How to beautifully design a company name. Examples of beautiful, creative and successful LLC company names in alphabetical list

Choosing a name for a company is not an easy task. First of all, it should be meaningful and easy to remember. It may also turn out that the option you like is already taken. Or people whose opinions you trust may not share your enthusiasm for the chosen title. All this can make the search long and tedious.

Many people face difficulties in finding the perfect name for their brand. That's why we decided to collect the best online business name generators in one place. So save yourself the hassle and use any of the 15 tools (or try them all!).

But before moving on to the tips, we want to draw your attention to the fact that the Logaster logo generator can help you decide on a logo and corporate style for your company. To create a logo using the Logaster service, you do not need any technical knowledge.

Shopify is a well-known platform that develops software for online stores. The service also offers an excellent tool that will easily select the ideal company name. Simply enter a keyword related to your brand and select any option provided.

The Name Mesh company name generator is aimed primarily at startups - young companies operating on the wave of new trends. Enter one or more keywords and press Enter. Then select a category: Standard, New, Short, Funny, Combinations, Similar or SEO.

Are you a worker bee who can't wait to launch your own project? Then this generator is just what you need! Enter 1-2 keywords, press Enter and choose from the many options offered! BNG also automatically checks domain name availability through GoDaddy, so in just a couple of clicks you'll get a list of available addresses.

Are you dreaming of an original name for your business? Then try the BrandBucket service. This handy generator offers over 37 thousand ready-made titles. Enter descriptive keywords and choose from three categories: All, Generated, or Keyword.

Panabee is more than just a business name generator. This is a whole collection of generators that will help you find the right name for your application, social media account, domain or company. If the option you like is already taken, feel free to choose from similar options. The service also offers to select a domain name and check its availability.

In addition to developing accounting software, this site offers its users a free, user-friendly and well-designed title generator. Select your industry, enter your keywords, and Fresh Books will provide you with a list of great titles for your brand.

The site not only offers help and practical advice, but also two name generators: one for companies and the other for domains.

Enter keywords that describe your business and choose any of the suggested names. Want to look at custom options? Then click on the “I’m lucky!” button. And if the Brand Generator still can't meet your requirements, you'll receive a free book called How to Name Your Business.

Before you start searching for a name for your brand, we recommend that you get inspired and check out the huge list of randomly generated names. If you like one of the options, you can immediately look up its value in Google by clicking on the magnifying glass icon. And to check whether the domain you have chosen is free, click on the planet icon.

If you're looking for a more sophisticated generator, you've just found it. Names 4 Brands offers name generators, a calculator to calculate your name number using Indian numerology, and a domain name search. Everything you need in one place!

Here you will find more than 10,000 original names for your company. Use search by category or keywords. Unlike most similar sites, this service offers ready-made (and even visualized!) titles.

If you prefer to choose from ready-made names, but Nameroot and Domain Hero are not your thing, then you need One Click Name. Describe your business in a few keywords or simply select your industry. And for inspiration, you can head to the gallery with a huge selection of names for domains and brands.

Enter no more than 5 keywords, and the service will offer you options for names distributed in several categories (“Keywords”, “Combinations”, “Rhymes”, “Suffixes”, “Modifications”, etc.). Are you looking for new ones? Then click on the button at the bottom of the page and evaluate funny and original names for your product, company or domain.

If you work in the education sector, then this free tool is tailor-made for you. The site offers a list of ready-made titles. Perhaps they will serve as inspiration for you. Unfortunately, Teachworks does not guarantee the uniqueness of the name, so the option you like may already be taken or registered. So be sure to check title availability.

Startup, website or an entire brand - whatever business you are going to open, the Getsocio service is ready to help you with it! Choose from three suggested generators and enter an unlimited number of keywords. Click on “Generate names” and the service will offer you thousands of worthy options!

Of course, this list is incomplete. The Internet offers a huge number of brand name generators, which differ in the variety of services offered. However, all these services have in common the fact that each of them offers the user a huge selection of titles. Take your time and be careful, because you make a choice once and for all. It will be a shame if after a year or two you realize that the company should have been called something completely different. Then all your hard work to develop the business behind this name will go down the drain. Also, before you finalize a name, check to see if the domain name associated with it is available.

How to come up with a company name: selection requirements + 5 ways to search for a name + 5 steps to choosing + 7 naming techniques + online services for creating a name.

Every businessman is aware that the name chosen for a company, store or shopping center can influence the future fate of the business.

Often, novice entrepreneurs, due to their inexperience, choose long and overly complicated names that have nothing to do with the direction of the business.

Because the question is how to come up with a company name and remain in the ear of buyers, does not lose its relevance.

Basic requirements for a company name

At first glance, it may seem that you can come up with a name for a company in 1-2 hours.

But in fact, this process is quite long and labor-intensive.

Naming requires a huge amount of time and effort.

Coming up with a company name is like choosing a name for your child.

Experts in the field of psychology highlight the concept of 7 seconds.

It is during this time, according to experts, that one can evaluate a new interlocutor.

The same principle applies to business names.

The target audience evaluates the brand and its name within a short period of 7 seconds from the moment of first contact.

Therefore, it is necessary to come up with a name that can win over potential clients in such a minimal time.

In parallel, it should contain three main criteria:

  1. Easy to read and easy to pronounce.
  2. Easily remembered and recreated in memory.
  3. Does not evoke negative memories and emotions. A brand should evoke only positive feelings.

These aspects are the basis for creating a name for the new company.

Regardless of whether you are opening an online store, a flower shop or a personal blog, the name you come up with for a company or production should be melodious, memorable and creative.

5 main ways to create a name in naming


    The name directly depends on the field of business.

    For example: “Your milkman”, “Cow” for a supplier of dairy products.

    Law firms select names in the style of “Letter of the Law”, “Themis” (which also creates a positive feeling of reliability and a serious approach to business).


    Basically, the creation of such names is based on a connection to a nearby landmark, local legend or centuries-old traditions.

    For example: “Petropavlovsky kvass”, “Crimean source” - for a water producer.


    It is based on the creation of phrases that were obtained by combining or modifying words (“Smeshariki”, “Zabodaikin”).


    Word formation characterizing the company's activities.

    It may also contain the names, pseudonyms or surnames of its creators (“Cafe at Gleb’s”, “Meat Shop”).


