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1 STRUCTURE of the civil defense plan (name of the territorial body of the federal executive body) The plan consists of a text part and appendices. The text part includes three sections. SECTION I. Brief assessment of the possible situation as a result of enemy influence 1. General information about (name of the territorial body of the federal executive body) - structure of the territorial body of the federal executive body; - general characteristics of the territorial body of the federal executive body and organizations under the jurisdiction of the territorial body of the federal executive body (addresses of organizations that continue to operate in wartime, categories of civil defense organizations, the number of largest working shifts of subordinate organizations, the presence of sources of potential danger, etc. .). 2. Possible scale and nature of the consequences after an enemy attack: a) the degree of possible destruction of buildings and structures of the territorial body of the federal executive body, estimated losses of workers, production facilities, forces and means of civil defense; b) radiation, chemical, biological, fire and medical conditions, the formation of catastrophic flooding zones in the areas where territorial bodies of the federal executive body are located and organizations under the jurisdiction of the territorial body of the federal executive body; c) the approximate volume of the upcoming ASDNR in the territorial bodies of the federal executive body and organizations under the jurisdiction of the territorial body of the federal executive body, with the systematic alerting of civil defense and in the event of a sudden enemy attack. 3. Conclusions from the assessment of the situation a) indicators of conclusions from the assessment of the possible situation for making a decision on civil defense, including:

2 2 forecast of the total volume of debris formed at the affected objects as a result of enemy strikes and requiring clearing before rescue operations; forecasting the size of the areas of zones of strong, medium and weak destruction formed as a result of excess pressure during explosions of the warheads of high-precision weapons; forecasting the size of the areas of emerging fire zones that require the use of fire extinguishing forces; forecast of the size of flood zone areas; forecast of the amount of work to organize and carry out the evacuation of the population, material and cultural assets from the affected areas; forecasting the size of areas of radioactive contamination, chemical or biological contamination; forecast of the medical situation; forecast of irretrievable and sanitary losses of workers due to exposure to secondary damaging factors; b) an indicative list and scope of the main upcoming ASDNR carried out in the territorial body of the federal executive body after an enemy attack, including: reconnaissance of routes, areas of destruction to support the actions of civil defense forces; clearing debris; clearing routes and constructing entrances in rubble; the number of solutions, formulations and substances used in the elimination of accidents at chemically hazardous facilities; elimination of accidents on utility and energy networks; localization and extinguishing of fires; localization of foci of chemical contamination; sanitary treatment of people; decontamination of equipment; decontamination of buildings, structures and roads. Section II. Carrying out measures to systematically alert civil defense 1. Procedure for alerting civil defense 1.1. The procedure for organizing, volume and timing of implementation of priority measures for civil defense: a) the procedure for organizing, volume and timing of implementation of priority measures for civil defense of the first stage; b) the procedure for organizing, volume and timing of implementation of priority measures for civil defense of the second stage: c) the procedure for organizing, volume and timing of implementation of priority measures for civil defense of the third stage:

3 Activities for civil defense, when the President of the Russian Federation makes a decision on direct preparation for transfer to work in wartime conditions when the threat of aggression against the Russian Federation increases before the announcement of mobilization: setting tasks for direct preparation for the implementation of measures under plans for civil defense and protection of the population; clarification of civil defense and population protection plans, formalized documents on civil defense and main indicators of civil defense; clarification of the procedure for interaction and exchange of information in the field of civil defense when carrying out civil defense activities of the first, second and third stages; clarification of the composition, officials authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense and those included in the operational groups deployed to reserve control posts, tasks and procedures for their work; checking the readiness of civil defense communication and warning systems; clarification of plans for the supply of products (works, services) to ensure the implementation of civil defense measures carried out according to the mobilization plan of the economy of the Russian Federation clarification with military command authorities of routes, the procedure for using vehicles, equipment and communications for carrying out evacuation measures and creating a group of civil defense forces in safe areas; analysis of the readiness of municipalities and organizations to conduct civil defense, presentation of reports on the progress of immediate preparation for the implementation of civil defense activities according to civil defense and population protection plans. 2. Organization of measures to protect employees of the territorial body of the federal executive body a) organization of shelter in protective structures: availability and need for protective structures of civil defense; the procedure and timing for bringing into readiness the protective structures of civil defense of the territorial body of the federal executive body, storing in them reserves of food, medicine and other necessary property, calculating the distribution of those being sheltered; the procedure and timing for the construction of missing protective structures and their logistical support, calculation of the distribution of those to be covered; b) organization of radiation and chemical protection: the need and availability of radiation and chemical reconnaissance instruments, dosimetric monitoring and personal protective equipment; the procedure for providing employees of the territorial body of the federal executive body with personal protective equipment, radiation and chemical reconnaissance and radiation monitoring devices;

4 4 procedure for introducing radiation protection regimes and work in conditions of radioactive contamination; identification and assessment of radiation and chemical conditions; organization of radiation and chemical control; measures to detect and mark areas exposed to radioactive, chemical, biological and other types of contamination; organization of sanitary treatment of people, disinfection of equipment, buildings and structures; organizing the protection of employees of a territorial body of a federal executive body from radioactive substances, toxic substances, emergency chemically hazardous substances and biological agents; name, number and strength of the forces and means involved; c) organization of medical protection: the procedure for carrying out medical measures, forces and means of medical protection, putting them on alert; organization of medical support in points of permanent deployment, during evacuation measures and in safe areas of the suburban area; the procedure and timing for issuing medical personal protective equipment and radioprotective drugs; organization of sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic measures; name, number and strength of forces involved; d) organization of evacuation measures: the general procedure for carrying out evacuation in the territorial body of the federal executive body, its bodies, subordinate organizations and organizations under the jurisdiction of the territorial body of the federal executive body, including: the procedure for notifying the start of evacuation measures; lists of subordinate organizations that continue to work in territories classified as civil defense groups, indicating the number of dispersed employees and evacuated family members, areas of dispersal and evacuation in suburban areas; lists of subordinate organizations transferring activities to the suburban area, indicating the number of evacuees, areas of placement in the suburban area and the availability of infrastructure for the resumption of core activities in these areas; lists of subordinate organizations that cease work in wartime, located in territories classified as civil defense groups, indicating the number of employees and members of their families; transport and other types of support for evacuation and dispersal; management procedures during the period of evacuation measures and after arrival at evacuation and dispersal points; procedure for exporting material assets;

5 5 the procedure for storing documents, equipment and property remaining at points of permanent deployment, as well as the procedure for transferring and protecting them; the procedure for preparing points (bases) intended to accommodate evacuees; name, number and strength of the forces involved to ensure the evacuation. 3. The procedure for organizing management, communications and notification a) organizing notification and gathering of employees of the territorial body of the federal executive body when alerting civil defense; b) organization of control at permanent deployment points, during redeployment to reserve control points and in suburban areas; c) the procedure for putting emergency control points on alert; d) the composition and tasks of operational groups departing for reserve control points, the timing of departure and arrival at reserve control points; e) timing of occupation of reserve control posts; f) organization of communications. 4. The procedure for alerting civil defense forces to conduct ASDNR a) the composition and equipment of civil defense forces intended to conduct ASDNR; b) the procedure for alerting and organizing the use of civil defense forces; c) the composition of civil defense forces and means acting in the interests of the territorial body of the federal executive body. 5. Organization of support for civil defense activities; the procedure for organizing the main types of support for civil defense activities, including: general intelligence; engineering support; radiation, chemical and biological protection; medical support; material support; technical support; transport support; fire protection; hydrometeorological support; protection of public order.

6 6 SECTION III. Carrying out civil defense measures in the event of a surprise attack by the enemy 1. Organizing and carrying out activities following the signal “ATTENTION EVERYONE!” with information about an air raid, chemical alarm, radiation hazard or the threat of catastrophic flooding a) organization of notification to the management of the territorial body of the federal executive body, the procedure for notifying organizations under the jurisdiction of the territorial body of the federal executive body; b) the introduction of light and other types of camouflage modes, the procedure for turning off electrical, heat, gas and water supply systems at the facilities of the territorial body of the federal executive body; c) organizing the issuance of personal protective equipment; d) organizing shelter for employees of the territorial body of the federal executive body and subordinate organizations in protective structures. 2. Organization and conduct of events following the signal “ATTENTION TO EVERYONE!” with information about the end of an air raid warning, a chemical alarm, a radiation hazard or the threat of catastrophic flooding a) restoration of control and communications, the procedure for occupying emergency control posts by control bodies; b) organizing the collection of data and assessing the situation resulting from an enemy attack; c) the procedure for alerting civil defense forces and organizing the conduct of ASDNR, including the procedure for providing medical care and evacuating victims to medical institutions; f) organization of the main types of support for civil defense activities. Applications: 1. Possible situation in the territorial body of the federal executive body as a result of an enemy attack. 2. Main indicators of the state of civil defense of the territorial body of the federal executive body, as of January 1 of the current year. 3. Plan for organizing management, notification and communications of the territorial body of the federal executive body. 4. Calendar plan for the implementation of basic civil defense activities. 5 Plan for increasing the engineering protection of the territorial body of the federal executive body when putting civil defense on alert.

