most profitable, therefore, among everything that is now profitable to trade, goods for children occupy one of the first places. Let's look at them in more detail.

If we talk about the offline format, the franchise for selling creative kits “Orange Elephant” is successfully promoting (TOP 15 in the Forbes rating): 10 of its own and 422 franchise points. Franchisors have their own production in China of kits for drawing, modeling, design, and decoration. Today it is one of the most recognizable and rapidly growing chains of goods for children, represented in 61 cities in Russia, as well as in the CIS, Europe, Asia, and South Africa. In 2015, 85 new Orange Elephant locations opened.

Initial investment - 250 thousand rubles. Estimated revenue - 7.5 million rubles, profit - 1.9 million rubles.

What is profitable to sell online?

Today, almost anyone can create their own online store. But not everyone knows what to fill it with. The editors of Segodnya invited experts to clarify this issue. Here are some of the categories they recommend for promotion and their marketing features that are worth paying attention to (see below).

What kind of business can you start during a crisis?

Table 2).

What to pay attention to

Souvenirs, gifts

  • high demand (seasonal holidays, birthdays, memorable dates, etc.)
  • you can sell goods of your own production with a markup of up to 300%

Goods for pets

  • the ability to order delivery of the most popular items - food and filler, which usually have a large volume, so it can be inconvenient to pick them up from the supermarket
  • a good solution for those who do not have a pet store near their home
  • products with a long shelf life, so they are ordered at a significant interval: you will have to engage in active promotion
  • during a crisis, many switch to feeding animals by-products

Hobby items (diamond mosaic, felting wool, paints, brushes, decoupage paper) and collecting items (stamps, coins, antiques)

  • enthusiastic people are a grateful audience: they will always find funds for their hobby
  • It is not profitable to maintain an offline store on this topic, since the goods are not essential, but in the online version it is profitable (less overhead costs, lower price, higher demand)
  • Many people hesitate to purchase collectible goods via the Internet due to the risk of counterfeits
  • goods are not cheap, so demand for them during a crisis will be limited

Goods for recreation and tourism

  • More and more people are focusing on active and country holidays
  • delivery of large and bulky goods to the apartment is attractive
  • difficult to find suppliers (China does not suit everyone)
  • a lot of imports - currency risks
  • seasonal demand
  • many competitors

But not everything depends on the popularity of a particular product. In order for trading to be successful, professionals recommend selling what you yourself are well versed in. If the seller is an expert in his product, the buyer trusts him and quickly becomes a regular and recommends him to his friends. This must be taken into account when choosing your trading niche.

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Helpful information

What business is better to start during a crisis?

Not so long ago, economic crises posed a real threat to most entrepreneurs. Today they have become so familiar that they are perceived completely differently. Truly successful businessmen have not only adapted to the permanent “crisis”, but also learned to benefit from it.

It cannot be denied that the resources of the entrepreneurial market are limited and the situation on it is unstable. As for the demand for goods and services, it is not easy to predict. Credit institutions are in no hurry to issue loan obligations to everyone, as was the case quite recently, and investors are losing their taste for financing interesting, but controversial projects that may not pay off.

Profitable business areas

It should be understood that the absence of losses is already a benefit. Thus, the type of activity that does not require global financial investments becomes the most viable in a crisis. And, I must say, there is plenty to choose from on the market!

Consulting companies agree that in difficult economic times, the service sector has an obvious advantage. Organizations that provide services are the most profitable. The problem for a novice businessman who has chosen this type of detail is usually the rent. It is not necessary to hire employees at the stage of business formation: all work can be done on your own.

One example of a safe (even in a crisis!) commercial activity is blogging. In some cases, implementing such a project will require the help of web developers, whose services start at $100. For this amount you can get a laconic but working website.

The next safe business option is resale. The “bought cheap, sold dear” scheme has been in effect since ancient times. It’s difficult to come up with something more effective to quickly increase momentum. Having engaged in resale, it makes sense to adopt Internet technologies: in other words, open your own store on the Internet. The owner of a virtual retail outlet spends money only on maintaining the site, advertising it and, of course, purchasing goods.

What types of activities are relevant during a crisis?

A profitable business is a business that is in demand, or relevant. Relevance is directly dependent on the purchasing power of potential customers, which, as we know, is also affected by the crisis. “Troubled times” make the consumer more far-sighted and, as a result, stingy. He will no longer waste money. That's why, during the planning stage, it is necessary to find out what consumers still cannot refuse and make a thorough analysis of their purchasing power.

In the West, the percentage of small businesses is much higher. Therefore, it makes sense to take a closer look at foreign trends and progressive solutions in this area.

European analysts have compiled a list of the five most promising areas of anti-crisis commerce. Here's what it looks like:

  1. 1. Providing repair services. In times of economic instability, almost everyone is forced to abandon new acquisitions. True, for some these may be luxury items, but for others they may be essentials.

    Eight ways to make money during a crisis

    But, one way or another, during a crisis people suddenly realize that many things that have fallen into disrepair are more profitable to repair. Why not give them this opportunity?