    Invented colorful, sensual company names that are associated with the company’s service or product (teen magazine “Oops”, “Summer” juices).

5 Steps to Creating a Great Company Name

In the understanding of most, a successful name for a company should simply come to mind by itself.

Sometimes a miracle really happens and the founder gets a brilliant idea for a name for his brainchild.

But this is rather an exception to the rule.

Any companies that professionally engage in naming divide the process into 5 key steps.

Step 1. Analysis

An effective name is more than just inspiration and a pretty sound.

It should be based on the tastes of the target audience and correctly characterize the products offered.

To do this, an analysis is carried out on the following points:

    To choose a name that will appeal to customers, you need to understand who exactly the target audience of the product is.

    What do they like?

    What do people expect from your products?

    It is important to evaluate the names created by competitors.

    Your company name should be different.

    And, of course, to be better and more spectacular.

  • A description of the product or service offered by the company is compiled.
  • Basic data related to the company itself is also important: competitiveness, differences and advantages over organizations in the same direction.

Step 2. Strategy development

At this stage, additional frameworks should be set that will help “sift through” the invented names.

The business owner must determine his wishes on the following points:

  • What language will the title be in?
  • Long or short?
  • What style will correspond to the concept of the company (official, comic, others)?

Step 3. Putting the strategy into action

“Just after the moment of greatest difficulty lies success.”
Jared Leto

At this stage, names are selected that meet the above criteria.

It is best to come up with a company name with the help of several people.

For example, gather a couple of your best employees who have extraordinary and creative thinking.

Or arrange a family council.

Do not deprive children of attention: often their imagination works even more productively than that of adults.

Write down all the worthy options for “names”, and then “sift” them according to the points identified in step No. 2.

Step 4: Test your business name

The selected titles need to be tested in more detail. Please pay attention to the following points:

  • What associations does the name evoke among strangers?
  • How unique is it (especially important compared to competitors)?
  • Is it easy to remember and write?
  • Doesn't it sound funny or stupid when translated into other languages ​​(if you plan to expand to an international market)?

You can check the uniqueness on the following services:

  • (paid service).

But to analyze the remaining points, it is better to turn to friends, relatives, colleagues, that is, get an outside perspective.

Step 5: Compliance with the Law

Before you start registering your chosen name, make sure that it complies with legal requirements.

You can find a complete list of current restrictions in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, part 4, article 1473 (

Key points to know:

  • names of states and derivatives from them cannot be included;
  • the name should not violate religious or national rights, or contain obscene or inhumane statements;
  • cannot include the names of well-known associations;
  • should not be in tune with any popular brands.

7 naming techniques: how to come up with a name for a company

In naming (developing a name for a company or product), 7 key techniques can be distinguished.

If the above steps for choosing a name did not give any result, try these methods.

Seven key naming techniques that will help you choose a “name” for your company:

    The name of the company can be formed by the name of the founder.

    Famous brands have used this method: "", "Gillette", "Shimano".


    It is based on the repetition of monotypic words in order to form a specific rhythm and rhyme.

    A good example is the manufacturer of the sweet drink Coca-Cola.


    Abbreviation of several words.

    For example, Dolce&Gabbana, Louis Vuitton.

    Method of analogy.

    Use of well-known terms and concepts in the company name.

    For example, "Jaguar", "Puma".

    Parts of words.

    This method of word formation is similar to the abbreviation method.

    Only, not the first letters, but parts of the word are used as an idea.

    For example, the company “Integral Electronics” used this method, which resulted in the world-famous “Intel”.


    This includes words that imitate the sound made by animals or humans.

    For example, for a dog food company you can choose the name “Woof”, for a girl’s magazine - “Oops”.

    Hidden meaning.

    A good example is the global brand Nike, which contains the name of the ancient Greek goddess Nike, who was considered a symbol of victory.

A few more tips for those who are choosing a name for a company:

How to come up with a company name using an online service?

The above techniques and methods did not bring the desired result, but your imagination completely refuses to cooperate?

Perhaps the only thing left to do is turn to online name generators.

It’s worth pointing out right away: don’t seriously count on any programs being able to generate and come up with a really cool and unique name for a company.

The sites below simply provide random options.

But it's possible that you might really like one of them.

Or at least this method can stimulate the brain to create new, unique ideas.

Online services for generating new ideas

    Brand generator

    This is a convenient and quite advanced generator that has only a few set criteria:

    • sphere and region of activity of the company;
    • presence of creativity;
    • complete uniqueness.

    There are asterisks next to the words “solidity” and “elitism”.

    With their help, you simply set the number of words in the company name.

    For example, by selecting the maximum star level in the “Solidarity” item, the service will display something in the style of “SanProfAlcoAllianceUkolNightmareDispanser-M”.

    Company name generator

    Thanks to this service it is possible:

    • Come up with a name for your own business.

      If you need to come up with an original name for the company, then enter “LLC” in the “Initial text” column; you can also enter the final word in .

      Then click the “Generate” button, and the program will give ten options for the company name.

      Come up with a name for the sites.

      In the “Start text” field we enter “www”, and for the “End text” field we enter ru or com.

      Generate password.

      To create a unique password, enter the desired number of characters for the password in the “Character set used” field.

      Then you just have to click “Generate”.

    The next idea generator is located on the website

    It's very easy to use.

    You need to set the language and click “Generate”.

    The generator will display three groups of options on the screen: gold, silver and bronze.

    In fact, there is no difference between them, because the selected names are simply a set of letters.

    This generator also produces chaotic sets of letters

    To obtain options for the name of the enterprise, you must enter the desired parameters and click “Generate”.

    Under the generation window you can see an indication that this service is used exclusively for generating words.

    To select a “normal” name, the creators recommend turning to real people, not robots.

    This constructor is as easy to use as the ones above.

This article provided many ways to how to come up with a company name.

Don’t be upset if you’ve tried all the tricks (including visiting every name generation resource) and still haven’t chosen the “name of your dreams.”

Like any other creative endeavor, choosing a title can be time consuming.

But in the end, the right one will definitely be found.

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When registering a business activity, you must give your brainchild a name.

In official documents, an individual entrepreneur indicates his last name and initials as his name, although he has the right to name his product, service or place of provision as desired. But the legal entity obliged have a proper name that appears in all official papers.