7 7 6. Composition of civil defense forces and means of the territorial body of the federal executive body. 7. Main indicators of planning evacuation measures in the territorial body of the federal executive body. 8. Plan for the evacuation and dispersal of employees of the territorial body of the federal executive body. 9. Calculation of shelter for employees of a territorial body of a federal executive body at a point of permanent deployment during working hours in the event of a surprise attack by the enemy, as of January 1 of the current year. 10. Calculation of provision and procedure for issuing personal protective equipment to employees of the territorial body of the federal executive body. 11. Composition of operational groups and the order of their departure to reserve control posts. Head of a structural unit (employee) authorized (authorized) to solve problems in the field of civil defense of a territorial body of a federal executive body signature transcript of signature

8 8 Neck copy. Appendix 1 to the civil defense plan name of the territorial body of the federal executive body (hereinafter referred to as the federal executive body) POSSIBLE SITUATION as a result of an enemy attack (done on a map with an explanatory note) Legend Head of a structural unit (employee) authorized (authorized) to solve problems in area of ​​civil defense of the territorial body of the federal executive body signature transcript of the signature

9 9 Neck copy. Appendix 1 to the civil defense plan EXPLANATORY NOTE on the possible situation as a result of an enemy attack (done in the form of tables on a map and separately textually, in A4 format in book format MS Word) The explanatory note reflects: a) the areas of zones of possible strong and weak destruction , possible dangerous and severe radioactive contamination (pollution), possible dangerous chemical contamination and possible catastrophic flooding, as well as the number of employees of the territorial body of the federal executive body falling into them; b) the total area of ​​contamination with emergency chemically hazardous substances resulting from secondary lesions; c) general, including irrecoverable and sanitary, losses of employees of the territorial body of the federal executive body; d) characteristics of zones of possible catastrophic flooding (area and number of employees of the territorial body of the federal executive body falling within them). Head of a structural unit (employee) authorized (authorized) to solve problems in the field of civil defense of a territorial body of a federal executive body signature transcript of signature

10 10 Grip specimen. Appendix 2 to the civil defense plan MAIN INDICATORS of the state of civil defense as of January 1 of the current year unit Name of measurement indicator Total I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Territory area thousand km 2 2. Territories classified as a special group by civil unit. defense 2.1 Area thousand km Population, total: thousand people by age groups: children under 1.5 years thousand people children from 1.5 to 17 years thousand people adult population thousand people by category: able-bodied thousand people disabled thousand people 3. Territories classified as group I according to civil units. defense 3.1 Area thousand km Population, total thousand people by age groups: children under 1.5 years old thousand people children from 1.5 to 17 years old thousand people adult population thousand people by category: able-bodied thousand people disabled thousand .people 4. Territories classified as group II according to civil units. defense 4.1 Area thousand km Population, total thousand people by age groups: children under 1.5 years old thousand people children from 1.5 to 17 years old thousand people adult population thousand people by category: able-bodied thousand people 5. Territories assigned to Group III for civil defense units.

11 11 unit Name of measurement indicator Total Area thousand km Population, total thousand people by age groups: children under 1.5 years thousand people children from 1.5 to 17 years thousand people adult population thousand people by category: able-bodied thousand disabled people thousand people 6. Settlements not classified as groups by unit. civil defense, having facilities classified as “special importance” 6.1 Area thousand km Population, total thousand people by age groups: children under 1.5 years thousand people children from 1.5 to 17 years thousand adults thousand people by category: able-bodied thousand people disabled thousand people 7. Organizations categorized by civil units. defense: 7.1 “Especially important” units. 7.2 Category I units 7.3 II category units. 7.4 Railway stations of category I units. 8. Number of personnel of organizations classified as civil defense categories: 8.1 “Of special importance” thousand people. 8.2 Category I thousand people 8.3 II category thousand people 8.4 Railway stations of category I thousand people 9. Number of largest working shifts of organizations classified as civil defense: 9.1 “Of special importance” thousand people. 9.2 Category I thousand people 9.3 II category thousand people 9.4 Railway stations of category I thousand people 10. Radiation hazardous objects Number of personnel, thousand people Number of LDCs, thousand people Area of ​​zones of possible dangerous radioactive contamination (contamination), thousand km Number of population living in the zones, thousand people possible dangerous radioactive contamination (contamination) 11. Chemically hazardous objects units.

12 12 unit Name of measurement indicator Total Number of personnel thousand people Number of LDCs thousand people Area of ​​zones of possible hazardous chemical pollution thousand km 2 (contamination) 11.4 Number of population living in the zones thousand people possible dangerous chemical contamination (contamination) 12. Biologically hazardous food facilities Number of personnel thousand people Number of LDCs thousand people Area of ​​zones of possible biological contamination (contamination) thousand km Number of population living in the zones thousand people possible biological pollution (contamination) 13. Hydraulic structures units Number of personnel thousand people Number of LDCs thousand people Predicted area of ​​catastrophic flooding thousand km Number of population living in the zone thousand people catastrophic flooding II. SHELTER OF POPULATION AND LDCs 1. Population size (including LDCs) subject to thousand people. shelter 2. Thousands of people are sheltered. 2.1 in shelters of all classes thousand people in anti-radiation shelters thousand people 2.3 in prefabricated shelters thousand people. 2.4 in shelters with simplified equipment thousand people. 2.5 in metros thousand people. 2.6 in basements and other buried areas thousand people. 2.7 in underground mine workings thousand people. The population is sheltered % in shelters of all classes % in anti-radiation shelters % in prefabricated shelters % in shelters with simplified equipment % in subways % in basements and other buried rooms % in underground mine workings % 3. Number of available protective structures units. civil defense for sheltering the population 3.1 shelters of all classes of units. 3.2 anti-radiation shelters units. 4. Capacity of existing protective structures, thousand people. civil defense for sheltering the population 4.1 shelters of all classes thousand people. 4.2 anti-radiation shelters thousand people. 5. Number of civil defense protective structures units.

13 13 unit Name of measurement indicator Total for LDC shelter 5.1 shelters of all classes units. 5.2 anti-radiation shelters units. 6. Capacity of civil protective structures, thousand people. defense for sheltering LDCs 6.1 shelters of all classes thousand people. 6.2 anti-radiation shelters thousand people. 7. The state of existing shelters 7.1 is ready to receive sheltered units. 7.2 limited readiness to receive covered food. 7.3 units not ready 8. The state of the existing PRU 8.1 is ready to receive covered units. 8.2 limited readiness to receive covered food. 8.3 not ready units. 9. It is planned to use basement and other units. buried premises 9.1 capacity thousand people. 10. The population takes shelter in case of a sudden attack of thousands of people. enemy 10.1 in shelters of all classes thousand people in anti-radiation shelters thousand people The population takes shelter in case of a surprise attack % by the enemy in shelters of all classes % in anti-radiation shelters % III. PROVISION OF RPE AND RADIATION AND CHEMICAL INVESTIGATION AND CONTROL DEVICES 1. Number of population subject to provision of RPE 1.1 children under 1.5 years old - children's protective cameras thousand people. 1.2 children from 1.5 to 17 years old - gas masks for children thousand people. filtering 1.3 adult population - civilian gas masks thousand people. 1.4 respirators thousand people 2. Provision of RPE 2.1 for children under 1.5 years old - child protective cameras thousand people. 2.2 children from 1.5 to 17 years old - gas masks for children thousand people. filtering 2.3 adult population - civilian gas masks thousand people. 2.4 respirators thousand people Provision of RPE for children under 1.5 years old - children's protective chambers % children from 1.5 to 17 years old - children's gas masks % filtering adults - civilian gas masks % respirators % 3. Need for provision of RHR and C equipment