  2. 2. Fast food. Since, as the purchasing power of the population decreases, restaurants and cafes are losing their attractiveness (and the desire to have a snack in the middle of the day does not disappear), you can rely on fast food. Fast food will always be in demand.
  3. 3. Trade in medicines. This business requires impressive start-up capital, but never loses its relevance: the demand for medicines is consistently high. By the way, most medicines are not subject to VAT.
  4. 4. Sale stores. Stores like “Fix Price” or “second hand” during periods of crisis multiply like mushrooms after rain, and each of them has good chances. Low prices and constant discounts attract not only young people, as is commonly thought, but also all those for whom brands do not matter, but price does.
  5. 5. Providing collection services. In times of crisis, not only individuals, but also legal entities turn to collection companies for help. Of course, debt collection is not a business that evokes pleasant associations. But in an era of general aggravation of stinginess, it is extremely relevant and profitable.

How to run a business in times of crisis

The ideal of a “crisis” business is a break-even enterprise. The task of the owner of such a company is to minimize negative changes in the level of liquidity. Only in this case will the business not only survive, but also develop even in extremely unfavorable conditions.

To maintain the profitability of their company, many businessmen turn to consulting agencies for help. But such measures do not always lead to a positive result, and, of course, require funds. There is no guarantee that the recipe for overcoming a crisis proposed by consultants will work in a particular situation.

But there are other methods to keep a business afloat. One of them is to minimize third-party costs.

There are also rules that must be followed so that changes in the economic situation cause as little inconvenience as possible:

  • Maintain the ability to compress the business. As for the nature of the risks, new players in the market experience the same difficulties as existing enterprises. The most dangerous risk is a negative change in liquidity levels. The decrease in demand is not so critical compared to the lack of funds for business development. However, the decline in consumer purchasing power poses a threat to inert businesses—that is, those that cannot “shrink” or “expand” depending on circumstances.

    To minimize risks, you need to limit expenses (primarily unreasonable ones) and avoid long-term obligations.

    As you know, small businesses mainly spend money on rent and employee salaries (and staff turnover in small businesses is usually high). To ensure “compression”, personnel renewal will have to be abandoned, as well as salary indexation. But these measures do not guarantee staying afloat. Only a flexible business model will help you truly control the situation.

  • Strive to maintain liquidity. Low liquidity in a crisis will inevitably lead to the death of an enterprise (or even an entire industry). An example of this is the many construction projects that were never implemented due to the 2008 crisis due to lack of funds.

    But if the leading manager knows how to ensure at least some development of the enterprise in unfavorable conditions, the business has a chance.

  • Search and develop new opportunities. In fact, the crisis is a stimulus for development. This is confirmed by numerous examples. When the market situation changes for the worse, it is time to search for new economic niches. Many managers choose to “work in parallel directions.” So, the owner of a company that supplies office supplies can pay attention to office furniture. There are also more daring options: for example, opening a cafe at a bookstore. Crazy ideas in times of crisis have special potential.
  • Change and improve. A good leader knows how to take initiative. He does not so much act under the pressure of circumstances as he is ahead of these circumstances. When drawing up a development plan, he must take into account all possibilities for both expansion and contraction of the business.

    If an enterprise is developing steadily and gradually improving under competent management, the onset of a crisis can only slow down these processes, but not reduce them to nothing.

What to do in a crisis

Creating a viable enterprise in an era of economic instability is a noble goal, but difficult to achieve. Any mistake in this area will have dire consequences. To minimize possible losses, a novice businessman must learn to plan the distribution of investments.

The business plan should take into account a number of aspects: the amount of invested funds, the desired development time frame, income and expenses, and the number of personnel. To assess the profitability of various areas of business at a particular point in time, it is necessary to analyze the market. Identifying the most stable businesses, studying their policies and adopting some business solutions is the surest way to achieve success.

So, here's what a future business owner should take into account:

  • trends in the area of ​​the market that he is going to develop;
  • investments in the production and promotion of services or goods;
  • risks large and small;
  • possibility of loss of funds, unforeseen expenses.

It must be remembered that funds allocated for business development in a crisis situation can become the basis for a rapid leap forward. You should pay attention to advertising (but do it wisely). And finally, it is necessary to calculate the profit that a business brings in “dark times”: in some cases, instead of trying to pull out a futile business, it is wiser to admit its failure and stop investing in a doomed project.

Western experience

Most of the progressive solutions are created and tested abroad. Both the New World and Europe experienced many crises. Therefore, domestic entrepreneurs are advised not to lose touch with their Western colleagues, who have a lot to learn from.

And finally, the main thing that an entrepreneur should remember is that the most relevant anti-crisis business is not so much profitable as break-even.

How to increase sales during a crisis

Crisis threats can be neutralized at a fairly high level and even used to further increase sales levels. Read about how to do this in our publication.

What business to start in the village

This article will talk about what kind of business activities you can do in the village. We will talk about the five most promising areas of rural business.