And you need to choose a name before the documents are submitted for registration, so as not to write in the first phrase that comes up later. The issue of the name of the organization is too important, because it is the business card, the face of the enterprise, which largely determines the percentage of its success.

What nuances exist in choosing a name for an organization, what needs to be taken into account and what mistakes to avoid, what creative techniques can you turn to? We will also highlight the question of how experts can help with this problem.

10 ideas on how to name your company

If you decide to name your brainchild yourself, we can recommend several proven approaches to this strategy. Each of these approaches has many successful names that have become legends in the business world.

  1. Proper name and its variations. An enterprise is, to a great extent, the personality of its owner, so often a good option would be to give him your first name, last name, or combine them in any whimsical way. For example, Ford, Heinz, Proctor and Gamble, Casio are the surnames of the founders, and Adidas is an abbreviation for the home abbreviation of the owner’s name (Adi Dasler). You can also use colloquial variants of names: the workshop “U Petrovich”, the hairdresser “Natashenka”.
  2. Word combinations. Words and their parts are arbitrarily divided, combined, combined in various variations. This is how the name of the Pampers brand was created (the first letter of the Proctor surname, the middle of the Gamble surname, the end of the word Diapers - “diaper”). This technique also includes dividing a familiar word into several significant ones with a capital letter in the middle (thrift store “Bulavka”, beer bar “UsPey” with an image of a lush mustache on the sign).
  3. Phonetic approach. The use of alliteration, onomatopoeia, and playing with rhymes and rhythm have a positive effect on the perception of the name. For example, “Coca-Cola”, “Chupa-Chups”, toffee “Kis-kis”, the Twitter network (in English imitates the chirping of a bird), “Agusha” (kids say “agu”).
  4. Associations, allusions, hints. A double meaning in a name is always attractive because it allows consumers to feel like they are part of the solution to the mystery. This approach can be either simple and somewhat primitive (the beauty salon “Aphrodite”, the wedding salon “Hymen”), or more sophisticated (for example, the chain of stores “Seven-eleven”: in addition to the successful combination of rhyme and rhythm, there is information about their working hours).
  5. Analogy. The correct stereotype is the key to unconsciously attracting potential consumers. Most people think in templates, and a well-chosen option contributes to quick recognition and easy memorability of names. You can use the names of planets, rivers, mountains, animals, mythological and literary characters, etc. For example, Puma, Jaguar, Fujifilm (in honor of Mount Fuji), as well as simpler options such as the “Three Fat Men” plus size clothing store, “Onegin” cafe, “Aibolit” veterinary clinic, etc.
  6. From part to whole, from whole to part. In philology, this technique is called metonymy; it is very popular in naming. For example, “Empire of Sushi”, “Kingdom of Sweets”, “World of Fur Coats”, “Kingdom of Batteries”. Return reception – “VIP massage” salon, “Your comfortable robe” store, “You, beloved” jewelry store, etc.
  7. Veiled translation. Words translated from another language can become a sonorous and beautiful name with a secret meaning. This is how many well-known brands were born, for example, Daewoo - from Korean “big universe”, Samsung - in Korean “three stars”, Nivea - in Latin “snow white”, Volvo - in Latin “I’m going”. Panasonic is made up of three linguistic roots: “pan” is Greek for “all”, “sonus” is Latin for “sound”, and “sonic” is the English word for “noise”, that is, a general translation of “all sound and noise”.
  8. Direct indication of the type of activity. It may simply be contained in the name, for example, the company "Invest-Stroy", the bank "Credit", the travel agency "Thirst for Travel", or use an associative approach and metonymy, for example, the bag store "Kangaroo", the furniture factory "Stool", the taxi "Wheel" "
  9. Additional endings. Sonorous additions to familiar words can sometimes enliven a name and give it credibility. For example, the ending “off” is added to the owner’s surname to make it “aristocratic”: “Smirnoff”, “Davidoff”, etc. Adherents of the Western style of business often add solid English endings “promotion”, “style”, “corporation”, “food”, etc. to the names of companies. You can add to the name of a product or service some word that characterizes it from a value perspective, for example, legal advice "Femida-Garant" or detergent "Pasta-moment".
  10. « If only you knew what kind of rubbish...“Sometimes successful names are born literally by chance, without any connection with the activities of the company. The most famous example is Apple, Steve Jobs' favorite fruit. The Shakespeare fan, the creator of AVON, gave the company this name in honor of the river on which the birthplace of the great writer stood. The Starbucks coffee chain has nothing to do with stars and dollars, its creator simply loved the book “Moby Dick”, the hero of which Starbuck often drank coffee. The Adobe River flowed behind the house of the company's founder. Kodak is a made-up word that begins and ends with the founder's favorite letter. A beautiful word can simply be heard somewhere, composed or borrowed.

What can and cannot be used in a company name

By becoming the “godfather” of a legal entity, an entrepreneur can be free in his imagination: any name can be assigned to a company, if this does not contradict legally established requirements, which are declared in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Federal Law No. 14 of February 8, 1998 “On OOO". They can be divided into mandatory, optional and prohibitive.

The name of the LLC must include:

  • an indication of the form of ownership and organization of activity, that is, the name must be preceded by JSC or LLC, and in the full form of the name the abbreviation must be deciphered;
  • the full name is only in the state language, and the abbreviated name can be written in a foreign language, but exclusively in Cyrillic.

At the request of the entrepreneur, in the name of the company you can:

  • use words of other languages ​​in Russian transcription;
  • reflect the field of activity or prefer an associative or neutral name;
  • use abbreviations, abbreviations, made-up words, that is, use a wide arsenal of verbal creativity;
  • give a name that already belongs to an organization from another region, if the latter is not protected by a trademark.

When naming a company, the law prohibits:

  • include words or their forms that hint at any government bodies, for example, “parliament”, “ministry”, “federal”, etc.;
  • use words and derivatives from them denoting the name of our country and its capital (or rather, this can be done by first obtaining a special permit and paying a state fee);
  • use words-names of other states or international organizations (for example, the name of the store “Clothes from Italy” or the pharmacy – “WHO” will not be registered, even if the creative owner came up with the idea of ​​encrypting the phrase “All about health”);
  • copy or include in the name well-known brands or words similar to them in any combination (for example, you should not try to register the company that produces the Saratov Sprite drinks);
  • offend or hurt the feelings of any categories of people by choosing obscene, immoral or inhumane names (you should not call the club “Curse on Christianity”, even if it is the name of a Nietzsche book, a store for the disabled “Hercules” or a ritual agency “Future”);
  • call the LLC simply by type of activity (even if your imagination fails, the registration authorities will not allow LLC “Public catering” or “Transportation”).