14 14 unit Name of measurement indicator Total emergency rescue units and rescue services (Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia 999) 3.1 Radiation reconnaissance devices thousand pcs. 3.2 Chemical reconnaissance devices thousand pcs. 3.3 Control devices thousand pcs. 4 Provision of radiation and chemical reconnaissance and monitoring instruments 4.1 Provision of radiation reconnaissance instruments thousand pcs. 4.2 Availability of chemical reconnaissance instruments thousand pcs. 4.3 Provision of control devices thousand pcs. Provision of radiation and chemical reconnaissance and monitoring instruments Provision of radiation reconnaissance instruments % Provision of chemical reconnaissance instruments % Provision of monitoring instruments % 5. Storage of personal protective equipment is organized: 5.1 In warehouses of executive authorities of the constituent entities thousand pcs. Russian Federation 5.2 In warehouses of local governments, thousand pcs. 5.3 In organizations, thousand pieces. 6. Gas masks subject to disposal: 6.1 In the warehouses of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, thousand pieces. 6.2 In the warehouses of local governments, thousand pieces. 6.3 In organizations, thousand pieces. IV. EVACUATION OF POPULATION 1. Number of population subject to evacuation (on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation) thousand people. 1.1 including for territories from settlements classified as civil defense groups, thousand people from settlements not classified as civil defense groups, with thousand people. “HV” objects from settlements not classified as civil defense groups, with category I facilities (except for settlements specified in paragraph) thousand people from settlements with category I railway stations thousand people from zones of possible catastrophic flooding in thousand people within a 4-hour reach of a breakthrough wave from zones of possible dangerous chemical contamination, thousand people from zones of possible dangerous radiation contamination, thousand people. 1.2 including by method of evacuation on foot thousand people by rail thousand people by road transport thousand people by water transport thousand people by air transport thousand people 2. It is planned to use vehicles: units. 2.1 trains units.

15 15 unit Name of measurement indicator Total cars units. 2.3 river and sea vessels units. 2.4 aircraft, helicopters units. 3. Total evacuation time: hour. 4. It is planned to evacuate the population (increasing thousand people total) 4.1 In 6 hours, thousand people. 4.2 In 12 hours, thousand people. 4.3 In 18 hours, thousand people. 4.4 In 24 hours, thousand people. 4.5 In 30 hours thousand people. 4.6 In 36 hours thousand people. 4.7 In 42 hours thousand people. 4.8 In 48 hours thousand people. 4.9 For 54 hours thousand people For 60 hours thousand people For 66 hours thousand people For 72 hours thousand people For 158 hours thousand people In 6 hours % In 12 hours % In 18 hours % In 24 hours % In 30 hours % In 36 hours % In 42 hours % In 48 hours % In 54 hours % In 60 hours % In 66 hours % In 72 hours % In 158 hours % 5. Number of population subject to evacuation to the territory of another federal district of the Russian Federation thousand people. 6. Number of evacuation population accommodated per thousand people. subordinate territory 6.1 Including evacuated population from other federal thousand people. districts located on the subordinate territory 6.2 In existing buildings, of which: thousand people in the housing stock (by sharing) thousand people in public buildings, institutions and enterprises thousand people. 6.3 In the temporarily deployed housing stock (tents, modules) thousand people. 7. Existing opportunities to provide for the evacuated population in places where they are located in the territory under their jurisdiction (according to current standards):

16 16 unit Name of measurement indicator Total protective structures of civil defense, basements and other thousand people. underground premises 7.2 water thousand people 7.3 food thousand people 7.4 basic necessities thousand people 7.5 medical services thousand people V. CIVIL DEFENSE FORCES 1. Rescue military formations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (filled out by regional centers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia): 1.1 personnel thousand people. 1.2 engineering technology units. 1.3 special equipment units. 1.4 motor transport equipment units. 1.5 aviation equipment units. 2. Units of the Federal Fire Service (to be filled in by regional centers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia): 2.1 personnel thousand people. 2.2 engineering technology units. 2.3 special equipment units. 2.4 motor transport equipment units. 3. Emergency rescue units: 3.1 personnel thousand people. 3.2 engineering technology units. 3.3 special equipment units. 3.4 motor transport equipment units. 4. Rescue services: 4.1 personnel thousand people. 4.2 engineering technology units. 4.3 special equipment units 4.4 motor transport equipment units. 5. Forces and assets allocated according to plans for interaction with the military command bodies of the RF Armed Forces and other branches of the military: 5.1 in the interests of the Civil Defense (EMERCOM of Russia): personnel thousand people engineering equipment units special equipment units motor transport equipment units. 5.2 in the interests of the military command and control bodies of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia: personnel thousand people engineering equipment units of special equipment units of motor transport equipment units 6. SNLK institutions including: units. 6.1 centers for sanitary and epidemiological surveillance units. 6.2 veterinary laboratories units. 6.3 design and survey stations and agrochemical units.

17 17 unit Name of measurement indicator Total laboratories 6.4 hydrometeorological stations units. 6.5 other units 7. Emergency rescue units units. 7.1 territorial units 7.2 organizations units 7.3 Total enrollment in NASF, including: thousand people territorial thousand people organizations thousand people 8. Available NASF, by purpose: units. thousand people 8.1 for carrying out emergency rescue operations units. thousand people 8.2 medical units thousand people 8.3 radiation, chemical and biological protection units. thousand people 8.4 fire-fighting units thousand people 8.5 protection of animals and plants units. thousand people 8.6 reconnaissance units thousand people 8.7 sanitary treatment and disinfection of units. thousand people 8.8 protection of public order units. thousand people 8.9 for maintenance of protective structures units. thousand people provision (food, clothing supplies, water supply, vehicle support) units. thousand people other units thousand people VI. PROTECTION OF WATER SOURCES AND DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS 1 Objects of centralized water supply systems 1.1 Number and capacity of headworks units. thousand m3 per day, including units based on underground sources. thousand m 3 of which - provided with a backup source of energy supply per day. units thousand m3 per day. 1.2 Volume of water in water supply and distribution systems thousand m3

18 18 unit Name of measurement indicator Total including those that meet the requirements of standards thousand m Number and volume of drinking water reservoirs units. thousand m including units that meet the requirements of standards. thousand m 3 2 Separate water supply facilities 2.1 Number and flow rate of water intake wells units. thousand m 3 per day, including units that meet the requirements of standards. thousand m3 per day, of which - provided with a reserve source of units. energy supply thousand m 3 per day. Head of a structural unit (employee) authorized (authorized) to solve problems in the field of civil defense of a territorial body of a federal executive body signature transcript of signature

19 19 Neck copy. Appendix 3 to the civil defense plan PLAN for organizing control, communication and warning (developed on a map with an explanatory note) Legend Head of a structural unit (employee) authorized (authorized) to solve problems in the field of civil defense of a territorial body of a federal executive body signature transcript of signature

20 20 Grip specimen. Appendix 3 to the civil defense plan EXPLANATORY NOTE to the plan for organizing control, communications and warning (executed in the form of tables on a map and separately textually, in A4 format in book format MS Word) The explanatory note reflects: a) calculation of forces and means of communication and notifications at control points; b) table of call signs of officials; c) table of call signs of communication centers; d) table of control and warning signals. APPENDICES: 1. Operational communication diagram indicating the directions of communication with subordinate and interacting management bodies, types and means of communication. 2. Notification scheme for the territorial body of the federal executive body. 3. Schedules for the occupation of reserve control points by operational groups and the main composition of the territorial body of the federal executive body. Head of a structural unit (employee) authorized (authorized) to solve problems in the field of civil defense of a territorial body of a federal executive body signature transcript of signature

21 Vulture specimen. Appendix 4 to the civil defense plan CALENDAR PLAN for the implementation of main civil defense activities Name of civil defense activities Volume of work performed, unit of measurement Duration of completion first day Timing of the second day Performers subsequent days minutes hours hours I. When systematically alerting civil defense a ) measures for civil defense of the first stage b) measures for civil defense of the second stage c) measures for civil defense of the third stage d) measures carried out with the receipt of an order to carry out partial evacuation e) measures carried out with the receipt of an order to carry out evacuation measures in full f) measures taken to obtain an order to release (release water) large reservoirs