How the pros work

Specialists in naming– a special industry at the intersection of copywriting, advertising and marketing – we are happy to help an entrepreneur who is serious about choosing a name for his company. Brand managers, unlike “mere mortals,” use not only imagination, but also the achievements of psychology, linguistics and analytics.

They know exactly the basic requirements, developed by extensive experience, for the name of an enterprise, product or service.

  1. The name should correspond to your positioning as an entrepreneur (for example, if you focus on reliability, it is acceptable to include the word “guarantor” in the name, and if you focus on speed of service - “moment”, “moment”, etc.).
  2. Short and sonorous names are much better than complex and difficult to pronounce names.
  3. Care must be taken that the name is easy to read and does not raise doubts about pronunciation, stress and spelling.
  4. Too “clichéd” names will depersonalize your company and negatively affect your position in Internet search results when entering a query.
  5. Ambiguity is the enemy of a good name (as we remember from Greene, the Disgust Cafe did not prosper).
  6. If you plan to expand to the international market, you need to check the name for a foreign “user-friendly” (for example, a company selling products named after the owner “Semen” will be doomed in the English-speaking segment, since “semen” is translated from English as “sperm”) .
  7. Avoid similarities with the names of well-known brands.

Naming professionals operate according to a complex algorithm, highly valuing their services, but at the same time guaranteeing the satisfaction of the owner. As for the success of the chosen name, there is a lot of chance involved.

What do namers do when creating a name for an organization, product or service:

  • analyze the market, especially competitors;
  • thoroughly study the target audience;
  • determine the idea and values ​​of the named enterprise, product or service, its message, “mission”;
  • generate a large number of name options;
  • weed out those that are not suitable in terms of phonetics, stylistics, semantics, associations, and degree of memorability;
  • check the remaining names for uniqueness;
  • testing options on the target audience;
  • provide the remaining few options for the customer to choose from.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! For an additional fee, the range of services may include the development of an appropriate domain name, a visual component of the brand, and consultation on trademark registration.

Sooner or later, almost every one of you thinks about organizing your own business. At least, the thought of stopping working “for someone else” comes to many people. Independence, absence of a boss, work schedule that you adjust yourself, the money you earn is just your money... And many more reasons to start your own business. You yourself are the organizer of your company, it’s up to you to come up with a name. You can look at lists of good business names. So what should you name your brainchild so that it makes a profit? How to generate a name so that it is beautiful and contributes to your well-being? It doesn’t matter if it’s a sick organization or a company. Or maybe you have a small flower shop or boutique selling jewelry. Or a phone repair service.

A good name for a feng shui company

Or maybe you have a grocery store. Or a cafe, restaurant, hairdresser, construction organization. You are going to engage in trade or provide services. Either way, your business needs a name. It is precisely in this case that numerology will help you so as not to get into trouble.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9










Yandex 6+6+5+6+3+1=27, 2+7=9

Pharma 4+1+9+5+1=20, 2+0=2

BMW 2+4+5=11, 1+1= 2

Canon 3+1+5+6+5=20, 2+0=2

Nestlé 5+5+1+2+3+5=21, 2+1=3

google 7+6+6+7+3+5=34, 3+4=7

This is exactly what I would like to talk about: how to name your enterprise so that it brings success and prosperity.

Numerology will help with this: you can choose a company name if you know some of the secrets of this science.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
5 1 1 5 1 6 2

This is a family number, which means “three” is desirable for family-related businesses - restaurants, coffee shops, water parks, clubs where you can spend time with children.

How to name a firm (company) so that it is successful

It will be good for parents and children, the elderly and middle-aged people. In addition, “troika” is an excellent name for a family business.

This figure is suitable for expensive perfume, fur, leather or gold stores, as well as antiques.

The owner of this enterprise must be of considerable age; young people, even with money, alas, will not be lucky with this figure - perhaps things will not work out.

Choosing a good name for the company

How to come up with a company name that brings good luck and profit?

You will not be able to register your company without a name. You won’t be able to open a bank account, draw up a contract and issue an invoice... But if you give a name thoughtlessly, then it will be too late to change anything... The Gospel of John begins like this: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and The Word was God." Words, whether we want it or not, influence our lives. There is also an expression: whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail. The name of the child, the name of the company - this is not an empty phrase, they have their own energy and obey the laws of numerology. Knowing them, you can choose the optimal name for your organization so that it better reflects the type of activity and also contributes to its prosperity.

Each letter is subject to the vibration of numbers, for example, the letter “A” corresponds to the number 1, “B” vibrates with the number 2, etc. This is clearly reflected in the table. To find out what the energy of the name of your company is, you need to add up the digital indicators of the individual letters that make up the name and get the total number. Let’s take the name “Elite” as an example. From the table we write down the numbers according to each letter and add them up: 4 (E) + 4 (L) + 1 (I) + 2 (T) + 1 (A), which in total gives “12”, we add them together again, it turns out "3". This number will favor a company operating in the entertainment industry.

And, by the way, in order not to immediately go far for evidence, break down the name of this site into numbers. Supermoon. 1+3+6+9+5+4+3+6+1. The result is two. Two (and you will read about this below) carries the energy of caring for people. And this is exactly what my site does. Well, the most important thing is that the star patron of this number is the Moon. But I’ll tell you a little secret - I came up with this name much earlier than I calculated it using the numerological system. So numerology works and it’s hard to argue with that.

So, if you decide to open a new business, then it is advisable to carefully calculate everything. In a figurative and literal (as in our case) sense. Here is a modern table for converting the alphabet into numbers. Izhitsa and Yat have long since sunk into oblivion, everything flows, everything changes, and the table has changed.

According to Russian law, you do not have the right to call a company by a foreign word. Or rather, if you call it that, then you will have to write it in Russian letters. Remember this. Well, for those who live abroad, please have a table for the Latin alphabet. It is calculated in exactly the same way as in the case of the Cyrillic alphabet.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Well, now you have calculated your name, let's decipher it. What do the numbers mean?


How to successfully choose a company name

Symbolizes the beginning of beginnings. It will bring good luck to those who have the courage to offer something new and unusual to the market. Who deals with innovations and new technologies. Who created a new brand or a new product. It will be easier for them to promote it to the masses. They will earn the trust and support of their consumers. The star patron of the figure is the Sun. Symbolizes power and courage.

TWO. Suitable for organizations that provide services that have chosen their purpose in caring for people: These are kindergartens, private schools, colleges, clinics and other medical institutions. This figure will also favor organizations specializing in the provision of cleaning and landscaping services. This is park and landscape design, landscaping. Hairdressing services and manicures are also included in this list. Patron star - Moon. Two is filled with feminine, sophisticated, lunar energy

TROIKA. As mentioned above, it is very conducive to the welfare of the entertainment business. For example, such as restaurants, entertainment centers, bowling alleys, attractions, cinemas, billiards, palaces of culture. It will help the production and supply of food products. Restaurants and cafes. Success will also bring advertising agencies, design studios and acting studios. Patron star - Jupiter. Three represents the fusion of opposites, their unity and interaction. It means perfection and balance. This should also be taken into account when choosing a company name.

FOUR. This figure is suitable for large, established companies. It symbolizes the birth of organized matter and is the number of creation. Agricultural enterprises will profit. Forestry, wood processing and pulp and paper organizations are also included in this list. Machine-building and metallurgical plants can also choose a name that is consonant with the four. The ideal four is suitable for design bureaus, construction and architectural firms. Star protector - Uranus. The number four is stable and manageable.

FIVE. Favorable energy for companies in the field of sports and recreation. Fitness salons, SPA, saunas and baths, sports and fishing stores. Sanatoriums and holiday homes. Will promote the development of tourism organizations and individual guides. It will not deny profit to a salon selling auto parts and cars. Patron star - Mercury. 5 is the number of change and improvement.

SIX. Favors companies engaged in creative or artistic activities. Private artists and art salons. Will create good energy for antique shops, flower shops, souvenir shops, and antiques. A variety of furniture and decor stores and showrooms designed to decorate our home are also on this list. Will bring success to medical centers, cosmetologists, style and beauty salons and clothing stores. Star patron - Venus. The number six reflects the ideal of human perfection.

SEVEN. Representative of the elite. It will create a favorable vibration for expensive stores selling exclusive clothing, for elite clubs. For companies offering something expensive and unusual. Ideally suited for travel companies offering exotic resorts or unusual forms of recreation. Star patron Neptune. The number seven symbolizes the cultural and spiritual basis of things

EIGHT. This is a fan of large financial firms with large cash flows. Strengthens banks and assists all settlement, auditing and accounting services. Patron star - Saturn. The meaning of this number includes both the aspect of extreme materialism and the aspect of infinity.

NINE. It will be successful in the names of charitable institutions and educational organizations that provide private services. It is suitable for psychologists and psychological rehabilitation centers. Star patron Mars. This number means the end of the old cycle and the beginning of a new one.

List of companies, examples of successful names.

Let's look at a few successful and, in my opinion, beautiful names.

You must understand that the name of the company must be such that customers want to do business with it. Please pay attention to the following points:

— the name must directly or indirectly reflect the scope of the company’s activities

- so that the word or phrase is positive, so that there is no hidden meaning

- so that you have as few “namesakes” as possible - search on the Internet, you should be interested in as few identical answers as possible

And of course, we must remember about the energy component. That is, what I told you about above.

I have compiled a short list for you with examples of successful company names.

You can judge the success for yourself; all companies are prosperous.

Sberbank 1+2+6+9+2+1+6+3=30, 3+0=3

Ochakovo 7+7+1+3+7+3+7=35, 3+5=8

Russian Sea 9+3+1+1+3+7+6+5+7+9+6=57, 5+7=12, 1+2=3

Megafon 5+6+4+1+4+7+6=33, 3+3=6

Euroset 6+3+9+7+1+6+2+3=37, 3+7=10, 1+0=1

Tape 4+6+6+2+1=19, 1+9=10, 1+0=1

Yandex 6+6+5+6+3+1=27, 2+7=9

Gazprom 4+1+9+8+9+7+5=43, 4+3=8

Magnet 5+1+4+6+1+2=19, 1+9=10, 1+0=1

Pharma 4+1+9+5+1=20, 2+0=2

And the name of this site is Supermoon

As an example, I will also give a list of successful foreign companies.

Sony 1+6+5+7=19, 1=9=10, 1+0=1

BMW 2+4+5=11, 1+1= 2

Rolex 9+6+3+5+6=29, 2+9=11, 1+1=2

Daimler 4+1+9+4+3+5+9=35, 3+5=8

Canon 3+1+5+6+5=20, 2+0=2

Servier 1+5+9+4+9+5+9=42, 4+2=6

Microsoft 4+9+3+9+6+1+6+6+2=46, 4+6=10, 1+0=1

Nestlé 5+5+1+2+3+5=21, 2+1=3

google 7+6+6+7+3+5=34, 3+4=7

And I figured out the name of my art project. Eight, as you have already read, means large cash flows. If you have already read my article about the fulfillment of desires, you should always ask the universe for more! So I ask!

Art Luciole 1+9+2+3+3+3+9+6+3+5=44, 4+4=8

If you choose the right company name, according to the laws of numerology, then success is guaranteed to you. Don't neglect this. Use our recommendations and calculate the name you have chosen. Good luck!

How to successfully choose a company name

Choosing a good name for the company

Sooner or later, almost every one of you thinks about organizing your own business. At least, the thought of stopping working “for someone else” comes to many people. Independence, absence of a boss, work schedule that you adjust yourself, the money you earn is just your money... And many more reasons to start your own business. You yourself are the organizer of your company, it’s up to you to come up with a name. You can look at lists of successful business names. So what should you name your brainchild so that it makes a profit? How to generate a name so that it is beautiful and contributes to your well-being? It doesn’t matter if it’s a sick organization or a company. Or maybe you have a small flower shop or a boutique selling jewelry. Or a phone repair service. Or maybe you have a grocery store. Or a cafe, restaurant, hairdresser, construction organization. You are going to engage in trade or provide services. Either way, your business needs a name. It is precisely in this case that numerology will help you so as not to get into trouble.

How to come up with a company name that brings good luck and profit?