22 22 Name of civil defense activities Volume of work performed, unit of measurement Duration of implementation first day Timing of implementation second day Performers subsequent days minutes hours hours g) activities carried out with the receipt of an order to withdraw formations to the suburban area II. In the event of a sudden attack by the enemy: a) upon the signal “ATTENTION EVERYONE!” with information about air danger (“Air Raid”) b) on the signal “ATTENTION EVERYONE!” with information about the air hazard clear (“Air raid clear”) c) on the signal “ATTENTION EVERYONE!” with information about a chemical alarm d) on the signal “ATTENTION EVERYONE!” with information about the end of the chemical alarm e) on the signal “ATTENTION EVERYONE!” with information about radiation hazards f) on the signal “ATTENTION EVERYONE!” with information about radiation hazard control Head of a structural unit (employee) authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense of a territorial body of a federal executive body signature transcript of signature

23 23 Note: 1. The application should be executed on an A4 sheet in landscape form in MS Excel format 2. Lines (arrows) of deadlines for the implementation of main civil defense activities are highlighted in the following colors (it is advisable to copy them to the performer’s computer) (the color of the edging line is black): I. When systematically alerting civil defense a) measures for civil defense of the first stage green b) measures for civil defense of the second stage blue c) measures for civil defense of the third stage red d) measures carried out with the receipt of an order to carry out a partial evacuation lilac e ) activities carried out with the receipt of an order to carry out evacuation measures in full f) activities carried out with the receipt of an order to release (release water) large reservoirs g) activities carried out with the receipt of an order to withdraw troops to the suburban area II. In the event of a sudden attack by the enemy: a) upon the signal “ATTENTION EVERYONE!” with information about air danger (“Air Raid”) purple blue dark green crimson b) on the signal “ATTENTION EVERYONE!” with information about the air warning clear (“Clear no air raid color”) c) on the signal “ATTENTION EVERYONE!” with information about a chemical alarm yellow d) on the signal “ATTENTION EVERYONE!” with information about the end of the chemical alarm gray e) on the signal “ATTENTION EVERYONE!” with information about radiation hazards brown e) at the signal “ATTENTION EVERYONE!” with radiation hazard warning information orange

24 g) at the signal “ATTENTION EVERYONE!” with information about the threat of catastrophic flooding turquoise 24

25 PLAN for building up engineering protection Grid copy. Appendix 5 to the civil defense plan Quantity and capacity Type of work with facilities Note At the point of permanent deployment 1. Bringing existing shelters into readiness 2. Adaptation of existing basements and underground premises 3. Completion of shelters according to current year plans 4. Construction of prefabricated shelters 5 Construction of simple shelters Total: 2. In a suburban area 1. Adaptation of existing basements 2. Construction of anti-radiation shelters 3. Construction of simple shelters Total: Head of a structural unit (employee) authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense of a territorial body of a federal body. executive power signature transcript of signature

26 26 Neck copy. Appendix 6 to the civil defense plan COMPOSITION of forces and means of civil defense Total employees people, of which are enrolled: in rescue services people (%) in emergency rescue services people (%), including in non-standard civil defense units people (%) not subject to enrollment in emergency rescue formations (services) people (%) Name of formation Number of formations l/composition radiation devices, including chemical ones, Total, increased Total, increased biological readiness units, readiness units, reconnaissance units ( %) units (%) control, units Communication equipment, units motor transport, units special equipment, units Readiness time, “Time to receive a signal” Head of a structural unit (employee) authorized (authorized) to solve problems in the field of civil defense of a territorial federal body executive authority signature transcript of signature

27 MAIN INDICATORS for planning evacuation measures as of January 1 of the current year Name of the main indicators I. Planned for general evacuation and dispersal 1. Total to be evacuated: - employees of the central office - employees of territorial bodies - employees of organizations under the jurisdiction of the federal executive body 2. In total, the largest working shift is subject to dispersal 3. It is planned for evacuation: - by rail - by road transport - by water transport - on foot 4. Planned vehicles - trains - the total number of cars in them - cars Grief copy. Appendix 7 to the civil defense plan Value number number number - ships II. Planned dynamics of general evacuation (cumulatively from the moment the order for general evacuation is received) 1. Evacuation is carried out: - 12 hours before - 18 hours before - 24 hours before 2. The second and third shifts of organizations that continue to function in wartime are dispersed within hours III. Planned dynamics of partial evacuation 1. Planned for partial evacuation, total Including: - by road - by rail 2. Evacuated: - in 1 day - in 2 days

28 28 - for 3 days - for 4 days - for 5 days Name of main indicators Value IV. To be placed in a suburban area 1. Total to be placed for evacuation 2. Total to be placed for dispersal V. Total to be dispersed and evacuated 1. Total to be evacuated Secretary of the evacuation commission signature transcript of signature

29 29 Neck copy. Appendix 8 to the civil defense plan AGREED Head of the executive body name of the subject of the Russian Federation signature transcript of the signature APPROVED Head of the territorial body of the federal executive body signature transcript of the signature 201 201 AGREED Head of the local government body (name of the local government body) signature transcript of the signature AGREED local government body (name of local government body) signature transcript of signature 201 201 PLAN for the evacuation and dispersal of workers and members of their families (developed in the form of a text document with attachments in A4 format in book form in MS Word format) Yagodny village 2012

30 30 The text part of the evacuation plan for employees of the territorial body of the federal executive body and members of their families reflects: 1. The procedure for bringing evacuation authorities to readiness. 2. The procedure for notifying about the start of evacuation, gathering employees of the territorial body of the federal executive body and members of their families and instructing them; 3. The number of employees of the territorial body of the federal executive body and members of their families subject to evacuation; 4. Information about the SEP, the time of deployment of the SEP and the arrival there of employees of the territorial body of the federal executive body and members of their families; 5. The procedure for preparing the necessary documents and minimally necessary cargo for evacuation, loading them onto vehicles and unloading them at evacuation points; 6. The procedure for transferring documents, equipment and property remaining at points of permanent deployment; 7. The procedure for storing documents, equipment and property taken to evacuation points and remaining in points of permanent deployment, as well as their protection; 8. Evacuation routes, intermediate evacuation points, embarkation and disembarkation points, the number of vehicles allocated for evacuation transportation, their distribution along the routes; 9. Heads of evacuation trains, senior vehicle convoys and other officials responsible for organizing transportation to the suburban area; 10. Organization of protection of employees of the territorial body of the federal executive body and members of their families in gathering places and on evacuation routes; 11. Organization of control and communication during the evacuation. APPENDICES: 1. Map of evacuation and dispersal of workers and members of their families 2. Plan of placement of workers and members of their families in a suburban area Chairman of the evacuation commission signature transcript of signature

31 31 Neck copy. Appendix 1 to the plan for the evacuation and dispersal of workers and members of their families MAP of the evacuation and dispersal of workers and members of their families Symbols Chairman of the evacuation commission signature transcript of the signature

32 32 Neck copy. Appendix 2 to the plan for the evacuation and dispersal of workers and members of their families PLAN for the placement of workers and members of their families in the suburban area (developed on a map (plan) of the safe area of ​​the suburban area) Legend Chairman of the evacuation commission signature transcript of signature

33 33 Neck copy. Appendix 9 to the civil defense plan CALCULATION of shelter for employees of a territorial body of a federal executive body at a point of permanent deployment during working hours in the event of a surprise attack by the enemy as of January 1 of the current year Shelter, person Name Quantity In structural Shelter Shelter In employees of division 1 2 metro In basements underground passages Note Total: Head of a structural unit (employee) authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense of a territorial body of a federal executive body signature transcript of signature

34 Grip specimen. Appendix 10 to the civil defense plan CALCULATION of provision and procedure for issuing personal protective equipment to workers Name of structural unit Total Subject to provision Gas masks Respirators Medical protective equipment, including availability Availability First aid kits for individuals and employees need dual need, availability/need IPP, availability/need PPM , availability/need Places of issue Note: IPP individual anti-chemical packages; Medical dressing package Note Head of a structural unit (employee) authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense of a territorial body of a federal executive body signature transcript of signature

35 Grip specimen. Appendix 11 to the civil defense plan COMPOSITION of operational groups leaving for emergency control points to solve problems in the field of civil defense Last name, first name, patronymic Position held Type of transport, route of movement, time of arrival at the emergency control point Note Operational group 1 Operational group 2 Operational group 3 Head of a structural unit (employee) authorized (authorized) to solve problems in the field of civil defense of a territorial body of a federal executive body signature transcript of signature