You will not be able to register your company without a name. You won’t be able to open a bank account, draw up a contract and issue an invoice... But if you give a name thoughtlessly, then it will be too late to change anything... The Gospel of John begins like this: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and The Word was God." Words, whether we want it or not, influence our lives. There is also an expression: whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail. The name of the child, the name of the company - this is not an empty phrase, they have their own energy and obey the laws of numerology. Knowing them, you can choose the optimal name for your organization so that it better reflects the type of activity and also contributes to its prosperity.

Each letter is subject to the vibration of numbers, for example, the letter “A” corresponds to the number 1, “B” vibrates with the number 2, etc. This is clearly reflected in the table. To find out what the energy of the name of your company is, you need to add up the digital indicators of the individual letters that make up the name and get the total number. Let’s take the name “Elite” as an example. From the table we write down the numbers according to each letter and add them up: 4 (E) + 4 (L) + 1 (I) + 2 (T) + 1 (A), which in total gives “12”, we add them together again, it turns out "3". This number will favor a company operating in the entertainment industry.

And, by the way, in order not to immediately go far for evidence, break down the name of this site into numbers. Supermoon. 1+3+6+9+5+4+3+6+1. The result is two. Two (and you will read about this below) carries the energy of caring for people. And this is exactly what my site does. Well, the most important thing is that the star patron of this number is the Moon. But I’ll tell you a little secret - I came up with this name much earlier than I calculated it using the numerological system. So numerology works and it’s hard to argue with that.

So, if you decide to open a new business, then it is advisable to carefully calculate everything. In a figurative and literal (as in our case) sense. Here is a modern table for converting the alphabet into numbers. Izhitsa and Yat have long since sunk into oblivion, everything flows, everything changes, and the table has changed.

According to Russian law, you do not have the right to call a company by a foreign word. Or rather, if you call it that, then you will have to write it in Russian letters. Remember this. Well, for those who live abroad, please have a table for the Latin alphabet. It is calculated in exactly the same way as in the case of the Cyrillic alphabet.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Well, now you have calculated your name, let's decipher it. What do the numbers mean?

UNIT. Symbolizes the beginning of beginnings. It will bring good luck to those who have the courage to offer something new and unusual to the market. Who deals with innovations and new technologies. Who created a new brand or a new product. It will be easier for them to promote it to the masses. They will earn the trust and support of their consumers. The star patron of the figure is the Sun.

How to come up with a company name

Symbolizes power and courage.

TWO. Suitable for organizations that provide services that have chosen their purpose in caring for people: These are kindergartens, private schools, colleges, clinics and other medical institutions. This figure will also favor organizations specializing in the provision of cleaning and landscaping services. This is park and landscape design, landscaping. Hairdressing services and manicures are also included in this list. Patron star - Moon. Two is filled with feminine, sophisticated, lunar energy

TROIKA. As mentioned above, it is very conducive to the welfare of the entertainment business. For example, such as restaurants, entertainment centers, bowling alleys, attractions, cinemas, billiards, palaces of culture. It will help the production and supply of food products. Restaurants and cafes. Success will also bring advertising agencies, design studios and acting studios. Patron star - Jupiter. Three represents the fusion of opposites, their unity and interaction. It means perfection and balance. This should also be taken into account when choosing a company name.

FOUR. This figure is suitable for large, established companies. It symbolizes the birth of organized matter and is the number of creation. Agricultural enterprises will profit. Forestry, wood processing and pulp and paper organizations are also included in this list. Machine-building and metallurgical plants can also choose a name that is consonant with the four. The ideal four is suitable for design bureaus, construction and architectural firms. Star protector - Uranus. The number four is stable and manageable.

FIVE. Favorable energy for companies in the field of sports and recreation. Fitness salons, SPA, saunas and baths, sports and fishing stores. Sanatoriums and holiday homes. Will promote the development of tourism organizations and individual guides. It will not deny profit to a salon selling auto parts and cars. Patron star - Mercury. 5 is the number of change and improvement.

SIX. Favors companies engaged in creative or artistic activities. Private artists and art salons. Will create good energy for antique shops, flower shops, souvenir shops, and antiques. A variety of furniture and decor stores and showrooms designed to decorate our home are also on this list. Will bring success to medical centers, cosmetologists, style and beauty salons and clothing stores. Star patron - Venus. The number six reflects the ideal of human perfection.

SEVEN. Representative of the elite. It will create a favorable vibration for expensive stores selling exclusive clothing, for elite clubs. For companies offering something expensive and unusual. Ideally suited for travel companies offering exotic resorts or unusual forms of recreation. Star patron Neptune. The number seven symbolizes the cultural and spiritual basis of things

EIGHT. This is a fan of large financial firms with large cash flows. Strengthens banks and assists all settlement, auditing and accounting services. Patron star - Saturn. The meaning of this number includes both the aspect of extreme materialism and the aspect of infinity.

NINE. It will be successful in the names of charitable institutions and educational organizations that provide private services. It is suitable for psychologists and psychological rehabilitation centers. Star patron Mars. This number means the end of the old cycle and the beginning of a new one.

List of companies, examples of successful names.

Let's look at a few successful and, in my opinion, beautiful names.

You must understand that the name of the company must be such that customers want to do business with it. Please pay attention to the following points:

— the name must directly or indirectly reflect the scope of the company’s activities

- so that the word or phrase is positive, so that there is no hidden meaning

- so that you have as few “namesakes” as possible - search on the Internet, you should be interested in as few identical answers as possible

And of course, we must remember about the energy component. That is, what I told you about above.

I have compiled a short list for you with examples of successful company names.

You can judge the success for yourself; all companies are prosperous.

Sberbank 1+2+6+9+2+1+6+3=30, 3+0=3

Ochakovo 7+7+1+3+7+3+7=35, 3+5=8

Russian Sea 9+3+1+1+3+7+6+5+7+9+6=57, 5+7=12, 1+2=3

Megafon 5+6+4+1+4+7+6=33, 3+3=6

Euroset 6+3+9+7+1+6+2+3=37, 3+7=10, 1+0=1

Tape 4+6+6+2+1=19, 1+9=10, 1+0=1

Yandex 6+6+5+6+3+1=27, 2+7=9

Gazprom 4+1+9+8+9+7+5=43, 4+3=8

Magnet 5+1+4+6+1+2=19, 1+9=10, 1+0=1

Pharma 4+1+9+5+1=20, 2+0=2

And the name of this site is Supermoon

As an example, I will also give a list of successful foreign companies.