CIVIL DEFENSE AND PROTECTION AGAINST EMERGENCY SITUATIONS IN INSTITUTIONS, ORGANIZATIONS AND ENTERPRISES http://civil-defense-and-protection-from-emergency.rf Monthly magazine for managers and specialists responsible

STRUCTURE of the civil defense plan (name of the organization classified as civil defense and (or) continuing to work in wartime) (hereinafter referred to as the name of the COE) The plan consists of a text

Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 27, 2012 N 23622 Approved by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated 02/16/2012 N 70 DSP PROCEDURE FOR DEVELOPMENT, COORDINATION AND APPROVAL OF CIVIL DEFENSE AND POPULATION PROTECTION PLANS

Extract from the Procedure for the development, coordination and approval of civil defense and population protection plans (civil defense plans), approved by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated February 16, 2012 70 (registered

Approved by order dated February 16, 2012 70 The procedure for the development, coordination and approval of civil defense and population protection plans (civil defense plans) I. General provisions This Development Procedure,

Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 26, 2008 N 12740 MINISTRY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FOR CIVIL DEFENSE, EMERGENCIES AND ELIMINATION OF THE CONSEQUENCES OF NATURAL DISASTER ORDER dated November 14

GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION DECISION of June 22, 2004 303 MOSCOW On the procedure for evacuating the population, material and cultural assets to safe areas In accordance with Federal Law


MINISTRY OF ENERGY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ORDER dated December 9, 2009 N 552 On approval of the Regulations on the organization and conduct of civil defense in the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation In accordance

Topic 1.5. Purpose, structure and tasks of civil defense (CD) Contents: Purpose, history of the creation of civil defense Tasks and main activities of civil defense during military operations Purpose, history

GOST R 42.0.02-2001 STATE STANDARD OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION CIVIL DEFENSE TERMS AND DEFINITIONS OF BASIC CONCEPTS Gosstandart of Russia Moscow unofficial publication GOST 42.0.02-2001 Preface


CALENDAR PLAN of main events of Tuva State University, Kyzyl-2012 2 First 1. 2. 3. 4. Notification of management staff and employees of structural units authorized

Administration of the Mordovian district of the Tambov region RESOLUTION 06.16.2016 r.p. Mordovo 368 On approval of the Regulations on the organization and conduct of civil defense in the Mordovian district of the Tambov region

ADMINISTRATION OF THE TASHARINSKY VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE MOSHKOVSKY DISTRICT OF THE NOVOSIBIRSK REGION DECISION dated May 17, 2013 63 On approval of the Procedure for preparing for and conducting civil defense in the Tashara Village Council

RUSSIAN FEDERATION Irkutsk region Ust-Ilimsky district Tubinsk municipal formation ADMINISTRATION DECISION of 07/16/2012 56 p. Tubinsky On approval of the Regulations on rescue services

ADMINISTRATION OF LOKTEVSKY DISTRICT OF THE ALTAI TERRITORY DECISION dated December 22, 2009 804 miner On planning civil defense activities in the territory of Loktevsky District For the purpose of organizing planning

ADMINISTRATION OF THE MUNICIPAL FORMATION “BARYSH DISTRICT” REGULATION 02.02.16 52-A Barysh Ex. On approval of the Regulations on the organization and conduct of civil defense in the municipality

HEAD OF CHISTOOZERNOY DISTRICT OF NOVOSIBIRSK REGION DECISION dated 06/20/2007 405 On the advance preparation of the suburban area and carrying out evacuation measures in wartime. In accordance with the Federal

Privolzhsky Regional Center for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief (Privolzhsky Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia) METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS for

Yuzhnouralsk Russian Federation Chelyabinsk region ADMINISTRATION OF THE YUZHNOURAL CITY DISTRICT On approval of the Regulations on the organization and conduct of civil defense in the Yuzhnouralsk city district

DECISION OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE MUNICIPAL FORMATION "LIMANSKY DISTRICT" dated 02/16/2016 72 On approval of the Procedure for preparing for and conducting civil defense in the municipal formation "Limansky"

Federal Law of February 12, 1998 28-FZ On Civil Defense (as of December 2009 as amended by Federal Law 51-FZ of June 19, 2004; 122-FZ of August 22, 2004; 103-FZ of June 19, 2007; 267-FZ dated November 25, 2009) Adopted

ACCEPTED APPROVED at the general meeting Director of GBOU Secondary School 2 Minutes _1 “_10_” 01 2012 L. I. Akhmerova Order 16 of “_11_” 01_ 2012 REGULATIONS on civil defense and mobilization activities of the state

The occurrence of emergency situations, as well as the determination of the forces and means involved for this. 1.3. Responsibilities regarding the development and implementation of the Plan, as well as responsibility for its compliance with requirements

February 12, 1998 No. 28 Federal Law RUSSIAN FEDERATION FEDERAL LAW ON CIVIL DEFENSE (as amended by Federal Laws dated October 9, 2002 No. 123 Federal Law, dated June 19, 2004 No. 51 Federal Law, dated August 22, 2004 No. 122 Federal Law, dated June 19, 2002 007

REGULATIONS on the organization and conduct of civil defense in the State Budget Educational Institution Secondary School 1912 1. General provisions 1.1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the Federal Law of February 12, 1998 N 28-FZ “On Civil

REGULATIONS ON CIVIL DEFENSE IN GBPOU "SOLIKAMSK TECHNOLOGICAL COLLEGE" 1 AREA OF APPLICATION Date of introduction - 2015-04-03 1.1. These Regulations determine the procedure for organizing and conducting events

February 12, 1998 N 28-FZ RUSSIAN FEDERATION FEDERAL LAW ON CIVIL DEFENSE Adopted by the State Duma on December 26, 1997 Approved by the Federation Council on January 28, 1998 List of amendments

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF SEVASTOPOL State budgetary educational institution of the city of Sevastopol “Secondary school 61 named after Hero of the Soviet Union A.I. Marinesko" 299006,

APPROVED by the resolution of the Head of the Lokomotiv urban district dated October 10, 2014 84-P REGULATIONS on rescue services of civil defense and emergency rescue units of Lokomotiv

Civil defense plan of an organization not classified as a civil defense organization. 1. When brought to the attention of an organization that ceases production activities in wartime on the territory of Snezhinsky

ADMINISTRATION OF THE MUNICIPAL FORMATION "KOTLAS" DECISION dated "_27_" _February_ 2009 _277_ On approval of the Regulations on the organization and conduct of civil defense on the territory of the municipality "Kotlas" In accordance



See graphic copy of the official publication Federal Law of February 12, 1998 N 28-FZ “On Civil Defense” (as amended on October 9, 2002, June 19, August 22, 2004, June 19, 2007, 25


February 12, 1998 N 28-FZ RUSSIAN FEDERATION FEDERAL LAW ON CIVIL DEFENSE (as amended by Federal Laws dated 09.10.2002 N 123-FZ, dated 19.06.2004 N 51-FZ, dated 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ, dated 19. 06 .2007

Appendix 1 to the order dated January 27, 2014 05/01/11 APPROVED by the Director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Novosibirsk Trade and Economic College Zh.V. Safonova January 27, 2014 /SIGNED/ Regulations on facility evacuation

Approved by the Decree of the Administration of Shevchenkovsky Rural Settlement dated May 24, 2013 27 REGULATIONS on the procedure for creating emergency rescue units on the territory of Shevchenkovsky Rural Settlement


A S5 * \ & l m p h >: and 4- \ 1> sz- -s" l? "i???# * * w REGULATIONS on the organization and conduct of civil defense in MAOU "Gymnasium 6" SED-01- 02-8 E. A. Vasilyeva 1. General provisions 1.1. These Regulations

GOVERNMENT OF THE ASTRAKHAN REGION DECREE 01/22/2016 1-P On introducing amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Astrakhan Region dated 05.11.2008 566-P In order to bring it into compliance with the legislation

RUSSIAN FEDERATION Irkutsk region municipal entity "Ust-Ilimsky district" A D M I N I S T R A T I O N I N O V L E N D dated January 14, 2016 Ust-Ilimsk 5 On approval Regulations on the organization

ADMINISTRATION OF THE CITY OF SOSNOVOBORSK DECISION of April 2016 On approval of the regulation “On the organization and conduct of civil defense in the city of Sosnovoborsk” In accordance with the Federal Law dated

Protection of the population, material and cultural values ​​in modern war Moscow 2014 The organization and conduct of civil defense are one of the most important functions of the state, components of the defense

HEAD OF THE ISTRA MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF THE MOSCOW REGION REGULATION dated 09.06. 201 6 163/6 On approval of the Regulations on the organization and conduct of civil defense in the Istra municipal

For official use Ex. SAMPLE OF AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. APPROVED by the First Deputy Governor of the Kurgan Region, Director of the Department of Agriculture and Processing Industry of the Kurgan Region

KURGAN REGION ADMINISTRATION OF ALMENEVSKY DISTRICT DECISION April 2016 p. Almenevo On the organization and conduct of civil defense on the territory of the Almenevo district In pursuance of the Federal

2 - advanced training for the heads of the NF Academy under the training program for officials and specialists of civil defense and RSChS in the training and methodological center for civil defense and emergency situations of the Ulyanovsk region and in the courses of civil defense MBU "Management"

HEAD of the city of Vyshny Volochyok, Tver region Resolution dated 03/03/2016 62 On approval of the Procedure for preparing for and conducting civil defense in the municipal formation “City of Vyshny Volochyok”

Topic: “Actions of personnel when bringing a non-standard emergency rescue formation into readiness” 1. The purpose and procedure for creating the NASF Non-standard emergency rescue formations are represented by

Resolution of the Mayor of Naberezhnye Chelny dated 02/01/2016 M 30 On amendments to the Procedure for preparing for and conducting civil defense in the municipal formation of the city of Naberezhnye Chelny, approved

Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Southern Regional Center for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS for planning and preparing for the evacuation of material

Russian Federation ADMINISTRATION of the Romanovsky village council of the Aleksandrovsky district of the Orenburg region DECISION dated 07/08/2011 31-p On approval of the Regulations on the organization and conduct of civil

NOU HPE ESSENTUK INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, BUSINESS AND LAW ORDER 09.20.2011 Essentuki 40 On the implementation of the “Job description of a civil defense engineer authorized to solve problems

APPROVED by the Chairman of the CoES and Fire Safety (name of organization, facility) 2014 Plan - outline for conducting a lesson with emergency rescue units (Training group 1 Basic training) Topic

Order 108 of September 30 was put into effect. 2011 Approved by School Director: Ignatiev M.V. REGULATIONS on the organization and conduct of civil defense in the municipal educational institution "Yuzhno-Podolsk

LIST OF regulatory legal, organizational and planning documents and documents on the management of civil defense and emergency measures, for development in organizations, enterprises and institutions (economic entities)

Topic 5: RSChS facility link and Civil defense in an educational institution. Regulatory support Federal laws 1. 28-FZ of February 12, 1998 “On Civil Defense” 2. 68-FZ. from 12/21/94

How to develop a business plan? What sections does a business plan consist of?

In response to these business planning questions, below areRecommendations for developing a business plan

Business plan: Introduction

Business plan is a comprehensive description of a business and the environment in which it operates, and the management system it needs to achieve its objectives.

There is no standard for developing a business plan due to the diversity of business goals and the endless variations in the environment in which it operates. Therefore, it takes skill and perseverance to describe a 3- or 5-year business outlook, especially in a rapidly changing economy.
conditions of the NIS. Therefore, a significant part of any business plan will be sections on systematic control and regulation of business.

Although business plan Generally considered a tool for obtaining credit, it also serves other purposes:
. identifying business goals
. assisting in the development of strategy and operational tactics to achieve business goals
. creating a performance measurement system
. providing business management tools
. providing a means of assessing the strengths and weaknesses of a business, as well as identifying alternative survival strategies.
There are a significant number of developments for drawing up a business plan, but they are all similar and differ only in the sequence of sections. This material should be considered as a guide to writing a business plan.

Main sections business plan are the following:
1. Brief description
2. Business and its strategy
3. Market and marketing strategy
4. Production and operation
5. Management and decision making process
6. Finance
7. Risk factors
8. Applications

This section, unfortunately, is often underestimated by developers. Although it is one of the most important sections of the plan, as it may or may not arouse the interest of the reader (who could become a potential banker or investor).

Business plan: Checklist for writing a brief

_ a brief history of the business, describing the period of its creation and growth
_ a brief description of the current stage of business development and the environment in which
it is underway
_ a brief description of the distribution of shares, responsibilities, etc., and the participation of management in strategic decision-making
_ a brief description of the business objectives (for example, instructions on the added value of products in processing and marketing)
_ a description of how it was decided to implement the proposed business plan and
where can this take the company?

_ a brief description of what makes the product unique and those distinctive features that make it unbeatable in terms of pricing and/or quality and/or duration of supply of raw materials

_ existing market capacity, growth
_ domestic and/or international
_ distribution channels
_ projected growth
_ estimated market share (based on confirmed estimates)

Management and staff
_ How staffed are you?
_ what is the educational level?
_ what is the unemployment rate in this area of ​​business?
_ brief description of existing experience (emphasize strengths!)

_ description of the exact purposes of the required funding
_ forecasting income and net income after taxes for three periods
next years
_ designing the start of profit receipt

Business plan: Short description

This section provides a thorough description of the company. It should not exceed 5 pages.
_ Checklist of questions to describe the business and its overall strategy
_ description of the business organization, forms of participation in it, board of directors, management scheme and highly professional personnel
_ description of business goals
_ what do you think are the economic benefits?
_ will the added value of production of products or services be a characteristic of the processing and marketing process?
_ Description of business strategy
_ at what stage is the business currently?
_ what stages of growth can be predicted for the next 3-5 years?
_ Description of the main characteristics of products and services:
_ prices and quality
_ cost compared to competitors
_ any negative characteristics of the business, and how they can be adjusted or eliminated
_ rules and regulations and how they should be followed
_ Description of the management strategy and marketing strategy that needs
follow, for example, to reduce costs, obtain higher added value, acquire a leadership position in product quality
_ General description of the market
_ what market will you strive for?
_ does this business create new demand or satisfy existing demand?
_ what is the potential growth of the market?
_ what is the product for the buyer?
_ who are the buyers (for example, wholesale buyers, exporters)?
_ who are the competitors and what is their market share, their strengths and weaknesses?

Business and its overall strategy

Business plan: Marketing analysis

The entrepreneur must show that he has a good understanding of the market and requirements
market for its products. This section will evaluate the expected
progress of your business.
This section should consist of:
industry sector analysis
. the structure of this sector has a great influence on the success of the business
consumer needs analysis
. your business must meet the expectations of consumers, such as retailers or wholesalers, and/or end users who are store owners or processors of your products
competitor analysis
. A market economy is competition. To survive and be successful, you need to know who your competitors are, how they do business, and, if possible, the key factors for their success.
SWOT analysis
. Taking into account all the aspects described earlier, an analysis of the SWOT can be carried out.

This is an analysis of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of a business, based on research into actual and potential markets. This analysis serves as a means of identifying the comparative advantages of your business.
_Market Analysis Checklist

Business plan: Industry Sector Analysis
_What is the total sales for this sector?
_ What is the total sales volume of the products considered in the business plan?
_ How much of the product needs to be sold on regional, national and international markets?
_ What are the trends (forecasts) for product sales in the domestic and international markets?
_What is the typical gross profit?
_ What are the market segments (geographical, industrial, wholesalers,
etc.) in the industrial sector that this business represents?
_ Describe all relevant market segments and their growth trends
_What is the average profitability of the respective products?
_ What are the restrictions on sales of products of this business, and how are they supposed to be overcome?
_ Describe the size and location of a business similar to the one in question.

Business plan: Assessing consumer needs
_ What kind of product packaging is needed?
_What is the shelf life of the products?
_ How often can deliveries be made?
_ What are the terms of payment (credit)?
_What are the required guarantees?

Business plan: End user:
_ Who are the end users?
_ Where are they located?
_ How often do you buy products?
_ How do they react to the price of products?
_ How is product quality determined?

Business plan: Marketing analysis and marketing strategy
_What special product qualities do they want?
_ How much would you like to pay for the service?
_ How satisfied are you with existing products?
and especially for consumers:
_ Types of people buying products
_On what factors do they base their purchasing decisions?
_What is their income level or what group do they belong to?
_What stores do you visit to buy products?
_Do they do comparison shopping?
_What type of product promotion will stimulate their purchases?

Business plan: Competitor analysis
_ What is the quality of products and services?
_What is the reputation?
_Are their customers loyal to them?
_ What is the size of the business (quantitative assessment)?
_What type of guarantees are offered?
_ How do they distribute their products?
_How effective?
_Are there reliable financial resources?
_Is the business managed well?