Sony 1+6+5+7=19, 1=9=10, 1+0=1

BMW 2+4+5=11, 1+1= 2

Rolex 9+6+3+5+6=29, 2+9=11, 1+1=2

Daimler 4+1+9+4+3+5+9=35, 3+5=8

Canon 3+1+5+6+5=20, 2+0=2

Servier 1+5+9+4+9+5+9=42, 4+2=6

Microsoft 4+9+3+9+6+1+6+6+2=46, 4+6=10, 1+0=1

Nestlé 5+5+1+2+3+5=21, 2+1=3

google 7+6+6+7+3+5=34, 3+4=7

And I figured out the name of my art project. Eight, as you have already read, means large cash flows. If you have already read my article about the fulfillment of desires, you should always ask the universe for more! So I ask!

Art Luciole 1+9+2+3+3+3+9+6+3+5=44, 4+4=8

If you choose the right company name, according to the laws of numerology, then success is guaranteed to you. Don't neglect this. Use our recommendations and calculate the name you have chosen. Good luck!

Examples of beautiful, creative and successful LLC company names in alphabetical list

The modern world is a world of business and business people who want and strive to earn as much as possible in order to live with dignity and comfort. It so happens that this can be achieved if you work for yourself. So a lot of companies are opening in different industries, the owners of which are trying their best to earn a name that will subsequently work for them.

This is exactly what I would like to talk about: how to name your enterprise so that it brings success and prosperity. Numerology will help with this: you can choose a company name if you know some of the secrets of this science.

So, before you start coming up with a name for your business, it is advisable to check whether it is already used by someone: there are probably a lot of dentistry “Dental”, “Denta Plus”, “Superdenta”, etc., as well as children’s stores “Malysh”, “Krokha”, “Karapuz”. Then, when the name has been checked on all points, you need to calculate its numerical value to find out whether it will bring success to your company.

You should write down a made-up word, for example, “Diamond,” and calculate its number using the table below.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
5 1 1 5 1 6 2

Let's count: 5 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 6 + 2 = 21 = 2 + 1 = 3. So, the number of your company name is 3.

Calculate the number and find out what the company name means in terms of numerology.

Enter your proposed business name:

This number is suitable for companies related to the advertising business, as they will always be ahead. Their ideas are always the best, and accordingly, there will be no end to customers, which will have a great impact on the fame of this enterprise. By the way, “one” is suitable for a company whose founder is a middle-aged woman. She can start any business, not necessarily advertising, success is guaranteed!

This number is well suited for businesses targeting children - private kindergartens and schools, children's clubs and shops, as well as entertainment centers. The kids will love the place under the authority of the “two” and will be happy to visit it again and again.

This is a family number, which means “three” is desirable for family-related businesses - restaurants, coffee shops, water parks, clubs where you can spend time with children. It will be good for parents and children, elderly and middle-aged people. In addition, “troika” is an excellent name for a family business.

A serious enterprise must have a serious name, and the “four” can do this. Under its auspices, industrial, construction and large agricultural communities will benefit. If you are ready to work hard, but also get paid a lot, then your company should definitely be a “B”.

This is the number that is responsible for a wonderful vacation, so under its rule it will be good for travel companies or sports - fitness, dance, book clubs, where people will feel comfortable and relaxed, enjoying their visit.

This number is ruled by Venus, which means “six” is best suited for beauty salons, cosmetology firms, and women’s clothing stores. Here the fair sex will always feel at their best, which means there will be no end to them.

This figure is suitable for expensive perfume, fur, leather or gold stores, as well as antiques. The owner of this enterprise must be of considerable age; young people, even with money, alas, will not be lucky with this figure - perhaps things will not work out.

This is a monetary number, so it is perfect for banks or lawyer, notary or legal offices dealing with property and real estate.

Number 9 is calm, so it is suitable for psychological clinics, as well as medical institutions, such as dentists, private hospitals and other enterprises that may cause people anxiety. Your people will always feel comfortable and cozy, regardless of the problems that arise.

How to successfully choose a company name

Choosing a good name for the company

Sooner or later, almost every one of you thinks about organizing your own business. At least, the thought of stopping working “for someone else” comes to many people. Independence, absence of a boss, work schedule that you adjust yourself, the money you earn is just your money... And many more reasons to start your own business. You yourself are the organizer of your company, it’s up to you to come up with a name. You can look at lists of successful business names. So what should you name your brainchild so that it makes a profit? How to generate a name so that it is beautiful and contributes to your well-being? It doesn’t matter if it’s a sick organization or a company. Or maybe you have a small flower shop or a boutique selling jewelry. Or a phone repair service. Or maybe you have a grocery store. Or a cafe, restaurant, hairdresser, construction organization. You are going to engage in trade or provide services. Either way, your business needs a name. It is precisely in this case that numerology will help you so as not to get into trouble.

How to come up with a company name that brings good luck and profit?

You will not be able to register your company without a name. You won’t be able to open a bank account, draw up a contract and issue an invoice... But if you give a name thoughtlessly, then it will be too late to change anything... The Gospel of John begins like this: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and The Word was God." Words, whether we want it or not, influence our lives. There is also an expression: whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail. The name of the child, the name of the company - this is not an empty phrase, they have their own energy and obey the laws of numerology. Knowing them, you can choose the optimal name for your organization so that it better reflects the type of activity and also contributes to its prosperity.

Each letter is subject to the vibration of numbers, for example, the letter “A” corresponds to the number 1, “B” vibrates with the number 2, etc. This is clearly reflected in the table. To find out what the energy of the name of your company is, you need to add up the digital indicators of the individual letters that make up the name and get the total number. Let’s take the name “Elite” as an example. From the table we write down the numbers according to each letter and add them up: 4 (E) + 4 (L) + 1 (I) + 2 (T) + 1 (A), which in total gives “12”, we add them together again, it turns out "3". This number will favor a company operating in the entertainment industry.