Business plan: SWOT analysis

It is impossible to create a checklist of questions for conducting a SWOT analysis, since the content of such an analysis is very specific (the main points are not set out anywhere). To make the task easier, we provide only a description of the concept of SWOT analysis and give some examples...

Download full document

Each bank or financial credit institution may have its own requirements for developing a business plan.

Before opening a new business or before upgrading an existing enterprise, the project initiator needs to know how much money and at what point in time will be needed to achieve the goals. To predict certain management decisions, a business plan is drawn up.

Our company offers a wide range of services in the field of financial modeling,

  • building a financial model (from scratch, without templates);
  • drawing up a business plan;
  • development of a feasibility study;
  • optimization of current business processes in an existing enterprise.

We offer a wide range of convenient package offers at reasonable prices, and we are ready to meet your deadlines (even if we are talking about urgent work).

We are ready to offer mutually beneficial terms of cooperation as part of the implementation of joint projects in the field of financial modeling and consulting.

If you are a representative of a bank or other financial and credit institution, we will be happy to consider a suitable option for preparing a product such as a financial model, business plan or feasibility study for the purposes of your company or your customers.

Drawing up a business plan is a process of close interaction between our specialist and the initiator of the project or with the project team created by the customer, which, as a rule, includes: a project manager, a staff economist, an accountant, a staff technologist, a marketer, as well as other external experts.

In order to draw up a business plan with maximum detail, it is necessary to take a high-quality and correct approach to the collection and systematization of initial data. Detailed instructions regarding the process of preparing initial data for drawing up a business plan are available.

Each business plan developed by our company’s specialists consists of two parts: a financial model and a report.

The experience of recent years of our company shows that the financial model is becoming an independent and independent product that the company requires to conduct a comprehensive analysis and take into account all operational and economic processes occurring in the enterprise. Most often, such a financial model in the customer’s language is also called a document such as a “business plan”. In fact, in order to draw up a business plan, it is imperative to create a financial model that can reveal the activities of the enterprise with varying degrees of detail (by year, by quarter, by month).

In a business plan for an enterprise or production, it is advisable to achieve monthly detailing, since in detailing, for example, by year, there is a risk of not taking into account cash gaps. If an enterprise produces products and has a large number of employees, not taking into account the cash gap is fraught with losses and the danger of getting into a difficult situation. That is why, at the stage of drawing up forecast financial documentation, it is extremely important to comprehensively evaluate your own project in order to either avoid cash gaps, or, in situations where this is impossible, to minimize negative consequences by optimizing other financial flows of the enterprise.

In the structure of the business plan below, you can see such a section as the marketing section of the market. Please note that our company’s specialists do not conduct field or desk marketing research. If you need to include a market analysis in your business plan, we suggest you use your own resource base or contact specialized agencies that are ready to provide the information you need.

In some cases, in order to draw up a business plan according to the requirements of a particular bank, it is necessary to provide a calculation of the discount rate. In such situations, our company’s financial analysts are ready to offer the optimal discount rate for the customer’s business. If this is not enough, we recommend that our customers resort to the services of a professional risk analyst.

If you are planning to order a business plan from our company, we will offer you our full-time employee specializing in your business area (industrial production, agriculture, leasing transactions, service industry, catering, etc.). After this, our qualified specialist analyzes the initial data you have to develop a business plan. If the initial data is not enough, our employee creates a detailed list of questions for your project.

After completing the financial modeling procedure and after agreeing with the customer on the final version of the financial model, our specialist begins generating a report (printed version of the business plan). If the financial model is compiled in a transparent software environment based on MS Excel and its value lies, first of all, in electronic form for the possibility of subsequently making the necessary changes or adjustments to the source data, then the printed version of the business plan is executed in the MS Word text editor. For informational purposes, an example of a report (or a printed version of a business plan) is posted on our website.

Consists of the following sections:

Section 1. “Company capabilities (summary).”

Section 2. “General description of the company.”

Section 3. “Types of goods (services).”

Section 4. “Markets for sales of goods (services).”

Section 5. “Competition in sales markets.”

Section 6. “Production plan.”

Section 7. “Marketing Plan”.

Section 8. “Legal Plan”

Section 9. “Organizational plan.”

Section 10. “Risk assessment and insurance.”

Section 11. “Financial plan”.

Section 12. “Financing Strategy.”

Section 1. “Company capabilities (summary)”

This section should not exceed several pages. Its text should be understandable even to a non-specialist - extreme simplicity and a minimum of special terms. Working on this section is extremely important, because if it does not produce a favorable effect on investors and creditors, then they simply will not look further than the business plan.

In general, the summary should answer two questions for future investors or creditors of the company (including its shareholders): “What will they get if this plan is successfully implemented?” and “What is the risk of them losing money?” This section should be developed at the very end of drawing up a business plan, when complete clarity has been achieved on all other issues.

In the section “Company Opportunities (Summary),” all areas of the company’s activities, target markets for each area and the company’s place in these markets are determined in priority order. For each area, goals are established that the company strives for, strategies for achieving them, including a list of necessary activities. Responsible persons are identified for each strategy. This section contains information that gives an idea of ​​the company, as well as all the necessary data characterizing its commercial activities.

Section 2. “General description of the company”

The business plan itself begins with a general description of the company. Its volume should not exceed several pages. The description should reflect the main activities and nature of the company. There is no need to go into details as they can be covered in other sections.

In this section, you should answer the following questions. Is the company a manufacturing, trading or service company? What and how does it intend to provide its clients? Where is it? In what geographic area does she intend to develop her business (locally, nationally, internationally)?

You should also provide some information regarding what stage of development the company has reached. Is her business at an early stage where she does not yet have a fully developed product range? Does it have a developed product range but has not yet started marketing? Or is it already marketing its products and looking to expand its operations? Those. prove the feasibility of the project.

It is very important to formulate business goals. Perhaps the company is aiming to reach a certain sales volume or geographic area. Or perhaps it hopes to become a public company or an attractive takeover candidate. Statement of such goals is important to the reviewer and may generate significant interest in the proposals. Of course, these goals should look realistic and achievable.

Section 3. “Types of goods (services)”

This section of the business plan describes all the goods and services that the company produces. The writing of this section is preceded by significant preliminary work on the selection of goods or services that should become the basis of the company's business. In this section you must provide a description of all existing and new products and services offered by the company, answering the following questions:

1. What products (services) are offered by the company? Describe them.

2. A visual representation of the product (photo or drawing).

3. Product name.

4. What needs (real and potential) are the offered goods and services intended to satisfy?

5. How variable is the demand for these goods (services)?

6. Are these goods (services) expensive?

7. To what extent do these goods (services) meet legal requirements?

8. In what markets and how are they sold?

9. Why do consumers prefer these goods (services) of the company? What is their main advantage? What are their disadvantages?

11. What are the prices at which goods (services) are sold? What are the costs of their production? What profit will the sale of one unit of each product (service) bring?

12. What are the main technical and economic indicators of goods (services)?

13. Does this product have a brand name?

14. How is after-sales service organized for these products if they are technical products?

Section 4. “Markets for sales of goods (services)”

This section is aimed at studying markets and allows the entrepreneur to clearly imagine who will buy his product and where his niche is in the market.

First, an entrepreneur needs to find an answer to the following questions:

1. In what markets does the company operate or will it operate? What types of markets does the firm use?

2. What are the main segments of these markets for each type of product (service)?

3. Are the markets (market segments) in which the company operates or will operate based on commercial efficiency and other market indicators?

4. What influences the demand for the company’s goods (services) in each of these segments?

5. What are the prospects for changes in customer needs in each market segment?

6. How is it expected to respond to these changes?

7. How is the study of needs and demand carried out?

8. What is the total and import capacity of each national market and segment used for all goods (services) of the company?

9. What are the forecasts for the development of segment capacity in each market?

10. What is the market reaction to new products (services)?

11. Are market tests and trial sales carried out?

After answering these questions in this section of the business plan, you must present:

Assessment of potential market capacity.

Estimation of potential sales volume.

Estimation of actual sales volume.

Section 5. “Competition in sales markets”

Here you need to make a realistic assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of competing products (services) and name the companies that produce them, identify sources of information indicating which products are the most competitive, compare competing products (services) by basic price, characteristics, service, warranty and other significant features. It is advisable to present this information in the form of a table. You should briefly justify the existing advantages and disadvantages of competing goods (services). It is advisable to display what knowledge about the actions of competitors can help your company create new or improved products (services).

It is necessary to show the advantages and disadvantages of competing firms, determine the scope of each competitor in the market, show who has the maximum and minimum price, whose products are of the highest quality. It is advisable to rank the company's competitive positions, which will clarify its position and identify opportunities for potential improvements. For each target market, the firm's position must be compared with that of its competitors based on criteria such as advertising, placement, products, services, prices and image.

The rank of the company and its main competitors is indicated using a 5 or 10 point system. For each of the target markets, it is necessary to compare transport costs with those of competitors, the quality of products and packaging, compare the possibilities of reducing prices, and also have an idea of ​​​​the advertising campaign and the image of companies.

Various types of plans are regularly drawn up by enterprise management. The success of the work and the achievement of high results largely depends on how clearly, efficiently and in detail they are compiled. This is a kind of guideline that helps the enterprise move in the right direction, taking into account the external situation and the degree of resource availability.

Plans and planning

Planning is an activity to determine the future state and functioning of the company. It plays a huge role in the activities of the organization and carries several important functions:

  • determining the development prospects of the enterprise;
  • ensuring savings in material resources;
  • reducing the risk of ruin and bankruptcy due to unforeseen fluctuations in the economy;
  • timely response to changes in market conditions;
  • increasing work efficiency.

A plan is an approved document that contains a specific list of actions, goals, methods and digital indicators compiled for a specified period. In addition, it includes information about available and missing resources, which are designed to ensure the most complete compliance of the results obtained with those previously stated.

Principles of planning

All types of plans are drawn up on the basis of certain principles:

  • objective necessity dictated by modern economic conditions;
  • all indicators must be specific and have a numerical dimension;
  • the plan must have clear time boundaries;
  • all figures must be realistic and justified (based on the availability of resources at the enterprise);
  • the form of the program must be flexible so that it is possible to adapt to changes in the external and internal environment;
  • planning should be carried out comprehensively and cover all areas of the enterprise’s activities;
  • programs for all structural divisions should not contradict each other;
  • all plans drawn up and certified are binding;
  • focus on achieving maximum economic results;
  • At each stage, several alternatives must be developed, among which the optimal one is subsequently selected.

Compliance with these principles allows you to make plans realistic, detailed, and most importantly - effective.

What are the plans?

In accordance with various classification criteria, the following types of plans are distinguished (for better clarity, we have presented the material in the form of a table).

Sign Kinds
By time Short term.

Medium term.


By purpose Tactical.



By accuracy Detailed.


By area of ​​application Corporate.
By content Production and sales of products.




Financial and investment.


By reference Reactive (due to some events or based on previous experience).

Interactive (involve the interaction of past, future and present indicators).

All of the listed qualification characteristics can exist either separately or intersect in one planning document.

Business plan

To attract investment or to receive a loan to develop your own business, you need to correctly present your idea. To do this, it is necessary to draw up a business plan, which provides information about the organization, as well as its financial indicators. It consists of the following sections:

  • First, a short summary is drawn up that reflects the general content of the document;
  • further describes the goals of the project, as well as the tasks that are designed to ensure their achievement (this component of the plan should reflect not only the philosophy of the organization, but also its focus on material results);
  • information about the activities of the company;
  • analysis of the situation in the industry, as well as a description of the competitive environment;
  • target audience and markets;
  • marketing strategy and promotional activities;
  • production technology;
  • organizational structure and activities to support activities;
  • information on the planned number and structure of personnel;
  • financial part (this component of the plan must contain calculations of all economic indicators);
  • enterprise responsibility;
  • unforeseen circumstances and business liquidation.

Inspection plan

The operation of an enterprise requires continuous monitoring of compliance with specified indicators. To do this, an inspection plan is drawn up for the organization as a whole, as well as for each department separately. Similar documents are also prepared by tax and other regulatory services. At an enterprise, inspections can be carried out either in-house or with the involvement of third parties and organizations. This should also be included in the plan.

Defining a long-term strategy

Strategic planning is the process of determining the desired future state of an enterprise through analysis, forecasting and goal setting. We can say that this is a specific set of actions to create long-term prospects for the organization.

Strategic planning may include the following:

  • distribution of material and technical resources between divisions of the organization;
  • responding to changes in the external environment, as well as conquering one’s own niche in the market;
  • possible future change in the organizational form of the enterprise;
  • coordination of management actions in the internal environment;
  • analysis of past experience in relation to future plans.

The strategy of the enterprise is developed by the top managers of the company. It must be supported by financial calculations based on retrospective analysis. One of the main requirements for such plans is flexibility, because the external environment is quite unstable. Also, when developing a strategy, you need to take into account the fact that the costs of its implementation must be fully justified by the expected results.

Enterprise development

The enterprise development plan implies fundamental changes in both the economic and organizational systems of the company. At the same time, significant financial and technological growth should be observed. The central place is occupied by an increase in the volume of products produced and, as a consequence, net profit.

A strategic development plan for an enterprise can be developed in the following main areas:

  • improvement of the production program;
  • introduction of achievements of scientific and technological progress;
  • increasing production efficiency by increasing labor productivity and material productivity;
  • a plan for the construction of new structures, as well as the installation of new equipment;
  • improvement of personnel structure and composition;
  • improving the social status of workers;
  • introduction of environmentally friendly production systems.

Long-term plans

Long-term plans are the most important component of the activities of managers, which largely determines the efficiency of the company as a whole. During their development, not only specific goals should be specified, but also the resources that will be used to achieve them. In addition, the timing of the implementation of planned activities must be determined. We can say that it is necessary not only to determine the directions of activity, but also to anticipate options for the development of the situation in the external environment.

Long-term plans are based on forecasts regarding the future economic situation both inside and outside the organization. The period for drawing up such a program can cover a period of time up to 15 years.

Financial planning

The financial plan is inextricably linked with the development of economic and social issues. It reflects the use of material resources, as well as the planned cost of finished products. Also, when drawing up this document, the use of existing material reserves and financial resources should be provided in order to improve the production process.

A financial plan is similar in form to a balance sheet. It must clearly state all the items that relate to the revenue and expenditure parts. The income section displays transactions such as income from participation in capital, interest on deposit accounts, etc. Speaking about costs, they note depreciation, debt repayment, and so on.

Enterprise annual plan

Almost every manufacturing (and even non-manufacturing) enterprise considers it obligatory to draw up a work plan for the year. It specifies such points as the costs of producing units and parts, as well as the cost of finished products, the revenue expected to be received, as well as the amount of mandatory payments.

The annual plan is something like a forecast. It is based on development trends of the enterprise itself, as well as the industry and market as a whole. These forecasts are based on data from previous periods, taking into account possible deviations and unforeseen fluctuations in the economy.

In large enterprises, it is not enough to draw up an annual plan just for the organization as a whole. Financial calculations and detailed economic indicators for each division are required. Moreover, such plans must be interconnected and have no contradictions.

Drawing up an operational plan

The operational work plan allows you to ensure the implementation of the strategic goals of the enterprise. Unlike long-term plans, this type regulates the current activities of the company. Such a document may cover a period of up to three months.

  • the organizational structure of the enterprise, which must undergo changes or remain in the same state;
  • manipulations with the existing technological base or the acquisition of new equipment;
  • increasing the efficiency of economic efficiency in general or its individual indicators;
  • determining the profitability of the coordinates of the enterprise itself or its main counterparties;
  • improvement of inventory management procedures in order to ensure their savings;
  • improvement of product quality control processes at all stages of its production;
  • increasing the company's reputation among suppliers and clients by improving its image.

Procedure for drawing up plans

Drawing up business plans for enterprises involves going through several successive stages:

  • identification of possible problems and risks that the enterprise may encounter in the future;
  • determination of the goals of the enterprise, as well as their clear economic justification and assessment of the reality of their implementation;
  • planning the material, technical and financial condition of the enterprise; estimating the cost of resources that are necessary to achieve the objectives;
  • detailing goals by dividing them into separate specific tasks;
  • development of measures to monitor the implementation of plans, as well as determining their schedule.

Without drawing up clear and detailed plans, it is impossible to ensure the smooth and efficient functioning of the enterprise. Management must have a clear understanding of the goals of the activity, as well as the means that will be needed to achieve them. In addition, all types of plans enable the company to mitigate the impact of economic fluctuations.