And, by the way, in order not to immediately go far for evidence, break down the name of this site into numbers. Supermoon. 1+3+6+9+5+4+3+6+1. The result is two. Two (and you will read about this below) carries the energy of caring for people. And this is exactly what my site does. Well, the most important thing is that the star patron of this number is the Moon. But I’ll tell you a little secret - I came up with this name much earlier than I calculated it using the numerological system. So numerology works and it’s hard to argue with that.

So, if you decide to open a new business, then it is advisable to carefully calculate everything. In a figurative and literal (as in our case) sense. Here is a modern table for converting the alphabet into numbers. Izhitsa and Yat have long since sunk into oblivion, everything flows, everything changes, and the table has changed.

According to Russian law, you do not have the right to call a company by a foreign word. Or rather, if you call it that, then you will have to write it in Russian letters. Remember this. Well, for those who live abroad, please have a table for the Latin alphabet. It is calculated in exactly the same way as in the case of the Cyrillic alphabet.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Well, now you have calculated your name, let's decipher it. What do the numbers mean?

UNIT. Symbolizes the beginning of beginnings. It will bring good luck to those who have the courage to offer something new and unusual to the market. Who deals with innovations and new technologies. Who created a new brand or a new product. It will be easier for them to promote it to the masses. They will earn the trust and support of their consumers. The star patron of the figure is the Sun. Symbolizes power and courage.

TWO. Suitable for organizations that provide services that have chosen their purpose in caring for people: These are kindergartens, private schools, colleges, clinics and other medical institutions. This figure will also favor organizations specializing in the provision of cleaning and landscaping services. This is park and landscape design, landscaping. Hairdressing services and manicures are also included in this list. Patron star - Moon. Two is filled with feminine, sophisticated, lunar energy

TROIKA. As mentioned above, it is very conducive to the welfare of the entertainment business. For example, such as restaurants, entertainment centers, bowling alleys, attractions, cinemas, billiards, palaces of culture. It will help the production and supply of food products. Restaurants and cafes. Success will also bring advertising agencies, design studios and acting studios. Patron star - Jupiter. Three represents the fusion of opposites, their unity and interaction. It means perfection and balance. This should also be taken into account when choosing a company name.

FOUR. This figure is suitable for large, established companies. It symbolizes the birth of organized matter and is the number of creation.

How to come up with a successful business name?

Agricultural enterprises will profit. Forestry, wood processing and pulp and paper organizations are also included in this list. Machine-building and metallurgical plants can also choose a name that is consonant with the four. The ideal four is suitable for design bureaus, construction and architectural firms. Star protector - Uranus. The number four is stable and manageable.

FIVE. Favorable energy for companies in the field of sports and recreation. Fitness salons, SPA, saunas and baths, sports and fishing stores. Sanatoriums and holiday homes. Will promote the development of tourism organizations and individual guides. It will not deny profit to a salon selling auto parts and cars. Patron star - Mercury. 5 is the number of change and improvement.

SIX. Favors companies engaged in creative or artistic activities. Private artists and art salons. Will create good energy for antique shops, flower shops, souvenir shops, and antiques. A variety of furniture and decor stores and showrooms designed to decorate our home are also on this list. Will bring success to medical centers, cosmetologists, style and beauty salons and clothing stores. Star patron - Venus. The number six reflects the ideal of human perfection.

SEVEN. Representative of the elite. It will create a favorable vibration for expensive stores selling exclusive clothing, for elite clubs. For companies offering something expensive and unusual. Ideally suited for travel companies offering exotic resorts or unusual forms of recreation. Star patron Neptune. The number seven symbolizes the cultural and spiritual basis of things

EIGHT. This is a fan of large financial firms with large cash flows. Strengthens banks and assists all settlement, auditing and accounting services. Patron star - Saturn. The meaning of this number includes both the aspect of extreme materialism and the aspect of infinity.

NINE. It will be successful in the names of charitable institutions and educational organizations that provide private services. It is suitable for psychologists and psychological rehabilitation centers. Star patron Mars. This number means the end of the old cycle and the beginning of a new one.

List of companies, examples of successful names.

Let's look at a few successful and, in my opinion, beautiful names.

You must understand that the name of the company must be such that customers want to do business with it. Please pay attention to the following points:

— the name must directly or indirectly reflect the scope of the company’s activities

- so that the word or phrase is positive, so that there is no hidden meaning

- so that you have as few “namesakes” as possible - search on the Internet, you should be interested in as few identical answers as possible

And of course, we must remember about the energy component. That is, what I told you about above.

I have compiled a short list for you with examples of successful company names.

You can judge the success for yourself; all companies are prosperous.

Sberbank 1+2+6+9+2+1+6+3=30, 3+0=3

Ochakovo 7+7+1+3+7+3+7=35, 3+5=8

Russian Sea 9+3+1+1+3+7+6+5+7+9+6=57, 5+7=12, 1+2=3

Megafon 5+6+4+1+4+7+6=33, 3+3=6

Euroset 6+3+9+7+1+6+2+3=37, 3+7=10, 1+0=1

Tape 4+6+6+2+1=19, 1+9=10, 1+0=1

Yandex 6+6+5+6+3+1=27, 2+7=9

Gazprom 4+1+9+8+9+7+5=43, 4+3=8

Magnet 5+1+4+6+1+2=19, 1+9=10, 1+0=1

Pharma 4+1+9+5+1=20, 2+0=2

And the name of this site is Supermoon

As an example, I will also give a list of successful foreign companies.

Sony 1+6+5+7=19, 1=9=10, 1+0=1

BMW 2+4+5=11, 1+1= 2

Rolex 9+6+3+5+6=29, 2+9=11, 1+1=2

Daimler 4+1+9+4+3+5+9=35, 3+5=8

Canon 3+1+5+6+5=20, 2+0=2

Servier 1+5+9+4+9+5+9=42, 4+2=6

Microsoft 4+9+3+9+6+1+6+6+2=46, 4+6=10, 1+0=1

Nestlé 5+5+1+2+3+5=21, 2+1=3

google 7+6+6+7+3+5=34, 3+4=7

And I figured out the name of my art project. Eight, as you have already read, means large cash flows. If you have already read my article about the fulfillment of desires, you should always ask the universe for more! So I ask!

Art Luciole 1+9+2+3+3+3+9+6+3+5=44, 4+4=8

If you choose the right company name, according to the laws of numerology, then success is guaranteed to you. Don't neglect this. Use our recommendations and calculate the name you have chosen. Good luck!